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Echo's from Vietnam and beyond
Echo's from Vietnam and beyond
Echo's from Vietnam and beyond
Ebook217 pages36 minutes

Echo's from Vietnam and beyond

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About this ebook

I wrote these and other poems during a span of many years. They are all based on real experiences for better or worse I do not write about others experience or out of wondering what something would be like in my head. So, I hope someone get's my writing, yet on the other hand they were written for me and me alone initially. Often I was trying to exercise daemons, hurt and to express humor and joy or my life's experiences.

Release dateMay 22, 2012
Echo's from Vietnam and beyond

Dr. Jack A. Apsche

Jack A. Apsche holds a doctorate in Psychological Studies from Temple University in Philadelphia. He is currently pursuing an advanced degree in Criminal Justice. Dr. Apsche is a researcher, author, lecturer, and consultant His curiosity in human behavior extends well beyond serial killers, from the everyday problems of everyday people, to the particular problems of Viet Nam veterans, the behavior of organized crime and law enforcement, and the rise of the German neo-Nazi movement His research centers on the quest to uncover the reasons for the behavior differences between the 'saints," the "sinners," and the rest of us. Dr. Apsche lives with his wife and family in West Virginia. USA

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    Book preview

    Echo's from Vietnam and beyond - Dr. Jack A. Apsche


    Echo's from Vietnam and beyond

    By Dr. Jack Apsche

    Published by ePrintedBooks

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyrights by Dr. Jack Apsche

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including recording, photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.


    Somewhere near Hill 837 in Vietnam the Republic of in early 1967, cleaning my M-60. I am not sure who the kid in the picture actually is, rumor has it it was me at 18.


    This book of poems is dedicated the people who have been in my life, who inspired my writing. You know who you are and if not make something up!

    Table of Contents



    Section One

    Section Two

    Section Three

    Section Four

    Section Five

    About the Author

    Section One

    I Believe

    Steam Trails Revisited

    The mist blinks thru

    The deep green vegetation

    The humidity form the month’s monsoon

    Creates steam trails

    From body heat

    My flesh has rotted

    In every crevice

    Of my skin

    And I smell like

    Meat left out on

    The sidewalk for a

    Week in July

    I won’t ever get dry

    Unless I get wrapped

    In a poncho


    And flown home

    For a ceremony of

    A select few

    Who might attend


    Attempt to remember

    That I once was human

    And dreamed

    The dreams


    The innocent

    Walter Cronkite

    That’s what I miss

    Clean video

    Tight shot’s


    Walter Cronkite

    Drug related

    And Vietnam

    Hot cities

    And Urban guerillas

    Fashionable radicalism

    Its long gone

    Walter Cronkite’s

    Body count

    Anonymity in number’s

    People dying

    On the front page

    Or Time


    For the dinner meals

    And empty boots lined up

    After Dak To

    In the Inquirer

    Beat poems

    Hip phrases


    Anonymity in number’s

    More body counts

    1 miss

    Anti-war music

    Hot groups

    Lost hope

    No dope

    Kill a slope

    Orange joke

    Beat poems, man

    Where ya been?

    It’s all gone now

    Just like

    Walter Cronkite

    Hard to Find

    Love poems are hard to find

    These days

    So I decided to write one

    For you

    Instead we went to bed

    Made love


    And again

    The Group

    We walk past the wall

    And look at the names

    Of the dead

    We look far away from

    Each other

    As we don’t know

    Who would die


    If we were



    The Village

    The village was surrounded

    We were in an ugly mood

    Several men went down

    There was no enemy

    To be found

    We torched the village

    An old man climbed

    Up on his hooch

    To put out the fire

    Polly butt stroked

    Him across the mouth

    As he lay there bleeding

    My thoughts raced

    But I did my job

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