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ABC of Prehospital Emergency Medicine
ABC of Prehospital Emergency Medicine
ABC of Prehospital Emergency Medicine
Ebook771 pages6 hours

ABC of Prehospital Emergency Medicine

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About this ebook

Prehospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM) is a new and evolving field within Prehospital Care and involves the delivery of safe prehospital critical care to seriously ill or injured patients, and safe transfer to or between hospitals. It covers a broad range of medical and traumatic conditions, interventions, clinical providers and physical environments.

ABC of Prehospital Emergency Medicine
is the first text to provide a comprehensive overview of this field and with an international team of expert authors is essential reading to anyone involved in the delivery of Prehospital Emergency Medicine and Prehospital Care.

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Release dateJul 17, 2013
ABC of Prehospital Emergency Medicine

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    ABC of Prehospital Emergency Medicine - Tim Nutbeam

    Chapter 1

    Prehospital Emergency Medicine

    Matthew Boylan¹ and Tim Nutbeam²

    ¹Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, University Hospitals Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

    ²Derriford Hospital, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Plymouth, UK


    ‘Prehospital care’ is the term given to the provision of medical care outside of the hospital or alternative fixed healthcare setting. In the developed world, the provision of prehospital care is usually the responsibility of a regional ambulance or emergency medical service (EMS). A number of agencies may operate in support of the ambulance service including private ambulance companies, rescue organizations (e.g. mountain rescue, air ambulance services), the voluntary aid societies (e.g. Red Cross) and immediate care practitioners (e.g. British Association of Immediate Medical Care, BASICS).

    Prehospital emergency medicine

    Prehospital emergency medicine (PHEM) is a field within prehospital Care (Figure 1.1). PHEM's evolution has been triggered by the demand to meet new challenges imposed by the regionalization of specialist medical and trauma services. Many of the critically injured or unwell patients that prove to benefit most from these new systems of care are paradoxically those less likely to tolerate extended transfer without advanced critical care support. As a result, there is a need to provide a body of prehospital practitioners capable of providing advanced clinical assessment and critical care intervention at the scene of an incident, together with safe critical care retrieval to an appropriate centre of care. In most continents the enhanced skill set required to provide this level of care falls outside that deliverable by the ambulance service or its supporting bodies, and therefore requires the deployment of specially trained physician-led teams.

    Figure 1.1 Prehospital emergency medicine.


    The role of the PHEM practitioner or team is to augment the existing prehospital response, not replace it. Their function is to provide an additional level of support for those patients with higher acuity illness and injury, both on scene and during transfer. In doing so they are also well placed to educate and enhance the skills of the prehospital providers they work alongside.

    Training in PHEM

    An important move forward in the evolution of the field of PHEM in the UK has been its recognition as a new medical subspecialty led by the Intercollegiate Board for Training in prehospital Emergency Medicine (IBTPHEM). IBTPHEM has produced a curriculum that outlines the knowledge, technical skills and non-technical (behavioural) skills required to provide safe prehospital critical care and safe transfer. Links to the IBTPHEM and their curriculum can be found in the further reading section. The key themes of the curriculum are shown in Figure 1.2.

    Figure 1.2 Prehospital emergency medicine curriculum themes

    (Courtesy of IBTPHEM).


    Similar prehospital training programmes exist across Europe (e.g. Germany) where they are firmly integrated into medical training and the emergency medical services (EMS). In Australasia, geography has been the driving force behind the development of retrieval medicine as a specialization. A number of retrieval services (e.g. Greater Sydney Area HEMS) have recognized the commonality between PHEM and retrieval medicine and have moved towards delivering a combined model that provides both interfacility secondary transfer and primary prehospital retrieval. The experiences of many of these systems has helped mould the new PHEM subspecialty within the UK.


    PHEM is a challenging and exciting development within the area of prehospital care. This book aims to provide some of the underpinning knowledge required for effective PHEM practice.

