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The Search for Truth
The Search for Truth
The Search for Truth
Ebook486 pages7 hours

The Search for Truth

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In The Search for Truth, Erec’s task involves finding the long lost Awen, and it is not only Erec’s crown on the line, but the Substance that holds Alpyium together. To complete the task, Erec must risk the life of his best friend, something he is not sure he can do. The only thing that can save him and Alpyium is a trip back to his own childhood.
Release dateJun 30, 2009

Kaza Kingsley

Kaza Kingsley is a writer, artist, and singer who loves travel and adventure, especially in dangerous and mystical realms. Kaza is also a movie buff and reads constantly when she’s not writing books. When she is not off exploring, she can be found in Cincinnati with her loving family...although she may be dreaming of the stars.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Erec Rex is back in his third adventure trying to save Alyphium. This time Baskania, aka The Shadow Prince, is back again trying to make the Stain Brothers the next kings. From the very beginning it’s easy to see that this is going to be similar to the other two books in that the quests and situations Erec faces will possibly end his life.This time though, it’s not just Erec’s life in danger, it’s also his best friend (and hopefully one day love interest?), Bethany’s life that is also in danger this time. As Erec returns to Alyphium from recovering from the last quests in Upper Earth, which seems to be a pattern, he finds that Bethany is in danger and he must hurry and get to her before she makes a big mistake.The Shadow Prince has found an “inside man,” so to speak and is gaining knowledge about Erec and his ventures, that he shouldn’t know anything about. This means, for Erec that one of his close friends is betraying the trust that he has given them. This also means that somehow, he has to outsmart The Shadow Prince, along with the Stain brothers, and complete his quests.These quests, like all the others, seem like they are becoming exceptionally dangerous and gives me the thought that either Erec can put every superhero to shame or he will be dead by the next book. But since there are still five other books in the series and Erec is the title character, I know this is not the case.This time Erec must “Get behind and set it free,” which is quite amusing to some extent. We also get a lot of unanswered questions answered and, as usual, we get more questions, but in due time they will all be answered, I’m sure. We learn more about The Hermit, whom we have met before, and we also learn a bit more about Oscar, Jack, and Melody (she was Bethany’s roommate in the first book). Erec’s second quest in the book, is to find the Awens and bind them to something else that he’s supposed to get from someone that destroyed it long before. Many sorcerers have tried doing this throughout the years, and they all failed, most with their lives. If Erec chooses to not take this quest on, then Upper Earth will not survive, and eventually neither will their own world. We also not only meet The Fates, but in my case appreciate and quite enjoy them. They bring some much needed humor and a quite a few revelations to light, plus they are just fun!Some of the revelations we get are ones that we saw coming since The Dragon’s Eye, but there are others that are total surprises. There was something about The Search for Truth that The Monster’s of Otherness was missing, and it took me a bit to figure it out and I think I finally did. The Search for Truth was similar to The Dragon’s Eye in the way that we were dealing with Erec and Bethany and Kind Piter and not dealing with so many extra characters.We learned more about why Erec should be doing this and not focusing on the fact that he is doing it just because he seems to have to do it. I am once again left wanting more in this series, but this time I have to wait a lot longer for the next book which doesn’t even have a release date yet. And knowing that I have to wait so long to finish this fabulous series just makes me even more excited and impatient to know what happens next!

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The Search for Truth - Kaza Kingsley


The Substance Channel

IT MUST HAVE been a dream. That was the only explanation Erec Rex could think of for what had just happened. Yes, a nightmare. That’s what it was.

Thirteen-year-old Erec blinked a few times, waiting for his bedroom to appear. It did not. In fact, his skin still looked disturbingly green. And his fingernails—were they shrinking before his eyes? They hadn’t really been long claws a moment ago, had they?

After waiting another minute, Erec squeezed his eyes shut, wishing he was anywhere else. The sad fact had sunk in—he was not in bed after all. He was lying on his back in Fork-Out Grocery. Heaps of sparkling pink notebooks and toppled stacks of diaper boxes were scattered all around him in a big mess on the floor.

