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Inner and Outer Meanings of New Testament
Inner and Outer Meanings of New Testament
Inner and Outer Meanings of New Testament
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Inner and Outer Meanings of New Testament

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The God Christ is different from the historical Christ .Without a ban on celibacy and asceticism, Christianity will die and disappear from the earth. Most of the teachings given by Christ are meant for sages and saints living in the monasteries, and they are not meant for the common man living in the street. The employers say, “No work, no pay,” but God says, “No work, no grace.” According to inner meanings, the dead body of Christ was shifted from the old tomb to a new tomb by one of his followers. A belief in resurrection of Christ is false.

God and nature are two different and independent realities in the world. Our libido is created by all the instinct found in human race and in our animal ancestors. The major part of conscience is acquired from society. However, a minority of conscience is innate and transmitted into us from our animal ancestors. The altruist apes preferred to face the tiger and protect their females and offspring. The egoistic ape preferred to run away from the tiger. The interbreeding of altruistic apes and egoistic apes created in man a conflict between good and evil.

We can know the difference between right and wrong by the rule of substitution. The sense of space is created by the inverse square law. There is only a phenomenal aestheticism, and there is no transcendental aestheticism. The world is eternal. It is claimed that a woman with six or more breasts can descend on earth either by scientific means or by confining the marriages between those families that give birth to two or more children at one time.

This work has been dedicated to martyr Nathuram Vinayak Godse.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateNov 7, 2018
Inner and Outer Meanings of New Testament

Singh M Parashar

Singh M Parashar was born in India in 1939 and he gained an Msc degree from Indore University . After working as a research officer for Forest Research Institute in Dehradun for five years , he moved to France for further training .

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    Inner and Outer Meanings of New Testament - Singh M Parashar


    Creed a system of religious beliefs that is, confession of faith. Christianity is composed of Catholics, Protestants and eastern orthodox churches. Christianity is based on the teachings given by Jesus Christ that is humility, kindness, love etc.… Creed is created by having a faith in revealed holy books. Code is a divinely approved and inspired system of human laws.

    The Christian religion is based on the Old Testament and the New Testament. The confession of Christian beliefs deal with a belief in God, God’s revelations, the Person and doing of Christ, sin and man, God’s purpose, doctrine of trinity etc.

    Christianity throws light on the nature of God and God is regarded by Christianity as the creator of all things. Christianity also creates a belief in the doctrine of Trinity that is, one God existing eternally in 3 Persons (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). Christianity also says that Bible contains the revelations made by God, and Bible is infallible that is, free from errors. Christianity tell us to believe in virgin birth (divinely conceived) and spinelessness of Mary. Catholics believe in the perpetual virginity of Mary. Christianity tell us about the miracles performed by Jesus Christ. Christianity tell us to believe in the freedom of will and transubstantiation.

    Christianity claims that Christ shed his blood for our sins. Christianity says that the death of Christ was a substitutionary atonement for our sins. Christianity tell us that Jesus Christ was buried in a tomb and a belief in the bodily resurrection of Christ, the Savior is confirmed by the Gospels. Christianity also tell us to believe in physical ascent of Jesus directly to heaven. Christianity tell us that Jesus Christ sits on the right hand of God.

    Christianity also tell us to believe in the 2nd coming of Christ that is, that Christ will return from heaven in full power and glory. Christianity tell us about the general resurrection of just and unjust. Christianity says that the final judgment will be made by Christ and the virtuous will be rewarded and they will enjoy eternal happiness, and unjust will suffer eternal punishment. Church is a holy community of believers. Christians believe that a spiritual unity is created by Jesus Christ. Church is created by a friendly association among Christians. Christians are expected to seek an admission into the church by infant or adult baptism, by a confession of faith and by the sacrament of Lord’s Supper.