    Further reading

    IBTPHEM website:

    Chapter 2

    Activation and Deployment

    Andrew Thurgood¹ and Matthew Boylan²

    ¹Mercia Accident Rescue Service (MARS), UK

    ²Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, University Hospitals Birmingham, Birmingham, UK


    By the end of this chapter you should:

    Understand how emergency calls are handled and prioritized

    Understand the different types of dispatch

    Understand the risks and benefits of deployment by road

    Understand the risks and benefits of deployment by air.


    The first step in delivering high-quality prehospital care is the timely activation and deployment of prehospital resources. The initial aim is to get the right resource to the right patient in the right time frame. This process requires efficient call handling, robust call prioritization and intelligent tasking of resources. Prehospital practitioners may deploy to scene using a variety of different transport modalities. The choice of modality will be determined by the system in which they work and by the nature and location of the incident.

    Activation of prehospital services

    It is important for the prehospital practitioner to have an understanding of how emergency calls are processed and resources dispatched.

    Call handling

    In most developed countries there is a single emergency telephone number that members of the public may dial to contact the emergency services. The emergency number differs from country to country but is typically a three-digit number that can be easily remembered and dialled quickly, e.g. 911 in the USA, 999 in the UK and 000 in Australia. In the 1990s the European Union added 112 as the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)-approved common emergency telephone number.

    Emergency calls from telephone and mobile phones pass to operators within designated Operator Assistance Centres (OACs) run by phone providers. Their function is to determine which emergency service is required and forward the caller details to the appropriate Police, Fire or Ambulance Emergency Control Centre (ECC). In the UK this information is passed electronically in the form of Caller Line Identification (CLI) via a system called Enhanced Information Service for Emergency Calls (EISEC). The data then appears automatically as an incident on the dispatchers computer-aided dispatch (CAD) screen in the ECC (Figure 2.1). While this automatic data transfer occurs, the caller is connected to a call taker at the ECC who will begin the process of call prioritization.

    Figure 2.1 Computer-aided dispatch in the emergency control centre.


    Call prioritization

    There are a number of systems by which calls can be prioritized. The most common system used within the UK ambulance service is the Advanced Medical Priority Despatch System (AMPDS). Similar systems of Medical Priority Dispatch are in use within the USA and Australia. AMPDS uses a structured question–answer logic tree to allocate a dispatch priority: Red—Category A (immediately life threatening), Amber - Category B (urgent call), or Green—Category C (routine call). This mode of caller interrogation is known as systematized caller interrogation. AMPDS incorporates protocolized pre-arrival first aid instructions that are relayed by the call taker to the caller while they await the emergency response. In addition, each injury and injury mechanism is allocated a unique AMPDS code for audit purposes.

    Although effective in prioritizing an ambulance service response, AMPDS has been shown to lack the sensitivity and specificity required to select calls that would benefit from enhanced prehospital emergency medicine (PHEM) intervention. In order to identify these cases, an additional tier of enhanced caller interrogation and dispatch criterion is required. For maximum efficiency this tier should be delivered by active PHEM practitioners (e.g. critical care paramedics or doctors) as they are in the best position to make accurate judgements about the likely need for advanced interventions. The use of non-clinical dispatchers in this role is associated with high rates of over-triage.

    The model operated by London Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) in the UK represents current best practice for enhanced call prioritization and dispatch. A dedicated HEMS dispatch desk within the Ambulance Control Centre is manned by an operational HEMS paramedic. They are responsible for scanning all the incoming cases and identifying those that would benefit from enhanced intervention. A set of evidence-based criteria known to be associated with severe injury are used to trigger the ‘immediate dispatch’ of the helicopter or car-based team (Box 2.1). Certain other cases undergo direct caller interrogation by the paramedic to assess whether enhanced intervention would be beneficial (Box 2.2). This is termed ‘delayed dispatch’. The clinical knowledge and experience of the HEMS paramedic is critical in ensuring rapid and accurate identification and prioritization of these cases. The third form of dispatch is the crew request, which is treated as an immediate dispatch.


