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Theological Vignettes
Theological Vignettes
Theological Vignettes
Ebook191 pages3 hours

Theological Vignettes

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Theological Vignettes is a Christian book that addresses religious questions that have arisen in modern times.
Articles in this book counter many of the arguments humanists, atheists and others make against the Christian faith. The book takes different approaches and is not an essay only.

PublisherGary L Morton
Release dateMay 17, 2010
Theological Vignettes

Gary L Morton

I live in downtown Toronto. At present, I have seven novels and five collections available online. They are horror and science fiction. Some of the books are also mystery and crime related as characters include a psychic detective in my vampire novel, and a future detective in some science fiction novelettes and novels.

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    Theological Vignettes - Gary L Morton


    Theological Vignettes addresses religious questions that have arisen in our times. In a new age of atheism, tainted religion, and occult fads, I have reached out for genuine Christianity.

    Articles included in this book deal with doctrine and counter many of the arguments that humanists, atheists and others make against the Christian faith. The book takes different approaches and is not an essay only. Many of the arguments against God are easily defeated, but some cloudy skies, questions and doubts will always skirt our lives. We must have confidence that the answers exist and will be found through trust in Jesus.

    The arguments in this book were thought out over time, and there were periods of inspiration, but my arguments and speculation will of course face criticism.

    The Word of God is in the Bible.


    In these civilized but far from halcyon days, many people criticize the Christian religion and the media often features extremists as the face of the church. Philosophers, educators and others march up every avenue of attack. Progress and the secular state pound at the foundations of theology and children begin their education developing a technological, materialistic, and vain outlook.

    We all live through a house of ideas we have built in our minds, and it is a better home if it has an atmosphere of truth and wisdom. Perhaps it is time for some of the houses of straw philosophy to collapse so more people can see the light of the true faith.

    Earth is a spinning top of violence with each warlike and terrorist act an admission of the fact that incomplete wisdom is at the roots of global politics that kills the innocent by the millions and does not fulfill us. We all know peace would come if we loved our neighbors as we do ourselves. People often say they would follow a Christian path if they could believe, but it is hard to follow a way of life seen as having been dated by modern philosophy and science.

    The truth is that Christianity is not dated but is growing. Faith still brings understanding, and for the larger questions, the Holy Spirit reveals new and powerful answers when the times are right.

    The Christian faith is always working its way through the world as God wishes, and in these small works, I will be trying to extend its reach to help reveal its presence as a Promised Land of new ideas. This involves a human and spiritual way of viewing things while being scientific at the same time. It involves doing some new speculation that keeps the Scriptures in mind and does not attempt to alter them.

    For example – when we see a spaceship, we may ask what it is. One person will explain the technology, and another will say that because we have a need for stations in space and a wish to explore space, a station was built. One answer is the how of a spaceship while the other is the why. Both answers are needed for a full picture of the spaceship.

    Science concerns itself with how things work. Religion often looks at the moral why of things. Yet for a full understanding of our universe and our being in it, we need a composite of both. Atheism is always justified by how arguments. The why of the world is ignored. Speculation on how all the systems of the universe work and transform is only an attempt at a how answer that is admirable as science and dehumanizing if it is passed off as religion. An explanation of how everything works will never be a total answer; our spirits will always reach out from the truth of being to touch the beauty of life, love, soul and God. In this book I am working under a rainbow of promise, and I'm hoping to see some of the golden how and why of Christianity.

    How do we inherit the Kingdom?

    The Messiah has come, and he has fulfilled the law through his ministry on earth and death on the cross. We are to live according to that fulfillment. There are no regular sacrifices of animals or grain to atone for our sins anymore. Jesus atoned for our sins through his blood shed on the cross.

    To be saved into the Kingdom, we must have faith that Christ came in the flesh and died for our sins in the crucifixion. We must believe that he is the only mediator between man and God. Prayers or service to saints, angels, prophets or the gods of other religions are not the way to God. The apostles made it clear that we reach God through the Son, and those who do not have the Son do not have the Father either.

    We must believe that Jesus has been resurrected as it says in the scriptures. We must also believe there will be a second coming of Christ, where every eye will see him coming.

