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There are 3 short fables in this book. Two of them were well recived before as single eddition: Roy The Rabbit and Earthworm Elliot, so there is new one Of Flower Which Delight.

Roy was a special rabbit. He had a beautiful white fur, long ears, sharp white teeth and a long, bushy tail. You heard it right; long tail.

Under the garden surface lived earthworm Elliot. Throughout the day, eager to dig tunnels under the ground, thereby allowing ventilation of the soil that the plants can grow. He dug a real maze of tunnels.

On a small meadow a beautiful flower was growing . She was very sad, because she was all alone. Every evening she whished to wake up in the morning and saw other flowers by her side. Every morning was a new disappointment when she found that she is still all alone.

PublisherHerai Varda
Release dateAug 13, 2015

Herai Varda

SLO Vse zgodbice nastajajo na željo moje hčerke, ki je prišla na idejo, da raje sooblikuje, prebira in posluša te zgodbe, kot ostale, že tolikokrat slišane. Zgodbice so pisane iz srca in zavedam se nekaterih pravopisnih napak, ki jih sproti odpravljam. Upava, da so vam in vašim malčkom všeč. Vsaka dobronamerna kritika je zelo dobrodošla. Hvala, ker jih prebirate. Zame je pisanje teh zgodbic dobra terapija v teh težkih časih in ubadanju z osebnimi težavami. EN All stories are created at the request of my daughter who came up with the idea that she rather shapes, read and listen to these stories than others, so often heard. Stories are written from the heart and I realize some spelling errors but trying to correct them. We hope you and your toddlers love our stories. Some well-intentioned criticism is very welcome. Thank you for reading them. For me, writing these stories is good therapy in these difficult times and dealing with personal problems.

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