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Negro Orators and Their Orations
Negro Orators and Their Orations
Negro Orators and Their Orations
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Negro Orators and Their Orations

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About this ebook

In reprinting these orations the editor has endeavored to present them here as nearly as possible in their original form. No effort has been made to improve the English. Published in this form, then, these orations will be of value not only to persons studying the development of the Negro in his use of a modern idiom but also in the study of the history of the race. It is in this spirit that these messages are again given to the public.
Release dateMar 3, 2016
Negro Orators and Their Orations

Carter G. Woodson

Carter Woodson (1875-1950) was a prominent black leader and intellectual of the first half of the twentieth century who was born in Virginia to formerly enslaved parents. The second African American to receive a Ph.D. at Harvard, he was a seminal figure for increasing the visibility of black experience in American history.

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    Negro Orators and Their Orations - Carter G. Woodson

    Negro Orators


    Their Orations

    By Carter G. Woodson, Ph.D.

    Start Publishing LLC

    Copyright © 2015 by Start Publishing LLC

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

    First Start Publishing eBook edition July 2015

    Start Publishing is a registered trademark of Start Publishing LLC

    Manufactured in the United States of America

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    ISBN 13: 978-1-68146-533-3

    Table of Contents



    The First Protest

    Negro Slavery


    More Forceful Attacks

    Oration on the Abolition of the Slave Trade

    A Late Bill before the Senate of Pennsylvania

    An Address to the Humane and Benevolent Inhabitants Of the City and County of Philadelphia

    Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and Improving the Condition of the African Race

    The Abolition Of Slavery In New York

    Slavery and Colonization

    The Progress Of the Antislavery Cause

    Prejudice Against the Colored Man

    Further Efforts for a Hearing

    Appeal of Forty Thousand Citizens Threatened with Disfranchisement to the People of Pennsylvania

    Non-resistance to Offensive Aggression

    The Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade in the French and British Colonies

    The Oratory of the Crisis

    Slavery as it Concerns the British

    Slavery and the Irish

    The Rights Of Colored Citizens in Traveling

    An Address to the Slaves of the United States America

    Reception Speech at Finsbury Chapel, Moorfields, England, May 12, 1846

    Speech at Glasgow, Scotland, May 29, 1846

    Speech in Faneuil Hall, June 8, 1849

    The Oratory of Defiance

    Speech on the Fugitive Slave Bill

    Speech at Rochester, July 5, 1852

    The Slavery Party

    Speech Before the New England Anti-slavery Convention

    An Anti-Slavery Discourse

    The Auspicious Dawn of Negro Rule

    A Union Speech

    Men of Color, to Arms!

    A Speech Before the Paris Anti-Slavery Conference, August 27, 1867

    Deliberative Oratory—Speeches of Negro Congressmen

    The Negro’s First Speech in Congress, Made by John Willis Menard in Defense of His Election to Congress When His Seat Was Contested and Won by His Political Opponent

    An Address Delivered to the United States Senate in Behalf of Admitting P. B. S. Pinchback as Senator from the State of Louisiana

    A Speech Delivered in March, 1876, When it Became Necessary for the Senate to Introduce a Resolution Appointing a Committee to Investigate Election Practices in Mississippi

    Speech in the Case of His Contested Election

    Warren County

    Race Prejudice

    The Solid South

    Bravery and Fidelity of the Colored People


    Speech on the Georgia Bill

    Speech on Disorders in the South

    Speech on the Enforcement of the Fourteenth Amendment

    The Southern Situation

    The Civil Rights Bill

    Civil Rights Bill

    Civil Rights Bill

    Speech on the Civil-Rights Bill

    Constitutionality of the Bill

    Civil Rights and Social Equality

    The School Clause

    Civil Rights from a Political Standpoint

    The South Was Not Opposed to Civil Rights

    Public Opinion


    A Speech Made in Reply to an Attack upon the Colored State Legislators of South Carolina by Representative Cox of New York

    Speech on Education

    A Speech Laudatory of the Negro

    A Speech in Defense of the Negro Race

    Speeches of Negro Congressmen Outside of Congress

    Speech Delivered at Charleston, S. C, March 9, 1871

    The Other Phase of Reconstruction

    Three Classes in the South

    Difficulties of Peaceful Reconstruction

    The Republican Plan of Pacific Reconstruction

    Peaceful Reconstruction Possible

    The Contemplation of Reconcilement and Peace Established

    Equality Before the Law

    Oratory in the Solution of the Race Problem

    The Negro Exodus from the Gulf States

    The Cause of It

    The Exodus as a Policy

    The Exodus Ill-timed

    It Surrenders a Great Principle

    Better to Stay than to Go

    A Mistake and a Failure

    The South the Best Market for the Black Man’s Labor

    The North Gate of the South Must Be Kept Open

    The Emigration of Colored Citizens From the Southern States

    Immediate Causes of the Exodus

    Advantages of the Exodus to the Negro

    Objections to the Exodus

    Best Time to Emigrate

    How Will They Be Treated in the West?

    The Political Side of the Exodus

    The Exodus Will Go On

    The Race Problem Stated

    A Race Problem Not Unnatural

    A New Phase of the Race Problem Now Confronts the South

    Other Elements in the Problem

    Negro Citizenship the Knotty Element in the Problem

    The Problem Stated

    Will Additional Law, or Statutory Enactments, Solve the Problem?

    The Assumptions of the South

    The Panegyric

    Eulogy on Charles Sumner

    An Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln

    Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Robert Gould Shaw Monument in Boston, May 31, 1897

    William Lloyd Garrison: a Centennial Oration

    Lincoln, the Man of the Hour

    Abraham Lincoln and Fifty Years of Freedom

    Address of William H. Lewis, Assistant Attorney-general of the United States Before the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Feb. 12,1913

    The Negro’s Debt to Lincoln

    Conflict of Two Great Forces

    Freedom’s Costly Sacrifice

    Has the Sacrifice Been Justified?

    An Experiment in Human Relationships

    Optimistic Oratory

    An Address Delivered at the Opening of the Cotton States’ Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia, September, 1895.

