I am qualified to write this book, "Ordinary Heroes" because I knew the two getlemen, Abraham and Isidore Hertzberg. They were my brother-in-laws. I lived through the time period being discussed (W...view moreI am qualified to write this book, "Ordinary Heroes" because I knew the two getlemen, Abraham and Isidore Hertzberg. They were my brother-in-laws. I lived through the time period being discussed (World War II) and thereafter. I am a trained historian with a doctor of Arts degree in History from Carnegie Mellon University. I have already written a book entitled "Its Trying To Teach" published by Outskirts Press.
I have wanted to write this book for a long time. Then I received a long treatise from Abraham Hertzberg in December 2011 which contained much information that I did not know. Unfortunately, he died while I waxs involved in writing. (He was over 90) but had enjoyed good health on his 90th birthday. Thus it has become impossible to verify some of the events in this book. Recently, I have received some help from the oldest son of Isidore Hertzberg, Frederic Hertzberg.
My own bioghraphy includes having been a teacher and a Professor of History in both public schools, private schools and colleges and Unicersities. I was part of the founding faculty of the American University in Bulgaria, the first "western" Institution in a former communist country. I am married (it is 60 years now) to Martin Hertzberg and we had five children, one of whom had a rare disease. It was my second son who died of a disease few people have even heard of : Dystonia musculorum deformans. This event was definitely the most challenging of our many years together.
Of the children who are still alive, two are medical doctors, one is a lawyer, presently a judge, and our fourth son is the head of the US Office of a computer firm. We have seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. We derive much pleasure from seeing them and celebrating with them.
We, my husband and I, live in Copper Mountain Colorado. We moved here to enjoy skiing and other recreational opportunities. However recent surgeries may make that more difficult for me, Ruth Hertzberg. I have been a swimmer and a tri-athlete. I may try to run again in a race this June (2012).
But now I would like to celebrate the lives of Abraham and Isidore Hertzbergview less