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Imam Ghazali
Imam Ghazali
Imam Ghazali
Ebook51 pages44 minutes

Imam Ghazali

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Imam Muhammad Ghazali is one of the most celebrated scholars in Muslim history. One of the greatest jurists, theologians and mystics of the time, he is unanimously considered as the Reviver of Islam in the 5th century Hijri. He changed the course of early Islamic philosophy, shifting it away from the influence of Greek and Hellenistic philosophies. Imam Ghazali is credited with integrating Sufism into mainstream Islam. The Western medieval world knew him as Al-Gazel, the man who launched a devastating attack on contemporary philosophical thought. His most famous work “Ahya ul Uloom ud Din” (Revival of Religious Sciences) gained wide recognition in his time and remains relevant to this day.

PublisherNaima Sohaib
Release dateSep 3, 2016
Imam Ghazali

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Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Nicely written, summarized the life of a great scholar. i would have loved it if the author was more objective.

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Imam Ghazali - Naima Sohaib


Naima Sohaib

Muslim Heroes series No. 9

Translated by Eman Asif Misbah

Copyright  2016 Naima Sohaib

Smashwords Edition

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, including photocopying, recording, Internet or any storage and retrieval system without prior written permission from the Publisher.

Available in print at Dawah Books

Translated from the Urdu book Tareekh-e-Islam ki Azeem Shakhsiat by Naima Sohaib

Table of Contents

Title Page


Imam Ghazali - Introduction


Childhood and Primary Education

In the Presence of Imam ul Harmain

In the Court of Nizam ul Mulk

Widespread Fame and Appointment as the Great Teacher

Ghazali in the Throes of Skepticism

The Conditions at the Time of Al Ghazali

Emergence of the Batinia Sect

Forsaking of Homeland

End of Solitude

The Reformation Masterpiece of Imam Ghazali

Revival of Islamic Sciences - A Landmark Book of Purification, Reform and Accountability

Opposition to Imam Ghazali

Repeated Call for Restoration to Previous Position and the Imam’s Refusal

The Knowledge of Ahadith


The Outsanding Personality of the Imam


About the Author

About the Translator


All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

This booklet is ninth in a series, translated from a book compiled on Muslim heroes by my good friend Naima Sohaib. The selection includes Muslim scholars, philosophers, reformers and military generals. It tells us about these unique individuals who selflessly worked for the cause of Islam. I hope that Muslims today will find their stories a source of inspiration.

The current narrative is about a remarkable Muslim hero from the world of learning. Imam Muhammad Ghazali was one of the most celebrated scholars in the history of Sufi Islamic Thought. One of the greatest jurists, theologians and mystics of the time, he is unanimously considered as the Reviver of Islam in the 5th Hijri. He changed the course of early Islamic philosophy, shifting it away from the influence of Greek and Hellenistic philosophies. Imam Ghazali is credited with integrating Sufism into mainstream Islam.

The Western medieval world knew him as Al-Gazel, the man who launched a devastating attack on contemporary philosophical thought. His famous works include Ahya ul Uloom ud Din (Revival of Religious Sciences) – a book that combined mysticism with practical everyday life. He was the most staunch refuter of Muttazalite thought.

May Allah reward Sana Dossul, Aarti Lakhwani and Sohaib Umar for the editing, Nadeem Siddiqui for the designing and Asif Misbah, my husband, for his constant encouragement and support.

Eeman Asif Misbah

Imam Ghazali

The Reformer of the 5th Century Hijri and the Genius who Brought about Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge


His name was Muhammad, his title was Hujjat-ul-Islam, and he was popularly known as Al-Ghazali.


He was born in the district of Toos in Khurasan (currently in Iran) in 450 Hijri.

Childhood and Primary Education

Muhammad’s father was incidentally unlettered, and having acutely felt the disadvantage throughout his life, he was anxious not to let the same thing happen to his

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