    Rational people reject beliefs in the virgin birth of Jesus, the miracles performed by Jesus, the physical resurrection of Jesus, the ascension of Jesus etc.… Christians are expected to believe in the worship ceremony of Mass that (Lord’s Supper). All Christians are expected to believe in the doctrine of transubstantiation of the sacramental bread and wine that is, during the Eucharist the whole substance of bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Christ.


    Christianity tell us that God is one and only one and he is infinite, universal, perfect, eternal and he is called by the Christians as Father. According to Christianity God is personal, pure spirit, all-powerful, all-knowing, holy, supremely good, and he takes a fatherly care of all of us. God is worthy of love and worship and God demands an ethical life from all of us.

    Christianity says that man totally depends on God’s help and mercy. God is perfect and evil is against the nature of God. Christians believe in the divine foreknowledge. God took full care of the spirit of Christ and neglected his physical body.

    The Exodus 33:20 says: Man cannot see my face, for man shall not see Me and live.

    God is unknowable and all statements about God are based on guesswork. Hence, God did not make any covenant (promise) with any prophet. All holy books were written by divine inspirations and they were not revealed directly by God.

    Nietzsche said: God is dead.

    Confucius, Buddha and Jainism maintained a complete silence on God. Hence, a religion without God is possible. However, a religion without God is always a weak religion.

    According to Christianity God is both transcendent and immanent. Christianity says that we can have a personal relationship with God through Faith in Jesus Christ.

    Corinthian 8:4 tell us that God is one and only one.

    Aristotle said that God is Mind and he regarded God is a self-thinker and God’s thinking is a thinking of thinking. God is busy in contemplation. Energy is consumed by thinking. Hence, the source of supply of energy must be outside God. Aristotle regarded God as pure Actuality without matter. Aristotle believed that God is ignorant of particulars. Aristotle said that there can be no friendship between a man and God. Plato said that God is a perfect soul. All things will ultimately return to God. The area of God is different from the area of Nature. Matter will never return to God. Only the spirits of good people will return to God. Sankara said that God is without qualities.

    Spinoza said that God has got infinite attributes. God is a substance and he does not depend on anything else. Taoism says: The Not-Itself comes from itself.

    Saint Anselm said that God is self-caused.

    Christianity and theism tell us that God is perfect and personal, that is having a consciousness. Pascal Blaise said that God is impersonal. The corporeal God becomes an incorporeal spirit and vice versa. Judaism says that God is personal, non-dual, holy, infinite, perfect, eternal and incorporeal and he is a source of all virtues. Jews and Christians believe in the existence of many spiritual beings. However, Jews are expected to worship one and only one God. Men of all religions suffer from religious prejudice and they say: Except one religion all religions are not true.

    Jeremiah declared that except Judaism all religions are false and God punishes the idolaters. During the earlier stages Yahweh was a tribal god. Judaism says that God is not a cosmic force. We cannot say prayer to gravitational force of earth. We can say our prayers only to a personal being who hears and answers our prayers. The God of Confucius is an impersonal Heaven.

    Reason is in favor of an impersonal God. We can say our prayers only to a being who is sensitive to our prayer that is, who hears and answers our prayer. Hence God is personal as well as impersonal. By a mystical process the impersonal God becomes a personal God and vice versa. Hegel said that the Absolute is rational and spiritual. Pantheism was rejected by Hegel. The anthropomorphic God is like human being and he has got eyes, ears, hands, mouth, legs etc.…

    Many Christians believe in the human form of God that is, like a king sitting on a throne of finite size. God is an infinite being and he cannot be made to sit on a throne of finite size. Idolatry is rejected by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. God is omnipresent and he is also present inside and outside the idols. Christianity claims that Jesus Christ was a personal God. According to inner meanings God Christ is different from the historical Christ. Plotinus said that God is impersonal soul. Plotinus believed that the spirits seeks to return back to The One. Saint Augustine said that God is a personal being and he accepted a clash between simplicity and Trinity.

