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Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics
Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics
Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics
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Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics

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Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics has been prized by many aspiring and practicing engineers as an easy-to-navigate guide to an area of engineering science that is fundamental to aeronautical, civil, and mechanical engineering, and to other branches of engineering. With its focus not only on elasticity theory, including nano- and biomechanics, but also on concrete applications in real engineering situations, this acclaimed work is a core text in a spectrum of courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and a superior reference for engineering professionals.

Release dateDec 1, 2010
Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics

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    Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics - Arthur P. Boresi


    The material presented is intended to serve as a basis for a critical study of the fundamentals of elasticity and several branches of solid mechanics, including advanced mechanics of materials, theories of plates and shells, composite materials, plasticity theory, finite element, and other numerical methods as well as nanomechanics and biomechanics. In the 21st century, the transcendent and translational technologies include nanotechnology, microelectronics, information technology, and biotechnology as well as the enabling and supporting mechanical and civil infrastructure systems and smart materials. These technologies are the primary drivers of the century and the new economy in a modern society.

    Chapter 1 includes, for ready reference, new trends, research needs, and certain mathematic preliminaries. Depending on the background of the reader, this material may be used either as required reading or as reference material. The main content of the book begins with the theory of deformation in Chapter 2. Although the majority of the book is focused on stress–strain theory, the concept of deformation with large strains (Cauchy strain tensor and Green–Saint-Venant strain tensor) is included. The theory of stress is presented in Chapter 3. The relations among different stress measures, namely, Cauchy stress tensor, first- and second-order Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensors, are described. Molecular dynamics (MD) views a material body as a collection of a huge but finite number of different kinds of atoms. It is emphasized that MD is the heart of nanoscience and technology, and it deals with material properties and behavior at the atomistic scale. The differential equations of motion of MD are introduced. The readers may see the similarity and the difference between a continuum theory and an atomistic theory clearly. The theories of deformation and stress are treated separately to emphasize their independence of one another and also to emphasize their mathematical similarity. By so doing, one can clearly see that these theories depend only on approximations related to modeling of a continuous medium, and that they are independent of material behavior. The theories of deformation and stress are united in Chapter 4 by the introduction of three-dimensional stress–strain–temperature relations (constitutive relations). The constitutive relations in MD, through interatomic potentials, are introduced. The force–position relation between atoms is nonlinear and nonlocal, which is contrary to the situation in continuum theories. Contrary to continuum theories, temperature in MD is not an independent variable. Instead, it is derivable from the velocities of atoms. The treatment of temperature in molecular dynamics is incorporated in Chapter 4. Also the constitutive equations for soft biological tissues are included. The readers can see that not only soft biological tissue can undergo large strains but also exert an active stress, which is the fundamental difference between lifeless material and living biological tissue. The significance of active stress is demonstrated through an example in Chapter 6. The major portion of Chapter 4 is devoted to linearly elastic materials. However, discussions of nonlinear constitutive relations, micromorphic theory, and concurrent atomistic/continuum theory are presented in Appendices 4B, 4C, and 4D, respectively. Chapters 5 and 6 treat the plane theory of elasticity, in rectangular and polar coordinates, respectively. Chapter 7 presents the three-dimensional problem of prismatic bars subjected to end loads. Material on thermal stresses is incorporated in a logical manner in the topics of Chapters 4, 5, and 6.

    General solutions of elasticity are presented in Chapter 8. Extensive use is made of appendixes for more advanced topics such as complex variables (Appendix 5B) and stress–couple theory (Appendixes 5A and 6A). In addition, in each chapter, examples and problems are given, along with explanatory notes, references, and a bibliography for further study.

