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Moth's Pursuit of Beauty
Moth's Pursuit of Beauty
Moth's Pursuit of Beauty
Ebook38 pages29 minutes

Moth's Pursuit of Beauty

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Although initially prettier than Butterfly, something about Moth always scared the boy-insects. So when she realized her friend, Butterfly, attracted longer stares from the boy-insects, she became jealous and decided to do something about her face. Soon Chameleon gave her a good advice that worked very well for her until she developed the desire to be the most beautiful girl-insect in her village

PublisherPeter Lumba
Release dateDec 14, 2011
Moth's Pursuit of Beauty

Peter Lumba

The author runs a Public Benefit Organization (PBO) for disadvantaged children. Has special interest in youth development, especially teenagers.

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    Moth's Pursuit of Beauty - Peter Lumba

    Moth’s Pursuit of Beauty

    Published by Peter Lumba at Smashwords

    Copyright 2011 Peter Lumba

    License Notes

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. The ebook is only licensed for your use only. It may not be distributed, re-sold or repackaged in any other form without an express permission from the publisher. If you are reading this book without having purchased it you are violating the publisher’s rights. Kindly purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1: Best Of Friends

    A long time ago, sorry to say, both Moth and Butterfly found themselves orphaned in their adolescence. What’s more, each of the two beautiful girl-insects was the only child-insect of her parents. In spite of everything, they were not left without hope. For each one of them was an heiress to a small fortune.

    Owing to the similar circumstances they found themselves in, they found it gratifying to pay frequent cordial visits to each other. This made their friendship grow stronger by each day that passed, until they eventually became the best of friends. So much did they come to like each other’s company that a day hardly passed without seeing each other.

    Even though Moth was evidently prettier than Butterfly, Butterfly had not only a warmer disposition towards the other young insects but was also more often than not in high spirits. Nonetheless, both had prettier faces than virtually all the other girl-insects in their village. Suffice it to say, their elegant slim figures were the envy of most girl-insects in the village.

    Even so, no sooner had they begun catching the attention of the young boy-insects, than it occurred to Moth that Butterfly attracted more and longer stares from the boy-insects than she did. As you would have thought, this made her believe that Butterfly was more beautiful than she was. That’s why she inwardly decided that she would start spending more time in sprucing herself up.

    But in spite of spending increasingly more of her precious time in doing that, her dogged effort did not seem to bear fruit. Over and over again, Butterfly continued to draw most of the boy-insects’ attention. This did not only make Moth pretty miserable, but it also made her jealous of her friend. Consequently, although for a long

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