At first he thought he was covered in snow. Then he saw the slashed boxes. Torn white fluff from shredded Lil’ Dumpling diapers covered everything around him like a Christmas display. But who would have shredded the diapers all over like that? He ran his hand through his dark hair, which was straight in front and wildly curly in the back, shaking diaper fuzz from his head.

Then Erec noticed gray dust sprinkling down from a black, charred hole in the side of a nearby case of spaghetti boxes. It looked like someone had blasted it with a flamethrower. Who could have come in here and done this? Someone really ransacked this place.

Erec gulped as a realization dawned on him. If he truly was here, in the grocery store, and he had not been dreaming, then maybe…

Could he have done all this?

This was not good.

A little girl stood staring at him, her lip trembling. She tugged on her mother’s skirt and pointed at Erec. The mother glanced at him with disgust, as if he was a delinquent who made a mess of store displays for fun.

Erec wished that were true. Because what really happened was far worse than a bout of bad behavior. What had just happened, in fact, should never have occurred here, in New Jersey, in plain sight of normal people.

Erec hid his eyes with a diaper fluff–covered hand. He had to face the facts. He had begun to turn into a dragon.

His adopted siblings had seen it too. All five of them had been swarming around the grocery store, dumping unhealthy sugared products into their adoptive mother June’s cart faster than she could take them out. Danny and Sammy, thirteen-year-old twins with sandy brown hair, and Nell, eleven, had watched Erec grab hold of a shelf when his head began to spin. Nine-year-old, redheaded Trevor had popped around the corner just as Erec’s vision faded out. And Zoey, just five, with wild blond curls and hazel eyes, was staring at him when he woke up on the ruined store display.

But it was what happened in between his vision fading and waking up among diapers that made Erec’s heart race. He’d had a cloudy thought.

Cloudy thoughts were what Erec called the strange commands that took him over at times, forcing him to do whatever they said. His whole life he’d had to deal with being overcome, when he least expected it, with orders appearing in his head. Cloudy thoughts made him do things like run to the bottom of a staircase and hold his arms out. He would feel like an idiot crouching there, but then a little girl would tumble down the stairs into his arms. He would have saved her without even knowing she was coming. Cloudy thoughts had also saved his own life many times, giving him extra strength and telling him what he needed to know to survive.

But things changed. Erec inherited first one and then the other eye of his dragon friend, Aoquesth, who died saving Erec’s life in a battle. The dragon eyes were now attached to the back of his own eyes, and carried special powers that he looked forward to discovering. The first one made his cloudy thoughts more intense, with visions like premonitions. But this was his first cloudy thought since he had gotten two dragon eyes, and it was different, more powerful than any he’d had before.

Erec took a breath. What had just happened to him in the grocery store? Right when he picked up a carton of his favorite cookies, Chocolate Springballs with cherry centers, everything had turned green. His eyes had swiveled around so that his dragon eyes were facing forward. His mind seemed to race through time so fast he couldn’t make out what was happening. He remembered grabbing the metal shelf for support.

Then the vision in his head slowed down and showed him something terrible. His best friend, Bethany Cleary, was in danger.

Thick white ropes and webs hung in the air. Bethany was panting, long dark curls plastered against her sweaty face. She was backed against a wall, trapped. She had been running away from three boys, one with white, fuzzy hair covering his head and neck, another with an odd gray cap that stuck high over his head, and the third with black hair and an evil glint in his steely blue eyes. Now she was cornered.

Erec gasped. It was Dollick, Damon, and Balor Stain. They were the triplets working with evil Prince Baskania to overthrow the Kingdoms of the Keepers, the unseen magical realms connected to ours. Erec had been amazed when he found the strange place, and more shocked to learn he had been born there, in Alypium.

Balor Stain pointed what looked like a normal television remote control at Bethany. Her body stiffened as she was magically lifted from the ground.

A shadow appeared, morphing into a tall man with silver gray hair that grew into a sharp widow’s peak. A cold blue eye peered from his face with a dark gap marking where his other eye should have been. Today his forehead was wider than the rest of his face. Across it gleamed seven more eyes, each from a different former owner.