    Harvard University Address

    Freedom Through Education

    Booker T. Washington—a Lover of His Fellow-Men

    A Life of Achievement

    His Work Was Monumental

    He Walked Humbly with His God

    He Was a Man of Vision

    He Had Faith in His Race

    He Loved the Southland

    He Loved His Race

    He Was a Religious Man

    His Self-sacrifice. His Self-denial. His Self-forgetfulness

    Occasional Oratory

    A Plea for a Suspension of Judgment

    Whence and Whither

    Boards for Life’s Building


    Free Speech


    Sacrificial Service

    Faith in the Divine

    A Knowledge of History Conducive to Racial Solidarity

    Progressive Oratory

    The Kind of Democracy the Negro Race Expects

    The Faith of the American Negro

    Our Democracy and the Ballot

    Our Democracy and the Ballot

    The Shame of America, or the Negro’s Case Against the Republic

    Victory for the Allies and the United States a Ground of Rejoicing, of Thanksgiving


    These orations were to be edited by another writer, but because of his many duties he had to abandon the task after having collected a number of the important discourses. The original plan was for a much smaller work than this, consisting of a few select orations of literary worth. In the hands of the new editor, however, the plan was changed so as to include orations of all sorts, in fact, practically all of the extant speeches of consequence delivered by Negroes of the United States.

    A short sketch of the orator appears with his oration and the occasion of the delivery is also given. The source of the oration as originally recorded is accounted for in the introductory paragraph, the footnote, or in the title of the address.

    In reprinting these orations the editor has endeavored to present them here as nearly as possible in their original form. No effort has been made to improve the English. Published in this form, then, these orations will be of value not only to persons studying the development of the Negro in his use of a modern idiom but also in the study of the history of the race. It is in this spirit that these messages are again given to the public.

    C. G. Woodson.

    Washington, D. C. September, 1925.


    Oratory has always been fascinating to the majority of men. It is somewhat so today in spite of its declining influence. Doubtless for this reason Tacitus called it the master of arts. Beecher, similarly impressed with its worth, said that oratory is the consecration of the whole man to the noblest purpose to which one can address himself—the education and inspiration of his fellowmen.

    In definitely depicting oral expression writers have been equally as laudatory. Pascal considered eloquence the painting of thoughts. Eloquence, says Colton, is the language of nature and cannot be learned in the schools. Emerson styled it the power to translate a truth into language. Having in mind polished speech, Bryant defined eloquence as the poetry of prose.

    Oratory in the broad sense requires no other equipment than fluency of speech and self-confidence. This gift, according to La Bruyère, may be exhibited in conversations and in all kinds of writing. It is rarely found when looked for, says this author, and sometimes is discovered where it is least expected. For ages past, therefore, it has been considered a natural gift known among even the most uncivilized people. One does not have to be educated then to become an orator, for in most cases delivery counts more than the information given. As Lord Rosebery has said, few speeches which have produced an electrical effect on an audience can bear the colorless photography of a printed record.

    The importance of delivery has often been emphasized as the essential in oratory. When Demosthenes was asked what is the first part of oratory, he answered, Action, and what is the second part, he replied, Action, and what is the third part, he still answered, Action. From Coriolanus we learn also that eloquence is action. Pliny, the Younger, said: We are much more affected by the words which we hear, for though what you read in books may be more pointed, yet there is something in the voice, the look, the carriage, and even the gesture of the speaker, that makes a deeper impression on the mind. According to Goethe, it is delivery that makes the orator’s success. R. C. Ringwalt says: The art of the actor and reader is joined with that of the man of letters, the philosopher, and statesman in producing the great orator.

    Many writers in this field, however, insist that the orator must have more than fluency of speech, grace in gesture, and self-confidence. The higher type of oratory found in the masterpieces, they say, shows superior power of thought, logical consistency in reasoning, quickness and brilliancy of conception, and abundance of knowledge. The orator, too, must so arrange his facts as to regard the three distinct elements of an oration: the introduction, the discussion, and the conclusion. He must observe the laws of clearness, elegance, concreteness, grace, simplicity, sequence, and unity.

    Such drawing of hard and fast lines, however, eliminates the real orator. An orator does not need to conform to all of the requirements of rhetoric and logic. It will be fortunate for him if he can do so; but to carry his point it may be necessary for him to ignore some of these very requirements. It must be borne in mind that the oration is the outgrowth of a conflict between the real and the ideal; it is a manifestation of man’s idealizing tendency—the desire to make existing institutions harmonize with the ideal.

    To do this rhetoricians say the orator must follow three thought processes, the thesis, the antithesis, and the synthesis. The thesis is the position, or proposition which he advances; the antithesis, the position or proposition which he opposes; and the synthesis, the presentation of facts in support of his position. Certainly in meeting these requirements the orator may be governed by the principles of rhetoric and logic, but in carrying his point the ethics of his profession permits him to violate them. According to Quintilian, the orator should not only instruct but he should move and he should delight.

    The orator, it must be understood, is essentially a partisan. His aims are conviction and persuasion. If he cannot do the one, he will resort to the other. Aristotle says that oratory is the faculty of finding all the means of persuasion on any subject. Cicero says it is the art of persuasion, and Macaulay asserts that the object of oratory alone is not truth, but persuasion. Goethe says that oral delivery aims at persuasion, at making the listener believe he is convinced. Few persons are capable of being convinced; the majority allow themselves to be persuaded.

    The orator may appeal to emotions—self-interest, prejudice, anger, fear, honor, duty, love, and the like. E. G. Parker says that the capital of the orator is in the bank of the highest sentimentalities and the purest enthusiasms. William Pitt, the Younger, learned that it is with eloquence as with a flame; it requires fuel to feed it, motion to excite it, and it brightens as it burns. La Rochefoucauld says, that the passions are the only orators that always persuade: they are, as it were, a natural art, the rules of which are infallible; and the simplest man with passion is more persuasive than the most eloquent without it. Carlyle observed that the orator persuades and carries all with him, he knows not how; the rhetorician can prove that he ought to have persuaded and carried all with him. The helplessness of man under the influence of the orator is set forth in these words of Tennyson: Charm us, orator, till the lion looks no larger than the cat.