    While the call is being prioritized by the call taker, the dispatcher is responsible for allocating an appropriate resource(s) to the incident. Most modern CAD systems have an integral automatic vehicle location system (AVLS) which will automatically populate a list of the nearest available resources. The choice of resource will depend on the location, mechanism of injury, number of patients involved and the perceived severity of injury. Most ambulance services have now moved from VHF radio to digital data transmission (e.g. Airwave in the UK) as their primary mode of communication. Incident details are sent directly to vehicle-mounted data terminals with integrated satellite navigation systems that will automatically plot the route to the incident. Alternative modes of dispatch include activation via a base telephone landline, mobile phone or pager system. The activation and dispatch process is summarized in Figure 2.2.

    Figure 2.2 Overview of activation and dispatch process.


    Deployment of prehospital services

    The ambulance service may deploy its resources to the scene of an incident in a number of different ways: foot, bicycle, motorbike, car, ambulance, helicopter or fixed wing aircraft. The decision to deploy a particular asset will be determined by the distance the asset is from the incident, the accessibility by road, known congestion and the required skill set of the responders. PHEM practitioners deployed to augment the ambulance service response will usually deploy by land vehicle or by helicopter.

    Deployment by land vehicle

    Many systems deploy their prehospital practitioners by rapid response vehicle (Figure 2.3). Land-based deployment is not restricted by weather or daylight hours in the same way that helicopter deployment is. They are ideal for operations in built-up urban areas as they are not limited by the need for an appropriate-sized landing site. Over short distances they also offer similar response times to helicopters because of the additional time taken by helicopters for take-off and landing.

    Figure 2.3 Physician response vehicle (Courtesy of Ivan Barefield).


    Response vehicles must be roadworthy. A daily vehicle check is important and should include fuel and oil levels, water coolant, screen wash, electrics, lights and tyres (tread depth, inflation and damage). Medical equipment should be appropriately restrained and a lockable box available for CD storage. The vehicle should have visual and audible warning devices, as well as high-visibility markings. Drivers must be appropriately trained and insured for emergency response driving.

    Activation may be via radio or mobile phone. If activation occurs while the vehicle is mobile, the driver should pull over at the next safe opportunity before further details of the incident are taken. Appropriate personal protective equipment should be donned at this point. Progression to scene should be made rapidly but safely with the full use of visible and audible warning devices. Parking at scene will usually be under the direction of the police. If the prehospital practitioner is first on scene at a road traffic accident, the fend-off position may be used to protect the incident scene (Figure 2.4). The vehicle should be positioned approximately 50 meters back from the incident and positioned to afford maximum use of rear visual devices and reflective high-visibility markings. The front wheels should be turned in a safe direction to reduce the risk of the vehicle being pushed into the incident if another vehicle collides with it. Keys should left in the ignition and the engine left running to prevent the battery draining flat. Once parked in a fend-off position, no one should return to the vehicle unless absolutely necessary.

    Figure 2.4 Fire tenders protecting the scene in the ‘fend-off’ position (Courtesy of Shane Casey).


    Deployment by helicopter

    In remote and rural areas, helicopters increase both the range and speed of PHEM team deployment and allow a single team to cover a large geographical area. Helicopters have also shown proven benefit in the urban setting where congestion may limit rapid deployment by road (Figure 2.5). Their use may be restricted by poor weather conditions, onset of darkness or the lack of an appropriate landing site.

    Figure 2.5 Urban HEMS (Midlands Air Ambulance).


    Helicopter operations within Europe are regulated by the Joint Aviation Regulations Operations Specifications (JAR-OPS). Similar national regulations are in place in the USA and Australasia. JAR-OPS define a HEMS flight as a flight to facilitate emergency medical assistance, where immediate and rapid transportation is essential, by carrying either:

    medical personnel

    medical supplies (equipment, blood, organs, and drugs)

    ill or injured persons and other persons directly involved.

