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Dreadwolves: A son's Revenge
Dreadwolves: A son's Revenge
Dreadwolves: A son's Revenge
Ebook33 pages24 minutes

Dreadwolves: A son's Revenge

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This is a short story in the 'Dreadwolf Series'.

A breed of werewolves created by the Ancient Gods, who call them Dreadwolves. It began with the downfall of the Aztec Empire. Dreadwolves are unique in many ways when compared to the typical werewolf. They don't change with a full moon, they don't make more dreadwolves by biting humans in order to add them to the pack. Dreadwolves mate for life, and other than their size, there is no comparing them with any other werewolf species. They were created for a purpose and they serve their creators without question. The gods message: The lust for blood must stop, but will it?

Release dateDec 4, 2013
Dreadwolves: A son's Revenge

Marie Pennington

I am currently enrolled at LCC, attending classed to get my Creative Writing Degree. I love to write and started out writing poetry. I joined a writer's group about a year ago and they encouraged me to follow my dream of becoming an Author. I had always hoped to be a traditionally published Author, however after much deliberation and talking to accomplished authors, both traditionally and self published and came to the conclusion it's better to self publish. So here I am. I just submitted my first finished Novella "Heart of a Dreadwolf" which will be online in Amazon soon. I am working on getting the third story ready for publication in the "Dreadwolf Series". The title and story are mentioned in the first Dreadwolf publication, "Dreadwolves: A Son's Revenge" which is a short story that introduced the Series. I have seven Dreadwolf Novellas outlined for the "Dreadwolf Series" at the moment and with time and luck they will eventually make it to publication and be posted on Amazon, as soon as they are ready for reading. My greatest hope is that those who read the Dreadwolf Stories will enjoy them and come back for the next one.

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    Dreadwolves - Marie Pennington


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    Other books by Marie Pennington


    Dreadwolves: A Son’s Revenge

    By Marie Pennington

    Copyright 2013 by Dawn Smith

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover images belong Create space and Kindle.


    I want to thank all of writer friends who took the time to help me with everything from the cover to the ending. Without them I wouldn’t have had the courage to go as far as I have with this story or for that matter the Dreadwolf Series that will be coming in the future.

    I want to give extra thanks to a certain group of writers that went above and beyond helping. They were there for me every time I got discouraged.


    This is a short story that introduces the 'Dreadwolf Series' which is a Novella Series, which will be available soon.

    New breeds of werewolves were created by the Ancient Gods. They called them the Dreadwolves. And so began the downfall of the Aztec Empire.

    Nearly 200 years later, revenge for the Dreadwolf leader Tozi, still boils in the heart of her enemy. Coaxoch has waited eighteen long years to get her revenge, finally the time has come. Join her son Xipil, as he attempts to exact the revenge his mother so desperately desires.

    Dreadwolves: A Son’s Revenge

    Turning eighteen has me a little nervous. Mother's been waiting for this day all my life. She's told me many times about the evil ways of the Dreadwolves. She wants revenge and now that I'm a man, that time has come. It was my place to avenge my father's murder. Mother had made sure I studied with the bravest warriors, to ensure my safety as much as possible.

    Here, take this and put it in their food Xipil. Be sure you don't eat any yourself, my mother, Coaxoch said,

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