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Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life
Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life
Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life
Ebook159 pages3 hours

Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life

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Book #1 (revised edition) in the Give God the Glory! series challenges its readers to desire a closer relationship with God. In doing so, our connection to, and relationship with, Him unleashes the power that is needed to fulfill one’s divine purpose. This book, now in its fifth printing, shares several important messages regarding worship including how to be a praise and worship leader, praise and worship and is ranked amongst the top worship books in its category. It is written for the Christian and non-Christian alike. Author, teacher, and ministry leader Kevin Wayne Johnson enthusiastically embraces God’s Word for his life and, through the words of his subtitle, encourages his readers to Know God and Do the Will of God as it relates to their lives. Reading this powerful and life changing book will answer the reader's specific questions or concerns such as "Lord heal my hurt," "Lord I want to be whole," "How great are you Lord," and "Lord heal my hurts." This book is systematically divided into two parts, with three chapters each. Throughout the 163 pages, readers will learn that you have potential, you have what it takes, He did this for you and He did this just for you. That is, God loves us so much that He gave His son Jesus to ensure our victory in this world. Supported by the Scriptures throughout, the central theme of each chapter focuses on specific biblical principles that challenge and encourage each of us to Give God the Glory!
Release dateDec 17, 2014
Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life

Kevin Wayne Johnson

With the fundamental belief that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things, Kevin Wayne Johnson lives to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. His passion is reflected through his national best-selling book series (Give God the Glory!) that have earned 17 literary awards since 2001, all published through his Christian-based publishing company – Writing for the Lord Ministries, as a former radio and television host, and in several leadership positions within the local church, the Christian publishing industry, and the National Association of the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana).A native of Richmond, Virginia, Johnson was introduced to the Bible and the Christian doctrine as a child and active member of Ebenezer Baptist Church. At the age of eight, his maternal grandmother (Granny), a devout Seventh Day Adventist, prophesied that he would preach the gospel in due season. From these planted seeds, Johnson, alongside his wife, Gail, confessed Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior on May 2, 1993. This spiritual transformation occurred slightly less than two months after their marriage on March 6th.An active member and Pastor of Ministry at Celebration Church, Columbia, Maryland, he serves the congregation with responsibility for championing the Purpose of Ministry in Celebration Church (CC) and into the surrounding region by leading the Ministry Team in providing environments designed to help people experience the benefits of Serving Christ through participating in a ministry of CC (1 Peter 4:10). In parallel, Johnson serves as President of WIN (Bible) Institute, as a small group leader, and is a licensed minister by the Church of God (CDP district). On the national level, Johnson serves as Secretary, National Association of the Church of God Men’s Ministry. Johnson was initially ordained into the Christian ministry as a deacon at Shiloh Pentecostal Church, Incorporated, Christian Love Center, Somerville, New Jersey, with his wife, on May 21, 2000. While there, he served as Chair of the deacon board for three years and led the monthly “Hour of Power” prayer service on Friday nights. His ministerial training and experience includes: Evangelical Training Association (ETA) certified instructor (2000 to present), and adjunct professor at the National Bible College & Seminary World Outreach Center, National Church of God, Fort Washington, Maryland (2004 to present).Johnson is a professional in government as well as private industry. For 25 years, he has performed successfully in numerous middle and senior-level positions in the areas of workforce development, training, organizational change, acquisition/procurement, customer service, client relationships, and program management, to include the National Security Agency, Department of the Treasury, the Government of the District of Columbia, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Department of the Army, Defense Logistics Agency, and in the private sector at Vivendi Universal and Reuters America. He has testified before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Small Business, and has prepared testimony that was presented before the District of Columbia Committee on Government Operations. Johnson is a graduate of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Graduate School’s Executive Potential Program (1996). During this program, he assisted the Office of Federal Procurement Policy with several procurement reform initiatives that were tied to the National Performance Review under the Clinton Administration. In 1999, he was awarded the distinction of “Fellow” by the National Contract Management Association Board of Directors.Pastor Johnson maintains an active involvement in community service and retains membership in several professional and civic organizations to include the National Contract Management Association, Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association and African-American Alumni Council (founding member), serving on the School of Business Alumni Board of Directors from 1994 to 1996, the African-American Federal Executives Association, the Christian Small Publishers Association, and the Autism Society of America, Howard County, Maryland Chapter.Pastor Johnson is the eldest son of Ernest and the late Adele Johnson. He attended and graduated from the Richmond Public School system and Virginia Commonwealth University earning a B.S. degree in Business Administration and Management/Economics/Finance. He also completed course work towards a MBA degree at Marymount University and the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. In 2002, Johnson graduated from the True Disciple Ministries Bible Institute, Somerville, New Jersey, earning three Church Ministries Certifications (Foundational, Standard, and Advanced) through ETA, Wheaton, Illinois. Minister Johnson lives in Clarksville, Maryland, with his wife and three sons, Kevin, Christopher, and Cameron.

