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175 Easy and Healthy Recipes for Babies and Toddlers
175 Easy and Healthy Recipes for Babies and Toddlers
175 Easy and Healthy Recipes for Babies and Toddlers
Ebook191 pages1 hour

175 Easy and Healthy Recipes for Babies and Toddlers

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Are you or your family members looking for information on feeding your babies?
Well, if you are then this is the book for you. In "175 Easy and Healthy Recipes for Babies and Toddlers" parents will find hundreds of delicious, simple, and nutritious recipes for babies and young children, and the rest of the family! From Sweet Tomato soup to Egg salads, you'll find recipes that children and adults will love.

Release dateApr 1, 2015
175 Easy and Healthy Recipes for Babies and Toddlers

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    175 Easy and Healthy Recipes for Babies and Toddlers - My Ebook Publishing House

    1. Apple juice

    Necessary quantities: 1 apple, 2 teaspoons of sugar syrup.

    Quality, ripe apples (that have black kernels) are picked. They are nicely washed, peeled and then grated on a special grater, made of glass or plastic. The juice and the puree obtained are filtered through gauze. If the juice is too sour, 1-2 teaspoons of sugar syrup are added. It can be consumed from the 3rd month, starting with 2-3 teaspoons (10-15 ml) and reaching 10 teaspoons (50 ml) per day.

    2. Carrot juice

    It is the first juice used in the child’s alimentation, starting with the 2nd month. It is rich in minerals (potassium and iron), vitamins C, B1, B2 and carotene (provitamin A)

    It is made from fresh carrots, of a good quality, the carota kind (small and round carrots) being the most appetizing. The carrots are washed with a brush, in running water, peeled and washed again under running water (they are not left for too long in the water). They are grated through the glass grater or crushed in the fruit press. It is started with a small quantity, of 1-2 teaspoons, as an addition to a milk meal. The quantity given to the child is increased to 7-8 teaspoons, given in 2-3 phases, after nursing. It can be administered alternating with other types of juice, such as apple, orange, tomato juices, after the child was accustomed with each type of juice.

    3. Lemon juice

    It is rich in vitamin C and citric acid. Having an intense acid (sour) taste, it cannot be utilized as such, but the lemon represents a genuine source of vitamins and of flavor for other types of dishes. The juice is obtained by pressing the lemon by hand or in a special squeezer. It is used in the preparation of acidified milk, as an addition in other fruit juices, in teas, in acetifying soups and dressings, and for the child older than 6-8 months, in the preparation of lemonade as a refreshing and hydrating beverage.

    4. Lemonade

    Necessary quantities: 100 ml of water, 10 g of sugar, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

    The water with sugar is walloped for 5 minutes. It is left to quench and when it is nicely chilled, lemon is added.

    5. Orange, tangerine and grapefruit juice

    It can also be obtained by squeezing the fruit by hand or in the special squeezer. The juice can be served as such or sweetened with sugar syrup. It can be administered to the child starting with the 2nd or 3rd month, in small quantities, of 1-2 teaspoons, once per day, or twice per day, as a meal addition. Then, the serving is increased to 6-10 teaspoons (30-50 ml) in 24 hours, administered in 2-3 phases. The tolerance and taste of the child are observed. Starting with the 3rd month, the juice can be enriched with a small quantity of 1-2 teaspoons of flour, rice or cereal, or with mashed rice.

    6. Tomato juice

    Necessary quantities: 1-2 ripe tomatoes, 10 g of sugar syrup.

    The tomatoes are washed and soaked in parboiled water for a few moments. They are removed with a slotted spoon, peeled, stoned and squeeze through a gauze. The obtained juice is mixed with the sugar syrup. It can be served as such from the 4th month or to children older than 4-5 months, mixed with biscuits or cottage cheese.

    7. Strawberry, raspberry and wild strawberries juice

    Necessary quantities: 100 g of fruit, 10 g of sugar syrup.

    The fruits are washed, one by one, under a water jet or in a strainer. They are left to drain and then, squeezed through gauze. The obtained juice is mixed with the sugar syrup and can be seved as such or mixed with sweet cereal flour. These fruits are known to cause allergic occurrences (hives, eczema and so on). Therefore, they will be cautiously given to children and should be avoided in children who previously had such manifestations.

    8. Sour cherry juice

    Necessary quantities: 100-150 g of sour cherries, 10 g of sugar syrup.

    The stems of the ripe and fresh fruit are removed, the fruits are washed and then left to drain in a sieve. The kernels are removed. The fruit is drained through a gauze or crushed in a fruit press. The obtained juice is sweetened with the sugar syrup. It can be served as such or mixed with cereal flour, biscuits, rusk or as an addition to pap and pudding.

    9. Grated apples

    Necessary quantities: 2-3 qualitative apples, 10-15 ml of sugar syrup.

    The apples are prepared in the same manner as they are for juice. They are grated on the glass or plastic grater, the obtained pulp and juice are mixed (if too much juice has been obtained, a part of it is removed). It can be sweetened with sugar syrup. It is served to children starting with the 3rd month, at first, 2-3 teaspoons as a completion to a milk meal. Gradually, the quantity will be increased until a complete replacement of a milk meal to a fruit one. In this stage, a farinaceous concoction, biscuits or mashed rice are added.

    10. Fruit juice with cottage cheese and biscuits

    Necessary quantities: 2 biscuits, 50 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of fruit juice, 2 teaspoons of sugar or honey.

    The juice is prepared as it was shown in the recipes above. The fruit can be apples, peaches, sour cherries, oranges and so on or a mixture. The cheese is mashed through a sieve and mixed with the sugar. The biscuits are grinded, mixed with the fruit juice and left to soften for 10 minutes. They are added above the cottage cheese mixed with the sugar and whipped until the composition becomes foamy. It is offered to children that are at least 5 months old.

    11. Baked apples puree

    Necessary quantities: 2-3 apples, 10 g of rusk or biscuits, 50 g of sugar syrup, 1 teaspoon of butter.

    The apples are washed and wiped, their stems and kernels are removed, adding, instead of them, a bit of butter (of the size of a pea). They are placed on a tray in the oven, in which a bit of water is poured. When the apples are nicely soaked, they are taken out and peeled and the pulp is passed through a sieve or grated on a glass grater. They are mixed with the mashed apple pulp and beaten until the composition becomes homogeneous and gains a foamy aspect. The puree is served after 15 minutes, for the biscuits to imbue with the apple juice. It is served to the child at the age of 5-6 months.

    12. Boiled apples puree

    Necessary quantities: 150 g of peeled apples, 150-200 ml of water, 25 g of sugar.

    The apples are

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