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New Testament Survey
New Testament Survey
New Testament Survey
Ebook107 pages34 minutes

New Testament Survey

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About this ebook

Understanding the Bible begins with understanding the persons, places and circumstances of both the writer and original audience of each of the books of the Bible.

This survey of the New Testament is meant to give, in the simplest terms, a general understanding of these and other basic points to make the study of the New Testament have more depth and clarity of the student of God's Word.

Learn the basic purpose of each of the four gospels; why they tells the same message but each one is slightly different.

Trace the life of the Apostle Paul from a persecutor to proponent of the Christian faith.

Learn doctrinal truth from apostles Paul, Peter and John.

Gain practice Christian insight from pastor James.

See what John saw in the Revelation of Jesus Chirst.


Marvin McKenzie applies nearly forty years of pastoral experience, his years of training preachers for the ministry, and insights and outlines from others, to give this useful tool. It is a handy reference to understanding the format of the New Testament of the Bible.


All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.


Release dateDec 4, 2014
New Testament Survey

Marvin McKenzie

Pastor Marvin McKenzie was saved at the age of eighteen. He has planted and pastored churches in Washington and Oregon. Involved in planting 10 churches[1] Executive Vice President of Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College, San Dimas, CA[2] and then Heartland Baptist Bible College, OKC OK.  Pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Puyallup, WA 19 years (December 1999-present) Celebrated 35th anniversary of ordination December 29, 2018 Published 65 books relating to Bible Study, Baptist History and Devotionals   Marvin and Anita have two sons; both serve in Baptist churches in Washington State. [1] I was a founding member of two of them, the co-founder of one, founder of one and sent men out of our church to plant the others. [2] I negotiated the sale of the PCBBC campus previous to the college’s move to OKC. I served as the first EVP at Heartland.

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    Book preview

    New Testament Survey - Marvin McKenzie


    THE LOCAL CHURCH I pastor has a Christian school. I was approached about creating a survey the school could use for High School, aged students. The paperback copy includes worksheets for each chapter.

    Some of what is included in these fifteen chapters are original to me. Some of the outlines come from other sources.

    May the reader find help, encouragement, and blessings from the God of the Bible. May your study of Scripture be blessed with the illumination of the Spirit of God. May you find yourself to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only.

    I welcome feedback on my books. You may e-mail me at

    Lesson One


    I do not believe God inspires the order of the books in the Bible, nor do I believe that we must have the books of the Bible memorized to be Spiritual. But if a Christian is going to serve the Saviour well, they must know how to use the Bible.  And a basic is TO KNOW HOW TO FIND THINGS IN THE BIBLE.

    My lesson is offered to familiarize ourselves with the books of the New Testament.

    There are 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament. Over 40 men were used to pen the books of the Bible over a period of 1600 years.  Yet the Bible reads with such continuity of thought and a common purpose that it is easy to see that there is only one author, He being the Holy Spirit of God!

    The Books of the Old Testament were not listed in Alphabetical order. They are classified according to author or according to the type of book it is. All the writings of Moses are together; all the historical books are together, and so on.

    The same is true of the New Testament.  They are placed according to classification. And if you'll acquaint yourself with this, you'll find it much easier to find your way through the Bible.

    Let me begin this New Testament study by telling you of the three basic divisions.

    History (Gospels and Acts) 5 books.

    Epistles (letters through Jude) 21 books.

    Prophecy (Revelation) 1 book.







    Matthew through John are the Gospels according to these four men. They tell us about the works of Christ while He was upon the earth. The book of Acts is an appendix to the Gospel of Luke.

    It tells about the works of Christ on the earth, THROUGH THE CHURCH HE BUILT. 

    So, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts all fit together as the historical books of the New Testament. And just as the groundwork for the Hebrew faith is found in the first five books of the Old Testament, the foundation for the Christian faith is located in the first five books of the New Testament.

    We Come now to,


    The word Epistle means simply letter. All twenty-one of the epistles of the Apostles are letters to either specific churches or individuals.

    We can divide the Epistles into smaller groups.

    A. There are fourteen Pauline Epistles, which are letters written by Paul.

    1. There are nine Pauline Epistles written to churches;


    1 & 2 Corinthians




    Colossians, and

    1 & 2 Thessalonians.

    2. Paul also wrote 4 of what we call the pastoral epistles.

    They are written to individuals, and they include:

    1 & 2 Timothy



    These Epistles are named after the person to which they were written.

    3. There is some question as to who wrote the book of Hebrews, but I believe that it was Paul.

    Among the other reasons for this belief, there is the signature. Look at Colossians 4:18, where, in Paul's own salutation, he says, "grace be with you..." All the known Pauline Epistles ends with some

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