Joyce Faulkner works in several genres. Her latest novel, "USERNAME," is a psychological thriller about an aging serial killer who finds his victims through the internet and an ide...view moreJoyce Faulkner works in several genres. Her latest novel, "USERNAME," is a psychological thriller about an aging serial killer who finds his victims through the internet and an identity thief who uses the internet to keep track of her marks. She is also the author of "CHANCE ... and other horrors," "For Shrieking Out Loud," and "Losing Patience." Her book, "In the Shadow of Suribachi" received the 2006 Gold Medal for Historical Fiction and is based on her father's stories about his time on Iwo Jima.Joyce has also coauthored two books with Pat McGrath Avery -- "Role Call: Women's Voices," and "Sunchon Tunnel Massacre Survivors."Hard covers and trade paperbacks of her work can be ordered from any bookstore--online or brick and mortar.Joyce is the President of Military Writers Society of America and a member of Sisters in Crime, Public Safety Writers Association, and the Iwo Jima Association of America. She also is a ghostwriter and editor/writer/layout for several Magazines and newsletters including MWSA Dispatches and IJAA's The Black Sands.view less