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    Book preview

    Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life - Kevin Wayne Johnson


    Know God

    and Do the Will of God

    Concerning Your Life


    Kevin Wayne Johnson


    Hillsborough, New Jersey

    Give God the Glory! Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life

    Copyright © 2001 by Kevin Wayne Johnson

    First Printing

    Second Printing

    Third Printing

    Cover Concept by Kevin Wayne Johnson

    Original Cover Design by The Mazzochi Group

    Three Rivers, MI

    (877) 842-6916

    Revised Cover Design by Atinad Designs

    Distributed throughout the United States and Canada by:

    FaithWorks, a division of National Book Network, Inc. (Spring Arbor)

    9247 Hunterboro Drive

    Brentwood, TN 37027

    ISBN 9781476152127

    All Rights Reserved. No part of this ebook may be reproduced by any

    mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of any audio

    recording. No part of this book may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted,

    or otherwise copied for public or private use without prior written permission

    of the publisher–other than for fair use as brief quotations embodied in

    articles and reviews.

    Praise for Give God the Glory!

    "The author of Give God the Glory! is proof that God does work with and through people, as he observes in the introduction. There is honesty in this book that leads to the Word. I am grateful Deacon Kevin W. Johnson includes the they reinforce the power in this book for new and ‘retired’ Christians."

    – ChristianBookReviewer

    Congratulations on the publication. I wish you great success with your first printing. Your book, Kevin, touched me. Please know our prayers are with you as well.

    – Gayle King, Editor-at-Large,

    O The Oprah Magazine, New York City

    "Every Christian is gifted and commissioned to faithfully administer the manifold grace of God. With such a highcalling, it is imperative that we live each precious moment with a precise revelation of our part in God’s overall plan.

    Kevin Johnson’s book, Give God the Glory! sets out to help the reader discover that revelation. His timely message is both practical and penetrating providing a comprehensible plan of action well worth implementation."

    – Lawrence Powell, Pastor,

    Agape Family Worship Center, Rahway, New Jersey

    "Give God the Glory! is full of in-depth information for the Christian and non-Christian alike. The author has done extensive research of the Holy Bible and various secular resources. Reading this book will provoke one to consider their purpose for living. You will be convinced, as I was, that the Word of God is true and applicable for living in the 21st century. I recommend Give God the Glory! as a wonderful literary work to be included in your personal library."

    – Reverend Melvin Johnson, Sr., Pastor & Founder,

    True Disciple Ministries Bible Institute (an Evangelical Training Association affiliated Institute), Somerville, New Jersey

    "Give God the Glory! is a how-to book. It takes the words of the Bible and applies them to life. This book will open the word to your day-to-day life. The author gives his interpretation, and a good one, of the word. Read, apply, and enjoy."

    – William L. Rosser, Jr.,

    Rosser Family Dentistry (retired),

    Richmond, Virginia

    "Give God the Glory! offers usable information that can be referred to time and time again in your library. It covers diverse topics conducive to the enhancement of family relationships. This work is also easy to read and will prove to be enjoyable and enlightening. Johnson encourages his readers to Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life which is practical use of a most appropriate subtitle. He enthusiastically embraces God’s word for his life and expresses it in a way that gives readers incentives to do the same."

    – Purpose Magazine, Book Views,

    Columbus, Ohio

    "Reading this inspirational book is a life-changing experience. It is truly a blessing for all of us who wish to learn to follow God’s plan in our lives. I recommend Give God the

    Glory! to anyone who is searching for a guide to a more fulfilling spiritual life. Through the special gift of his writing ministry, Kevin Johnson models for all of us the ways in which we can each use our own talents to bring others to the Lord and to spread the word of the gospel."

