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With All My Heart (Revised Edition)
With All My Heart (Revised Edition)
With All My Heart (Revised Edition)
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With All My Heart (Revised Edition)

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Amanda’s immense faith has led her to be a Children’s Minister. She also dreams of meeting the man that God has for her. Luke comes along and steals her heart, leading her to a new height of happiness. When the unthinkable happens, her faith wavers and the light goes out. Can Luke help her find her faith again or will she be lost forever? This is the 1st book in the “Lean On Him” series and it's powerful. The worst thing that can happen to a woman happens to Amanda and her faith waivers. Luke reminds her the faith in her heart is still there.

Release dateJun 22, 2014
With All My Heart (Revised Edition)

Stephanie Payne Hurt

Stephanie Payne Hurt has been writing stories since she was a teenager, but only started publishing her work in 2012, 30 years later. The romance genre drew her in at an early age. Since 2012 she's published over 35 Romance novels/novellas.Stephanie is a busy lady. She's a Children's Minister, Accountant, wife, and mother along with a blogger and writer, along with starting a publishing service called Horseshoe Publishing alongside her publisher. It's been an exciting ride and she looks forward to what the future holds for her writing.Currently, she writes romance ranging from Christian, Contemporary, Suspense and Cowboy. Her work is available at many online retailers, on her website, and in a bookstore in Zebulon, Georgia near her home.Come by and visit her at and subscribe to get updates and release dates, also her monthly newsletter!

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Even in times of trouble Gods love will always see you through

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With All My Heart (Revised Edition) - Stephanie Payne Hurt

With All My Heart…

Revised Edition

Stephanie Payne Hurt

Original Copyright © 2012 Stephanie Payne Hurt

Copyright revised edition © 2014

Smashwords Edition

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to author and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Edited By: Kaleigh Payne

Cover Designed By: Kaleigh Payne

Chapter 1

Today was the first day of Amanda Young’s new life. She’d moved away from her hometown to take a job at a small town Church as the Children’s Minister. She’d graduated top of her class with a degree in Childhood Education from the Seminary School in her home town.

She’d been nervous about moving away from her friends and family and since she’d never lived on her own so this was a huge step. At twenty five years of age she was stepping out of her comfort zone and following her heart. She knew the Lord was leading her to this job and this town and that was all she needed to know.

Amanda was raised in a loving, Christian home along with two older brothers. She’d always been an outgoing person. Her brothers hovered over her and made sure she was treated with respect. It had made dating almost impossible. Most of the guys she dated knew her brothers so she had nothing to worry about. They were big guys and both had played on the local football team all through high school. One even played for college and the other one was a police sergeant.

They were sad when she moved away. The church where she attended threw a big party to send her off. Everyone pitched in to help her move.

Her brothers even made her go to the local police station to let them know she’d be living alone, which had totally embarrassed her. Lieutenant Oliver had been really nice. He didn’t look much older than her. He was nice looking too. She couldn’t help but notice that he worked out. His arms were rippling with muscles. He told them he’d check in on her, which totally made her brothers happy. He understood their concern since he had a younger sister too.

When he shook her hand she had noticed this feeling overwhelm her. It was as though she’d felt an electrical shock go through her. He looked a little surprised too.

Her first day in her new house was spent unpacking the boxes that contained the items she used every day. She was anxious to get started on her new life. It was exciting and scary at the same time. This gave her enough nervous energy to get things in order in the little house that the Church provided for her. She had to be at the church around nine for a staff meeting. The pastor’s wife, Ivie, had given her the tour yesterday when she went in to fill out her paperwork.

Her routine had always been a jog before breakfast. It always cleared her head. She put her iPod on the playlist she loved and out the door she went. She’d found this really nice park just a couple blocks from her house. It had a nice jogging trail and to make it even better the sidewalk in front of her house went straight to the park.

The morning air was crisp with the coming promise of autumn. It had been such a warm summer in the south. She got totally immersed in her run and the music streaming from her ear buds. She never noticed the police cruiser that was slowly moving beside her. It moved a little ahead and stopped by the curb. The lieutenant stepped out of the car.

She stopped and leaned down to catch her breath. Good morning Lieutenant Oliver. She said in a raspy voice.

He smiled, Please call me Luke. I couldn’t believe that was you already out jogging this early. It’s barely daylight. One eyebrow quirked in surprise.

I love to get my run in early. It just makes the day go a lot smoother, clears the cobwebs out. She noticed that his eyes were as blue as the sea, which was odd since he had jet black hair. He also had a very good tan, which told her he loved being outdoors.

Well, keep an eye out. We don’t want anything happening to our new citizen. He smiled and gave her a wink, Especially since I gave your brothers my word to keep an eye on you.

Oh, I will. Thanks for checking on me, Luke. His name rolled off her tongue so easily.

I guess you start work at the church today. I’m a member of the same church. We’re glad to have you on staff. I’m on the Board of Directors also. She was impressed. He was a lawman and a Christian. That was quite a resume for him.

Great, then I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of one another. She hoped that was true. She hadn’t noticed a wedding band. This thought sent a thrill to her heart. She’d always dreamed of one day meeting a good Christian man. She dreamed of finding just the right man, one she could laugh with, become best friends with and would be a wonderful father.

I do hope so. You be careful and stop by the office sometime. We can grab a bite to eat. The coffee shop is just on this side of the park.

That sounds good. I’ll take you up on that sometimes. I’d better get going. I don’t want to be late on my first day. See you soon.

I jog in the park when I have time off. Maybe we can run together some days. It beats running alone. He walked back around the car, watching her all the way. She was a really pretty lady. The sun just peeking between the trees glistened off her blonde hair and you could get lost in those hazel eyes. She liked to stay in shape too. He was amazed to find that he was actually looking forward to the next time they could meet up.

Her thoughts were of him as she started off again. He was such a nice man. She hoped she could get to know him better. Having friends would help keep down loneliness, especially if they were Christians.

She had the jogging trail to herself until almost the end. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that someone was jogging behind her. She knew that the trail was visible to the houses across the street so she wasn’t scared, just watchful.

When she was back on the sidewalk headed home she noticed the jogger started back around the jogging trail. She laughed to herself. She was ashamed of her first thoughts of foul play. Her brothers had her so convinced that she’d to be watchful of everything. At the thought of her two older brothers, her heart softened. She knew they only had her safety in mind with their constant warnings.

She got home and put her tea pot on to boil while she got her clothes ready. When she’d made her a cup of herbal tea, she went into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. The run had helped her nervousness. After she did her morning devotion, she was now ready to start the

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