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Never Again
Never Again
Never Again
Ebook146 pages2 hours

Never Again

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This book will help you to know how to work in agreement with your spirit, how to develop to understand the use of your spirit by operating in the spirit. You don’t get to this level of operation by merely attending the usual church service. Many born again Christians have been disabled operationally because they have not learnt how to gro

Release dateJun 28, 2019
Never Again

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    Never Again - Oluwafemi Joel



    And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.  [Genesis 3:15 KJV]

    Ever since Satan heard those words of being crushed he has been on the lookout for the Seed of the woman. The second part was appealing, the first part was disturbing. How Satan wished the part of bruising the Seed’s heel come to past quickly while the part of being bruised on the head never come to be. He now had to be ever watchful, super vigilant lest the Seed creep upon him unnoticed as he crept into being god of the material earth through stealing. Of course, no person should do to Satan what he had so atrociously done to man.

    It must be stopped – this head crushing – at all costs before it even starts. Satan believed he was equal to the task. Did he not just make GOD’s greatest creation doubt GOD’s word and consequently separated all mankind from GOD? Was not that swift sweet salacious victory? Never mind the humiliating defeat suffered in the hands of Michael previously. The war broke out in Heaven. Michael and his angels battled with the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back, but they did not prevail and they were expelled from Heaven. So the huge dragon, the serpent of ancient times, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world, was hurled down upon the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. [Revelation 12:79 J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS)] He sagely thought of his enormous advantage gained by deceit – he ruled the earth. The erstwhile former holder of dominion and authority handed the earth to him in a silver platter tarnished by flattery and fraud. After all the Seed would be born on earth which has now become his domain by virtue of an incontrovertible invitation (it seemed) by the designated dweller.

    Much like an apartment renter subletting the place to another tenant though the owner remains the Owner (of earth and everything on it). Then there’s the Seed being born definitely male as spoken by GOD Himself Who never lies. How difficult could this be having seen how easy it was to defeat the original man!

    Satan wrongly figured it out. He thought he had it in the proverbial bag. After being kicked out of heaven, Satan saw GOD create a new being never seen before – someone possessing both spiritual and physical qualities heretofore unknown then. Man was made from the material of earth which is temporal yet received life from the substance of GOD which is eternal. What a picturesque paradox!


    Never Again


    This is an interview with the man of God the general I call him general and is the general of the Kingdom of God ministries here in London United Kingdom he just asked me a straight forward question what this book is all about. And I am replying to that right now about what the book is all about, now the general is a prayer man, God has used him in many, many people’s lives in the area of prayer with tangible testimony.

    The general has just ask me what this book is all about; the book is generally about spiritual warfare, how we fight the spiritual warfare as per the scriptures the scriptural direction on how to handle the spiritual war especially as revealed in the books of Ephesians and 2 Corint. which says; ¹² For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places...and ³ For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: ⁴ (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

    Many believers don’t really comprehend the benefits or the provisions of what the Lord has done for us and so after attending your program for some time about NEVER AGAIN that stirred me up to title this book NEVER AGAIN but I must hear from you because you are the one that have the program that God gave to you and you do it so what is the NEVER AGAIN program all about? then that will answer the book also.

    First of all there has to be an understanding about how and what drives man to engage the spiritual fight and number two, who is mandated for the spiritual fight, number three, if there has to be someone mandated for the spiritual fight then how is that one equipped?

    So the NEVER AGAIN concept did not just come out of somebody who wants to do something then you stand up today I want to do this. The point is the ministry itself and the ministers also have to know which direction is the concern of God for His people. In other words to have a mandate of calling, so you need to know exactly and operate within that mandate and then develop in that mandate then as we go, after a while the Lord gave me the word one morning in the book of Nahum chapter 1 vs 9 ‘’ affliction shall not rise up the second time’’

    It means it is NEVER AGAIN so it’s not going to happen again then we have to initiate it by spending time to pray on it to see which direction it has to go because most people will just like somebody to say this year is a year of abundance, they just title the year, they just look at how they feel and give the year a name, ‘the year of Abundance’ but if you check their own state there is nothing reflecting that, nothing reflecting abundance, so it means that they gave themselves the title for themselves but we need to engage God to see how God feels about the people’s situation.

    When God met Moses, God met Moses on the account of people’s situation, when Jesus met Paul (Saul) Jesus met him on the account of people’s situations ‘I will send you to the Gentiles’ , when He met Peter in the vision He told Peter ‘don’t call these things unclean’ so He is sending Peter to the unclean and Peter must be ready, so we need to know where the mandate is, the preparedness to execute the mandate, so we need to know where our mandates are and then prepare to execute that mandate.

    Knowing is different, it can take you a while to fit into it. David was anointed but Saul was still the King. Now within this process David had to prepare himself by taking certain practical steps that was leading to the mandate itself to come, but it must not come when you are not prepared, when you are not ready and what we see now is that we have many, many people not understanding their assignments so you see the majority of the churches are molding themselves after something else.

    ‘I want my church to look like T. D. Jakes, I want my church to look like America, I want my church to look like Christ Embassy’ there is no call in that, because there must be this man going to the Gentiles, there must be a specific call, the man is given the call. There is a specific way he has to operate not until that way is identified it is a matter of duplication.

    This is great, man of God, I want to ask you because this is rare opportunity to meet with the man himself behind the vision and behind a particular well known program that is called NEVER AGAIN, and to hear from you is like drawing from a well of water, a deep well that flow from your belly to the people of God. I am excited about it; in what way has NEVER AGAIN impacted people’s lives that you have seen?

    NEVER AGAIN program, the name NEVER AGAIN stands for itself so every time since the inception of this NEVER AGAIN, people that have come in always had come to receive something and go. Always come to be relieved of something, always come to get out of the things the enemy has previously used or they have been experiencing.

    So the NEVER AGAIN actually stands for previous laden, previous problems, previous affliction, previous oppression, which in the literate understanding people call it old things are passed away but in reality the old things are much more paramount in their lives and this is why the one given the assignment must be prepared to remove the old things so that it does not become a mental thing because the church operate more with mental understanding they are quoting old things are passed away still the problem is developing itself and its getting worst.

    They feel comfortable, if I check my phone for today because I was busy all through the day doing other things. If I check my phone today, you will see a lot of miss calls, you follow it? how many missed calls 588 missed calls, are these people not Christians who called?, Sunday they were enjoying, feeling good, then Monday they remember the problems so you see the church need to quit this mental quoting something that cannot work, because the man who has the mandate, must prepare himself.

    So this NEVER AGAIN program, whenever it comes, we see people coming from different branches, different churches everybody to receive and before 3, 4 o’clock pm we see the move of God, the Spirit of God taking things out of people, its uncountable, one lady said, ‘I have been everywhere for four years (at the time of the testimony) there was no menstruation and the stomach swell up’ she just came to the NEVER AGAIN program and as I was going through the people praying, during the program because I usually lay hand on the people praying with them, just that touch finish, she got home, pregnant because the menstrual circle was restored.

    Now she has given birth to many children so there are lots of countless miracles like that and this is why it’s important that

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