    The HEMS designation is important as it carries with it alleviation from normal weather limits and exemption from certain Rules of Air—in particular those relating to congested area overflight and landing. Medical personnel carried on HEMS flights fall into one of two categories:

    1. HEMS crew member—an individual who has been specifically trained and assigned to the HEMS flight to provide medical assistance to the patient and assist the pilot during a mission with such roles as navigation or radio management.

    2. Medical passenger—an individual who is carried during a HEMS flight whose primary roll is patient care. No specific training other than a pre-flight briefing is required, but they must be accompanied by a HEMS crew member.

    Incidents that do not meet the JAR-OPS definition of HEMS are classified as air ambulance missions and cannot employ the same exemptions.

    Deployment by helicopter provides a unique bird's-eye view of the incident scene on approach which may prove beneficial at large or major incidents. A landing site twice the diameter of the rotor blades is required and should be flat, free of debris and clear of any wires. Take-off and landing are the most hazardous periods of a HEMS flight therefore talking should be kept to a minimum during these phases unless a hazard is being noted. Once landing is complete, exit from the aircraft between the 2 and 10 o'clock position after gaining the pilots permission by a thumb up signal (Figure 2.6). This ensures avoidance of the aircrafts main hazard areas, i.e. engine exhausts and rotor blades. Care should be taken on sloping ground to avoid walking into the rotor disc by exiting downhill from the aircraft.

    Figure 2.6 Helicopter safety zones.


    Further reading

    Brown JB, Forsythe RM, Stassen NA, Gestring ML. The National Trauma Triage Protocol: can this tool predict which patients with trauma will benefit from helicopter transport? J Trauma 2012;73:319–325.

    Lin G, Becker A, Lynn M. Do pre-hospital trauma alert criteria predict the severity of injury and a need for an emergent surgical intervention? Injury 2012;43:1381–1385.

    Ringburg AN, de Ronde G, Thomas SH, et al. Validity of helicopter emergency medical services dispatch criteria for traumatic injuries: a systematic review. Prehosp Emerg Care 2009;13:28–36.

    Sherman G. Report on Operating Models for NHS Ambulance Trust Control Rooms in England, 2007. Manchester: Mason Communications Ltd.

    Chapter 3

    Personal Protective Equipment

    Clare Bosanko¹ and Matthew Boylan²

    ¹University Hospital of North Staffordshire, Stoke-On-Trent, UK

    ²Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, University Hospitals Birmingham, Birmingham, UK


    By the end of the chapter you should be able to:

    Identify which items of personal protective equipment (PPE) should be part of the prehospital providers kit

    Describe what features (PPE) should have

    Describe what legislation and standards exist to define PPE.


    Is it safe to approach? First aid and basic life support training always starts with the premise that the rescuer should only approach a casualty if it is safe to do so. Healthcare providers working in the prehospital environment have an obligation to treat patients and if the risk cannot be completely removed it must be mitigated. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is the term used to describe those items worn or used to reduce risk where it cannot be entirely avoided. In recent years, healthcare-associated infections and chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear (CBRN) hazards have highlighted the importance of PPE for the safety of both the patient and the practitioner.


    Many countries have legislation defining the role of PPE in the workplace and the responsibilities of employers and employees. The primary need to control hazards and reduce risks to health and safety are highlighted in all these documents. Where changes to working practices alone are insufficient to protect employees from exposure to the hazard, PPE should be provided to lessen the risk.

    In the UK, PPE provision is controlled by the Health and Safety Executive in the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations, 1992. These define PPE as ‘all equipment which is intended to be worn or held by a person at work and which protects him against one or more risks to his health or safety’. The regulations also govern assessment of suitability, maintenance, storage, instruction in and use of PPE. In the USA, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration publish similar guidelines (Table 3.1).

