Just when you thought it was safe to go out at night, I arrive on the scene. Greetings darling. I'm Lynda Belle. I've always been with you, stalking you when you go to sleep at nig...view moreJust when you thought it was safe to go out at night, I arrive on the scene. Greetings darling. I'm Lynda Belle. I've always been with you, stalking you when you go to sleep at night. I'm part of your subconscious, that naughty nasty part that wants to come alive with fantasies that would make your mother blush.
I'm here to take you to those places. I've been hard at work writing different new adult erotic stories to titillate and arouse you to new levels of erotic fantasy.
These are the places to connect with me. Join my twitter feed, newsletter, or follow my blog to read my inner thoughts. You won't be sorry. -Lyndaview less