    As presented, the book is valuable as a text for students and as a reference for practicing engineers/scientists. The material presented here may be used for several different types of courses. For example, a semester course for senior engineering students may include topics from Chapter 2 (Sections 2-1 through 2-16), Chapter 3 (Sections 3-1 through 3-8), Chapter 4 (Sections 4-1 through 4-7 and Sections 4-9 through 4-12), Chapter 5 (Sections 5-1 through 5-7), as much as possible from Chapter 6 (from Sections 6-1 through Section 6-6), and considerable problem solving. A quarter course for seniors could cover similar material from Chapters 2 through 5, with less emphasis on the examples and problem solving. A course for first-year graduate students in civil and mechanical engineering and related engineering fields can include Chapters 1 through 6, with selected materials from the appendixes and/or Chapters 7 and 8. A follow-up graduate course can include most of the appendix material in Chapters 2 to 6, and the topics in Chapters 7 and 8, with specialized topics of interest for further study by individual students.

    Special thanks are due to the publisher including Bob Argentieri, Dan Magers, and the production team for their interest, cooperation, and help in publishing this book in a timely fashion, to James Chen for the checking and proofreading of the manuscript, as well as to Mike Plesniak of George Washington University and Jon Martin of NIST for providing an environment and culture conductive for scholarly pursuit.

    Chapter 1

    Introductory Concepts and Mathematics

    Part I Introduction

    1-1 Trends and Scopes

    In the 21st century, the transcendent and translational technologies include nanotechnology, microelectronics, information technology, and biotechnology as well as the enabling and supporting mechanical and civil infrastructure systems and smart materials. These technologies are the primary drivers of the century and the new economy in a modern society. Mechanics forms the backbone and basis of these transcendent and translational technologies (Chong, 2004, 2010). Papers on the applications of the theory of elasticity to engineering problems form a significant part of the technical literature in solid mechanics (e.g. Dvorak, 1999; Oden, 2006). Many of the solutions presented in current papers employ numerical methods and require the use of high-speed digital computers. This trend is expected to continue into the foreseeable future, particularly with the widespread use of microcomputers and minicomputers as well as the increased availability of supercomputers (Londer, 1985; Fosdick, 1996). For example, finite element methods have been applied to a wide range of problems such as plane problems, problems of plates and shells, and general three-dimensional problems, including linear and nonlinear behavior, and isotropic and anisotropic materials. Furthermore, through the use of computers, engineers have been able to consider the optimization of large engineering systems (Atrek et al., 1984; Zienkiewicz and Taylor, 2005; Kirsch, 1993; Tsompanakis et al., 2008) such as the space shuttle. In addition, computers have played a powerful role in the fields of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) (Ellis and Semenkov, 1983; Lamit, 2007) as well as in virtual testing and simulation-based engineering science (Fosdick, 1996; Yang and Pan, 2004; Oden, 2000, 2006).

    At the request of one of the authors (Chong), Moon et al. (2003) conducted an in-depth National Science Foundation (NSF) workshop on the research needs of solid mechanics. The following are the recommendations.

    Unranked overall priorities in solid mechanics research (Moon et al., 2003)

    1. Modeling multiscale problems:

    (i) Bridging the micro-nano-molecular scale

    (ii) Macroscale dynamics of complex machines and systems

    2. New experimental methods:

    (i) Micro-nano-atomic scales

    (ii) Coupling between new physical phenomena and model simulations

    3. Micro- and nanomechanics:

    (i) Constitutive models of failure initiation and evolution

    (ii) Biocell mechanics

    (iii) Force measurements in the nano- to femtonewton regime

    4. Tribology, contact mechanics:

    (i) Search for a grand theory of friction and adhesion

    (ii) Molecular-atomic-based models

    (iii) Extension of microscale models to macroapplications

    5. Smart, active, self-diagnosis and self-healing materials:

    (i) Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)/Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) and biomaterials

    (ii) Fundamental models

    (iii) Increased actuator capability

    (iv) Application to large-scale devices and systems

    6. Nucleation of cracks and other defects:

    (i) Electronic materials

    (ii) Nanomaterials

    7. Optimization methods in solid mechanics:

    (i) Synthesis of materials by design

    (ii) Electronic materials

    (iii) Optimum design of biomaterials

    8. Nonclassical materials:

    (i) Foams, granular materials, nanocarbon tubes, smart materials

    9. Energy-related solid mechanics:

    (i) High-temperature materials and coatings

    (ii) Fuel cells

    10. Advanced material processing:

    (i) High-speed machining

    (ii) Electronic and nanodevices, biodevices, biomaterials

    11. Education in mechanics:

    (i) Need for multidisciplinary education between solid mechanics, physics, chemistry, and biology