    – Nancy Boyd-Franklin, Ph.D., Professor,

    Rutgers University, Co-author, with her husband,

    Dr. A.J. Franklin, of the book, Boys into Men:

    Raising Our African American Teenage Sons

    If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion forever and ever. Amen (1 Peter 4:11).

    The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork (Psalm 19:1).

    In Loving Memory of...

    I dedicate this book to the loving memory of my maternal grandmother, Granny. She was a God-fearing woman who, when I was about eight-years-old touched me on my clean shaven head one day in her home and predicted that I would grow up to be a preacher. It is a memory of her that I will never forget. I also vividly remember observing Granny on her knees consistently and persistently praying to God.

    Thank you, Granny, for your Godly example.





    Part I - KNOW GOD

    1. Glorify God at All Times

    2. You’re Called (whether you know it or not)

    3. Knowing Your Spiritual Gift(s)


    4. Spread the Gospel!

    5. Stand Tall by Knowing Your Covenant Rights

    6. Be a Blessing to Others


    Concluding Prayer

    APPENDIX A —Scripture references from Preface

    APPENDIX B — Psalm 23

    APPENDIX C — The Fall of Jerusalem

    Selected Bibliography

    About the Author


    First, and foremost, I thank God, who, through His love for me, transferred me from the power of darkness into His marvelous light, simply by confessing Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. The gift of writing has been manifested in me, and revealed unto me, as a means to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I am eternally grateful for it.

    I thank my lovely wife, Gail, who has added tremendously to my life. Thank you for your editorial gifts and all of your support relative to the completion of this book. I love you more each year along with our three sons, Kevin, Christopher, and Cameron. Because of you, I look forward to each day as a husband, a father, and a man. I thank my parents, Ernest and Adele, who led, guided, and directed me throughout my childhood, adolescent, and young adult years. Dad’s military service in the U.S. Marine Corps instilled discipline and confidence in me during my early years that are paying dividends even today. Dad, your inspiring words—Be prepared—will be passed on to my boys. Mom’s nurturing and diligent attendance in church taught me as a boy that God is real. While Dad was away in

    Vietnam and Okinawa, fighting in America’s wars, Mom persistently kept me focused on the Lord through activities such as Sunday School and Vacation Bible School at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Richmond, VA.

    I thank my Pastor, Patricia Webster, and the Shiloh Pentecostal Church family. It is wonderful to have a great church home where the Word of God is taught boldly and uncompromisingly. I have grown so much since joining Shiloh in March 1998 and am so proud to be a member where I can perfect my ministry calling.

    Thank you Steve Gilliland of Performance Plus in Pittsburgh, PA. My Christian brother inspired and challenged me on March 9, 2000, during a training class in New York City, to write this book.

    Lastly, I thank all family members and friends who have touched my life in a positive way. Your love and support have added enormously to my life and have helped to shape me into the person that I am today. For that, I thank you and love you all.


    Deacon Kevin W. Johnson gives us a successfully laid out strategy in helping us to Give God the Glory! He shares his personal testimony. He provides us with Scriptural support, and, through these pages gives us the opportunity to look within ourselves and realize that God has been truly good to us and we must take the time, everyday of our lives, to give Him the Glory He desires and deserves! I would also encourage anyone who wishes to have an impact on developing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as introduce others to

    Christ, to read this book. I am proud of this first of many literary contributions Deacon Kevin will have the privilege to share with the world at large.

    Patricia Webster, Senior Pastor,

    Shiloh Pentecostal Church, Inc.

    Christian Love Center

    Somerville, New Jersey


    The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it (Psalm 68: 11).

    Give God the Glory! is one of the many ways that I am personally able to glorify God that is through the blessed gift of writing. This book is the culmination of numerous personal experiences and accounts as a member of the body of Christ. The pages contained herein comprise many years of personal Bible study, reading various texts and articles, and intently listening to powerful sermons that I have enjoyed from the two pastors that God has placed me under. This book is written to all of God’s people. Regardless of your personal religious belief(s), God’s grace and mercy is sufficient to meet all of the needs of His people. I am totally convinced, by faith, that God’s gift to us all, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ—has redeemed each of us from the curse of the law, so that we may enjoy life, and enjoy it abundantly (John 10:10).

    For those who do not have a personal relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, it is my prayer that Give God the Glory! will open all hearts and minds concerning God’s love for us, be the spark that ignites a burning desire to know Him, and cause us to rely

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