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Mother: Down the memory lane
Mother: Down the memory lane
Mother: Down the memory lane
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Mother: Down the memory lane

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The very word mother symbolizes the deity of love care and affection and is considered as the purest of relationship mankind ever can have. I am reminded of famous line of poet describing mother: “ CHOTA THA JAB AAKHEN GILI HOTI THI TAB TUM YYAD AATI THI AUR AAB JAB TUM YAAD AATI HO AAKHEN GILI HOTI HAI…”
PublisherNotion Press
Release dateJan 22, 2015
Mother: Down the memory lane

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    Mother - Ashok Iyer



    Shardha as she was known, was the eldest daughter of family of seven children which consisted of five sisters and two brothers. She belonged to an army background with her mother being a housewife and father was Doctor in army.

    As she had army background, as a child she was widely travelled crisscrossing the entire Indian sub continent right from Burma to Assam to Lahore to Kabul and Dera Ismial khan. Her father who was a doctor in Indian Medical Core very strict father and things need to move only in the correct way.

    Her family consisted of five sisters and two brothers she being the eldest. She studied in convent school and did complete her Sr. Cambridge. She was well informed & fluent in English. She was influenced by her father and had good memories of his strict discipline and not only practiced the same in her life but also wanted her children to be time conscious and always used to tell us if you lose money there will be ample chance of making the same amount of money in rest of your life, but if we lose time we can never cover for the time lost.

    Like any other army family member she was critical of civilian for not adopting and applying discipline in their life. She always wanted to be perfect time follower and strictly applied the same rule in the family.

    She always used to advice to be very clear what we want to do in life without clarity our best of efforts can go in vain. Despite being herself very clear she could not get the required support from others and the poor lady was busy in dealing with the confused situations.

    Being the eldest member of the family she was the guide for the remaining four sisters and two brothers. She enjoyed best of the relationship with all brothers and sisters. She always used to speak good about all her sisters and brothers. She had special regards for her second brother who went on to manage the four sisters marriages without selling her father’s only earning their

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