    Hindus believe that Brahman is impersonal Supreme Spirit. The impersonal Brahman becomes a personal Brahman by his own will. Taoism declared that Tao is impersonal. God is changeless. The creation of the world amounts to a change in the mind of God. God is indivisible and he is pure spirit without matter. Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism regarded God as spirit. Saint Anselm said that God is pure spirit. Descartes said that God has no personality and God is Spirit with will and intellect. The Greek and the Hebrew people said that God has the attribute of infinity, immutability, impassibility. And they also believed that God is omniscience and omnipotence. According to Matthew 19:26 Jesus said: For human being this is impossible, however with God everything is possible. Thomas Aquinas said that God is incorporeal and he cannot do irrational things. In God existence and essence are identical. God does not become weary, angry and sad. God is eternal and he is an unmoved being. God cannot be defined.

    Generally it is accepted that God is without sex. God is a changeless changer. Christianity says that God is the judge of all and every man will be judged by God. There can be many possible interpretations of the bible. Kant, Hobbes and Schopenhauer said that the Ultimate Reality is physical. Kant said that God is a noumenon being and he can only be reached by intellectual intuition. Kant and Hume were agnostics and they declared that we cannot transcend the world of sense experience.

    Ethical or moral attributes of God are those which are directed towards man or heart. God is Truth. God is justice. God is moral purity. The moral beauty is superior to the physical beauty. Satyam Shivam Sundaram (God is truth and God is the real beauty). God is peace. God is altruism. The Christian God is a God of love and he is benevolent being. There is a hierarchy of morals and justice is the supreme virtue of God. Feuerbach said that the ethical ideas of man are projected and ascribed to God. Plato identified God with the Good. Good and evil came into existence only after the evolution of man from ape. If there is a Form of Good than there must be a Form of Evil. If there is a moral law in man than there must be an immoral law inside every man. It is said that the ethical qualities of God were borrowed from the tribal customs and morality. God is perfect and a perfect moral goodness is found in God alone. Hence, God deserve a worship from all of us. God wants obedience and righteousness from all men on earth. Man feels that he depends on God’s help. Kant said that the ultimate Principle of reality is some kind of activity. God is fully concerned with moral activities. Believers move from God to man and atheist move from man to God. Atheists say that human attributes are ascribed to God. Scripture tell us that the Lord is a jealous God. God is unknowable and all statements about God are based on guesswork.

    Leibnitz said that God is a monad of the monads (spiritual entities). Spiritual entities are beyond sense experience. 2 Corinthians 13:11 tell us that God is love and peace. According to John 4:8 God is Love. Romans 15:33 tell us that God is peace. According to Luke 6:36 Father is merciful. Hence, all of us should merciful. Hebrew 4:13 says that God has full knowledge of all things and living beings on earth.

    God is a God of justice God is a wrathful God and God demands killing of unjust people. Lord Krishna asked Arjuna to kill the unjust people. According to Koran God uses the hands of believers and chastises the sinners by killing them. Justice demands killing of unjust people. God is an impartial being. However Judaism claims that God is a choosing being and God has chosen Jews above all other nations. All are equal in the eyes of God. God has not selected any nation above other nations. Romans 9:18 says that God is merciful on whom he likes and God becomes hardened on whomever he wants. All are equal in the eyes of God. God is an impartial being. According to Romans 9: 15-18 God told Moses that he is merciful on whom he likes and he becomes hardened on whom he likes. According to Acts 10:34 Peter said that God is impartial and no favoritism is shown by God and all are equal in the eyes of God. Christianity tell us that God is the ruler, creator and preserver of all things. Evolution creates a belief in continuous creation. Theism says that God is both immanence and transcendence. Aristotle and Hinduism declared that the world is eternal. Hume and Spinoza said that there is no design in the world.

    According to Christianity and Judaism God and World are two. God is greater than the world. The builder is greater than the building. The architect is greater than the design. The carpenter is greater than the table. The creature and the creator are two. Spinoza said that God and world are one.