    (ii) New mathematical skills in statistical mechanics and optimization methodology

    12. Problems related to Homeland Security (Postworkshop; added by the editor)

    (i) Ability of infrastructure to withstand destructive attacks

    (ii) New safety technology for civilian aircraft

    (iii) New sensors and robotics

    (iv) New coatings for fire-resistant structures

    (v) New biochemical filters

    In addition to finite element methods, older techniques such as finite difference methods have also found applications in elasticity problems. More generally, the broad subject of approximation methods has received considerable attention in the field of elasticity. In particular, the boundary element method has been widely applied because of certain advantages it possesses in two- and three-dimensional problems and in infinite domain problems (Brebbia, 1988). In addition, other variations of the finite element method have been employed because of their efficiency. For example, finite strip, finite layer, and finite prism methods (Cheung and Tham, 1997) have been used for rectangular regions, and finite strip methods have been applied to nonrectangular regions by Yang and Chong (1984). This increased interest in approximate methods is due mainly to the enhanced capabilities of both mainframe and personal digital computers and their widespread use. Because this development will undoubtedly continue, the authors (Boresi, Chong, and Saigal) treat the topic of approximation methods in elasticity in a second book (Boresi et al., 2002), with particular emphasis on numerical stress analysis through the use of finite differences and finite elements, as well as boundary element and meshless methods.

    However, in spite of the widespread use of approximate methods in elasticity (Boresi et al., 2002), the basic concepts of elasticity are fundamental and remain essential for the understanding and interpretation of numerical stress analysis. Accordingly, the present book devotes attention to the theories of deformation and of stress, the stress–strain relations (constitutive relations), nano- and biomechanics, and the fundamental boundary value problems of elasticity. Extensive use of index notation is made. However, general tensor notation is used sparingly, primarily in appendices.

    In recent years, researchers from mechanics and other diverse disciplines have been drawn into vigorous efforts to develop smart or intelligent structures that can monitor their own condition, detect impending failure, control damage, and adapt to changing environments (Rogers and Rogers, 1992). The potential applications of such smart materials/systems are abundant: design of smart aircraft skin embedded with fiber-optic sensors (Udd, 1995) to detect structural flaws, bridges with sensoring/actuating elements to counter violent vibrations, flying microelectromechanical systems (Trimmer, 1990) with remote control for surveying and rescue missions, and stealth submarine vehicles with swimming muscles made of special polymers. Such a multidisciplinary infrastructural systems research front, represented by material scientists, physicists, chemists, biologists, and engineers of diverse fields—mechanical, electrical, civil, control, computer, aeronautical, and so on—has collectively created a new entity defined by the interface of these research elements. Smart structures/materials are generally created through synthesis by combining sensoring, processing, and actuating elements integrated with conventional structural materials such as steel, concrete, or composites. Some of these structures/materials currently being researched or in use are listed below (Chong et al., 1990, 1994; Chong and Davis, 2000):

    Piezoelectric composites, which convert electric current to (or from) mechanical forces

    Shape memory alloys, which can generate force through changing the temperature across a transition state

    Electrorheological (ER) and magnetorheological (MR) fluids, which can change from liquid to solid (or the reverse) in electric and magnetic fields, respectively, altering basic material properties dramatically