It was Thanatos Argus Baskania. The Shadow Prince, as his followers called him. A smirk snaked across Baskania’s face. Ah, Bethany Cleary. Daughter of the great seer, Ruth Cleary. Too bad she had to go so young, too, eh? His voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard, making Erec’s bones shiver.

Bethany glared at him, unable to speak or move.

But Ruth was in my way. Just like your friend Erec. Baskania cackled Soon he will join your mother and you, along with everyone else who is an obstacle to me.

Erec filled with rage as he watched the horrifying vision unfold. He clawed the air around him, vaguely aware that his skin was turning scaly and green, and claws were sprouting from his fingers.

Bethany looked furious. She struggled with her invisible bonds.

Baskania sucked in his breath. Well. The Fates have smiled upon me at last. I was fascinated to hear the secret you just told your friend. So you hold the key I have been searching for. His voice lowered to a whisper. Somehow, you will teach me how to use the Final Magic. Control over everything I desire, life and death. Amazing He smiled, the corners of his mouth twitching. If I can’t find the answers I need from torturing you alive, I’m sure I will discover them when I remove your brain."

Erec roared in fury at the image in his head. He lost control, thrashing and clawing. Something hot came out of his mouth. It made him feel better for a moment, but not for long.

A rope spun out of Baskania’s palm and wrapped tightly around Bethany. Say good-bye to the world, Bethany Cleary. You’ll be safe in my fortress for the remainder of your short life. He snapped his fingers. Baskania, Bethany, and the Stain triplets disappeared.

That’s when Erec opened his eyes into the white diaper fluff, the would-be snow of Fork-Out Grocery.

Nell appeared at Erec’s side with the help of her walker. Erec, you…you… She pointed at the charred hole. Black strands of spaghetti poked from the boxes around it. Fire came out of your mouth.

Erec stared at the boxes. He had breathed fire?

But how? Erec shook his head. So this was what his dragon eyes were doing to him? Turning him into a dragon? He shouldn’t be here, in Upper Earth. If people saw him shooting fire here, they’d lock him up.

He gulped, thinking about what he had just seen happen to Bethany. Had she already been captured? Did Baskania really find out her secret—that somehow she carried the key that he could use to learn the Final Magic?

Baskania not only wanted to rule the Kingdoms of the Keepers, but he also owned huge megacorporations all over the nonmagical world, and led a political movement trying to take over the United Nations. If Erec had not stopped him, Baskania would have taken over the Kingdoms already and destroyed them. That was reason enough for Baskania to want to kill Erec—but he also craved Erec’s dragon eyes for himself.

What Baskania wanted most of all was to learn the Final Magic, magic so powerful that nobody could ever stop him. King Piter, ruler of Alypium, had told Erec that the Final Magic would make Baskania lose control and destroy the world.

Erec froze. His cloudy thought wasn’t over yet. A message filtered into his mind that told him the rest of what he needed to know.

Bethany was not captured yet. Baskania had not found out her secret. But he would. Erec’s vision would come true, and Bethany would die—if he didn’t get to Alypium immediately and stop his friend Oscar Felix from ruining everything.

Panic seized him. How would he ever get there in time? He knew that in just three hours Bethany would tell Oscar the secret, one that nobody should ever know about her. And somehow because of this, only three minutes later, she would be captured by Baskania and would die.

Mom, Erec snarled between gritted teeth, "we have to go now. Buy the food later. He took a breath. Maybe she didn’t understand. I’m telling you, Bethany is in danger. I have to get there fast. I don’t think I’m going to make it in time."

June nodded, but kept putting groceries onto the conveyor. She glanced around to see if anyone was listening, then said, Relax, Erec. I’ll get you there as soon as we get home.

But, Mom… He wanted to yank her out the door. It takes time to catch a train to New York. And to get to FES Station. Then I still have to take the artery there, and then find Bethany, wherever she is. We have to go now.

June tossed a box of Flying Count cereal onto the counter, her brown hair pulled into a ponytail. The cashier lazily scanned cracker boxes and put them in a bag. She seemed to be moving in slow motion. June said, I understand, Erec. That’s why I’m going to get you there immediately. As soon as we get home. Let me just pay for this. You’ll have plenty of time.