    Table 3.1 International legislation pertaining to personal protective equipment provision

    EEC, European Economic Community; HSE, Health and Safety Executive; NFPA, National Fire Protection Agency.

    PPE for prehospital providers is covered by the generic guidance for all industries but specific details regarding the requirements are not nationally or internationally defined. In the UK, responsibility is devolved to NHS trusts, and in the USA, Emergency Medical Services Authorities for each state produce guidance documents. The US Food and Drug Administration regulates the safety and efficacy of some forms of PPE, and the UK Health and Safety Executive provides quality assurance via the CE marking system (Table 3.2).

    Table 3.2 International standards relating to items of personal protective equipment

    ANSI, American National Standards Institute; BS, British Standard; CFR, Code of Federal Regulations; EN, European; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; ISEA, International Safety Equipment Organization; NFPA, National Fire Protection Agency; NIOSH, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; OSHA, Occupational Health and Safety Administration.

    The role of PPE

    Prehospital providers work in an environment with risks from multiple sources; therefore, different items of personal protective equipment are required. Gloves, masks, eye protection, sleeve protectors and aprons guard against blood-borne pathogens and reduce transmission of infection to and from patients. In contrast helmets, boots and high-visibility clothing protect the wearer from injury, e.g. at the scene of a road traffic collision (RTC).

    The PPE must be designed to allow the wearer to perform the risk-related activity without limitation, but with maximum protection. Clearly, for PPE to function properly the user must be trained in how to don, wear, remove and adjust their PPE, in addition to knowledge of its limitations, how it should be stored, cared for, maintained and disposed of.

    There are also a number of specialist items of PPE, used by groups of providers with unique risks.

    Essential personal protective equipment for prehospital practitioners


    Prehospital practitioners should wear head protection for all RTCs involving extrication, when working at height, during civil unrest, working on industrial sites and in any other designated ‘hard hat’ area. Increasingly, helmets are certified to fire fighting standards (e.g. EN443). They should have clear labelling of the wearer's job title and an integrated visor, the standard of which is separately regulated. Modern helmets are lightweight for comfort, with an adjustable headband and chin strap to ensure good fit (Figure 3.1).

    Figure 3.1 Pacific A7A helmet.


    Eye protection

    Eye protection should be worn when there is a risk of injury to the eye from debris, such as during cutting glass or metal at an RTC. Eye protection also protects against the risk of infection from splashes of body fluid or blood and respiratory secretions during airway management. Goggles, protective glasses (Figure 3.2), visors and full face splash guards are all available. Eyewear should include side protection and should fit over prescription glasses if necessary.

    Figure 3.2 Eye protection and respiratory protection (FFP3 mask).


    Ear protection

    Hearing protection should be considered for noisy environments, e.g. helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS), motorsports, pop concerts, etc. Ear defenders provide the best attenuation of noise but are cumbersome and may not fit with the type of helmet worn. Ear plugs are a more practical alternative and can be easily stowed in a pocket of a jump suit when not in use.

    Face masks

    Masks provide respiratory protection against dust and fibres in the air and also prevent splashing of blood or body fluids onto the face. Specialist masks (e.g. the FFP3 mask) can be used to reduce transmission of airborne pathogens when caring for patients with known infectious diseases such as pandemic flu or TB (Figure 3.2). Masks are single patient use and should be replaced once moist or soiled. The manufacturer's instructions should be followed for maximum length of wear.

    Clinical gloves

    Clinical gloves are designed to protect the wearer from contaminants and reduce transmission of infection. They are manufactured from a range of materials including latex, nitrile and vinyl. Proteins in latex may cause allergy, particularly with repeated exposure among healthcare workers. As a result, nitrile and vinyl gloves, which are hypoallergenic, are becoming more common. Gloves should be worn if there is a risk of exposure to blood or body fluids, contact with mucous membranes or broken skin and when handling contaminated instruments. Nitrile gloves have the added benefit of some chemical resistance.

