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Blood to Fire: Red Slaves, #2
Blood to Fire: Red Slaves, #2
Blood to Fire: Red Slaves, #2
Ebook206 pages2 hours

Blood to Fire: Red Slaves, #2

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It's a simple trade: Magical power for your humanity...

Researcher Anne Crosby came to Russia to solve the mystery of amnesiac Ivan Krempenski. Instead, she became part of the mystery. Never a believer in the paranormal, Anne discovers Ivan's true dragon form-and her own.

The old Soviet Union once held Russian dragons captive, siphoning off their magic to cement their power. The resurgent FSK believes enslaving them again will return the Communists to their former might.

New mates Anne and Ivan must learn to control their bewildering new abilities, stay one step ahead of the FSK, and restore their kind before dragons slip into myth...or slavery.

Release dateSep 11, 2015
Blood to Fire: Red Slaves, #2

Tonya Cannariato

A voracious reader since she was a toddler, and an ordained spiritualist, Tonya Cannariato has now presided over the marriage of her love of reading and her love of writing. She's lived a nomadic life, following first her parents in their Foreign Service career through Africa, Europe, and Asia, and then her own nose criss-crossing America as she's gotten old enough to make those choices for herself. She's currently based in the Washington, DC suburbs with her four loves: her husband and three Siberian Huskies. She suspects her Huskies of mystical alchemy with their joyous liberation of her muse and other magical beings for her inspiration. She loves to sleep, to watch her interesting dreams, some of which are now finding new life in written form.

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    Book preview

    Blood to Fire - Tonya Cannariato

    Red Slaves: Blood to Fire

    By Tonya Cannariato

    Chapter 1 – December 1992

    Nook? You call this a nook? Olga has been following me faithfully through at least twenty minutes of twists and turns in our home cave system. It’s been months since I’ve seen her. I know she’s been busy setting up a branch office to satisfy my erstwhile boss, Sam Stone, so the latest ancillary to his empire will run efficiently. Not that the stress is apparent in her face. The complexion that had glowed previously is now truly radiant, and the twinkle in her eye is ever-present.

    It’s the smallest library space I’ve found here. And it’s so beautifully finished. It’s like a master mason went through and chiseled shelves between stalagmites and stalactites. It’s cozy, too. There are a lot of benefits to my new home, so it’s easy to wax lyrical.

    If you say so. I think this is larger than some of the community libraries I’ve visited. You must have lost your sense of scale along with your fear of being underground.

    I eye her closely. She must be teasing.

    The walls curve graciously and the sandstone forming their backbone is a warm color, highlighted by alabaster insets that manage the perfect amount of light to keep the setting intimate, while creating a comfortable reading ambiance.

    I still haven’t managed to uncover the secret of our lighting system—and it’s complicated by the fact that there are several intersecting types of lighting. I’m most fascinated by the clever use of mirrors to redirect natural light deep underground. The oil lamps don’t ever need replenishing, and the other lamps seem to operate on some arcane variant of electricity, since I know we don’t have a generator or switch box anywhere—and we’re off the grid according to the local authorities.

    Ivan had dismissed my worries about having to pay for heating and cooling and lighting and all those conveniences by sharing that news.

    How they work is a mystery for another day. For now, it’s time to focus on what could help us resume our alternate forms. Look. I found this card catalog; it seems each library space has its own, with each only intermittently cross-referencing the others. It would be the work of a lifetime just to create a unified system here.

    Olga’s eyes take on an entirely different gleam—she’s as obsessed with books as I am. Job security, right? She winks. Show me what you’ve found so far.

    Here, look at this bank. If I’m reading that word correctly, this whole set of drawers has cards dealing with transformation.

    It’s the topic that most obsesses me these days. Natasha, the girl-woman Igor and I rescued from Chernivtsi, who sacrificed herself to close the power vortex in Manpupunur, can’t have died in vain. If she really died. And yet, none of us—the four dragons who returned to this cave system near Omsk—have control over our alternate forms. It feels like it’s urgent that we figure this out, given the extreme Natasha went to, to allow us all to transform that first time.

    To say nothing of how easily we could be entrapped and enslaved by the FSK, given how little we understand about our basic physiology.

    Either that or I’m looking for excuses to avoid the depth of connection I now share with Ivan, my mate.

    At least he’s stopped bleeding dust since the power vortex closed.

    Olga peers carefully at first one card, then another. Finally, she pulls out an entire drawer and carries it to an ornate table set under a large wall sconce that seems to have been made for a closer assessment of the contents of the catalog. She has a strange, preoccupied frown on her face.

    What’s wrong? Did I misinterpret?