    Some orators have been produced largely by training. Brougham and Jeffrey practiced speaking in the Speculative Society of the University of Edinburgh, Canning engaged in extemporaneous speaking at Eton, Curran declaimed daily before a mirror, Chatham studied Latin and Greek models, Macaulay attended the Cambridge Union, Lord Mansfield and Fox studied ancient orators, Palm-erston attended a debating society of the University of Cambridge, and Gladstone became a famous debater in the Oxford Union. Thus equipped, most of these men spoke in words of beauty and precision. Unlike the extemporaneous speaker, these men were never guilty of departing from accurate thinking and clear statement. Their orations even today, therefore, are regarded as examples of literary excellence. Yet history will show that most of their elegant speeches did not have as much of an electrifying effect as those of illiterate men who in their own way have swayed the masses.

    The requirements are often outlined as many. Considering it critically, the judge of oratory requires two essential elements, matter and manner. Senator Hoar believed that the orator must be a master of the great things which interest mankind. What he says ought to have as permanent a place in literature as the highest poetry. He must be able to play at will on the mighty organ, his audience, of which human souls are keys. He must have knowledge, wit, wisdom, fancy, imagination, courage, nobleness, sincerity, grace, a heart of fire. He must himself respond to every emotion as an Æolian harp to the breeze. . . . He must have the quality which Burke manifested when Warren Hastings said, I felt as I listened to him as if I were the most culpable being on earth; and which made Philip say of Demosthenes, Had I been there, he would have persuaded me to take up arms against myself.

    Such orations, as selected masterpieces will show, moreover, have not always come from the functionaries of governments. The so-called representatives of the people who enjoy long service in deliberative bodies are generally the servants of the factions or parties by which they are elected. While parties advocate principles to obtain the support of voters, they seldom carry them out when elected. Natural oratory has sprung spontaneously from the breast of patriots inspired to rally the people against the established order of things when they finally decide that it is no longer better to bear the ills they have than to fly to those they know not of. In this class belongs Brutus in the effort to save the Roman republic, Patrick Henry in the cause of American independence, and Frederick Douglass in the abolition of slavery.

    Some writers are of the opinion that these natural orators would have done their task better if they had been men of better training and of legislative experience. Others contend that if such orators had been otherwise developed in that conventional atmosphere, they would not have heard the call of divinity and would not have responded with the nobleness of soul.

    Judged from the critical point of view, the Negro orator might be expected to lack most of the essentials. Yet, for various reasons, this would not hold. In the first place, the Negro in his sequestered sphere is much better informed, much more capable than the white man who passes him by supposes. When fortune suddenly brings the Negro spokesman before the public eye, then, the so-called superior group is surprised at such knowledge as well as at the manner in which it is presented. Such was the case when Frederick Douglass finally got a chance to speak for the slave and men shouted, What have we listened to? A thing or a man? We have heard a man! Booker T. Washington in his speech at the Atlanta Exposition in 1895 showed such knowledge of the solution of a problem which had long baffled the skill of the white man that he thereafter passed into history as one of the greatest orators of his time.

    Classification on the basis of values set forth on the printed page, then, would do injustice to scores of Negro orators who without literary equipment often moved multitudes. Many of their speeches are extant but when we examine their woof and texture they make such an unfavorable impression that we wonder how they could have moved the people. But this can be explained only by the unusually effective manner in which most Negro orators delivered their eloquent appeals. It can be said of them that they had

    "An eye that tears can on a sadden fill

    And lips that smile before the tears are gone."

    Their tones were beautiful, and their gestures natural. They could suit the word to the action and the action to the word. Using skillfully the eye and voice, they reached the souls of man. Unable to hear these orations, however, the public is thus deprived of the ideal method of studying them. They must, therefore, be judged not so much by their style as by the effect which they produced on their hearers. As this varies according to the taste, experience and environment of the hearers, an absolute standard in regard to their oratory, then, is impossible.

    Some have not considered oratory itself an important acquisition. Goethe says: He who has reason and good sense at his command needs few of the arts of the orator. With little art, clear wit and sense suggest their own delivery. Disraeli believed eloquence is the child of knowledge. When the mind is full, like a wholesome river, it is also clear. Boileau thought that whatever we conceive well we express freely, and words flow with ease. Cicero said that he is an eloquent man who can treat humble subjects with delicacy, lofty things impressively, and moderate things temperately. Carlyle underrated it thus with the advice not to speak your opinion well, but to have a good and just opinion worth speaking.

    True oratory, then, has regard to truth and justice. There must be some lofty purpose in the eloquent appeal which will stand the test of time on the printed page. Pascal had this in mind when he said that true eloquence scorns eloquence. Plato said that he who would be a good orator ought to be just, and skilled in the knowledge of things just. Marlowe thought that love always makes those eloquent that have it. The heart must glow before the tongue can gild. Another believed that it is the heart which inspires eloquence. In eloquence, says Emerson, the great triumphs of the art are when the orator is lifted above himself; when consciously he makes himself the mere tongue of the occasion and the hour, and says what cannot but be said. There is no true orator who is not a hero.

    Oratory, according to most people of our day, however, is a lost art. In the ancient world it was the means by which the multitude was moved. All of a statesman’s constituents could be easily reached in the forum or the market place. Government, restricted as it was to the few, concerned only the upper strata, which in the ancient republics and kingdoms never numbered more than a few thousand. In the increase of the governing body and thinking classes it became more difficult to reach the electorate. Newspapers, the printed journal, and the like, therefore, have been depended upon to inform the public as to what its spokesmen say about the affairs of state. Yet these very agencies of the printed page have become the means by which the public has had its attention attracted so much to the library, the theater, the opera, and other social centers, that they have tended to diminish rather than increase the influence of the orator.

    Changes in the aspirations of the people have also contributed to the decline of the orator. In the ancient world, men were struggling to attain lofty ideals. To secure aristocracy the so-called best people had to overthrow despots, and to relieve themselves of an aristocracy degenerated into an oligarchy, other elements of the social order had to supplant this form of government with a democracy of classes. Then came the Christian religion as another factor emphasizing toleration to the extent of endeavoring to make democracy universal. To reach such objectives eloquent spokesmen held up for emulation those personages and situations which exhibited love for humanity and martyrdom in the cause of the truth. In fact, men of that time aspired to be saints and sages, whereas in our day of materialism most persons would consider it a calamity to be suddenly transformed into either.