    Hand washing should ideally be performed before and after the wearing of gloves. In the prehospital environment where this may not be possible, the use of detergent wipes and alcohol gel are acceptable alternatives.

    Extrication gloves

    Clinical gloves provide no protection against fragments of glass, jagged metal or hot surfaces. A set of heavy duty extrication gloves (Figure 3.3) should be worn in any situation where sharp or rough surfaces or a potentially high heat exposure is likely to be encountered, such as patient extrication.

    Figure 3.3 Extrication gloves.


    High-visibility clothing

    Prehospital providers working on or near a highway or in low-visibility settings should wear high-visibility clothing. EN 471 is the European standard, and Class 3 garments are required for any individual likely to be working on or near motorways or dual carriageways. These offer the highest level of visibility and must incorporate a minimum of 0.80 m² of fluorescent background material and 0.20 m² of retro-reflective materials. Whether on a jacket or a set of coveralls this usually takes the form of two 5-cm bands of reflective tape around the body, arms and braces over both shoulders (Figure 3.4). The most recent regulations from the USA also set minimum areas for reflective material in the shoulder area, or encircling the sleeves, consistent with the European standard.

    Figure 3.4 High-visibility clothing.



    Footwear should be of the safety boot type. The European standard demands a toe cap able to withstand impact of up to 200 joules. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration and American National Standards Institute guidance recommends minimum height of 4 inches (10.2 cm), cut/puncture and abrasion resistance, and barrier protection with chemical resistance in addition to a safety toe.

    Additional items

    In addition to the items described above, each practitioner will identify equipment which he/she wishes to carry dependent on the requirements of his/her role. For example, a head torch, flood lights, vehicle hazard warning lights. Clearly the practitioner should ensure these items meet relevant safety regulations.

    Specialist personal protective equipment

    Helicopter Emergency Medical Services operations

    Prehospital practitioners involved with HEMS operations require additional PPE as a result of their aviation role (Figure 3.5).

    Figure 3.5 HEMS personal protective equipment.


    Flame-retardant flight suits made of Nomex or Kermel should be worn and are designed to protect against flash fire (4–5 seconds of flame). Most come with reflective strips, knee pads and a selection of pockets. The addition of full-length cotton undergarments will improve the flash fire protection rating of the suit significantly by preventing excessive heat soak to the underlying skin. Flight helmets have a role in both protection of the head and communication between crew members, and are deemed compulsory for HEMS work by the Civil Aviation Authority. The most common types in use are the ‘Alpha Helmet’ or ‘Communica’ style.

    Urban search and rescue

    Prehospital practitioners may be required to attend to patients in environments where there is a risk of a fall from height (e.g. scaffolding, cranes, pylons, hydraulic lifting platforms, etc.). It is essential that when working in such environments the practitioner is protected in the event of a fall by some form of fall arrest harness and helmet (Figure 3.6).

    Figure 3.6 USAR personal protective equipment.


    Tactical operations

    Prehospital practitioners may be called to patients who have been shot or stabbed, or may be involved in providing medical support to police firearms teams. In both cases if the practitioner is deploying forward of a police rendezvous point then they should be wearing body armour and if necessary a Kevlar helmet (Figure 3.7). These items will protect against penetrating trauma from knives, handguns and fragmentation in the event of an explosion.

    Figure 3.7 Tactical personal protective equipment.


    Water operations

    When working on or around water there is a risk of falling or being knocked in. A personal flotation device (PFD) that triggers on contact with water should be worn by all prehospital personnel operating in this environment. Specialist medics trained in swift water rescue may attend with a greater level of PPE (Figure 3.8).

    Figure 3.8 Swift water personal protective equipment.


    CBRN/HAZMAT incidents

    If a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) incident or a release of hazardous materials (HAZMAT) is suspected the main priority for responding medical personnel is personal safety. Do not approach any further. Withdraw immediately (using personal issue escape hoods if necessary), contain where possible and report your suspicion immediately in order to obtain early expert help.