How can I get there immediately? It will take hours. Frustration filled him. She just didn’t get it.

June looked around and then whispered, I have a way to get you to Alypium straight from our house.

But— Erec’s breath caught. He knew his mother was not supposed to perform magic in Upper Earth. If she did, the wrong people might find her again. Normally he would never want her to do that. But Bethany would die if he didn’t get there right away.

She noticed the look on his face. What’s wrong? I thought you’d be happy that you don’t have to go through FES Station.

Erec shrugged. There’s no choice. You’re right. You’ll have to send me there by magic. I just worry about you getting caught.

June smiled. But I won’t be doing magic. I got a new Vulcan product that will take you. They’re not trackable.

Erec’s mother had bought things before from a store called Vulcan, in the Kingdoms of the Keepers. Strange things, like an alarm clock and toothbrush that acted like they were alive. Well, Erec thought, whatever this new thing was that June had bought, it had better work, and fast.

After paying the cashier, they walked through the parking lot, zipping up jackets against the chilly January air. A heavyset woman with dark hair, a very white face, and too much makeup bumped into Danny right as they were leaving. She turned her head away quickly before Erec could get a good look at her. Danny looked up and said, Oh, excuse me, but she was gone.

In the car, Danny and Trevor played keep-away with an apple. Danny made Trevor list statistics of his favorite sport, springball, each time he caught it. That was easy for Trevor, until Zoey intercepted the apple and ate it.

Erec barely noticed what was going on around him. All he could see was a scene from the future where Baskania captured the best friend he ever had.

June pulled a small silver ring out of a box. Amazing, she said. Hard to believe this could actually work.

Erec raised an eyebrow. It better. The little shining band did not inspire confidence.

Don’t worry, June said. Vulcan products always do what they’re supposed to. It’ll be interesting to see what happens. This—she held out the ring—makes a Substance Channel. The ring carves a wormhole into the Substance around us, and it can take you anywhere. You direct it as you go. She turned the ring over and frowned. Well, you should be able to understand this better than anyone else. You can see the Substance when your dragon eyes are out.

Erec nodded. His dragon eyes let him see the nets and webs that carried channels of magic all over and through the earth.

June rubbed the ring in her hands until it began to glow. Then she pulled, stretching it until it was bright and thin, like a glittering hoop for a circus animal to jump through.

Ouch! June jerked her hands away from the ring. It hung in the air, glimmering. She rubbed her hands together. That felt like an electric shock.

Erec pointed into it. Am I supposed to climb through there?

Suddenly, the ring began to spin. Soon it was whirling so fast that there was no way Erec could go near it. He was afraid it would slice into him if he touched it.

The faster the loop swirled in the air, the wavier it looked. Instead of a circle, it became ripply, glowing as it grew until it was Erec’s size. Then it stopped suddenly and hung still. It was round again, but now it pulsed with greenish light. Erec carefully put a hand through the ring. An invisible force pulled his fingers, as if to guide him in.

You’re supposed to think of the place you want to go while you’re in the Substance Channel, June said. Focus on it. And let me know you got there okay.

Sure, Erec said. After I find Bethany, I’ll e-mail you on the MagicNet.

Okay. I can always check on you with my Seeing Eyeglasses. June had a pair of glasses that let her see whoever she missed the most, anywhere they were. For a while the glasses had been stuck on their alarm clock. June had to send the clock to a Vulcan store to get them removed.

Erec put his arms through the ring, then he slid his head through. Instead of coming out the other side into the room, he was surrounded by darkness. Before he knew it, he was sucked into space.

It was a strange feeling, floating on nothing in the blackness. He was hanging in stillness. And he didn’t seem to be going anywhere. How much longer before he would arrive?

Then Erec realized he had not given the Substance Channel any directions. Alypium. He focused his mind on it. He had to get to Alypium, fast.

Suddenly he felt himself whizzing through space. It was as if a tunnel were being carved around him as he went. Relief surged through him. Good. He would get there soon and find Bethany. But where in Alypium was she? And how would he find her?