    Not being an empty sort of stilted performance, then, oratory has always had behind it certain great motives by which men have been impelled to act. Liberty, broadly interpreted, may be considered the mainspring of oratory. Demosthenes, Pericles, Alcibiades, and Cleon spoke for the independence of Greece; Cicero for the Roman republic; Mirabeau for the rights of the third estate; Burke and Chatham for the liberties of the colonies; Otis and Henry for American independence; Webster for the Union; and Garrison, Sumner and Lincoln for freedom. Most of these men, moreover, had high moral qualities or successfully voiced the sentiments of such constituents. They spoke for the preservation of some right then enjoyed, for the extension of some privilege desired, or for precaution against some dreaded evil which might prove disastrous to the body politic. They spoke at the opportune moment of the impending danger, which supplied the great occasion which every great oration requires.

    Orations have been variously classified, but writers in this field have been unable to improve on the classification made by Aristotle. Having observed that audiences are either judges of things lying in the past or of things lying in the future, or pose as critics, he asserted that there are but three kinds of speeches—judicial, deliberative, and epideictic. Since Aristotle’s day Christianity has added pulpit oratory as a fourth class, in which the Negro seems destined to excel all others.

    By judicial oratory Aristotle meant forensic debate, resorted to among the ancients in the effort to obtain and defend personal rights in the courts. In those days when such privileges were withheld or begrudgingly granted this form of oratory was the most common and the most popular. In this style Cicero spoke for Milo and Archias, and Lord Brougham for Queen Caroline.

    By deliberative oratory Aristotle meant speeches before legislative bodies or any assembly of persons whom the speaker endeavors to induce to accept or reject some espoused policy. Such were most orations of Demosthenes and Cicero, of Elliot, Pym and Cromwell, and of Charles Sumner and Abraham Lincoln.

    By epideictic oratory Aristotle meant occasional or rather demonstrative speeches to present themes which appeal to the taste and cultivation of audiences. The ancients spoke in such style when praising or censuring persons. In this mood the orator aims not to convince so much as to please his hearers. Yet in the eulogy, the invective, the lecture, the commemorative address, the commencement oration, the after-dinner speech—all which fall in this class—the speaker may convince as well as please.

    Pulpit oratory, the fourth class, belongs to modern times. It finds no models in the ancient orator. It has been the means by which the doctrine of the Christian church has been popularized and by which its sway has extended throughout the modern world. As such orators appeared Chrysostom in the Middle Ages, and Savonarola, Luther, Calvin, and Knox as the leaders of the Reformation.

    It might seem to the reader that because of social proscription the Negro has been eliminated from some of the oratory of our day. This, however, is not exactly the case. It is true that in contact with the white man justice is administered by a so-called superior class, and the Negro has not figured extensively in forensic discussion before courts. In pleading the cause of his oppressed people, however, he has appeared as their advocate before assemblies which have influenced governments. With the exception of the experience in Liberia, Haiti, and the South during the Reconstruction, the Negro has not often figured in the deliberations of legislative bodies, but the opportunities so far afforded him have been well used in demonstrating his capacity for this style of oratory.

    In the occasional or demonstrative address there are few who do not concede the Negro equal honor with the best on the platform. Furthermore, while the pulpit among the majority of whites has become merely a social agency as a result of their substituting the worship of race superiority for that of God, among the Negroes it has become an electrifying force by which the Negro preacher has surpassed all ministers of his time in expounding the very principles of Jesus, which the large majority of these chosen people of God have long since repudiated.

    Since deliberative oratory as a popular attraction has long since ceased, the forensic as it peculiarly concerns the courts is the only form of oratory in which the Negro does not figure among the world’s greatest orators. The large number of the Negro youth now qualifying at the bar assures an increase of the ranks of those who will doubtless leave masterpieces of eloquence inspired by the cries of a people long outraged by agents of injustice in a world of race hate and religious prejudice. Sojourner Truth, Charles Lenox Remond, Lunsford Lane and FrederickDouglass figured in the physical emancipation of the bondmen, but these later champions are endeavoring to make a case for their liberation from peonage, their deliverance from caste, and their full incorporation into the body politic.

    The Negro orators of the Reconstruction did not develop in the direction of the forensic. The Civil War resulted in the enlargement of the domain of the liberty of the Negro. For a time he had everything he wanted. Their oratory, therefore, was deliberative, speeches delivered in such bodies as the State legislatures and the Congress of the United States. B. K. Bruce’s discourse in the Senate on the Indian question and R. B. Elliot’s speech in the House on the Civil Rights Bill are examples of such eloquence. When the undoing of the Reconstruction brought the Negro again under the domination of the white man in the South, the Negro orator sometimes resorted to the forensic but he was better prepared for the invective, in which he finally indulged as he saw his race illegally deprived of its rights. This form of public address continued and is popular today among Negroes complaining of their woes. After the Reconstruction there came the optimistic Negro orator who had little to say about the rights of the race and emphasized the necessity for making the most of an undesirable situation by practical educational and economic efficiency. The best representative of this class was Booker T. Washington.

    Since the program thus presented did not at once materially advance the Negro on the way toward the attainment of his civic rights, there developed a number of orators promoting agitative organizations. They fearlessly denounced Booker T. Washington and his program and proclaimed war on the strongholds of aristocracy and caste. At first their efforts were largely fiery speeches delivered sporadically at centers where persons whom they desired to reach seldom heard them. Later, however, their work has been more systematized and their method of attack has tended to become more of an argumentative appeal to reason. As such, these Negro orators have furnished the only humanizing theme which has stimulated eloquence during the last generation. The whites of our day are little concerned about human rights. They are becoming rapidly involved in the covetous life and death struggle between capital and labor, between those that have and those that have not, a thing lacking the higher motives by which men are ennobled. During the World War, Woodrow Wilson made a strenuous effort to popularize the idea of making the world safe for democracy, but the hypocrisy of this pronunciamento doubtless contributed to the collapse of the program. Men had to be converted to support the movement, and the war all but suddenly so ended as to leave more wounds than it healed. As the treaty of peace and the rehabilitation consequent thereupon so worked out as to make the world economically safe for the conquering few, there arose among the discordant elements a number of bold spokesmen who have easily caught the ear of the multitude in advocating a radical reconstruction of the social order. Among such orators have appeared a few Negroes.

