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Why I Left Yoga
Why I Left Yoga
Why I Left Yoga
Ebook47 pages32 minutes

Why I Left Yoga

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After Philip initiation to transcendental meditation has failed, Uncle Sammy starts digging after the truth behind yoga. As he begins his research, his spirit guide steps forward and offers his assistance. Instead of helping Uncle Sammy, we see an enamored spirit guide battling for keeping his dearest. The scenario unfolds between two worlds and ends abruptly. In the end, the question remains: Can a spirit guide lead his protégé in the truth?

Inspired by true stories, the text is a literary creation. The intention of the story is to help the reader criticize his own spiritual choices. Unless someone walks with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, business with an unknown spirit guide is a suicidal risk.

With Jesus Christ, the disciple is granted the promise of Eternal Life in the presence of Christ his Master. With the spirit guide, the disciple has the promise that he will finally be merged with god. But victims of Esotericism are numerous and the evidences show that spirit guides are stealers of the mind and of the soul of the naïve devotees!

While Jesus Christ offers life in abundance, The Eastern Science devours life with full consent of the follower. The Spirit of Jesus gives a glorious life as the disciple obeys the sound doctrine of the Bible. Meanwhile, the spirit guide parasites life through principles cleverly ciphered.
What can you say of your experience? Is the question asked to the reader at the end.

Release dateNov 25, 2016
Why I Left Yoga

A. B. Doungméné

Hi, I am Achille Bérenger Doungméné, Christian from Assemblies of God Cameroon. I have been serving God since my eighth year, first in the Roman Catholic Church as choir member and priest servant. I receive the conviction to write books for the perfecting of men, women, teens and children at twenty; that is in 1993. Even though I could start in 2000, I felt I needed God to equip me, to mature what I had learnt in the faith while at University, while serving the Lord in the Choir, in the Evangelization team, in the Leading of Adoration, in the work place and in the ordinary social life. What today? Are my writings rich enough to meet the need of my readers, to lead them to better choices and to help them live better lives? That is the question only you readers can help me assess. All my efforts is to serve you just as Jesus Christ our Lord asks us to fervently serve each other. One thing is sure; I need your critics, your corrections and your appreciations to help me serve you better. God bless you Achille

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    Why I Left Yoga - A. B. Doungméné

    Jesus Christ is Lord!

    There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death. Proverbs 14.12


    After Philip initiation to transcendental meditation has failed, Uncle Sammy starts digging after the truth behind yoga. As he begins his research, his spirit guide steps forward and offers his assistance. Instead of helping Uncle Sammy, we see an enamored spirit guide battling for keeping his dearest. The scenario unfolds between two worlds and ends abruptly. In the end, the question remains: Can a spirit guide lead his protégé in the truth? 

    The Story

    I had been looking forward to this Sunday with great excitement. The initiation was planned for 6.30 P.M. For this event, the Center had received a large toilet. The hall was decorated with flowers and new mats were spread out the floor, which gave an impressive look to the room. Uncle Sammy, our teacher was that day the assistant of Guru Maheshi who had come mainly for the event.

    Initiations began as planned. Then came my turn, it was about 7.30 P.M. I was called outside. Master Maheshi was seated on a large mat, a little apart. Few bulb rays could reach his position. He was seated cross-legged and Uncle Sammy indicated me to sit likewise in front of him. Seized with doubts, I prayed inside, Lord Jesus, I do not have much confidence in this man, I give myself to you. I hope he is here for good. 

    The Guru joined his hands and slightly bowed his head; I did the same. After that, he pointed his right index finger on my forehead and started reciting some words in a strange language; was he whispering Hindi, I can’t say.

    After about three minutes, he started shaking. His fat and naked torso was sweating intensely and I looked at him questioningly. Instead of telling me my new name as I was expecting, he began crying out: A bah! A bah! A bah! ... While uttering these words, he kept oscillating his head, right-left, left-right as if to say: No-no or I do not understand or I do not want it. Suddenly, he took off his hand and began voicing violent words, like curses; meanwhile, he was retreating backward as if frightened by something. In doing so, he found himself off the mat before recovering.

    Uncle Sammy who was watching clasped his hands, bowed his head, held me by the hand, helped me up and brought me back to the inside.

    The next candidate went out, but returned immediately with Uncle Sammy who informed:

    The initiations are suspended for tonight; the Guru apologizes and asks you to be ready for the next Sunday.

    "What about those who have been fasting along the week, they do

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