    Bio-inspired sensors and nanotechnologies, e.g., graphenes and nanotubes

    The science and technology of nanometer-scale materials, nanostructure-based devices, and their applications in numerous areas, such as functionally graded materials, molecular-electronics, quantum computers, sensors, molecular machines, and drug delivery systems—to name just a few, form the realm of nanotechnology (Srivastava et al., 2007). At nanometer length scale, the material systems concerned may be downsized to reach the limit of tens to hundreds of atoms, where many new physical phenomena are being discovered. Modeling of nanomaterials involving phenomena with multiple length/time scales has attracted enormous attention from the scientific research community. This is evidenced in the works of Belytschko et al. (2002), Belytschko and Xiao (2003), Liu et al. (2004), Arroyo and Belytschko (2005), Srivastava et al. (2007), Wagner et al. (2008), Masud and Kannan (2009), and the host of references mentioned therein. As a matter of fact, the traditional material models based on continuum descriptions are inadequate at the nanoscale, even at the microscale. Therefore, simulation techniques based on descriptions at the atomic scale, such as molecular dynamics (MD), has become an increasingly important computational toolbox. However, MD simulations on even the largest supercomputers (Abraham et al., 2002), although enough for the study of some nanoscale phenomena, are still far too small to treat the micro-to-macroscale interactions that must be captured in the simulation of any real device (Wagner et al., 2008).

    Bioscience and technology has contributed much to our understanding of human health since the birth of continuum biomechanics in the mid-1960s (Fung, 1967, 1983, 1990, 1993, 1995). Nevertheless, it has yet to reach its full potential as a consistent contributor to the improvement of health-care delivery. This is due to the fact that most biological materials are very complicated hierachical structures. In the most recent review paper, Meyers et al. (2008) describe the defining characteristics, namely, hierarchy, multifunctionality, self-healing, and self-organization of biological tissues in detail, and point out that the new frontiers of material and structure design reside in the synthesis of bioinspired materials, which involve nanoscale self-assembly of the components and the development of hierarchical structures. For example the amazing multiscale bones structure—from amino acids, tropocollagen, mineralized collagen fibrils, fibril arrays, fiber patterns, osteon and Haversian canal, and bone tissue to macroscopic bone—makes bones remarkably resistant to fracture (Ritchie et al., 2009). The multiscale bone structure of trabecular bone and cortical bone from nanoscale to macroscale is illustrated in Figure 1-1.1. (Courtesy of I. Jasiuk and E. Hamed, University of Illinois – Urbana). Although much significant progress has been made in the field of bioscience and technology, especially in biomechanics, there exist many open problems related to elasticity, including molecular and cell biomechanics, biomechanics of development, biomechanics of growth and remodeling, injury biomechanics and rehabilitation, functional tissue engineering, muscle mechanics and active stress, solid–fluid interactions, and thermal treatment (Humphrey, 2002).

    Figure 1-1.1


    Current research activities aim at understanding, synthesizing, and processing material systems that behave like biological systems. Smart structures/materials basically possess their own sensors (nervous system), processor (brain system), and actuators (muscular systems), thus mimicking biological systems (Rogers and Rogers, 1992). Sensors used in smart structures/materials include optical fibers, micro-cantilevers, corrosion sensors, and other environmental sensors and sensing particles. Examples of actuators include shape memory alloys that would return to their original shape when heated, hydraulic systems, and piezoelectric ceramic polymer composites. The processor or control aspects of smart structures/materials are based on microchip, computer software, and hardware systems.

    Recently, Huang from Northwestern University and his collaborators developed the stretchable silicon based on the wrinkling of the thin films on a prestretched substrate. This is important to the development of stretchable electronics and sensors such as the three-dimensional eye-shaped sensors. One of their papers was published in Science in 2006 (Khang et al., 2006). The basic idea is to make straight silicon ribbons wavy. A prestretched polymer Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is used to peel silicon ribbons away from the substrate, and releasing the prestretch leads to buckled, wavy silicon ribbons.

    In the past, engineers and material scientists have been involved extensively with the characterization of given materials. With the availability of advanced computing, along with new developments in material sciences, researchers can now characterize processes, design, and manufacture materials with desirable performance and properties. Using nanotechnology (Reed and Kirk, 1989; Timp, 1999; Chong, 2004), engineers and scientists can build designer materials molecule by molecule via self-assembly, etc. One of the challenges is to model short-term microscale material behavior through mesoscale and macroscale behavior into long-term structural systems performance (Fig. 1-1.2). Accelerated tests to simulate various environmental forces and impacts are needed. Supercomputers and/or workstations used in parallel are useful tools to (a) solve this multiscale and size-effect problem by taking into account the large number of variables and unknowns to project microbehavior into infrastructure systems performance and (b) to model or extrapolate short-term test results into long-term life-cycle behavior.