    Radicals among Negroes have appeared before, but not in the advocacy of socialism or communism. In presenting their case, moreover, these progressive spokesmen have not merely exhibited the fire of the Negro enraged because of the loss of civic rights. These new orators are well informed in the doctrines of the socialist and can, therefore, show how human rights are largely determined by the economic rights which individuals enjoy. They argue that as long as Negroes are economically enslaved along with the poor whites in no better circumstances, the tenure of all human rights is precarious. These orators are endeavoring to unite the Negroes and poor whites to make common cause against their foes.

    The First Protest

    Historians commonly mention the Germantown Quaker Memorial against slavery in 1688 as the first protest against the institution in the Western Hemisphere. Others refer to that of Alfonso Sandoval¹ in Havana as the first of such an expression of liberal sentiment. The first protest of the sort, however, came from the free Negro himself. Many Negroes were never slaves. All of those imported in 1619 were first indentured servants, many of whom obtained their freedom at the expiration of a term of service, while others were debased to the status of slaves. However, they were unwillingly slaves. In many cases, therefore, the bondmen obtained their freedom by manumission for meritorious service or purchased themselves. In their freedom these more fortunate members of the race never forgot their brethren in bondage. They themselves as successful members of the community were walking evidence against the institution, and they never failed to attack it whenever the opportunity presented itself.

    Their protest at first was not heard because it required time for such freedmen to acquire the means of expressing their thought forcefully. During the last quarter of the eighteenth century, however, the struggle for the rights of man did so much for the amelioration of the lower strata of society that the Negro himself profited by the new liberalism. Availing themselves of the opportunities offered for education, many of these Negroes learned to write and speak intelligently. In spite of their training, in spite of their vocation, in spite of their connections, they almost invariably drifted into antislavery discussion, just as most intelligent Negroes of today write and speak of the wrongs of the race. As free speech was not then exactly established as the right of all men, these men had to write and speak under assumed names. These two extracts which here follow are cases in evidence. They are speeches made by aggrieved Negroes who sought a larger audience by publishing them as essays and letters in magazines.

    [¹ Bourne, Spain in America, 241.]

    Negro Slavery¹

    By Othello

    Amidst the infinite variety of moral and political subjects proper for public commendation, it is truly surprising that one of the most important and affecting should be so generally neglected. An encroachment on the smallest civil or political privilege shall fan the enthusiastic flames of liberty till it shall extend over vast and distant regions, and violently agitate a whole continent. But the cause of humanity shall be basely violated, justice shall be wounded to the heart, and national honor deeply and lastingly polluted, and not a breath or murmur shall arise to disturb the prevailing quiescence or to rouse the feelings of indignation against such general, extensive, and complicated iniquity.—To what cause are we to impute this frigid silence—this torpid indifference—this cold inanimated conduct of the otherwise warm and generous Americans! Why do they remain inactive amidst the groans of injured humanity, the shrill and distressing complaints of expiring justice and the keen remorse of polluted integrity?—Why do they not rise up to assert the cause of God and the world, to drive the fiend Injustice into remote and distant regions, and to exterminate oppression from the face of the fair fields of America?

    When the united colonies revolted from Great Britain, they did it upon this principle, that all men are by nature and of right ought to be free.—After a long, successful, and glorious struggle for liberty, during which they manifested the firmest attachment to the rights of mankind, can they so soon forget the principles that then governed their determinations? Can Americans, after the noble contempt they expressed for tyrants, meanly descend to take up the scourge? Blush, ye revolted colonies, for having apostatized from your own principles!

    Slavery, in whatever point of light it is considered, is repugnant to the feelings of nature, and inconsistent with the original rights of man. It ought, therefore, to be stigmatized for being unnatural; and detested for being unjust. ‘Tis an outrage to Providence and an affront offered to divine Majesty, who Has given to man His own peculiar image.—That the Americans, after considering the subject in this light—after making the most manly of all possible exertions in defense of liberty—after publishing to the world the principle upon which they contended, viz., that all men are by nature and of right ought to be free, should still retain in subjection a numerous tribe of the human race merely for their own private use and emolument, is, of all things, the strongest inconsistency, the deepest reflection on our conduct, and the most abandoned apostasy that ever took place since the Almighty fiat spoke into existence this habitable world. So flagitious a violation can never escape the notice of a just Creator, whose vengeance may be now on the wing, to disseminate and hurl the arrows of destruction.

    In what light can the people of Europe consider America after the strange inconsistency of her conduct? Will they not consider her as an abandoned and deceitful country! In the hour of calamity she petitioned heaven to be propitious to her cause. Her prayers were heard. Heaven pitied her distress, smiled on her virtuous exertions, and vanquished all her afflictions. The ungrateful creature forgets this timely assistance—no longer remembers her own sorrows—but basely commences oppression in her turn.— Beware, America! pause—and consider the difference between the mild effulgence of approving Providence and the angry countenance of incensed divinity!

    The importation of slaves into America ought to be a subject of the deepest regret to every benevolent and thinking mind.—And one of the greatest defects in the federal system is the liberty it allows on this head. Venerable in everything else, it is injudicious here; and it is to be much deplored that a system of so much political perfection should be stained with anything that does an outrage to human nature. As a door, however, is open to amendment, for the sake of distressed humanity, of injured national reputation, and the glory of doing so benevolent a thing, I hope some wise and virtuous patriot will advocate the measure, and introduce an alteration in that pernicious part of the government.³ —So far from encouraging the importation of slaves, and countenancing that vile traffic in human flesh, the members of the late Constitutional Convention should have seized the happy opportunity of prohibiting forever this cruel species of reprobated villainy. —That they did not do so will forever diminish the luster of their other proceedings, so highly extolled and so justly distinguished for their intrinsic value.—Let us for a moment contrast the sentiments and actions of the Europeans on this subject with those of our own countrymen. In France the warmest and most animated exertions are making, in order to introduce the entire abolition of the slave trade; and in England many of the first characters of the country advocate the same measure with an enthusiastic philanthropy. The Prime Minister himself is at the head of that society,² and nothing can equal the ardor of their endeavors but the glorious goodness of the cause.—Will the Americans allow the people of England to get the start of them in acts of humanity? Forbid it, shame!

