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Royal by Blood: Beholding Your Identity in Christ
Royal by Blood: Beholding Your Identity in Christ
Royal by Blood: Beholding Your Identity in Christ
Ebook126 pages1 hour

Royal by Blood: Beholding Your Identity in Christ

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Royal by Blood is a small group study centered on the subject of the believer's royalty in Christ. The study of 1 Timothy will help to open the spritual eyes of the reader allowing her to see all mankind from the Heavenly King's perspective. This six-week study explores the role of royalty as well as the role of a servant relating this to the role a believer is called to fulfill in God's family. Each week the focus will be on the passage where Paul instructs Timothy to set an example for others to follow. Topic discussed include: eternity in our hearts, gracious speech, abounding in love, increased faith, being pure, as well as others. The reader will learn how to relate to God, family, and friends based on the value God places on His creation. Most importantly, each reader should take away a greater personal value realizing God calls a believer an heir to His royal kingdom. This is an ideal study for high school and college student as well as accountability groups who desire to build self-esteem and stronger relationships. A free Leader's Guide for this study is available at
PublisherRandall House
Release dateJan 22, 2008
Royal by Blood: Beholding Your Identity in Christ

Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson is a sixth grade writing teacher and Christian fiction writer. She is married with three daughters.

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    Royal by Blood - Jennifer Johnson


    To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.

    Revelation 1:5b, 6

    We were created by God to be a part of something larger than ourselves. We were created for something great, something beautiful, and even something royal. In His Word, God says a kingdom is being prepared for us (Matthew 25:34). Throughout Scripture, God calls us children, bride, chosen, blessed, holy, and a royal priesthood. These are a few descriptions of our identity in Christ after we have received His free gift of salvation into our hearts and lives. This salvation is freely bestowed to us through the shedding of Jesus Christ’s blood when He died on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for all. Jesus Christ died to save us from our sins, and He rose again on the third day to give us new life in Him (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4).

    For some of you, this news about Jesus’ death and resurrection is brand new, and you are curious to know more. For others, these truths have been a part of your head knowledge for many years, but you have yet to understand how it applies to your everyday life. Still for others, you deeply love the One who died and rose again, but you struggle with who you are as a believer. This Bible study will teach each of you who God has created you to be and how to practically live as an heir to His royal kingdom.

    In the Bible study Believing God, Beth Moore says, The One who adopted us into His royal family has called us to live according to our legacy. That’s exactly what I‘m praying Royal by Blood will teach us—how to live according to our legacy. By participating in this Bible study you’ll not only know who you are as a member of the royal family, but will learn how a daughter of the King relates to Him, relates to her family, to her friends, and even to herself. I love 1 Timothy 4:12 where Paul tells Timothy Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in love, in life, in faith, and in purity. Through these five areas Paul used to instruct young Timothy, you, too, will explore your royal identity.

    Royal by Blood consists of six weeks of lessons divided into five days of study for each week. The first week centers on the subject of your royalty in Christ and our call to be His servant. The remaining five weeks of study is from 1 Timothy 4:12. Each week focuses on one of the five areas in which Paul instructed Timothy to set an example. In each of the five areas, you’ll learn how to relate to God, family, friends, and yourself. The daily assignments will guide you to explore God’s truths as you read from your Bible and answer relevant questions pertaining to the Scriptures and your life. I also believe this study will cause you to lift your head a little higher because you’ll know more intimately to whom you belong.

    WEEK 1



    Today’s Scripture:

    He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

    Ecclesiastes 3:11

    There’s an ache, a longing, a hunger in our being that cries out, There’s got to be more to this life. Often we begin to feel this ache when we encounter disappointment . . . from families, friends, circumstances, and the mirror. This disappointment often creates a longing for more—more love, more fun, more joy, more contentment, more beauty, more possessions, or maybe more of something that you can’t even define. We just know we want more from what we are already experiencing in life. Something to make us happy. Something to make us content.

    When you begin to feel this way about your life, where do these thoughts eventually lead you? To depression? To the mall? To food? To school work? To music?

    Write down an action you usually do when the longing for more comes over you. Sometimes things we do to comfort ourselves become habits in our lives and we don’t even know why we do them. We may spend money, eat, exercise, or talk on the phone because deep down inside we have an unmet need we are attempting to satisfy. What is it you long for?

    Reread Ecclesiastes 3:11. The phrase He has set eternity in the hearts of men speaks about our God-given longing for more than this temporary life on earth. We’re created in such a way that we’re never satisfied without God—nothing on earth will produce lasting contentment. Define contentment:

    The Amplified Bible says, He also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy.] I love where it says sense of purpose because sometimes we just have that sense or gut feeling that we’re on this planet, in our state, in our school, and in our home for more than just going to school and getting a degree. We sense that we do have a unique purpose, but we’ve yet to discover the details of our destiny.

    We come into this world with a longing to be known and a deep–seated fear that we aren’t what we should be.

    –John Eldredge, Sacred Romance

    Same Old Story

    Let’s look at Jesus’ disciples and see what was going on in their young minds. Luke 22:24-30 gives us a glimpse into the disciples’ thoughts. In the verses above this passage, we discover that the disciples just finished having the Passover meal, the Last Supper, with Jesus himself. In a complementary account of this story found in John 13:4-7, we also find that Jesus washed their feet as an example of servanthood. This dinner was a great spiritual moment because of the celebration of the Passover with the One who just hours later actually became The Passover Lamb. Now please read Luke 22:24-30.

    Old Testament Tip: What’s the Passover? Read Exodus chapter 12. When the Israelites were in bondage to Egypt, God called Moses to come before the Pharaoh asking that the Israelites be released. When Pharaoh refused, God sent 10 plagues to change his mind. The final plague—the death of the firstborn—didn’t affect the Israelites because they obeyed God’s command to put the blood of a lamb on their doorpost. Thus, when God saw the blood, He passed over, sparing them from death. The Israelites then celebrated Passover every year as a remembrance of God’s mercy. Second Corinthians 5:7 reveals that Jesus Christ serves as our Passover Lamb. When God sees Christ’s presence in our lives, His judgment passes over us!

    What do the disciples argue about in Luke 22:24?

    It’s the same old story! Even the disciples had a deep desire to stand out in a crowd, to make a name for themselves, to be the greatest. Read Jesus’ response in verses 25-30. According to verse 26, what two attributes did Jesus tell the disciples they needed if they truly wanted to be great?

    Jesus knows our hearts. He heard the disciples disputing, but more important He saw their longing to be someone and to have a title such as Benefactor. Immediately He tells them, You are not to be like that. Then in verse 29 He says, I confer on you a kingdom. Jesus wanted the disciples to stop looking for the world to satisfy their needs, and to look with their spiritual eyes to see the supernatural reality of God’s kingdom that belonged to them. Jesus confers, or as the King James Version reads, appoints us a kingdom where one day we will eat and drink at His table in His kingdom. There really is more to this life than what we see with our human eyes. Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world,’ (Matthew 25:34).

    The truths recorded in the Bible are for to us today. His Word is eternal, enduring from generation to generation, no matter how the cultures and ways of the world change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever, (Hebrews 13:8).

    Through Royal by Blood we will study the kingdom of God and the amazing privilege we have to be a part of it, as well as the blessed responsibilities that come with being daughters of the King.

    Let’s pray:

    Dear heavenly Father, You are the King of kings and Lord of lords. I bow before You and acknowledge Your divine right to be my authority. My life is not my own. Open my spiritual eyes to see Your kingdom at work in my

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