    Figure 1-1.2 Scales in materials and structures.


    According to Eugene Wong, the former engineering director of the National Science Foundation, the transcendent technologies of our time are

    Microelectronics—Moore's law: doubling the capabilities every 2 years for the past 30 years; unlimited scalability

    Information technology: confluence of computing and communications

    Biotechnology: molecular secrets of life

    These technologies and nanotechnology are mainly responsible for the tremendous economic developments. Engineering mechanics is related to all these technologies based on the experience of the authors. The first small step in many of these research activities and technologies involves the study of deformation and stress in materials, along with the associated stress–strain relations.

    In this book following the example of modern continuum mechanics and the example of A. E. Love (Love, 2009), we treat the theories of deformation and of stress separately, in this manner clearly noting their mathematical similarities and their physical differences. Continuum mechanics concepts such as couple stress and body couple are introduced into the theory of stress in the appendices of Chapters 3, 5, and 6. These effects are introduced into the theory in a direct way and present no particular problem. The notations of stress and of strain are based on the concept of a continuum, that is, a continuous distribution of matter in the region (space) of interest. In the mathematical physics sense, this means that the volume or region under examination is sufficiently filled with matter (dense) that concepts such as mass density, momentum, stress, energy, and so forth are defined at all points in the region by appropriate mathematical limiting processes (see Chapter 3, Section 3-1).

    1-2 Theory of Elasticity

    The theory of elasticity, in contrast to the general theory of continuum mechanics (Eringen, 1980), is an ad hoc theory designed to treat explicity a special response of materials to applied forces—namely, the elastic response, in which the stress at every point P in a material body (continuum) depends at all times solely on the simultaneous deformation in the immediate neighborhood of the point P (see Chapter 4, Section 4-1). In general, the relation between stress and deformation is a nonlinear one, and the corresponding theory is called the nonlinear theory of elasticity (Green and Adkins, 1970). However, if the relationship of the stress and the deformation is linear, the material is said to be linearly elastic, and the corresponding theory is called the linear theory of elasticity.

    The major part of this book treats the linear theory of elasticity. Although ad hoc in form, this theory of elasticity plays an important conceptual role in the study of nonelastic types of material responses. For example, often in problems involving plasticity or creep of materials, the method of successive elastic solutions is employed (Mendelson, 1983). Consequently, the theory of elasticity finds application in fields that treat inelastic response.

    1-3 Numerical Stress Analysis

    The solution of an elasticity problem generally requires the description of the response of a material body (computer chips, machine part, structural element, or mechanical system) to a given excitation (such as force). In an engineering sense, this description is usually required in numerical form, the objective being to assure the designer or engineer that the response of the system will not violate design requirements. These requirements may include the consideration of deterministic and probabilistic concepts (Thoft-Christensen and Baker, 1982; Wen, 1984; Yao, 1985). In a broad sense the numerical results are predictions as to whether the system will perform as desired. The solution to the elasticity problem may be obtained by a direct numerical process (numerical stress analysis) or in the form of a general solution (which ordinarily requires further numerical evaluation; see Section 1-4).

    The usual methods of numerical stress analysis recast the mathematically posed elasticity problem into a direct numerical analysis. For example, in finite difference methods, derivatives are approximated by algebraic expressions; this transforms the differential boundary value problem of elasticity into an algebraic boundary value problem requiring the numerical solution of a set of simultaneous algebraic equations. In finite element methods, trial function approximations of displacement components, stress components, and so on are employed in conjunction with energy methods (Chapter 4, Section 4-21) and matrix methods (Section 1-28), again to transform the elasticity boundary value problem into a system of simultaneous algebraic equations. However, because finite element methods may be applied to individual pieces (elements) of the body, each element may be given distinct material properties, thus achieving very general descriptions of a body as a whole. This feature of the finite element method is very attractive to the practicing stress analyst. In addition, the application of finite elements leads to many interesting mathematical questions concerning accuracy of approximation, convergence of the results, attainment of bounds on the exact answer, and so on. Today, finite element methods are perhaps the principal method of numerical stress analysis employed to solve elasticity problems in engineering (Zienkiewicz and Taylor, 2005). By their nature, methods of numerical stress analysis (Boresi et al., 2002) yield approximate solutions to the exact elasticity solution.