    The practice of stealing or bartering for human flesh is pregnant with the most glaring turpitude, and the blackest barbarity of disposition.—For can any one say that this is doing as he would be done by? Will such a practice stand the scrutiny of this great rule of moral government? Who can, without the complicated emotions of anger and impatience, suppose himself in the predicament of a slave? Who can bear the thought of his relatives being torn from him by a savage enemy; carried to distant regions of the habitable globe, never more to return; and treated there as the unhappy Africans are in this country? Who can support the reflection of his father—his mother—his sister—or his wife—perhaps his children—being barbarously snatched away by a foreign invader, without the prospect of ever beholding them again? Who can reflect upon their being afterwards publicly exposed to sale— obliged to labor with unwearied assiduity—and because all things are not possible to be performed by persons so unaccustomed to robust exercise, scourged with all the rage and anger of malignity until their unhappy carcasses are covered with ghastly wounds and frightful contusions? Who can reflect on these things when applying the case to himself without being chilled with horror at circumstances so extremely shocking?—Yet hideous as this concise and imperfect description is of the sufferings sustained by many of our slaves, it is nevertheless true; and so far from being exaggerated, falls infinitely short of a thousand circumstances of distress, which have been recounted by different writers on the subject and which contribute to make their situation in this life the most absolutely wretched and completely miserable that can possibly be conceived. —In many places in America the slaves are treated with every circumstance of rigorous inhumanity, accumulated hardship, and enormous cruelty —Yet when we take them from Africa we deprive them of a country which God hath given them for their own, as free as we are, and as capable of enjoying that blessing. Like pirates we go to commit devastation on the coast of an innocent country, and among a people who never did us wrong.

    An insatiable, avaricious desire to accumulate riches, cooperating with a spirit of luxury and injustice, seems to be the leading cause of this peculiarly degrading and ignominious practice. Being once accustomed to subsist without labor, we become soft and voluptuous; and rather than afterwards forego the gratification of our habitual indolence and ease, we countenance the infamous violation, and sacrifice at the shrine of cruelty, all the finer feelings of elevated humanity.

    Considering things in this view, there surely can be nothing more justly reprehensible or disgusting than the extravagant finery of many country people’s daughters. It hath not been at all uncommon to observe as much gauze, lace, and other trappings on one of those country maidens as hath employed two or three of her father’s slaves for twelve months afterwards to raise tobacco to pay for. It is an ungrateful reflection that all this frippery and affected finery can only be supported by the sweat of another person’s brow, and consequently only by lawful rapine and injustice. If these young females could devote as much time from their amusements as would be necessary for reflection; or was there any person of humanity at hand who could inculcate the indecency of this kind of extravagance, I am persuaded that they have hearts good enough to reject with disdain the momentary pleasure of making a figure in behalf of the rational and lasting delight of contributing by their forbearance to the happiness of many thousand individuals.

    In Maryland, where slaves are treated with as much lenity as perhaps they are anywhere, their situation is to the last degree ineligible. They live in wretched cots that scarcely secure them from the inclemency of the weather, sleep in the ashes or on straw, wear the coarsest clothing, and subsist on the most ordinary food that the country produces. In all things they are subject to their master’s absolute command, and, of course, have no will of their own. Thus circumstanced, they are subject to great brutality, and are often treated with it. In particular instances they may be better provided for in this state, but this suffices for a general description. But in the Carolinas and the island of Jamaica the cruelties that have been wantonly exercised on those miserable creatures are without a precedent in any other part of the world. If those who have written on the subject may be believed, it is not uncommon there to tie a slave up and whip him to death.

    On all occasions impartiality in the distribution of justice should be observed. The little State of Rhode Island has been reprobated by other States for refusing to enter into measures respecting a new general government; and so far it is admitted that she is culpable. But if she is worthy of blame in this respect, she is entitled to the highest admiration for the philanthropy, justice, and humanity she hath displayed respecting the subject I am treating on. She hath passed an act prohibiting the importation of slaves into that State, and forbidding her citizens to engage in the iniquitous traffic. So striking a proof of her strong attachment to the rights of humanity will rescue her name from oblivion and bid her live in the good opinion of distant and unborn generations.

    Slavery unquestionably should be abolished, particularly in this country; because it is inconsistent with the declared principles of the American Revolution. The sooner, therefore, we set about it the better. Either we should set our slaves at liberty immediately and colonize them in the western territory, or we should immediately take measures for the gradual abolition of it, so that it may become a known and fixed point that ultimately universal liberty in these United States shall triumph.—This is the least we can do in order to evince our sense of the irreparable outrages we have committed, to wipe off the odium we have incurred, and to give mankind a confidence again in the justice, liberality, and honor of our national proceedings.

    It would not be difficult to show, were it necessary, that America would soon become a richer and more happy country provided the step was adopted. That corrosive anguish of persevering in anything improper, which now embitters the enjoyments of life, would vanish as the mist of a foggy morn doth before the rising sun; and we should find as great a disparity between our present situation, and that which would succeed to it, as subsists between a cloudy winter and a radiant spring.—Besides, our lands would not be then cut down for the support of a numerous train of useless inhabitants—useless, I mean, to themselves, and effectually to us by encouraging sloth and voluptuousness among our young farmers and planters, who might otherwise know how to take care of their money as well as how to dissipate it.—In all other respects, I conceive them to be as valuable as we are—as capable of worthy purposes, and to possess the same dignity that we do, in the estimation of Providence; although we consider the value of their work apart, for which we are dependent on them, we generally consider them as good for nothing, and accordingly treat them with greatest neglect.

