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The Gathering - Preparing the Planet for Ascension
The Gathering - Preparing the Planet for Ascension
The Gathering - Preparing the Planet for Ascension
Ebook196 pages3 hours

The Gathering - Preparing the Planet for Ascension

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About this ebook

The Gathering is a story about ascension. It is a fictional story, but many of the ideas are close to the truth. For instance, a gathering is taking place today on this planet. This is a gathering of advanced souls who have come for the single purpose of raising the vibration of Earth.

This is a metaphysical book for those on a new-age spiritual path. It will feed your soul as it delves into subjects such as Gnostic spirituality, ascension, spiritual dimensions, spirit guides, DNA changes, the coming Earth shift, and the crystalline grid. Many ideas are covered that will help those on their spiritual journey.

The Gathering is a very timely book. It helps to explain what is happening today and the transition into a new way of life. It shows how new communities will form, including their structures and foundations. And like in Durrett's previous books, the spirituality of the future is clearly described.

PublisherDon Durrett
Release dateMay 24, 2024
The Gathering - Preparing the Planet for Ascension

Don Durrett

I was born in 1960, on March 18th. That makes me a Pisces and a 5 of diamonds. I'm also a Cancer rising with a Sagittarius moon. In the Michael Teachings, I'm a priest-scholar, 5th level old soul. As for numerology, I'm a 28/10, with a 1 lifepath. I began writing in 1990 and have written nine metaphysical books and one workbook. I turned 50 in 2010 and decided it was time to publish. I now have self published six books and a workbook, which are available in both print and digital format, and have plans to publish more in the future. My books are for both those new to metaphysics and those who are challenged to find books that feed their soul. Five of my books are stories that make spirituality accessible and fun to explore. I recommend that you read Finding Your Soul first. It is a story that is enjoyable to read and also provides my spiritual philosophy. I am more of a philosopher than a writer. In fact, I don't consider myself a great writer. I do, however, consider my books of substantial value. I'm an ancient philosopher. For this reason, I have the ability to write about metaphysics in a way that is very accessible and understandable. Moreover, because writing about the unknowable is not easy, I offer a unique quality that is not easily found. One wonderful thing about my books is that if you like one, you have five more to read. Also, my books are short and fast to read. None of my books will take more than a week, and some fast readers can read them in one day. Read the first chapter of Finding Your Soul on my website, and you will know exactly what you have found.

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Reviews for The Gathering - Preparing the Planet for Ascension

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book filled with hope and inspiration. Resonates with the soul.
    After dreaming of something similar many years ago to read it in a novel was heart warming

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The Gathering - Preparing the Planet for Ascension - Don Durrett

Books by Don Durrett


A Stranger From the Past


Conversations With an Immortal


Finding Your Soul


Finding Your Soul Workbook


New Thinking for the New Age


Spirit Club


Last of the Gnostics


Ascension Training


The Way


Team Creator


The Path Forward


Get Healthy / Stay Healthy


America’s Political Cold War


Post America: A New Constitution


The Demise of America

Evolve is the mystery, love is the key,

Evil is the history, live to be,

Hate is the pain that saddens the heart,

Hearsay is the heresy that kills love before it starts.


We are the ones, we have always been,

We were too afraid to stand, now we fear not to,

Time has taken over, love is on the rise,

The fire burns in our hearts and light shines from our eyes.


Stand united as the darkness falls away,

Stand strong in heart and love never fades away,

Stand for love or fall into the trap of ignorance and greed,

A journey of no return, what you sow you will always reap.


Time to help awake those still asleep,

Help them see their dreams are more true than fear,

Help them to their hearts and keep their minds clear,

We do this with a laugh, a smile and loving honest cheer.


So raise a glass of mead like the old times,

Sing and dance as the darkness revives its crimes,

Let the love in your heart shine,

and all will be fine.


- Tor Webster




Chapter One - It Begins

Chapter Two - The Volunteers

Chapter Three - The Other Side

Chapter Four - The Spirit Guides

Chapter Five - Move Volunteers

Chapter Six - The Healing Centers

Chapter Seven - The Healing Center Is Built

Chapter Eight - The Healing Center Opens

Chapter Nine - The U.S. Changes

Chapter Ten - The New Earth


This book is a fictional story, although many of the events depicted are close to the truth. For instance, the title of this book is a real event. There is a gathering taking place today. This gathering is occurring because advanced souls have been called to volunteer in what can only be called project Earth Awaken. These advanced souls would normally avoid a planet such as Earth that is mired in negativity and spiritual ignorance. In fact, many of them are so highly evolved that they would never even have considered coming to this planet at this time. But they are here. They came to help, because of the calling.