    Personal issue escape hoods (Figure 3.9) are designed to allow the wearer to escape from an area of a suspected CBRN hazard and call for expert help. They provide temporary (approximately 20 minutes) protection against airborne CBRN agents and facial liquid splashes. They are not effective in non-oxygen environments, e.g. smoke-filled room.

    Figure 3.9 EH20 escape hood.


    Personal issue electronic personal dosimeters (Figure 3.10) may help provide an early-warning signal to the wearer of dangerous levels of ionizing radiation in order that they may withdraw from the area and call for expert help. Their ability to record cumulative radiation exposure is useful in that they may facilitate the deployment of clinical personnel into the scene to treat casualties while at the same time monitoring their radiation exposure. The UK Health Protection Agency provides a useful flowchart to help determine the level of PPE required for treatment of CBRN patients (Figure 3.11).

    Figure 3.10 Electronic personal dosimeter.


    Figure 3.11 Health Protection Agency (UK) PPE Guide.



    More detail on specialized chemical protection PPE can be found in Chapter 34.

    Further reading

    Cox RD. Hazmat. eMedicine 2009. (accessed 25 February 2013). Accessed December 2010.

    European PPE Guidelines. (accessed 25 February 2013).

    HSE. A short guide to the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. (accessed 25 February 2013).

    Krzanicki DA, Porter KM. Personal protective equipment provision in prehospital care: a national survey. EMJ 2009; 26: 892–895.

    NFPA 1999. Standard on Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical Operations.

    NHS Healthcare Associated Infection and Cleanliness Division. Ambulance Guidelines. (accessed 25 February 2013).

    OSHA. PPE Information Booklet. (accessed 25 February 2013).

    Chapter 4

    Scene Safety and Assessment

    Vic Calland¹ and Pete Williams²

    ¹British Association for Immediate Care (BASICS), UK

    ²Dr Gray's Hospital, Elgin, UK


    By the end of this chapter you should:

    Understand the immediate importance of personal and team safety at a scene

    Have a method of assessing a scene in an organized manner

    Understand the principles of ‘reading’ a scene.


    The safety of a scene is everyone's responsibility and begins long before the incident occurs. Not only is specific prehospital clinical training required, training in safety (and response driving if appropriate) within a properly governed system is essential (Box 4.1).

    Although fire and rescue retain primacy regarding scene safety, it is up to all those present to ensure their own actions do not jeopardize the safety of the patient or other rescuers.

    Arriving at the scene you need to have a strategy in your mind. One way is to use a mnemonic to take you through the key issues in a logical order (Box 4.2). These will now be considered in more detail.


    Before entering the immediate vicinity of the scene rapidly but thoroughly assess for hazards and liaise with personnel already on scene. If the scene is not safe, you may need to stand off until fire and rescue (or other service) can make the scene safe for you to approach. It is important to remember that the scene is a dynamic environment. What was once safe may become decidedly unsafe with the passage of time, the cutting of vehicles, the moving of structures or the leakage of fuel. Not only should you keep re-assessing the casualty's condition, you should also reassess your environment for your own, your team's and your patient's safety (the 1–2–3 of safety).

    Where is the danger?

    Trauma is caused by the application of excessive energy to living tissue. Recognizing how energy interacted with your patient provides the basis of assessing the mechanism of injury, which in turn can help you predict the likely injuries sustained. Recognizing sources of unstable energy and taking action to limit their uncontrolled release is fundamental to scene safety. The most relevant types of energy are kinetic, potential, thermal, electrical and chemical (Table 4.1). Other significant hazards present on scene may include biological, radiological and nuclear sources.

    Table 4.1 Scene hazards


    Once the scene has been surveyed for potential hazards an assessment must be made regarding these. Some hazards, such as a long drop, cannot be removed but can however be mitigated by providing protection such as a barrier. It

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