    Christianity tell us that God is the creator, ruler, sustainer, controller of the world. The world is sustained by the gravitational forces of Nature. Plato said that the world was created by a demiurge. God brought order out of disorder. Augustine said that God is not immanent in the world and the world was created in time by God. Hegel said that the Absolute wants to create a society in which all men are free. Mohammed said that God wants to create a society in which all men are pure. Philo said that God is transcendent and he is unknowable. Hegel God reveals himself in the consciousness. The truth is that God reveals himself in the consciousness of good people alone. Bhagavad Gita preaches a middle path between pantheism and theism. Freud said that God is the Father of childhood.


    A belief in God is necessary for morality. The consequences of a belief in God are good. Good is that which is useful and bad is that which is harmful. Saint Augustine said that man will remain restless till he finds rest in God. During death and other misfortunes God is a great source of consolation. Saint Augustine asked people to believe in order to understand. God is always unknowable and we should believe in order to enjoy peace of mind. During prayers believers stand in the same line and we feel that all are equal in the eyes of God, and low self-esteem is destroyed. The doubters cannot gain anything from God. A spiritual consolation and quietness of mind are created by remembering God’s name. Mental tension is best destroyed by making prayers to God. A belief in God saves us from anxiety, depression and solitude. With the help of God the unbearable pain becomes bearable. Atheists are unhappy and they suffer from solitude and depression.

    By making prayers to God the irresistible impulses can converted into resistible impulses. God is a psychologically needed being. A belief in God produces self-confidence, inner stability and the quality of making persistent efforts in adverse circumstances. God is a protector and a healer. During prayers we feel that man is not alone in the world and God is with us. A belief in God saves people from committing suicides. Only God can save us from our death due to sorrow. A high level of stress is linked to brain chemicals and hormones like adrenaline, and heart function is injured by these Brain chemicals. The false kiss of a young girl can also save a man from committing suicide.

    Pascal Blaise said that without God man is miserable. Prayers saves a man from suicidal impulse. Suicides are committed by the atheists and unmarried people. God is the best killer of depression and atheists say final goodbye to life due to depression. The post-traumatic stress can only be removed by making prayers to God. With the help of God we can adjust to the death of a close relative or friend. A prayer to God is better than taking a medicine for overcoming sadness and difficulty in sleeping. God is the best remover of the depression, anxiety, emotional numbness, and stress disorder. During prayers all men stand in the same row and the inferiority complex is destroyed as all men are equal before God.

    The believers and churchgoers are more moral, happy and peaceful than the unbelievers. An inner strength and a will of steel is created by making prayers to God. Believers say: Allah is our strength and Allah is with us. Hence, we lose nothing by believing in God. Oaths taken in the name of God or holy books cause’s people to speak the truth. Epicurus said that religion is a source of fear and no golden chain will be lowered from sky for helping people on earth.

    God is a source of great strength, and fear, frustration and deprivation are best destroyed by remembering the name of God. Mohammed said that religion is a killer of fear. During wars names of God are recited and the believers say that victory comes from Allah. Mohammed asked people to seek refuge in God. God is a helper of the helpless. People remember God at their death beds and face the death with a courage. During troubles, loneliness, sickness and traumatic effect or impact God is the best medicine. A belief in God saves people from crimes as our open and hidden acts are being watched by the all-seeing eyes of God and this fact can be proved from a record of prisons. Only few criminals are the church goer. Character and moral purity are created by having a faith in God, religious education and family influence. A firm belief in God saves a man from sins and sins are erased by turning to God. Pascal Blaise said that God will give an eternal life for doing good deeds.

    The God of all religions is one and same and religious conflicts are due to ignorance. The supreme is one and he is called by various names. The God of Judaism is a national God and the God of Christianity is a universal God. The Shema says: Hear Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. Some religious terms:-Atheism says that there is no God. Atheists are generally unhappy. There is no God in Buddhism, Jainism and Samkhya and the followers of these religions are generally law obeying people. The ethics of all religions is nearly same. Agnosticism:- Due to an absent of material proof of God’s existence the existence of God is doubted by agnostic people. Agnostics also doubt divine revelations. Anthropomorphism says that God is like a man. Anthropomorphism is rejected by Christianity and Judaism. Hindus believe in an anthropomorphic and personal Brahman.