We are in the process of transforming this planet from one of very little spiritual awareness to one that is highly evolved, a process that is extremely rare in the cosmos. In fact, this is perhaps the biggest leap in spiritual awareness that a planet has ever undertaken as a complete civilization. This awakening could not happen without help, and that is why the gathering is taking place.

Perhaps I should back up a bit and explain how this calling went out. Sometime in our past, the DNA of humanity on Earth was modified nefariously by extraterrestrials (from my understanding). At that time, humanity was using twelve strands of DNA instead of two. We were aware of our inherent divinity and our direct connection with the Creator. This was the time of Lemuria and early Atlantis. It was a period of harmony and utopia.

When our DNA was modified, it severely limited access to our soul and divine connection. It set up a period of spiritual ignorance that has lasted until today. The ramifications have been a long history of war and violence that still continues.

This is going to be hard to believe, but at that time, a plan was put in motion (from my understanding) to repair our DNA back to twelve strands. It was recognized then that our twelve strands could not be repaired in a short time. In fact, it was estimated that the process would take approximately 100,000 years. And, it was also recognized that we might fail.

For the first 98,000 years or so, not much changed. Then Jesus came and put in motion the final act. He came to give humanity a push in the right direction. Many of the early Gnostics (Gnosis means knowledge, and a Gnostic is someone who has direct knowledge of God), especially the Cathars,¹ understood what Jesus came to teach. Likewise, many in the East already understood the messages he shared. But as the Catholic Church became dominant, the true teachings were suppressed. Gnostics were frequently killed as heretics, and not a small number were burned at the stake by Catholic inquisitors. The written words of the Gnostics were also burned and destroyed. The knowledge of a direct connection with God the Creator languished.

Then in the 19th century, spirituality began to awaken, and metaphysical practices began to appear in the West. The term spiritualism was born. This was mainly practiced by a tiny portion of the population, who became intrigued by the soul’s connection to other dimensions. Spiritualism continued to expand in the 20th century, leading to the appearance of many people channeling spirits from the other side. This included Edgar Cayce in the 1930s and Jane Roberts in the 1960s. These channelings began to teach the world the truth about our soul and true heritage. Then in 1987, the Harmonic Convergence occurred, and large numbers of people began to awaken to the truth about the soul. The final wave began. This is when the volunteers began to appear. Most of them have stayed out of the public eye doing spiritual work and holistic healing that is raising the vibration of the planet.

What nearly all of the volunteers have in common is that they are Gnostics. They know that their soul exists and that it provides a divine eternal consciousness that makes them one with God. This knowing makes them unusual and to a large degree outcasts. For, they can’t exactly go around telling people that they are literally divinity incarnate. The volunteers are forced to share their awareness and spirituality in ways that are somewhat hidden from the mainstream. This book was written to show how they share their spiritual knowledge and how they are the unknown heroes who are saving this planet from destruction. To illustrate the work being done by the volunteers, I describe the journeys of several. These stories are fictional, although some of the details are based on the lives of real volunteers who I have met along the way.

I don’t know the exact number of souls who have volunteered to incarnate at this time to help with project Earth Awaken. But the total is likely in the millions. I do know that I am one of them and a good source to write this book.

* * * * *

This book was written for those who have already begun their spiritual journey and are collecting information for their spiritual awareness and spiritual growth. I have made assumptions that you have already been exposed to many metaphysical concepts, such as Gnosticism, reincarnation, and ascension. If this is your first metaphysical book, I recommend that you first read A Stranger from the Past or Last of the Gnostics, two of my earlier books. 

My purpose for writing this book is to share information. For this reason, I feel it would be useful to briefly explain what this book is about. The first part is about how we choose our lives prior to our incarnation. Not only do we choose our lives, but we choose our personalities and traits. These are chosen for a specific purpose so that we can accomplish our life’s goal. Quite often, we go astray from accomplishing our goal, and I will demonstrate how that can happen and will show you how we can get back on our desired path.

The second part of the book attempts to reveal the near future and what we can expect. And the final part of the book, actually the last chapter, is about ascension. I strongly believe that we are living in a time of wonder, during which people will literally ascend to a higher dimension. One day someone you know will be here, and the next, they will be gone. They will literally disappear. So, while you may think you are reading fiction, I think most of this book is closer to non-fiction.

One final point about ascension. The scenario that I use in the last chapter is food for thought. No one can know exactly how ascension will unfold, and I am sure that I do not know. I provide you with one possibility, and you can use your imagination for what you expect. I do believe that a New Earth exists as a 5th dimensional planet, and that many of us will end up there.


Don Durrett  8/11/2023

Chapter One - It Begins

Sampson appeared before Mestos. Immediately Mestos could read Sampson’s energy and knew something was amiss. He waited for Sampson to convey the issue. They did not speak, but instead used telepathy. Their bodies were made of light and radiated a translucent energy. Both wore white flowing robes, but these were an illusion. Nothing on this plane of reality was physically real. Everything was made of energy and easily created with the mind.