    This brings us to the argument of faith and works, as many denominations say good works are required to get one to heaven. Or else they say things like baptism, the Eucharist or Saturday worship are needed for salvation. These teachers take away from Christ’s atonement and the fact that we are saved through the blood of Christ.

    During Christ's ministry on earth, we see in the book of Matthew how a rich man asked Jesus what he should do to obtain eternal life. Jesus said obey the commandments. When the man asked which ones, Jesus named, do not murder, steal, commit adultery, or bear false witness. He also said honor your father and mother and love your neighbor as yourself.

    The rich man said he kept the laws and asked what more he could do. Jesus told him to give what he had to the poor and to follow him.

    Jesus was in the flesh then and in his ministry on earth. The crucifixion fulfilled the law, and it still stands as the fulfilled law.

    When the apostle James said that he showed his faith through his works, he meant that because of his faith in Christ his works were according to that faith. He did not mean that his works earned him his way to heaven. His faith and love of God brought him to obey God's laws.

    If all a person's works are evil, but that person has faith that Christ is the messiah, then the faith of that man or woman has failed. The person has become like a demon that knows of God but does not serve Him. Therefore, continued evil works can earn condemnation, but good works will not earn one salvation. Faith must be genuine not just recognition that God exists.

    God will be the judge in this as we all sin, and God will be the judge as to which works were good and which were evil. There are many good works done that can only rise from faith in Christ. Men and women often claim evil deeds as good works. Helping those in genuine need always qualifies as a good work as Christ requested it in the scriptures.

    There are those who say the Eucharist or communion saves a person or is required for salvation. They are in error. Christ was alive in the flesh when he created the breaking of bread and sipping of wine in remembrance of him. It is an important memorial service, but Jesus never said the bread and wine actually turn into his flesh and blood as some teach. In remembrance it is his flesh and blood, which is a spiritual thing.

    There are those that say baptism is needed. They are also in error. Baptism under the fulfilled law is confirmation. Christ washed away our sins. The doctrine some have that infants that are not baptized will be damned is a doctrine of devils. If that were true then God would have no mercy, so it is therefore a lie.

    Those that say baptism of infants should not be done are also incorrect. If the mother or father or both parents of a child are Christians, their child belongs to Christ, as the child will be raised in Christ. What God-fearing Christians would say that their child should not belong to Christ? Baptism confirms that this child will be raised in the faith.

    There are others that say to be saved you must follow their prescription for baptism. They are wrong because again, they want to take away from Christ's sacrifice. Baptism is a good thing, you should be baptized as an infant, or as a child, or an adult as confirmation, but you are not saved through it. Christ commanded the apostles to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, confirming the Trinity as the Godhead Christians worship. It also confirms repentance, as we are to repent before baptism.

    Some current denominations spend all their time arguing that one must worship on Saturday to be saved. Under the fulfilled law, Sunday worship is okay. You can worship on Saturday, Sunday or both days if you choose.

    One other issue of salvation is Christ's command not to deny the works of the Holy Spirit. In this, the Lord was speaking of Pharisees who saw him do undeniable miracles, yet because of jealousy, they tried to call them works of Satan. However, we are also told to test the spirits, so a person is not going to be condemned for doubting the works of corrupt faith healers that reveal their corruption through their love of money. Rather than argue with such people, avoidance of them is best. God will be the judge in the end.


    The Four Great Obstacles Christianity Must Overcome

    1. Antichrist Religions of which Islam is currently the largest. There are many of these religions. The many-faced Antichrist blinds the eyes of billions and persecutes Christians.

    2. Atheism or Secular Humanism and its relentless attack on freedom of religion, faith, spiritual practices at home and in society, and all things Christian.

    3. False Doctrine and Unbelievers in the Church. That includes those who may believe in God yet have perverted or abandoned the scriptures or simply accept false doctrine. It also includes those who openly do not believe in Christ or the power of God and the resurrection yet are ministering churches and holding power. It includes those of us who have become lukewarm as per Christ's words in The Revelation.

    4. Persecution, other corruption and worldly sin that is ingrained in society via culture or the practices of corrupt government where sin is accepted or demanded ... everything including gambling, drug addiction, sexual immorality, violence, war.

