Michael J. Caduto is a renowned author, ecologist, educator and storyteller who has written and coauthored sixteen books, including Native American Gardening, the Keepers of the Earth series, In th...view moreMichael J. Caduto is a renowned author, ecologist, educator and storyteller who has written and coauthored sixteen books, including Native American Gardening, the Keepers of the Earth series, In the Beginning: The Story of Genesis and Earth Activities for Children, and Abraham's Bind & Other Bible Tales of Trickery, Folly, Mercy and Love (SkyLight Paths). His articles have appeared in many magazines, including Organic Gardening, Sanctuary, Nature Study and Instructor. In 1984 he founded a service called P.E.A.C.E.—Programs for Environmental Awareness and Cultural Exchange—which promotes understanding, awareness, appreciation and stewardship as the foundation for building a harmonious, sustainable relationship between people and Earth, and among the cultures of the world. His website is www.p-e-a-c-e.net.
Michael J. Caduto is available to speak on the following topics:
Nurturing Herbs for Body, Mind and Spirit
Fiddleheads, Lamb's Quarters, Nettles and Nuts: Wild Edible, Medicinal and Poisonous Plants
Native American Gardening: Planting Seeds of the Future
Earth Gardens and the Seasons of Life
A Harvest of Tales: Native Stories, Song, Dance and Food
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