Sampson began communicating directly to Mestos using his mind. Our fears have manifested. The DNA has been manipulated on Earth. They have lost their conscious connection to their soul. Only two strands are now active.

Mestos did not reply, but merely nodded in contemplation. He had known this outcome was likely and had been planning for it.

Mestos, as we are both aware, the most likely outcome is that they will destroy their planet.

Sampson, we must do everything that we can to prevent that.

How do you want to proceed?

We can help them to restore their DNA to twelve strands, which will restore their conscious connection to their soul. That is the only way to save Earth’s civilization from destroying themselves.

Sampson was stunned. The entire civilization? How can it be done?

By raising the vibration of the planet. We will use the same method we have always used. We will infiltrate the planet with advanced souls who can impact humanity and raise the vibration.

How long will it take?

I have projected the possibilities and, considering free will, it will take about 100,000 years.

Sampson sighed. That is going to be very difficult. Do you think we can succeed?

Yes, that is our only option.

Mestos, this will require an enormous effort and millions of volunteers. I can’t think of a project of this magnitude ever attempted.

Nor I, Sampson. But if we don’t succeed, they will destroy their civilization.  We can’t allow that outcome. It will impact the entire universe.

Sampson did not reply as he contemplated what needed to be done.

Mestos had already decided on a plan of action. Form a council to construct a plan to restore their DNA. I will give you my input after I study the future timelines in more detail.

Sampson nodded, and then his etheric body slowly disappeared.

* * * * *

Mestos and Sampson were discarnate souls who existed on the 9th dimension. To say they were advanced souls would be an understatement. At this level of existence, the souls were literally gods. They did not have a leader at this level, but if there was one, Mestos would probably be it.

At this level, their lives were spent helping to create and manage universes. It was a complicated job because of the existence of free will. These souls had to decide and determine how they would intercede in the creation and evolution of life itself.

In some respects, they were consultants, giving advice to less evolved souls who were pursuing creation. But they were also auditors, who oversaw the various universes for disharmonious events and choices. It was their job to prevent problems from escalating or impacting others. The Creator could always intercede, but these souls were given the opportunity to use their creativity to harmonize the universes.

In essence, the less evolved souls tended to create a mess using their free will. The Creator would step in and hit the reset button if events got out of hand. The beings on the 9th dimension of existence were the buffer group who could help a civilization from destroying themselves. In other words, the Creator did not leave us without any help for finding our way. Each incarnated soul had at least one spirit guide, along with a higher self, to help them navigate through life. In addition to this, there were many other discarnate helpers and guides who helped civilizations find their way.

* * * * *

Sampson arranged a council. It consisted of twelve discarnate beings, all of whom existed on the 9th dimension. These were the elite: the most evolved and distinguished he could find. They had all been informed of the purpose of the council and the events that had taken place on Earth.

They sat at a circular table. It was manifested instantly to seat twelve people. They all wore similarly manifested robes, which appeared translucent if you looked closely. Mestos opened the meeting using telepathy. Welcome, and thank you for coming. What we are undertaking has never been done before, but I think it is our only choice.

He stopped and waited to see if anyone disagreed with this course of action.

Mestos, I think we all agree that this is a noble undertaking, and we would like to see it succeed. However, the magnitude has some of us concerned. The number of generations involved is substantial. This will require thousands and thousands of generations.

Mestos nodded. Indeed, I know what I am asking. We could do nothing and watch as they destroy themselves. Does anyone here really want to do that?

Mestos waited but there was no reply. It is agreed we must do something. I think we can succeed in raising their vibration over thousands of generations and then reaching a critical mass of enlightenment.

What is your plan, Mestos? One of the souls asked using telepathy, their only form of speaking.

It is simple. It is the same plan we have used successfully many times before. We infiltrate the planet with evolved souls who impact society through sharing their spiritual awareness.

But Mestos, we have never tried to do this before to an entire planet. To change their DNA, they will have to raise their vibration significantly. You will need at least five percent of the planet to become enlightened, and maybe more to reach critical mass.

We have done it several times on a smaller scale, Mestos replied. There is no difference. It will just take a lot of persistence, and a lot of effort.

Again there was silence.

Mestos was asking them to try something that had never been tried before. They had to agree with his logic: it was possible. No one could make a concrete argument that it was impossible. It was just the magnitude that had them concerned. The degree of work and the time required would both be enormous.

"Mestos, I know we have all thought of this, but I think it should be stated. To raise the vibration to the level required to restore their twelve strands of DNA is nearly impossible. Humans with only two strands of DNA find it extremely difficult to

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