    1-4 General Solution of the Elasticity Problem

    Plane Elasticity.

    Two classical plane problems have been studied extensively: plane strain and plane stress (see Chapter 5). If the state of plane isotropic elasticity is referred to the (x, y) plane, then plane elasticity is characterized by the conditions that the stress and strain are independent of coordinate z, and shear stress τxz, τyz (hence, shear strains γxz, γyz) are zero. In addition, for plane strain the extensional strain epsiv z equals 0, and for plane stress we have σz = 0. For plane strain problems the equations represent exact solutions to physical problems, whereas for plane stress problems, the usual solutions are only approximations to physical problems. Mathematically, the problems of plane stress and plane strain are identical (see Chapter 5).

    One general method of solution of the plane problem rests on the reduction of the elasticity equations to the solution of certain equations in the complex plane (Muskhelishvili, 1975).¹ Ordinarily, the method requires mapping of the given region into a suitable region in the complex plane. A second general method rests on the introduction of a single scalar biharmonic function, the Airy stress function, which must be chosen suitably to satisfy boundary conditions (see Chapter 5).

    Three-Dimensional Elasticity.

    In contrast to the problem of plane elasticity, the construction of general solutions of the three-dimensional equations of elasticity has not as yet been completely achieved. Many so-called general solutions are really particular forms of solutions of the three-dimensional field equations of elasticity in terms of arbitrary, ad hoc functions. Particular examples of general solutions are employed in Chapter 8 and in Appendix 5B. In many of these examples, the functions and the form of solution are determined in part by the differential equations and in part by the physical features of the problem. A general solution of the elasticity equations may also be constructed in terms of biharmonic functions (see Appendix 5B). Because there is no apparent reason for one form of general solution to be readily obtainable from another, a number of investigators have attempted to extend the generality of solution form and show relations among known solutions (Sternberg, 1960; Naghdi and Hsu, 1961; Stippes, 1967).

    1-5 Experimental Stress Analysis

    Material properties that enter into the stress–strain relations (constitutive relations; see Section 4-4) must be obtained experimentally (Schreiber et al., 1973; Chong and Smith, 1984). In addition, other material properties, such as ultimate strength and fracture toughness, as well as nonmaterial quantities such as residual stresses, have to be determined by physical tests.

    For bodies that possess intricately shaped boundaries, general analytical (closed-form) solutions become extremely difficult to obtain. In such cases one must invariably resort to approximate methods, principally to numerical methods or to experimental methods. In the latter, several techniques such as photoelasticity, the Moiré method, strain gage methods, fracture gages, optical fibers, and so forth have been developed to a fine art (Dove and Adams, 1964; Dally and Riley, 2005; Rogers and Rogers, 1992; Ruud and Green, 1984). In addition, certain analogies based on a similarity between the equations of elasticity and the equations that describe readily studied physical systems are employed to obtain estimates of solutions or to gain insight into the nature of mathematical solutions (see Chapter 7, Section 7-9, for the membrane analogy in torsion). In this book we do not treat experimental methods but rather refer to the extensive modern literature available.²

    1-6 Boundary Value Problems of Elasticity

    The solution of the equations of elasticity involves the determination of a stress or strain state in the interior of a region R subject to a given state of stress or strain (or displacement) on the boundary B of R (see Chapter 4, Section 4-15). Subject to certain restrictions on the nature of the solution and of region R and the form of the boundary conditions, the solution of boundary value problems of elasticity may be shown to exist (see Chapter 4, Section 4-16). Under broader conditions, existence and uniqueness of the elasticity boundary value problem are not ensured. In general, the question of existence and uniqueness (Knops and Payne, 1971) rests on the theory of systems of partial differential equations of three independent variables.