    But be it remembered that this cause is the cause of heaven; and that the father of them as well as of us will not fail, at a future settlement, to adjust the account between us with a dreadful attention to justice.

    Upon no better principle do we plunder the coasts of Africa and bring away its wretched inhabitants as slaves than that by which the greater fish swallows up the lesser. Superior power seems only to produce superior brutality; and that weakness and imbecility, which ought to engage our protection and interest the feelings of social benevolence in behalf of the defenseless, seems only to provoke us to acts of illiberal outrage and unmanly violence.

    The practice which has been followed by the English nation since the establishment of the slave trade—I mean that of stirring up the natives of Africa against each other with a view of purchasing the prisoners mutually taken in battle—must strike the humane mind with sentiments of the deepest abhorrence, and confer on that people a reproach as lasting as time itself. It is surprising that the eastern world did not unite to discourage a custom so diabolical in its tendency, and to exterminate a species of oppression which humbles the dignity of all mankind. But this torpid inattention can only be accounted for by adverting to the savage disposition of the times which countenanced cruelties unheard of at this enlightened period. What rudeness of demeanor and brutality of manner, which had been introduced into Europe by those swarms of barbarians that overwhelmed it from the North, had hardly begun to dissipate before the enlivening sun of civilization, when this infernal practice first sprang up into existence! Before this distinguished era of refined barbarity the sons of Africa were in possession of all the mild enjoyments of peace—all the pleasing delights of uninterrupted harmony—and all the diffusive blessings of profound tranquillity. Boundless must be the punishment which irritated Providence will inflict on those whose wanton cruelty has prompted them to destroy this fair arrangement of nature—this flowery prospect of human felicity. Engulfed in the dark abyss of never-ending misery, they shall in bitterness atone for the stab thus given to human nature, and in anguish unutterable expiate crimes for which nothing less than eternal sufferings can make adequate retribution! Equally iniquitous is the practice of robbing that country of its inhabitants; and equally tremendous will be the punishment. The voice of injured thousands who have been violently torn from their native country and carried to distant and inhospitable climes—the bitter lamentations of the wretched, helpless female—the cruel, agonizing sensations of the husband, the father and the friend—will ascend to the throne of Omnipotence, and, from the elevated heights of heaven, cause him, with the whole force of Almighty vengeance, to hurl the guilty perpetrators of those inhuman beings down the steep precipice of inevitable ruin into the bottomless gulf of final, irretrievable and endless destruction!

    Ye sons of America, forbear!—Consider the dire consequences that will attend the prosecution, against which the all-powerful God of nature holds up his hands and loudly proclaims, desist!

    In the insolence of self-consequence we are accustomed to esteem ourselves and the Christian powers of Europe the only civilized people on the globe; the rest, without distinction, we presumptuously denominate barbarians. But, when the practices above mentioned come to be deliberately considered—when added to these we take a view of the proceedings of the English in the East Indies, under the direction of the late Lord Clive, and remember what happened in the streets of Bengal and Calcutta—when we likewise reflect on our American mode of driving, butchering and exterminating the poor defenseless Indians, the native and lawful proprietors of the soil—we shall acknowledge, if we possess the smallest degree of candor, that the appellation of barbarian does not belong to them alone. While we continue those practices the term Christian will only be a burlesque expression signifying more than that it ironically denominates the rudest sect of barbarians that ever disgraced the hand of their Creator. We have the precepts of the gospel for the government of our moral deportment, in violation of which those outrageous wrongs are committed; but they have no such meliorating influence among them, and only adhere to the simple dictates of reason and natural religion, which they never violate.

    Might not the inhabitants of Africa, with still greater justice on their side than we have on ours, cross the Atlantic, seize our citizens, carry them into Africa, and make slaves of them, provided they were able to do it? But should this really be the case, every corner of the globe would reverberate with the sound of African oppression, so loud would be their complaint and so feeling our appeal to the inhabitants of the world at large. We should represent them as a lawless, piratical set of unprincipled robbers, plunderers and villains, who basely prostituted the superior power and information which God had given them for worthy purposes to the vilest of all ends. We should not hesitate to say that they made use of those advantages only to infringe upon every dictate of justice, to trample under foot every suggestion of principle, and to spurn with contempt every right of humanity.

    The Algerines are reprobated all the world over for their unlawful depredations, and stigmatized as pirates for their unreasonable exactions from foreign nations. But the Algerines are no greater pirates than the Americans; nor are they a race more destructive to the happiness of mankind. The depredations of the latter on the coast of Africa, and upon the Indian’s territory, make the truth of this assertion manifest. The piratical depredations of the Algerines appear to be a judgment from heaven upon the nations to punish their perfidy and atrocious violations of justice; and never did any people more justly merit the scourge than Americans, on whom it seems to fall with peculiar and reiterated violence. When they yoke our citizens to the plow, and compel them to labor in that degraded manner, they only retaliate on us for similar barbarities. For Algiers is a part of the same country whose helpless inhabitants we are accustomed to carry away. But the English and Americans cautiously avoid engaging with a warlike people whom they fear to attack in a manner so base and unworthy; whilst the Algerines, more generous and courageous plunderers, are not afraid to make war on brave and well-disciplined enemies who are capable of making a gallant resistance.

    Whoever examines into the conditions of the slaves in America will find them in a state of the most uncultivated rudeness. Not instructed in any kind of learning, they are grossly ignorant of all refinement, and have little else about them belonging to the nature of civilized man than mere form. They are strangers to almost every idea that doth not relate to their labor or their food, and though possessed naturally of strong sagacity and lively parts are, in all respects, in a state of most deplorable brutality.—This is owing to the iron hand of oppression, which ever crushes the bud of genius and binds up in chains every expansion of the human mind.—Such is their extreme ignorance that they are utterly unacquainted with the laws of the world—the injunctions of religion —their own natural rights, and the forms, ceremonies and privileges of marriage originally established by the Divinity. Accordingly they live in open violation of the precepts of Christianity and with as little formality or restrictions as the brutes of the field unite for the purposes of procreation. Yet this is a civilized country and a most enlightened period of the world! The resplendent glory of the gospel is at hand to conduct us in safety through the labyrinths of life. Science hath grown up to maturity, and is discovered to possess not only all the properties of solidity of strength, but likewise every ornament of elegance and every embellishment of fancy. Philosophy hath here attained the most exalted height of elevation, and the art of government hath received such refinements among us as hath equally astonished our friends, our enemies and ourselves. In fine, no annals are more brilliant than those of America; nor do any more luxuriantly abound with examples of exalted heroism, refined policy, and sympathetic humanity. Yet now the prospect begins to change, and all the splendor of this august assemblage will soon be overcast by sudden and impenetrable clouds, and American greatness be obliterated and swallowed up by one enormity. Slavery diffuses the gloom, and casts around us the deepest shade of approaching darkness. No longer shall the United States of America be famed for liberty. Oppression pervades their bowels; and while they exhibit a fair exterior to the other parts of the world, they are nothing more than painted sepulchers, containing within them nought but rottenness and corruption.