    I don’t know. I don’t know this language. Her forehead is furrowed and she’s rubbing her belly as if there might be some magical inspiration available from the budding life inside her. She told me on the way here that part of what had driven her and Andrei’s quick and quiet wedding was their first child, due in seven months.

    What? You’re kidding... right?

    Why would I do that? This is important to you and I’m trying to help. But these are pictograms unlike anything I know of even in ancient Russian script. I think we should take this back to the others to get their opinion. And I think you need to reassess the scope of your changes if you can read and understand what these scribbles and curlicues mean.

    I grumble. You just want to force me to go back to be close to Ivan.

    No, but I think he and Igor might have some insights that would help resolve the puzzle. She’s rubbing her belly again.

    I can see it’s flat, but she’s definitely thinking about what’s going on inside her.

    Are you sure you’re okay with all this walking? Do you want me to call the boys to carry you back?

    Don’t be silly. Walking is good for me.

    I’ll carry that drawer, then. I remember when my sister was further along how hard it was for her to do anything other than waddle. She used to walk everywhere with her hands pressed against her back.

    See.... Now you’re being mean. I know this won’t be easy. But at the end we get a baby. She’s so happy she’s beaming at me.

    I’m glad that from what I can tell, I won’t have to face that problem.

    And there’s another benefit to your transformation.

    We laugh but fall silent again soon enough. I’m struck by how wildly my moods have been vacillating in the past six weeks. I can scream and laugh and cry all in the same hour—and do, multiple times a day. I’m beginning to annoy myself with all this emotionalism. It’s not rational. It’s out of character.

    I’m startled out of my thoughts as we turn another corner and all but run into Ivan and Andrei.

    Olga skips and throws herself at her husband. Did you miss me?

    Of course! That’s why we came looking for you. He caresses her face as if she were a rare, wild mink who had only barely allowed itself to be touched.

    It’s difficult to watch, but I resolutely keep my eyes away from Ivan. Instead I focus on the semi-precious stones inlaid at the curve of the wall into the ceiling. They are more beautiful and intricate than I had previously appreciated. They look like living scales.

    Let me carry that for you. Somehow Ivan’s next to me, insinuating his arms under the smooth wood of the card catalog drawer.

    I was doing fine, bearing the burden myself. I’m grumbling again.

    Ivan is unfailingly kind and helpful, but I don’t like being coddled.

    I like the sense of accomplishment that comes from completing a task on my own. And I suspect additional strength and endurance are part of my new self, since I know from my old life a full drawer like this can weigh as much as twenty-five pounds. I haven’t even broken a sweat, hefting it for a twenty-minute walk. I feel refreshed—as if my muscles appreciated the unaccustomed use. Something else that’s new and different.

    Still, Ivan is now carrying the drawer—with the same ease I had experienced. He walks by my side without any additional attempts at conversation, and we hear Andrei and Olga cooing at each other as they lag behind us, whispering in that lovers’ language that has always eluded me.

    I watch our feet as we walk. We’re in sync. It’s so easy when it’s just our bodies left to do their own thing. But my sister has always been such an example to me about how badly things can go when you just let your bodies direct all the action, so this isn’t as reassuring as it might otherwise be. We’re still groping toward a meeting of the minds, and I’m still fighting the baggage of a lifetime that tells me I’m too difficult to be a good partner.

    Instead of returning to the dining room, we head to the main library cavern. There are lower tables and more comfortable seating arrangements, and Igor is enjoying an after-dinner tea with Vasily and Fyodor. It’s nice to see my erstwhile research associate and my only other remaining link to Sam and the outside world—even if we were never more than cordial in our relationship.

    Hi, Igor! You took so long settling in, you missed us at the table. Are you okay? How’s your heart?

    He flaps his hands at me, making shushing noises. It’s no big thing. I’m just feeling my age these days with all the chasing around we have to do to get the office established. I closed my eyes for a few minutes, and then Fyodor showed up with a dinner platter that would feed an army.

    You’re not that old. You should tell Sam if he’s overworking you. He should let you hire additional help to take care of the heavy lifting. I know he knows about your heart condition. He should watch out more for his friends!

    Don’t be unkind. He’s careful enough. It’s just the travel is more than I’m accustomed to.

    Hmmm. I think you’re making excuses for him. You drove quite a bit between your dacha and the university in Moscow.

    I’ll be fine. Now, what do you have for us?

    Peering closely at his face it seems his eyes might be puffy but his lips don’t carry any unhealthy blue tinge. His thick glasses could hide some remaining details, but his carelessly mussed hair and wrinkled clothes look characteristic.

    I forge ahead, I found another alcove with an extensive library. I’m pretty sure the legend on this particular drawer of cards indicates that these books all relate to transformation. I thought Olga might be able to confirm that, but now she tells me the writing doesn’t look like the ancient Russian I had assumed.