    Deism is a belief in the existence of God on purely rational grounds without reliance on revelations or authority. Deists say that God is the external creator of the world and its laws, but further takes no part in its functioning. The world is a self-sustaining system. The absentee God is on holidays and he is non intervenist. Deism says that God is personal and there is no divine providence in the world. Theism says that God created and ordered the universe. God is personal, spiritual transcendent and ruler of the world. Theism says that God is one and knowable by revelations. Theism says that God is one, supreme and personal. Naturalism says that there is no supernatural controller of the world. Greek believed in naturalism and there is no supernatural intervention. Monism says that all is one. Leibniz also believed in monism. Monotheism creates a belief that there is only one God who is the creator, ruler of the world, eternal, infinite, all-powerful, all-knowing. Theism tell us that God is one and he is the creator, and ruler of the universe and known to us by revelations. God is continuously active in the world. It is our duty to worship God. Polytheism is a belief and worship of many gods. Judaism is journey from polytheism to pure monotheism through henotheism.

    Pantheism is a doctrine that God or the Ultimate Reality is not a personality, but all laws, forces, manifestations and a toleration of worship of gods of all religions is demanded by it. God is the sum total of all things contained in the universe. Pantheism creates a belief in divine immanence in the world and in human soul. Hinduism also tell us that the world of changing things is an illusion (Maya) and all is Brahma. Spinoza said that God is all inclusive and mind and body are modes of God. According to pantheism the world is deterministic. God is the sole reality in the universe and the world of phenomena is an illusion. Pantheism says that the world emanated from God and God is not a transcendental being. Pantheism was rejected by Hegel. Spinozism said that God is immanent in the world and he is not a transcendent. A belief in divine immanence is rejected by the presence of evil in the world. Spinoza said that there is only one infinite substance. God and world are identical. God and Nature are one. God has got infinite attributes of which only thought and extension are known. God is impersonal. God is changeless. However, Spinoza accepted local changes. The sea level remains constant as the loss of water due to evaporation etc.… Is equal to the water brought by rivers. Spinoza said that God has got infinite attributes and he has a body as well as a spirit. Spinoza believed in all-embracing monism. Spinoza said that there is neither any design nor any purpose in the universe. Spinoza said that God is not personal and he is self-sufficient. Materialism says that Only this world is real and sense perception is the only source of getting knowledge. Matter is the sole reality. Monism says that there is only one substance or principle, whether mind (idealism) or matter (materialism) or some 3rd thing that is the basis of both. Monism and pantheism tell us that all is one.


    Many Christians became atheist due to a wrong concept of Trinity. A belief in the doctrine of Trinity is accepted by the external and literary meanings. A belief in the doctrine of Trinity is rejected by the inner meanings. Trinity is a doctrine of three persons contained in the Godhead that is, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christians believe in a union of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Christians believe in the threefold personality of one Divine Being. The Godhead is infinite and all-inclusive. By the doctrine of Trinity concentration of a worshipper is divided in three direction and a great confusion is created by the concept of Trinity. Christianity tell us that God is Triune that is, there is a unity in trinity and a trinity in unity. Christianity claims a union of human nature and a divine nature in Christ and we are told that Christ was an incarnation of God in human form. The divinity of Christ is the main pillar of Christianity. Jesus was truly a man and truly divine. Jesus Christ had a spiritual nature and a divine nature. Christianity says that there is one God existing in 3 equal and eternal Persons that is, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christianity claims that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are of same substance and equal in power and glory, and they are coeternal. However, their personal properties are different. Origen said that the Son was subordinate to Father in power and dignity. Unitarianism: - The divinity of Jesus Christ is rejected by Unitarianism and Manichaeism. Unitarianism declared that Jesus was merely a human being. Only the moral teachings of Jesus are accepted by Unitarianism. The doctrine of Trinity is not accepted by Unitarianism. Unitarianism says that God exists only in one Person. Unitarianism is superior to Trinitarians. John the Scott said that the Holy Trinity is active inside all of us. A belief in the doctrine of Trinity was rejected by Judaism and deism. Trinitarians equals polytheism.