    Ye voluptuous, ye opulent and great, who hold in subjection such numbers of your fellow creatures, and suffer these things to happen—beware!. Reflect on this lamentable change that may, at a future period, take place against you. Arraigned before the Almighty Sovereign of the universe, how will you answer the charge of such complicated enormity? The presence of these slaves, who have been lost for want of your instruction and by means of your oppression, shall make you dart deeper into the flames to avoid their just reproaches, and seek out for an asylum in the hidden corners of perdition.

    Our slaves unquestionably have the strongest of all claims upon us for protection and support, we having compelled them to involuntary servitude and deprived them of every means of protecting or supporting themselves. The injustice of our conduct, and barbarity of our neglect, when this reflection is allowed to predominate, becomes so glaringly conspicuous as even to excite against ourselves the strongest emotion of detestation and abhorrence.

    To whom are the wretched sons of Africa to apply for redress if their cruel master treats them with unkindness? To whom will they resort for protection if he is base enough to refuse it to them? The law is not their friend—alas! too many statutes are enacted against them. The world is not their friend—the iniquity is too general and extensive. No one who hath slaves of his own will protect those of another, less the practice should be retorted. Thus when their masters abandon them, their situation is destitute and forlorn, and God is their only friend!

    Let us imitate the conduct of a neighboring State and immediately take measures, at least, for the gradual abolition of slavery. Justice demands it of us, and we ought not to hesitate in obeying its inviolable mandates.—All the feelings of pity, compassion, affection, and benevolence—all the emotions of tenderness, humanity, philanthropy, and goodness—all the sentiments of mercy, probity, honor, and integrity, unite to solicit for their emancipation. Immortal will be the glory of accomplishing their liberation; and eternal the disgrace of keeping them in chains.

    But if the State of Pennsylvania is to be applauded for her conduct, that of South Carolina can never be too strongly execrated. The legislature of that State, at no very remote period, brought in a bill for prohibiting the use of letters to their slaves and forbidding them the privilege of being taught to read!—This was a deliberate attempt to enslave the minds of those unfortunate objects, whose persons they already held in arbitrary subjection— detestable deviation from the becoming rectitude of man.

    One more peculiarly distressing circumstance remains to be recounted before I take my final leave of the subject.—In the ordinary course of the business of the country the punishment of relatives frequently happens on the same farm, and in view of each other.—The father often sees his beloved son—the son his venerable sire—the mother her much-loved daughter—the daughter her affectionate parent—the husband the wife of his bosom, and she the husband of her affection, cruelly bound up without delicacy or mercy and punished with all extremity of incensed rage and all the rigor of unrelenting severity, whilst these unfortunate wretches dare not even interpose in each other’s behalf. Let us reverse the case and suppose it ours—all is silent horror!

    Othello, the author, was identified as a Negro by Abbé Grégoire in his Da la Litteratvre des Nègres.]

    [²The reference here is to the Convention of 1787, which framed the Constitution of the United States. The slavery question came up in that body but it was not permitted to divide the delegates to the extent of diverting attention from the important thing for which the Convention was called, namely, to form a more perfect Union. Some delegates took high ground in denouncing slavery as inconsistent with liberty, but their attack on the institution was mild when compared with the bolder protests against the system registered by some of the fathers of the Revolution. To placate South Carolina and Georgia, the Convention finally incorporated provisions for the return of fugitive slaves, and deferred the prohibition of the slave trade until 1808.]

    [³The author has in mind here the culmination of the efforts of Granville Sharp and Thomas Clarkson, in 1787, when they could count upon the sympathy and cooperation of Pitt, who was friendly toward William Wilberforce, then doing everything possible to force through Parliament a measure to abolish the slave trade. A group of liberal Frenchmen of the same type were directing the attention of their country also to this evil.]

    [⁴In England these efforts led to the organization of the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, and in France to the formation of the Society of the Friends of the Blacks, supported by Brissot, Clavière, Mirabeau, Condorcet, and Gregoire.]

    [⁵ Rhode Island, like North Carolina, had failed to ratify the Constitution of the United States, although it had been put into execution by virtue of that provision in the ratifying clause to tha effect that the consent of nine states would be sufficient.]

    [⁶ During the first forty years of the republic there wag much talk about colonizing the Negroes in the West. Granville Sharp, Anthony Benezet, Thomas Brannagan and Thomas Jefferson had this idea.]

    [⁷The writer refers here to the acts of Pennsylvania, providing for the abolition of slavery by a gradual process.]

    [⁸ In 1740 South Carolina enacted a law prohibiting any one from teaching a slave to read or employing one in any manner of writing, Georgia enacted the same law in 1770. Further provisions to this effect were later incorporated into the laws of these States.]

    [⁹ American Museum, IV, 412-415, 509-512 (1788).]


    By a Free Negro

    I am one of that unfortunate race of men who are distinguished from the rest of the human species by a black skin and woolly hair—disadvantages of very little moment in themselves, but which prove to us a source of greatest misery, because there are men who will not be persuaded that it is possible for a human soul to be lodged within a sable body.¹ The West Indian planters could not, if they thought us men, so wantonly spill our blood; nor could the natives of this land of liberty, deeming us of the same species with themselves, submit to be instrumental in enslaving us, or think us proper subjects of a sordid commerce.

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