    Somewhere Near the Beginning

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light; and there was light.

     People that see the universe as a vast dumb, particle monster, and creation as a chance explosion, though a partially ordered one, are perhaps not fully applying the principles that are the best feature of our higher intelligence. Often it is the spiritually fulfilled who have the best vision of true cosmic meaning, because they are aware of the motive behind the method and action. It is thought logical to believe in a cold, dead creation force. Yet we are living beings with self-awareness. I find it hard to believe in a cold, dead power that creates the grandest layers of structure and even creates a realm of intelligent beings that are greater than it is. That which perceives its being is greater than that which has no perception.

    The science of a dead creator is a shield between man and God. The universe can only be the work of God. In our origins, God and the beginning are the same. All human knowledge comes from a flow of creative intelligence. Without it, all is in darkness and answers and origins do not matter.

    We can see creative genius in nature in its rise to biological life forms from simple elements. The operating genius in human beings and nature works mostly against decay and makes the universe more than a random cloud of particles. Life forces, by genius or creative energy, ascend toward that which also lives and thinks – their source, God. Why believe in the balance of nature and not in the balanced mind that shaped it? It does not take much thought to conclude that God and His creative touch are there.

    Whether emerging from a bubbling froth of universes or one singularity, current science shows the heavens beginning in a dense speck of some unknown substance. A great miracle; all of the glory of creation as a blast of force and matter, a big soup of particles, with only one operating force in the first instance. Almost all that was and will be for our physical universe seems to have been mapped out in the ordering of subatomic particles that took place in science’s Big Bang. Looked at as an explosion or expansion, the beginning was a Great Intelligence's blueprint and foundation for future order. At least that is how I would put it if I were a scientist. I would also immediately notice that science’s Big Bang looks much like God’s swift creation of the universe described in Genesis.

    The very latest science claims through light-distance experiments that the vast birth and expansion of our universe happened in a small fraction of a second. Imagine that – the entire universe appearing faster than instantaneously. This then is not really an explosion, but more like at one point there was nothing and in the first moment a universe was formed and moving forward in time. As time passes, human science and the Bible seem in agreement on the beginning of the heavens through one great and miraculous power, though the creators of our textbooks would rather give meaningless forces of chance credit for God's Creation.

    The revisions of science are so huge and often they reveal our ignorance when it comes to looking back in time. Our tools are so limited that it is mostly a matter of faith when it comes to looking into the past. Studies in 2005 showed a new belief that the Earth of the Hadean Era, 4.5 to 4 billion years ago was not a hellish time of molten lava as previously thought. There were cool oceans and balmy temperatures on land. Earth is now thought to have been capable of supporting life 700 million years earlier. Theories keep changing and tomorrow they will have changed again.

    Quark to lepton to atom to strong and weak nuclear forces to electromagnetism to gravity – a small group of laws and constants, eleven or so, are the chain in existence that define the order of the universe. The universe is a platform providing support for life forms. We are in a reciprocal relationship with our universe. Our universe makes sense to us because we are composed of the laws we are defining; we are part of the universe. The universe holds a specific reality we are designed to enjoy. Human beings are at the top of the mountain viewing the slope of the material world and looking to the divine light above for purpose and meaning.

    God's spiritual and moral laws and the laws of nature are truths our minds are structured to understand. We use the body of science to improve our external world, and religious teachings and their wisdom to build inner character. The combined knowledge allows us to bring about good thoughts, feelings and deeds. The wax of mind molded to beauty by reason and faith, the essence of soul alive with radiant love, here we have our focus on the reality of the Creation we exist in and share. On the wings of this balance, we attain the skies of the Spirit. Surely those who have faith and govern their ways according to eternal truth are haloing the holy light that shines from the gates of the beginning.

    In times of a flood of media and facts, our clear reason rests on a fine point of faith. Without faith even the wisest of people are blinded by a phantasmagoria of intellectual idols. Falling by the wayside, bowing to lifeless conceptual idols, this is a reaching below oneself to a dead plane of being. To be spiritually dead is to be at evil's command. Our true inner nature seeks to grow each day as we realize that the first miracle is the beautiful and orderly existence

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