Marilyn Curtis Trull lives in Andrews, North Carolina, with her husband, Eddie Trull. They share their home and their lives with Diamond Hedrick. Marilyn’s life is busy with taking...view moreMarilyn Curtis Trull lives in Andrews, North Carolina, with her husband, Eddie Trull. They share their home and their lives with Diamond Hedrick. Marilyn’s life is busy with taking care of Diamond, who is partially paralyzed. She and Eddie have many dogs and cats that fill their lives. Marilyn’s interests include dancing and her koi ponds. Listening to Diamond’s stories through the years is why she wrote this book. She hopes it will inspire all people to reach out and touch the life of someone that might need help in their life. They might just find out they are rewarded in so many ways as she was with Diamond. She is hoping that Diamond will help inspire anyone struggling with not feeling productive in life to the point of giving up and will help them find their way.view less