Then a thought occurred to him. Maybe the Substance channel would take him straight to Bethany if he concentrated on her instead of a specific place.

He thought about Bethany, saying her name in his head. Take me to Bethany Cleary. He thought about her tanned face, her dark, wavy hair. Then his head filled with the image he had seen of her in the future. Frozen against a wall. Ropes around her. Scared, helpless. About to die.

Please, he begged the Substance, get me there fast.

The memory of his cloudy thought haunted him. The man he hated more than anyone in the world was going to hurt Bethany. The one who had killed his dragon friend, Aoquesth. Erec pictured Baskania, seven eyes across his forehead, standing before Bethany, ready to torture and kill her because he thought she had the secret of the Final Magic.

Erec felt a jerk, as if he suddenly had shifted direction. He was yanked sideways, then thrown into the light on a hard floor. When he looked up, the ring hanging in the air above him vanished.

He dusted himself off, relieved. He was indoors. But this place did not look like the Castle Alypium. It wasn’t a shop, either. The room he was in was large. The air was thick and hard to breathe, but then again he always felt this way when he first arrived in the Kingdoms of the Keepers. He had to get used to it.

A group of people stood nearby. They were all looking at him.

But only one of them stepped forward and smiled—the one with seven eyes across his forehead.


The Ghost Surgeon

THICK CURTAINS HUNG around the stately atrium that was scattered with plush furniture. An ornate reception desk sat at the back of the room. People walking by stopped and stared at Erec, then noticed Baskania and rushed away.

Well, Baskania said to Erec, what a nice little present. He laughed. Two little presents, actually. He tapped the empty space on his face where his own eye once had been. Looks like I’ll get to fill this gap with your dragon eye sooner than I expected. And now I’ll have your other one to match it too.

Baskania pointed a finger at Erec. Say good-bye to the world, boy. There’s no dragon to save you now.

Erec squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for a shock of pain, blackness, or something that told him his life was over.

He cursed himself. Why did he mess up in the Substance Channel like that? His mother had told him to concentrate. All he had to do was think about Bethany or a place in Alypium. And instead he had let his mind wander to Baskania, of all people, which brought him here.

He could not believe how badly he had messed up. Soon Bethany would tell Oscar her secret. And somehow, just three minutes later, Baskania would know, and Bethany would die.

There was another problem too. Even bigger, if that was possible. Erec had been the only one competing with the nasty Stain triplets to become a new ruler of the Kingdoms of the Keepers. Three kids were to be crowned soon. For some reason Erec had been the only one chosen by King Piter’s scepter during the ceremony. That didn’t seem to matter to Baskania, though, nor to the Stain triplets who were competing with Erec for the throne. If Erec died now, they would take over, Baskania would become the emperor, and his madness and power would drive him to destroy the world.

And it was all Erec’s fault.

Surprised that he was still alive, Erec cracked his eyes open. Baskania frowned at his finger. No, Baskania murmured. The dragon eyes. How careless of me. He saw Erec staring with shock and confusion, and smiled. I must be careful with your eyes so there will be no mistakes. I had two dragon babies before, but by the time I took their eyes out they were worthless. They had been dead too long. No, I’m not going to kill you yet. We’ll have the surgeon take your eyes out first, correctly, and then I will have the pleasure.

Baskania closed his eyes in thought, then a glowing silver man appeared at his side wearing a silver laboratory jacket. A stethoscope hung from his neck. It was hard to see him in detail. When Erec looked straight at him, he became blurry. An intense radiance glimmered around him.

Erec recognized him as a silver ghost, like the first bus driver that had taken him to Alypium. So this would be who would cut his eyes out right before he died, he thought.

He tried to remember anything he could about silver ghosts. They were vain, didn’t like people, and would do almost anything for payment. But there was one other thing Erec remembered about silver ghosts that flooded him with hope.

They could not touch him.

June had told him that he was charmed, and he knew from experience that ghosts could not hurt him. But that didn’t stop his heart from racing when Baskania zapped him and the ghost into a room with a dentist’s chair. Erec shuddered thinking about what might happen next. If the ghost took a swing at him, he would probably be safe. But if the ghost touched him with something else, like a surgical tool, would he still be protected?

