Hacks for Minecrafters: An Unofficial Minecrafters Guide
By Megan Miller
About this ebook
Mining - including diamonds and rare minerals!
Farming - growing tricks, seed hacks, and the best tree-replanting techniques.
Battle - for the best weapons and armour.
Magic - top crafting hacks and book modifiers!
With more than one hundred full-colour screenshots of in-game footage, you can follow every tip with precision. You will never be stuck again.
Megan Miller
Megan Miller was born in Talara, Peru, and from there grew up in Miami, Barcelona, and the suburbs of London, England. She's also lived in Houston, Austin, NYC, the Hudson Valley, Kentucky, and finally New Mexico. She plays Minecraft daily, and has also spent many hours in the past with arcade game Centipede, the first Castle Wolfenstein shooters, the first color Mac space shooter Crystal Quest, The Sims, Sim City (1-3), City Skylines, Civilization, and more. You can contact her through her website, meganfmiller.com - (see you there!)
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Book preview
Hacks for Minecrafters - Megan Miller
ou’re a miner! You’ve mined for diamonds, killed a couple or a million zombies, and know not to dig straight up or straight down! Now what? Plenty. Minecraft is a constantly evolving sandbox game. This means the developers of the game add new things each year and there are many ways to play. For version 1.8, Minecraft added ocean monuments, new blocks like red sandstone and prismarine, banners, rabbits, updated villagers and enchanting, and much more. You can expect this game to grow and change as you learn, so there are always new things to explore and experiment with.
And each year, thousands of players find new tricks to get things done better, faster, or with more fun. This book will show you lots of ways to help your game, whether you like to fight zombies or build castles, including:
•how to save a village from a siege of zombies
•what to do first to defeat the Ender Dragon
•how to find one of your world’s three strongholds
•how to make automatic sliding doors using pistons and redstone
•how to move between Creative and Survival modes using cheats
NOTE: The tips in this book are based on Minecraft 1.8.1, PC version, so if you are playing a different version or are playing on a console, you may find that some features work a little differently.
inecraft is a sandbox game, which means there aren’t any rules for how you play. In a sandbox, you can build a sandcastle, dig a road, or throw a bunch of sand around. In Minecraft, you can build a massive railway system, make friends with wolves and ocelots, explore the oceans, or kill an army of zombies. Or do it all. There’s no goal that you must achieve, but if you like goals, Minecraft has a few you can set your sights on. It’s up to you to decide how to play, and you can mix it up any way you want to.
Minecraft Game Modes
Minecraft has different game modes you choose at the start. They are geared to the different types of gameplay.
•Survival and Hardcore: In Survival mode you have to find food and shelter, and you can be killed. If you are killed, you respawn at your starting point without your inventory. (Your inventory items stay at your death scene for five minutes before they despawn—so you do have a chance to get them back.) There are four difficulty levels: Peaceful (no mobs), Easy (mobs do less damage), Normal (mobs do normal damage), and Hard (mobs do more damage and you can die from hunger). In Hardcore mode, you play at Hard difficulty, you can’t have cheats, and your world is deleted if you are killed!
In Hard difficulty, mobs are more likely to spawn with weapons, armour, and enchantments, and they will cause you more damage.
•Adventure: Adventure mode is like Survival, except you can’t interact with many blocks. It is designed for playing on adventure maps.
•Creative: Creative mode is perfect for building. You can fly around, and you have access to all the blocks. Your inventory changes to an item selection screen with a search page. To fly, press the spacebar twice. To go higher, press the spacebar again. To descend, press Shift.
•Changing Mode: To change game mode while you are playing, create your world with cheats on. Then, to change mode, open the chat window by pressing T and type the following:
□ For Survival mode: /gamemode 0 (or /gamemode s or /gamemode survival)
□For Creative mode: /gamemode 1 (or /gamemode c or/gamemode creative)
□For Adventure mode: /gamemode 2, (or /gamemode a or /gamemode adventure)
□For Spectator mode: /gamemode 3 (or /gamemode sp or /gamemode spectator)
In Creative mode you can fly around, which is a huge help if you’re building a tower in sky!
Want Some Goals?
If you are goal-oriented, you can play that way, too. Minecraft has a series of about thirty achievements you can use as quests. Accomplish one and make your way to the next. These can also guide you through the Minecraft survival skills. They start of very simple, and you have probably already accomplished many. The first is Taking Inventory, which you achieve by pressing E. To see what you’ve accomplished so far, and what’s next, press Escape to open the Options screen and then click Achievements. (Click the Statistics button to see how many creepers you’ve killed, fish you’ve caught, blocks you’ve mined, and more.)
If you like playing with goals, use your achievement screen for new tasks.
You can track everything you’ve accomplished in your statistics screen, from how much iron you’ve mined to how many zombies you’ve killed.
There’s also a way to win
at Minecraft in a special final battle against the Ender Dragon in a realm called the End. It’s difficult to get there, because to prepare you must learn how to use potions, kill Endermen, and survive the Nether to gather essential items.
Making the Most out of Minecraft
Don’t Stress Out
You’re going to die. Unless you are in Creative mode, something will get you at some point. Even in Peaceful mode, it might be a fall into a lava pool. But that is part of the game. Prepare for this as best you can by storing your goods in chests you can find later and, of course, remembering where your chests and home are.
Switch It Up
If you need a break from the mobs for a bit, switch to Peaceful mode. To change the difficulty level in Survival, press Escape on your keyboard and change the options under Difficulty.
If you enabled cheats when you created your world, you can type commands in the chat window. Press t to open the window, and then type a slash and your command. /time set day changes the game to daytime.
Use Cheats Wisely
Using cheats, or commands, can make survival game play feel less rewarding. But if you are playing in Creative mode and need to work free of mob attacks, you may want to also use commands. To use commands you must create your world with Cheats on. Then you can open up the chat window by pressing T. (The chat window only works for chatting if you are in multiplayer.) You type your command into the chat window, preceded by a slash. (You can also open up the chat window by typing the initial slash of the command.) So to change to Creative mode, type /gamemode c. To switch back to Survival mode, type /gamemode s. You can also change your difficulty level by typing /difficulty 0 (for Peaceful) through /difficulty 3 (Hard). Another popular cheat is to grant oneself experience, through /xp X (where X is the number of experience points). You can teleport anywhere, if you know your coordinates, with /tp X Y Z. For a list of available commands, type /help.
Worlds and Seeds
If you just like to explore worlds, or if you’re having a hard time finding structures like jungle temples, you can play in worlds other players have found. Each world is started with a seed.
When Minecraft creates a world, it generates a random number called a seed to spawn the world. You can see your world’s seed by typing /seed in the chat window.
You can visit a world someone else found by entering the seed number for that world in your world’s options screen.
You can also enter your own random number or sequence of characters in the More World Options screen, under Seed for the World Generator. Users share the seeds they have used online, at websites like minecraft-seeds.net. Find a world whose description you like at one of these sites, make sure the world was created using the same game version you are using, and type the seed for that world into your World Options screen. You can enter letters for a seed number, too. See what world is generated when you type in your own name! You can also change the basic type of world by clicking the World Type button:
•Superflat: This is a flat world with one grass block on top of two dirt blocks and one layer of bedrock. You can customize the layers and depths using the Customize button, or you can use a preset type of superflat world.
•Large biomes: This