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60 Minute Public Speaking
60 Minute Public Speaking
60 Minute Public Speaking
Ebook70 pages1 hour

60 Minute Public Speaking

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About this ebook

60 Minute Public Speaking is designed to help you overcome your fear of public speaking in less than 60 minutes. The book is designed to teach you how to create powerful content and to deliver a compelling speech in any situation using the easy to follow, step by step principles.

Release dateJan 23, 2015
60 Minute Public Speaking

Stewart Lancaster

Stewart Lancaster is an Award Winning Chartered Manager, qualified Accountant and Project Manager. His many years of experience have proven his ability to deliver successful business change and manage complex projects. A Financial Services specialist, Stewart is sharing the unique "Scrum" method, honed during his years managing multi-million pound projects for both regulated multi-national organisations and listed PLCs. Stewart started his career as a Financial Adviser. He worked his way forward via City Investment Management to Operations Management. Now, he specialises in Operational Efficiency and Business Change. Stewart has successfully used "Scrum" in projects ranging from software development to improving business processes.

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    Book preview

    60 Minute Public Speaking - Stewart Lancaster

    60 Minute: Public Speaking

    By Stewart Lancaster

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2014 Stewart Lancaster All Rights Reserved


    Chapter 1: You need a Plan

    Chapter 2: Reducing the fear of public speaking

    Chapter 3: Crafting your speech

    Chapter 4: Doing it in style

    Chapter 5: Pushing the Panic Button

    Chapter 6: Putting It All Together

    Chapter 7: Glossary

    About the Author


    My Public Speaking journey…

    In the early 2000’s I was the Head of Operations for a large financial brokerage. I had been running a project to build our own in house training capability to allow us to train new employees as financial advisers. I had appointed two senior members of the team to carefully design a gruelling week of intensive training which culminated in delegates sitting their regulatory exams at the end of the week.

    It was a Friday morning and finally all of our hard work and preparation was about to pay off. I had been monitoring the progress of this project by way of weekly update meetings and was excited to welcome twenty new recruits on our inaugural training course the following Monday.

    Just after 9:00 am my senior trainer walked into my office and asked if I had a few minutes to discuss the course. I invited him to take a seat and couldn’t help but notice that he wasn’t quite looking himself, he looked like he had seen a ghost.

    There was a pause that became a lengthy silence which was eventually followed by a confession. He had been a little optimistic in his weekly project updates; in fact he had not even created the course introduction. At this point we had nothing more than a brief agenda.

    It turned out that he had a crippling fear of public speaking, so extreme that he could barely commit pen to paper. Initially I thought about cancelling the course, but quickly realised that 20 people were relying on me and my team.

    Immediately I cleared my diary for the day and told my team that we had ‘an issue’ that I had to resolve personally, and to that effect I would be leaving the office to work on the course material all weekend.

    How could this have happened? How did this issue not come to light in our weekly update meetings? How was I going to create a weeks’ worth of training material in two and a half days? These were all of the questions that raced through my head as I left the office; then it dawned on me, I had to speak to a room full of 20 strangers for an entire week. This was public speaking at its extreme.

    Monday morning came around in what seemed like a flash and my mind was racing, I was trying to find an excuse as to why I couldn’t go into work that day. I couldn’t call in sick as everyone would know that I was terrified and under prepared. The answer came out of the blue, a car crash! Just a little crash so I couldn’t come into the office, nothing too serious but just enough to avoid this public speaking experience.

    Thankfully my rational mind took over

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