    There are many interpretations of the doctrine of Trinity. Some people claimed that the three persons were of a single divine essence that is, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit were 3 Persons with a single divine essence. Logos is reason (nous or divine mind). Christianity claims that Logos was Christ. Arius said that Logos is not a creature, and Logos is not divine and Logos is mutable. Arinism says that Jesus was not of the same substance as God. I think Logos is Nature and God and Nature two independent and conflicting realities in the universe. Christians say that Logos is the governor of Nature. Arianism declared that Jesus was not of the same substance as God, but a created being exalted above all creatures. Hegel accepted a belief in the doctrine of Trinity and Holy Spirit.

    Christians say that Jesus Christ sixtieth on the right hand of God (the Father and the Almighty). The preexistence and incarnation of Jesus Christ:- The concept of incarnation tell us that God is not an impersonal deity. Christianity says that God was Word (the Ultimate Reality or the Spirit of God). The Ultimate Reality is also called as Logos. Christianity says that the divine Word became flesh. We can believe that the wheat, orange, rice and drink can become flesh. Christianity says that the Word is Truth.

    God is all-knowing and the Day of Judgment was unknown to Jesus Christ. Hence, Jesus was not God. According to Mark 13:32 Jesus accepted that no one knows about the hour, except the Father. God is eternal and Jesus died on cross. Hence Jesus was not God. Christians believe in the divinity of indwelling Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ claimed that he was sent by the Father. God and Jesus are put by Christianity on the same level and it is claimed that they are coequal and coeternal in power and essence.

    Monophysite is a person who believes that Christ had but one nature, or a composite nature of both the human and the divine, a tenant held as by the members of Coptic Church. Christianity says that Jesus was the Son of God. All of us are the sons of God. Christians say that Jesus was the only - begotten Son of God. Christians say that Jesus Christ is eternal and he is the 2nd Person of Trinity. Jesus incarnated in human form with human nature. The incarnation of Jesus was a material embodiment of God and purpose of incarnation was to reveal the will of God. The aim of incarnation was to bring a reconciliation between man and God. Some people believe that Jesus announced an already existing reconciliation. Jesus Christ descended from heaven to earth with an aim to suffer humiliation on behalf of sinners. Christ wanted a salvation of the whole mankind. Bhagavad Gita says that whenever evil on earth reaches its climax God incarnates himself on earth with an aim to destroy the evil doers and preserve dharma. The aim of incarnation was to provide moral guidance to people. It is claimed that Jesus was the mediator between God and man. The truth is that there is no mediator and every man can directly contact God by making prayers to him.

    Colossians 2:9 tell us that God existed in Jesus in human form. 1 John 4:10 tell us that God loved us and he sent his son with an aim to cancel our sins. Jesus asked people to live a life of love and self-denial, and by following the example of Jesus every man can get reconciliation. Christianity says that Jesus was the Savior and he replaced the laws of God and Christ’s redemptive act was a substitutionary atonement that is,by Jesus sufferings and death a redeeming of mankind took place. Hence, Jesus brought about a reconciliation of God to man. Christianity repeatedly tell us that Jesus Christ had 2 distinct nature that is, a human nature and a divine nature. Nestorianism declared that the divine and the human existed as two distinct natures in Christ and their followers denied that the virgin was the Mother of God. Augustine also believed in the doctrine of Trinity that is,there are 3 Persons in One. Saint Augustine said that Logos made the flesh and Logos revealed himself in Christ. It is claimed by Christianity that the world was created by Logos. The creator of a thing will always make use of the thing created by him. Infinite land on other planets is lying unused. Hence, the world is eternal.

