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Social Mania Mom 2: Social Mania Mom, #2
Social Mania Mom 2: Social Mania Mom, #2
Social Mania Mom 2: Social Mania Mom, #2
Ebook47 pages25 minutes

Social Mania Mom 2: Social Mania Mom, #2

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About this ebook

Tracy’s a social media nut, and she’s not afraid to admit it. This second Social Mania book is full of zany posts she’s written over the years, compiled into categories like “Fail Spoof Parenting,” “Toddler Talks,” “Crazy Tracy 201,” and more. As a housewife and stay-at-home mom, she always has something silly going on that demands documentation. Here are a few select lines from the book:

Usually when one contemplates getting bangs, it's due to an aesthetic or fashion desire...not because a certain little boy ran a battery-powered car over your head and got the whole front section of your hair wound around the wheels.... That was a close shave....

* * *

Me: (Talking about supper) "Was that yummy or what?"
Little Buster: "What."

I don't think that was a compliment.

* * *

If you concentrate really hard and roll it around in your mouth enough, warm almond milk almost tastes like hot chocolate. But mostly not.


So if you need a good laugh and enjoy the humor of everyday life, pick up a copy today!

PublisherTracy Heath
Release dateSep 6, 2014
Social Mania Mom 2: Social Mania Mom, #2

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    Book preview

    Social Mania Mom 2 - Tracy Heath


    You’ve heard the phrase Savor the moment. Well, I do. I laugh myself silly right before leaping across the room to my old, duct-taped laptop and updating the world about the latest shenanigan in the Heath household. And boy, do we have a lot of them.

    My husband, Sam, just gives me that long stare with a hint of a smile and says, There’s no privacy around here. I nod as I tap away on the keyboard, a chuckle escaping my lips. Humor and privacy don’t really go hand in hand. Now humor and embarrassment—that’s a different thing altogether.

    The comedy spotlight of this book definitely rests on the biggest character in the household. Well, actually he’s the smallest one—our just-turned-four-year-old son, Little Buster. He got a heavy dose of goofball from Sam and zaniness from me, and the combination makes for some great entertainment.

    This book is a collection of humorous social media updates (with a few funny replies from friends) representing what this housewife and mom has to endure every day. From cooking catastrophes to toddler calamities to the randomist insights into life—it’s all here. It’s the crazy, goofy, off-the-wall life of a social mania mom!


    Section One—Toddler Talks (Age 3)

    Section Two—Crazy Tracy 201

    Section Three—Fail Spoof Parenting

    Section Four—Sam I Am and I

    Section Five—Toddlermonium

    Toddler Talks (Age 3)

    Little Buster pries open my mouth and studies the inside intently. I don't see any dog.

    Great. Thanks. I'm glad we got that confirmed.

    * * *

    Little Buster and I sang a duet last night. It went like this:

    Part 1 (Me) - Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!

    Part 2 (Little Buster) - Like Mommy!

    You don't have to rub it in, Son.

    * * *

    Me: (Talking about supper) Was that yummy or what?

    Little Buster: What.

    I don't think that was a compliment.

    * * *

    After telling Little Buster that he would be getting a swat for not coming in when I told him to, he patted himself on the bum a few times before indicating that

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