The ghost slid around the room gathering small drills and saws, and filled a jar with a clear liquid. Suddenly, Erec found himself floating through the air toward the dentist chair, which rose up and lay flat. Thick chains pinned his body to the chair.

Erec jerked back and forth to break free. He had to get out of here. He looked around the room. There was one door and one window. He could see a treetop through the window, so they were probably up high.

Where are we? he asked the ghost.

In one of the surgical suites in the Green House. The silver ghost sounded bored. Won’t be here for more than a few minutes, though. Of course, you won’t actually see where you are going after that, so it won’t matter, will it?

Erec’s heart pounded, thumping in his chest. Was this really happening? His eyes were going to be taken out and handed to Baskania? He struggled against his chains, but they were too tight.

The ghost picked up a sharp silver instrument and long, skinny scissors, then sat near Erec’s face. He sighed, seemingly annoyed to be wasting his time, and jabbed the knife at Erec’s right eye.

Erec squeezed his eyes shut. His body clenched in anticipation of the pain. He was afraid to open his eyes in case the ghost was waiting for him to do so. But finally he peeked, out of curiosity.

The silver surgeon was frowning in frustration. He kept poking again and again with the knife, the scissors, and the other tools around him. He could not get any of them within inches of Erec’s face. They stopped in midair, as if they were hitting a force field.

Erec just about melted with relief. Not that he was even close to being safe. But at least he had a few more moments to figure out what to do.

But what could he do, chained flat on a dentist’s chair, with Thanatos Baskania down below?

The ghost sneered. You’re making this difficult, aren’t you? Well, no worries. We’ll figure out a way to take those eyes out. I’m not going to tell the Shadow Prince he can’t have what he wants. He disappeared out the door into a hallway.

The oppressive air of Alypium was suffocating him. Why hadn’t he remembered to take a bottle of Upper Earth air with him for little breaths, until he got used to it? The Substance, the network that carried all the magic of the world, had been messed up somehow in the Kingdoms of the Keepers. It made the air feel thick and nasty, tinged with sadness. He couldn’t wait until he grew accustomed to it so it wouldn’t bother him anymore.

If he lived long enough for that to happen.

Erec felt sick. Everything he had done had been for nothing. He had finished two of the twelve quests that would let him become king. Around his neck hung the Amulet of Virtues which had appeared after his first quest, marking the number of quests he had done. Two of its twelve segments glowed with color. He had finished these quests even though he’d had serious doubts about being a king at all. But he knew what would happen otherwise. The Stain triplets, Baskania’s helpers, would become kings and would destroy Alypium. And Baskania would be in charge. He couldn’t let that happen.

Unfortunately, Erec had more than doubts about becoming king. He was terrified of it. Because he knew that if that happened, he would be given a scepter. As much as he wanted one, as much as he craved a scepter after using King Piter’s, he knew it would corrupt him completely, turn him as evil as the Stains, and Baskania himself. What would be worse, letting his enemies crush the world or doing it himself? He still was not sure.

Erec pushed with all of his might against his chains, but he could not budge them. He dug his heels into the chair. Maybe he could slide his way out. Sure enough, after shimmying against the vinyl seat, he managed to inch just high enough to free one of his hands.

At that moment the ghost surgeon appeared with three others just like him. Erec froze. They did not seem to notice that he had slid upward in the chair.

Each of the ghost surgeons tried various ways to remove Erec’s eyes. None was able to touch him, though, with anything they picked up. A short, paunchy one ran a hand up and down over Erec’s arm. Look at this, he said to the others. I can’t even come close to this pathetic boy at all.

They launched into a discussion, referring to Erec as a rotten human and waste of space.

We must figure out how to fix this ourselves, one said. If Baskania finds out there is a problem, we’ll all pay the price.

Wait, another said, pointing at Erec. We cannot touch him. But is he really protected from everything? Or just from us silver ghosts? Let’s try calling in a human doctor to take his eye out.

Erec’s heart sank. They had figured it out. How would he get out of here now? Even if he worked his way through the chains, he would never escape all of the people in the Green House—especially Baskania—once they knew he was free.

