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The GL Diet For Dummies
The GL Diet For Dummies
The GL Diet For Dummies
Ebook383 pages3 hours

The GL Diet For Dummies

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If you’re sick of no-carb diets, or just looking for a healthy eating plan, then the GL Diet is for you. No more calculations, no calorie-counting and no more cravings for carbs – as long as you stick to foods that are low in GL, you can stay healthy and lose weight without having to go without. The GL Diet For Dummies explains the science behind the plan, helps you to incorporate GL into your everyday life and gives readers 80 recipes to try.
Release dateMar 31, 2011
The GL Diet For Dummies

Thomas C. Oden

 Thomas C. Oden (PhD, Yale) is Director of the Center for Early African Christianity at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania and Henry Anson Buttz Professor of Theology and Ethics at Drew University. He is an ordained Methodist minister and the author of many books, including The Rebirth of Orthodoxy: Signs of New Life in Christianity, How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity, Doctrinal Standards in the Wesleyan Tradition, and Classic Christianity. Dr. Oden is also the general editor for the widely-used Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture series.

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    Book preview

    The GL Diet For Dummies - Thomas C. Oden

    Part l

    Getting Started

    In this part . . .

    Part I gives you everything you need to start your low-glycaemic load eating plan. You’ll find an overview of the science behind GL and why we think it’s such an important tool for a healthy, happy way of eating that puts you in control of your weight and well-being. You’ll see how we added all the other elements of a healthy diet and lifestyle to give you the very best and most complete information available. If you want to satisfy your inquiring mind and find out why we dietitians like the GL approach so much, then this is the part for you.

    Chapter 1

    Introducing GL: Healthy Eating in the Real World

    In This Chapter

    bullet Discovering a healthy eating plan that makes scientific sense

    bullet Understanding the key principles of easy GL eating

    bullet Putting the pieces into practice

    bullet Embracing the GL lifestyle for good health – for keeps

    bullet Hearing from the professionals

    T he diet industry is worth millions because people are continually searching for that elusive perfect diet. Diet fads come and go; some diets are effective and some are downright dangerous. Industrialised countries face an obesity epidemic with huge implications in terms of individual suffering and medical costs. Therefore, people turn in hope to the latest eating trends fuelling the quest for the perfect diet – diets that seem to become more and more extreme.

    Working with patients, training the dietitians of the future, and sifting through the mountain of scientific evidence surrounding different dietary theories means that we can see the problem of finding an effective diet from many different angles.

    We work with people who need help improving their diet and lifestyle, and we have access to the evolving science along with the skills to translate new findings into real-life strategies and real foods. As registered dietitians, we’re at the frontline in the battle to find a diet that’s satisfying, good for you, and promotes a healthy weight. We have great news for you – we’ve found it!

    In this chapter we introduce you to the Glycaemic Load Diet (GL Diet), the most significant breakthrough in nutritional science by far. The GL Diet is balanced and provides all the nutrition you need to be healthy. We share with you why the easy-to-follow low-GL way of eating can give you more energy, reduce your risk of disease, stamp out your food cravings, and enable you to maintain a healthy weight.


    Weight-loss diets often forget about the complete nutritional package you need to achieve not only a healthy weight but a healthy body, too. The GL Diet is sustainable for life – that means it’s both safe and nutritionally complete.

    Easy to Choose, Easy to Use

    The GL Diet is based on eating certain carbohydrates, as part of a healthy diet, that slowly release energy keeping you going for longer, rather than storing the fuel away as fat. (Head to Chapter 2 for more of the science behind the eating plan.)

    One of the best things about the GL-way of eating is the flexibility that you have with food. Whether or not you’re trying to lose weight, you won’t feel at all as if you’re on a restrictive diet. Think of the GL Diet as an eating plan, rather than a diet – much nicer!

    The two most important factors for healthy eating are:

    bullet Enjoy your food: Eating is a pleasant aspect of your life. The GL Diet doesn’t ban any foods nor make other foods obligatory. Enjoying your food the GL-way means getting a better balance of foods in your diet in order to be healthy and to minimise the risk of disease.

    bullet Eat a variety of foods: The greater the variety of foods you eat, the more essential nutrients your diet will contain, especially the necessary vitamins and minerals.

    These two concepts are the very pinnacle on which to base a healthy, happy, balanced diet. The idea of avoiding any food forever fills us both with horror. As well as being registered dietitians, we’re also both real foodies. We love to cook and we love to eat – and that’s why we love GL.

    Putting GL into Practice

    We want to make sure that you have everything you need to start the GL Diet today – hassle-free. We spent hours searching the supermarket aisles for GL-friendly foods; we picked our way through loads of restaurant menus to help you eat out in GL-style (the hard life of a For Dummies author); and we hit the kitchen to develop a range of recipes so that you can eat low GL all the way.