    Ivan settles the drawer on the low table in the center of a small circle of leather couches. Despite my intention of maintaining some distance from him, we’re seated together, with Olga leaning against Andrei on the couch to our right, while Fyodor and Vasily share the couch to our left, and Igor holds court on the couch opposite us.

    Igor spreads a handful of cards in front of him, as if he were an old-school mystic trying to divine the pattern they convey. He shifts one up, another one to the side, and a third to the middle. He reverses one end for end.

    We’re all mesmerized into silence watching his careful maneuvers.

    Well, what do you think? The silence had grown too weighty. I need to prompt him to words.

    I think Olga is right. How did you find words in these symbols? His question sounds accusatory to me. But it’s possible I’m just overly sensitive to his statements given the one-ups-man-ship we’ve danced around since I first arrived in Moscow three months ago.

    I shake my head. What do you mean? They were perfectly clear to me—if antiquated.

    I think these are Chinese symbols. Not even as modern as traditional Chinese. There may even be bits of poetic Chinese, with pictorial elements combined with ancient precursors to symbols representing abstract ideas. The real wonder of it is how well-preserved this paper is—and if it’s modern paper, how does it hold such ancient writing? Unless... I wonder if we could take one of these to a lab for analysis?

    Igor is prodding and poking at the little cards from the catalog drawer, now caught up in his own speculation, muttering in the abstracted manner of a scholar intent on a new mystery. That used to be me. Now I’m more focused on the information we could potentially glean from the words on those pages.

    Look. I’m sure we could sacrifice a corner of a card to an assay, but let’s stay focused here. If that’s Chinese, how could I read it? I don’t know Chinese! Is there any way we can confirm the meaning? And if I understood enough to interpret that, is there any way we can figure out how to push us back to dragon form?

    Igor hrumphs as I pull him out of his reverie. I don’t know. How about you read what you see, and we’ll take notes. If we’re all listening, maybe we’ll figure out the riddle that stumped you.

    It wasn’t a riddle. I just thought I understood a word here or there and you could help me translate.

    Ivan jumps in. I think that’s one of the ancient dragon languages. Maybe if Fyodor and Vasily back me up, I can access our ancestral memory to interpret.

    Olga shoots me a meaningful look. See? It was worth asking.

    I pout and mutter. You don’t have to rub it in.

    She chuckles while the men disregard our commentary as they rearrange themselves so Fyodor and Vasily can stand behind our couch, each putting his right hand on one of Ivan’s shoulders. The scene reminds me of old Cossack dances, with Ivan crouched down and intent on the surface in front of him.

    I half expect the chanting Natasha had started up while we were in the dungeon at Manpupuner, but all I feel is the sensation of ants running up and down my arms and legs. It’s disconcerting, and I brush vigorously at my limbs to shake the sensation.

    Not that my activity disrupts the intensity building around the men, but I decide to stand and move away just in case.

    As I do, Ivan’s hand shoots out and grabs mine. His grip is insistent.

    I’m sucked into a vision of a sky full of wings—solidly colored butterflies on a macro scale. There are so many more colors than the red, gold, and purple versions I had seen during Natasha’s transformation ceremony. Individual wings filtering sunlight through the thin membranes makes the mass of individuals flying through the air look like a rainbow come to life.

    They’re wheeling about in an aerial dance, sometimes in close formations, sometimes pulling off in freewheeling arabesques that remind me of prima ballerinas enjoying their solos.

    It’s impossible to count numbers or understand color groupings in the frenzy of movement and I half suspect Ivan is projecting his dearest dream onto me. I want to make a run for it, when one of the largest detaches itself from the group and lands in front of us.

    As he back-wings to land, my eyes are drawn to the lethal rows of teeth that are now within striking distance of us.

    I’ve almost forgotten we’re safe in our subterranean library, his iron-gray presence is so real—and overwhelming. I would never have suspected an individual of this hue from the range still flitting in the sky above us. There are claws and horns and spikes that could impale us at any moment. It’s like being the mouse trapped in the eagle’s gaze, all trembling stillness, fear, and awe.

    Be still and focus, children.

    Wait. Is he talking to me? I’m not a child. Being addressed with this kind of insolence reminds me of my backbone.

    Yes. You too. You are all children in the terms of our race. You have much to learn so gather closer and absorb my knowledge.

    Chapter 2 – Awakening

    When I come to, I find I’ve been moved back to my bedroom and groan at the thought of having lost more time. What’s it been, a few weeks since your last black-out? You were obviously overdue.

    My grumbling brings activity at my door as Olga pushes it open and walks across the vast space that is my boudoir. She’s moving slowly, but I don’t see

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