Mele Gasakis is author of the book "Beyond Cryptographic Routing: The Echo Protocol in the Era of Exponential Encryption".Mele Gasakis is author of the book "Beyond Cryptographic Routing: The Echo Protocol in the Era of Exponential Encryption".
Beyond Cryptographic Routing: The Echo Protocol in the new Era of Exponential Encryption (EEE): - A comprehensive essay about the Sprinkling Effect of Cryptographic Echo Discovery (SECRED) and further innovations in cryptography around the Echo Applications Smoke, SmokeStack, Spot-On, Lettera and GoldBug Crypto Chat Messenger addressing Encryption, Graph-Theory, Routing and the change from Mix-Networks like Tor or I2P to Peer-to-Peer-Flooding-Networks like the Echo respective to Friend-to-Friend Trust-Networks like they are built over the POPTASTIC protocol