Marian Cerdeira is an intuitive channel and medium. In 2004, she began a beautiful connection receiving guidance from the realm of spirit, initially with angels and individuals who...view moreMarian Cerdeira is an intuitive channel and medium. In 2004, she began a beautiful connection receiving guidance from the realm of spirit, initially with angels and individuals who had transitioned from the physical worlds. Her messages from Spirit are shared daily on Facebook at "My Slice of Light."She is also an author in "Coffee Talk with Douglas" and contributor in the #1 Bestselling 365 Book Series.To contact Marian, email: mysliceoflight@gmail.comMarian Cerdeira is an intuitive channel and medium with a passionate belief in the guidance from the realm of Spirit and Angels. Her messages from the Other Side are shared on Facebook at My Slice of Light. She is also a contributor in the #1 Bestselling 365 Book Series and 365 Days of Angel Prayers. To contact Marian, email: or visit less