    Low-GL food guides

    You’ll find lots of information about choosing food for your low-GL eating plan in Chapters 11, 12, and 16. Here are some at-a-glance guidelines:

    bullet Meat, fish, and poultry: Choose a good mixture of protein foods including lean meats, skinless poultry, and a mix of white and oily fish.

    bullet Fruit and vegetables: Pretty much all fruit and veg are great on a low-GL diet (take a look at the Cheat Sheet). Aim to eat a rainbow of different colours to get the best mix of vitamins and minerals.

    bullet Fats: Replace saturated fat (such as butter and lard) with polyunsaturated (such as corn oil) and monounsaturated fats (such as olive oil).

    bullet Nuts and seeds: All nuts and seeds are good for you and for your low-GL plan in moderate quantities.

    bullet Grains: Go for the wholegrains such as oats, pearl barley, rye, and bulgur wheat.

    bullet Pasta, rice, and potatoes: Choose small amounts of pasta and don’t overcook it. Mix rice with lentils or beans to lower the GL, and choose small new potatoes or sweet potatoes over large white potatoes.

    bullet Breads: Pick the grainiest bread possible, because bread with seeds and nuts is lower GL than white or wholemeal bread.

    Shopping low-GL style

    Some diets force you to buy and eat a whole new range of foods you’d never normally touch. In fact, many people gave up on their diets because they simply don’t like the food they have to eat.

    The good news is that the GL Diet doesn’t come with a lot of rigid rules or foods that are banned.

    Successful shopping low-GL style relies on some very simple principles:

    bullet Be prepared – always shop with a list based on the foods you need for the next few days

    bullet Never shop when you’re hungry

    bullet Don’t be tempted by special offers on food that you don’t need. If you don’t need it, don’t buy it!

    Read Chapter 4 for more about getting in and out of the supermarket in one healthy, happy piece.


    The Cheat Sheet at the front of this book gives you a handy guide to the best low-GL options for starchy staples and seasonal fruits and veggies. Be sure to check it out, or better yet, tear it out and keep it with you.

    Eating out, eating well

    Eating out is the perfect way to catch up with friends – and all the gossip! The last thing you want when you hope to have a good time is to deprive yourself by nibbling on a lettuce leaf – simply because you’re not sure of your low-GL options.

    Take these golden nuggets to heart to help you stay on track no matter where you’re dining:

    bullet When you take your seat, ask for some water. A drink of water wards off the hunger pangs.

    bullet Avoid grazing on the bread basket, which is probably full of high-GL breads.

    bullet Don’t starve all day as an allowance for a blow-out at dinnertime.

    bullet Ask for exactly what you want; you’re the customer after all. Sauce on the side instead of poured over your dinner? Fruit or cheese for dessert? Just a small portion of pasta? You call the shots!

    When preparing to write this book, we ate out in Chinese, Indian, Mexican, and fast-food restaurants so that we could give you the latest low-GL menu choices available. Chapter 5 is your whistle-stop tour of what’s GL-hot and what’s not in your favourite restaurants. All that research was tough, but hey, someone had to do it.

    Recipes for success

    Knowing the foods that are low-GL is useful, but you also need to have recipes for preparing low-GL foods. Check out Part III, where you find heaps of low-GL recipes that will make your mouth water.

    We combine our dietitians’ hats and our chefs’ hats to create a wide range of great low-GL dishes to cook at home. We use simple, everyday ingredients, and you don’t need to be a cordon bleu chef to make any of them – the recipes are quick, nutritious, easy to make, and delicious. By simply substituting one ingredient for another – such as using fructose instead of sugar – you can really lower the GL of some of your favourite recipes. We include plenty of fruit and vegetables in our recipes to help you towards achieving your five portions a day, and we include dairy foods to help keep your bones healthy.

    Our recipes include a good mix of protein foods from both animal and vegetable sources, so we cater to you vegetarians, as well. We pull no punches with salt and sugar – if our recipe doesn’t need them, you won’t find them.

    In Chapter 3 we give you everything you need to start your new GL healthy eating plan, and we make the process as simple and straightforward as possible. After a few weeks of feeling the benefits of eating low-GL you won’t need our help any more – you can cruise the supermarket aisles with confidence, dine out in real GL-style, and know how to adapt certain foods to make them more GL friendly.

    Living and Loving Low-GL

    In our everyday lives, we follow the principles of the GL Diet and so do many of our clients, because the diet is so easy and so enjoyable. The GL Diet helps you to lose weight, reduces your risk of disease, and helps to improve existing symptoms if you suffer from diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure. (Check out Chapter 13 for more about the medical benefits of the GL

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