    Christianity tell us that God sent his only son to live temporarily on earth in the body of man Jesus. Islam declared that Jesus was not divine. God is deathless and the death of Christ on cross is against the nature of God. Gnostic declared that Jesus was merely a man. John tell us that the Logos was a particular Person. Logos is not susceptible to death and sufferings. Hence, Jesus was not Logos Saint John 1:18 says that the Word was converted into flesh and during the beginning the Word was with God and the Word was God.

    Druses say that Al-Hakim was an earthy and last incarnation of God. Hindus say that Rama and Krishna were the incarnations of God. There are many incarnations in Hinduism and in Christianity there is only one incarnation. Platonism rejected a belief in incarnation of God in human form. Origen said that incarnation equals a change in the mind of God, and nothing is fully incorporeal except God. A belief in incarnation of God in human form was rejected by the Jews as this amounts to polytheism and heresies. Jews regarded Jesus as a heretic. Jews believed that Yahweh was the only covenant making God. John 1:14 tell us that the Word became flesh and lived among us. It is claimed that Jesus was the 2nd Adam. Jesus was born of Virgin Mary and conceived by the Holy Spirit. Mary was pure, holy and virgin. This is the one of the article of creed of Christianity. A belief in supernatural origin of Jesus Christ is unscientific. The miraculous birth of Jesus without a sexual intercourse with any human being is unscientific. With the help of modern technology a human egg can be developed into embryonic stage by without any kind of fertilization or outside genetic material. Children can be produced with maternal genes only. It is claimed that lizards can also produce a form of virgin birth. Hegel said that the World- Spirit is undergoing repeated incarnations. In Hinduism there are many incarnations of God. Isaiah 7:14 tell us that the Lord will provide you a sign, and the virgin is going to be conceived; and give birth to a son. He will be called as Immanuel. A belief in prophecies is false. All prophecies were made by guess work. Matthew 1:21 says: She is going to give birth to a son, and you will call him as Jesus, because he is going to save people from sins.

    According to Acts 7:55 with the help of Holy Spirit Stephan saw that Jesus was standing on the right hand of God. According to internal meanings Stephan saw Jesus only in a vision or dream. According to Matthew 3:17 a voice announced: This is my son, who is loved by me, and I am much pleased with him. Bible tell us that at the time of transfiguration of Jesus Christ, Moses and Elijah appeared and the voice of God announced Son. It is hard to believe in the above story. According to Luke 4:41 a large number of demons came out and they shouted, ‘you are the Son of God. According to John 10:29 Jesus said: My Father has placed them under my control, and he is the greatest of all. Judas the Iscariot was placed under the control of Jesus and he was taken away by the Jews. According to John 14:28 Jesus said: The Father is greater than I". The Father generated the Son and Father existed before the Son came into existence.

    Unitarianism says: Jesus was inferior to Father.


    A belief in Holy Spirit is accepted by outer meanings and rejected by deeper meanings.

    Judaism declared that Holy Spirit is not a personal being. Christianity says that the Holy Spirit mediate between man and God and it can descends or enter into the believer’s. The true meanings of Holy Spirit: - Zachariah and other people were filled with Holy Spirit. According to inner meanings they were filed with divine inspirations. The heavenly Father gives the gift of holy spirit that is, divine inspirations. John the Scot said that the world of ideas is eternal due to the influence exerted by the Holy Spirit. God is like the Sun and he throws spiritual rays or radiations in to the heart of every man. Man is the maker of his own spirit and a good spirit is created by doing good and a bad spirit is created by doing bad. God is Spirit. After crucifixion the spirit of Christ was absorbed in the supreme spirit of the universe and the individuality of Christ was lost forever. Saint Paul was the interpreter of the doing and saying of Jesus Christ. Due to his efforts Christianity became a religion of Roman Empire. Saint Paul said that Holy Spirit spoke through the mouth of Isaiah. Aquinas said that the doctrine of Holy or blessed Trinity and incarnation are the objects of faith and they are beyond our capacity to understand. Leibniz said that the doctrine of Trinity is above reason beyond the rational capacity of man.