The ghosts went out into the hallway to find a human doctor. Why had he been so stupid? If he had just controlled his thoughts in the Substance Channel he’d be safely with Bethany now, warning her not to make her deadly mistake.

There were still things he wanted to learn about himself, but now it was too late. He would never meet his father, whoever he was. And his birth mother. Where was she? And why did she leave him? Now he’d never know why he had been chosen to be king and do the quests. He would die knowing nothing about himself.

Erec tried to push farther through the chains, but he could barely move. He wished he had a cloudy thought now to save him. Why wasn’t he getting one? Maybe there was no way to save himself. If only he could escape, fly out the window or something.

Erec bit his lip. Fly out the window…Maybe there was something he could do. Something that had saved him once before. At least he could try.

But first he needed to bring his dragon eyes forward. He took a deep breath and focused as hard as he could on one thing. Love. The love that was deep inside him. He thought of Aoquesth and all that the dragon had done for him. His family, his friends. But mostly just love for the world. Because that was what he had to protect now.

Soon he felt his eyes turn in his head. Everything became a vivid green. Thick white ropes hung throughout the room. It was the Substance. Now that his dragon eyes were out, he could see it again.

Not much time was left before the human surgeon would come to take his eyes. This was his last chance.

He concentrated deeply on the love he felt inside. Then Erec looked out the window and focused all of his feelings into the sky, into the great networks of Substance that filled the air.

Aoquesth had taught him how to call dragons with his eyes. Using all of his strength and love, he called to them for help. Dragons! he pleaded. Save me! If Baskania takes my eyes, and I can’t find Bethany soon, our world will end.

The door opened. Erec’s dragon eyes swiveled back into his head. The room was no longer green. A tall, thin man walked in, followed by the silver ghosts. A few dark hairs were slicked over his bald head, and others stuck straight in the air. He wore a monocle over his pinched nose.

Hmm. The man stared at him and frowned. I’ve seen you before. Don’t know where, but I’m pretty sure you were up to no good.

Erec shoved his heels against the chair and inched farther up through his chains. The ghosts tried to grab him, but could not touch him. They did not have to worry, though. He was far from being able to run away.

He wondered if any dragons had heard his call. If only they would come. Where were they? He tried to stall a minute longer. I have met you, he said, trying to think of what to say. Wasn’t it…at the coronation ceremony?

The man frowned. I wasn’t there. Now hold still. He grabbed a scalpel and put a hand on Erec’s eyebrow.

Erec jerked his head away. He wiggled up more in the chair, but his free hand became caught again in the next chain. Come on, dragons, he thought. If they did not hear him he was lost.

The man grabbed Erec’s head. Here we go now. Won’t be a minute.

Erec twisted and fought, but he was pinned down. The man brought the sharp point of the knife to Erec’s eye.

An ear-splitting crash made everyone jump. Glass and bricks flew through the room. A stream of fire tore through the air over Erec, blasting a wave of heat around him. A roar echoed through the noise of smashed plaster and wood clattering to the floor.

A dragon had broken through the wall around the window. The front half of its body twisted around the room, shooting blasts of fire. The surgeon backed away, yelping in fear. The ghosts watched, unafraid, yet unable to stop it.

The dragon reached a claw toward Erec. He jolted, suddenly realizing that even though he had called it, it might not recognize him. He held his breath.

The dragon slid a talon under his chains and yanked. In a moment he was free. It grabbed him with its claws and backed through the hole in the wall.

The dark-haired man watched, aghast. He looked back and forth as if he were trying to think how he could possibly stop a dragon. Then he grabbed a camera from his pocket and took a picture of Erec. You’re not supposed to do this! he shouted. This picture is evidence—you’re a criminal. We’ll find you, boy.

The dragon whisked Erec into the sunlight and blue sky. Erec trembled, seeing the ground so far below him as the dragon whizzed higher toward the clouds. The rhythmic beating of its wings soon calmed him, and he realized he would not fall. Feeling the wind on his face while the earth sailed below him was incredible.