    The church Fathers maintained that the Holy Spirit is far superior to angels. Christianity claims that the task of creation was conducted through the Son and all things are blessed by Holy Spirit. A belief in a tri-headed God (3 Three Gods) amounts to polytheism. We are told by Christianity to have a blind faith in Trinity.

    A one pointed concentration is destroyed by a belief in trinity and atheism is created by the doctrine of trinity. It is very easy to focus on a single point or God. Trinity is against a belief in monotheism. Thomas Aquinas and Saint Augustine accepted a belief in the concept of Trinity. Christianity claims that Jesus was the real image of God. According to Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter said: Thou art the Christ, the son of an eternal God. According to Matthew 26:63 the High Priest said to Jesus: Tell me under oath that you are the Son of God or Messiah. According to Mark 14:64 Jesus said to the High Priest: These are your own words. Christianity says that In the hereafter the Son of Man will sit on the right hand of God and he will come back again in the clouds of heaven. Mark 1:23-24 tells us that a man suffering from unclean spirit was present in the synagogue and he said: O Jesus have you come to kill us. Jesus was merely human being and a teacher of mankind. Christians believe that the Holy Spirit becomes active inside every man during his prayer service. Some Christians claim that Holy Spirit is a living creatures having consciousness. Calvin asked people to seek the inner testimony of the holy spirit by a correct understanding of bible. Some Christians claim that Holy Spirit is the impersonal spirit of God and it is immaterial and invisible power which produces physical effects. Holy Spirit is a tool in the hands of God. The followers of Peyotes say that the holy spirit is immaterial and invisible. Holy Spirit acts as an intercessor(mediator) between man and God. Luke 1:35 says that God acts through the Holy Spirit. The will of God is executed by Holy Spirit.


    Christianity says that the goal of life is to enjoy a beatitude (supreme and perfect happiness). Many people want to enjoy a vision of God. Mortal men cannot see God face to face. God is pure spirit. People want to live in the presence of God. The goal of life is to live in company of God, and enjoy eternal life in the kingdom of God. The life-plan of every religious man is directed on God. Christianity told us that the goal of life is to enjoy a mystical union with the divine Christ. The goal of life of every Christian is to seek a union with Christ through the medium of Holy Spirit. The goal of every Hindu is enjoy a union of his soul with Bram-Atman that is, the Supreme Soul of the universe. Epicurus said that there is no purpose in life. Spinoza said that the goal of life is to seek mystic union with God. Thomas Aquinas said that the goal of life is to enjoy a Beautic Vision of God. Saint Ambrose said that the goal of life to get a vision of God. Plato said that the goal of life to seek an absorption into God. All things will return back to God. According to Hinduism every soul emanated from the supreme soul of the universe and there is an absorption or merger of the purified soul into the Supreme Soul. Human soul is like a traveler and soul becomes purified only after several births. Nirvana is obtained by a union of one’s soul with the Brahma. Buddhism declared that Nirvana is got by an absorption of soul into the Supreme Soul of the universe and the individuality is lost forever. Sankara said that individuality is lost after the merger of soul into the supreme soul. Ramanuja said that individuality is maintained after the absorption of soul into the supreme soul. God is like a sea and human soul is like a drop of water. Hence, the individuality is lost after the merger of individual soul into the Supreme Soul. The soul of Jesus was absorbed into the Supreme Soul of the world and the individuality of Jesus came to an end. Hinduism says that the goal of life is to escape from the cycle of birth and death. Martyr Satwant Singh said: "I want to take birth again and again and become a martyr again and again. I do not want an escape

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