This was not the same feeling he’d had when he was riding on Aoquesth’s back, holding one of his spines. Erec felt more like a mouse caught by a hawk. But the trees under him blended into a blur of yellow-green and lakes swirled into patterns with the shadows of mountains and valleys. Above him, the dragon’s jointed black wings shot back and forth across the blue sky. He felt himself relax completely, absorbed by the beauty all around him.

Soon they landed on a rocky outcrop. Erec sat up and looked around. He was sure they were in Otherness. The dragon’s purple-red scales and gleaming ruby red spines shone in the sunlight. But not until she spoke did he recognize her.

Erec Rex, she said. We meet again.

Patchouli? He looked at her reddish face, then he was sure it was her. He ran over and hugged her around the neck. Thanks for rescuing me. You don’t know how close I came to—

It’s the least I could do. I still owe you for saving my babies and all the other missing hatchlings. She snorted and a stream of smoke billowed from her nostrils.

Erec sat down and caught his breath. He was alive. Safe.

But he still had no idea where Bethany was. Now he was far away in Otherness. He knew he had to find her fast, before it was too late.


Mrs. Stain’s Rumors

EREC SAT ON a rock and rested his head in his hands. He had to clear his mind and figure out what to do. His heart pounded, and his breath was still ragged, plus the tension racing through him made it hard to think. He wondered if he was more driven and stressed about finding Bethany from the command of his cloudy thought, or if it was because he knew she would die if he failed.

Patchouli, Erec said. Could you fly me back to Alypium? I need to find Bethany right away. It’s urgent. Maybe you could scout around with me from the air and look for her?

Patchouli sighed. The heat from her breath was so intense Erec had to step back. I wish I could, she said. But it’s very dangerous for dragons to be there now. The Alypium army is under orders. They have detonation bombs poised at the sky, ready to kill us on sight. The corners of her mouth curled down.

But…why? Erec didn’t understand. I thought things would be better there now, after the battle in Otherness. Didn’t the Archives of Alithea show everyone the truth, that dragons were good?

I wish that were true, Patchouli said. But the only ones who saw the scroll were the soldiers. And what they learned was that the Hydras and Valkyries, who they were fighting, were really good people. I’m afraid it didn’t tell them a thing about dragons.

Baskania is behind this, isn’t he? Erec said. He’s scaring everyone about the dragons. The thought of Baskania made him shiver. He had to hurry. Look, Patchouli, Bethany’s life is on the line. The whole world is on the line.

Patchouli lifted her head and gazed into the clouds. If it’s that important, Erec, you should look into the future with your dragon eyes and decide what to do.

Erec remembered how Aoquesth read into the future. Now Erec had both of his eyes, but he had no idea how to use them in that way. He shook his head. I can’t.

Patchouli tilted her face, curious. Why not?

I don’t know how. Erec wished Aoquesth was alive. He would tell Erec everything he needed to know.

For us dragons it comes naturally, Patchouli said. We’re just guided a little by our parents when we’re young. Maybe I could work on it with you someday.

Erec kicked a rock across the dirt. Then he looked at Patchouli. Could you look into the future for me?

I’m not sure if Aoquesth told you, she said. But we dragons don’t use that power, except for emergencies. It is not easy, and it takes a lot out of us. Plus, sometimes seeing the future makes you want to change it. If you live your life seeing and changing the future it soon becomes no kind of life at all.

That was what Aoquesth had said. Erec knew it was also just what Baskania would do if he had dragon eyes. He walked in front of Patchouli and put his hands on her snout. Please, Patchouli. This is an emergency. For you as well as me. I mean it when I say our world will end if I don’t find Bethany, and soon.

Patchouli closed her eyes, then opened them. All right. I will trust you, Erec Rex. The great Aoquesth placed more than his trust in you. He placed his hope for the future in you when he gave you his eyes.

She rested on the ground, her head on a tuft of grass. I’ll need quiet.

Patchouli closed her eyes. When she opened them at last, beams of green light shot from them, joining to form a spotlight. It shone on a bush in front of her, making it glow. She held so still that it looked like she was not breathing. Then, all of a sudden, she exhaled and shut

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