    In particular forms the boundary value problem of elasticity may be reduced to that of seeking a single scalar function f of three independent variables, say (x, y, z); that is, f = f(x, y, z) such that the stress field of strain field derived from f satisfies the boundary conditions on B. In particular for the Laplace equation, three types of boundary value problems occur frequently in elasticity: the Dirichlet problem, the Neumann problem, and the mixed problem. Let h(x, y) be a given function that is defined on B, the bounding surface of a simply connected region R. Then the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation is that of determining a function f = f(x, y) that

    1. is continuous on R + B,

    2. is harmonic on R, and

    3. is identical to h(x, y) on B.

    The Dirichlet problem has been shown to possess a unique solution (Greenspan, 1965). However, analytical determination of f(x, y) is very much more difficult to achieve than is the establishment of its existence. Indeed, except for special forms of boundary B (such as the rectangle, the circle, or regions that can be mapped onto rectangular or circular regions), the problems of determining f(x, y) do not surrender to existing analytical techniques.

    The Neumann boundary value problem for the Laplace equation is that of determining a function f(x, y) that

    1. is defined and continuous on R + B,

    2. is harmonic on R, and

    3. has an outwardly directed normal derivative ∂f/∂n such that ∂f/∂n = g(x, y) on B, where g(x, y) is defined and continuous on B.

    Without an additional requirement [namely, that f(x, y) has a prescribed value for at least one point of B], the solution of the Neumann problem is not well posed because otherwise the Neumann problem has a one-parameter infinity of solutions.

    The mixed problem overcomes the difficulty of the Neumann problem. Again, let g(x, y) be a continuous function on B′ of R and let h(x, y) be bounded and continuous on B′′ of R, where B = B′ + B′′ denotes the boundary of region R. Then the mixed problem for the Laplace equation is that of determining a function f(x, y) such that it

    1. is defined and continuous on R + B,

    2. is harmonic on R,

    3. is identical with g(x, y), on B′, and

    4. has outwardly directed normal derivative ∂f/∂n = h(x, y) on B′′.

    It has been shown that certain mixed problems have unique solutions³ (Greenspan, 1965). Because, in general, the solutions of the Dirichlet and mixed problems cannot be given in closed form, methods of approximate solutions of these problems are presented in another book by the authors (Boresi et al., 2002). More generally, these approximate methods may be applied to most boundary value problems of elasticity.

    Part II Preliminary Concepts

    In Part II of this chapter we set down some concepts that are useful in following the developments in the text proper and in the appendices.

    1-7 Brief Summary of Vector Algebra

    In this text a boldface letter denotes a vector quantity unless an explicit statement to the contrary is given; thus, A denotes a vector. Frequently, we denote a vector by the set of its projections (Ax, Ay, Az) on rectangular Cartesian axes (x, y, z). Thus,

    1-7.1 1-7.1

    The magnitude of a vector A is denoted by

    1-7.2 1-7.2

    We may also express a vector in terms of its components with respect to (x, y, z) axes. For example,

    1-7.3 1-7.3

    where iAx, jAy, kAz are components of A with respect to axes (x, y, z), and i, j, k, are unit vectors directed along positive (x, y, z) axes, respectively. In general, the symbols i, j, k denote unit vectors.

    Vector quantities obey the associative law of vector addition:

    1-7.4 1-7.4

    and the commutative law of vector addition:



    Symbolically, we may represent a vector quantity by an arrow (Fig. 1-7.1) with the understanding that the addition of any two arrows (vectors) must obey the commutative law [Eq. (1-7.5)].

    Figure 1-7.1


    The scalar product of two vectors A, B is defined to be

    1-7.6 1-7.6

    where the symbol · is a conventional notation for the scalar product. By the above definition, it follows that the scalar product of vectors is commutative; that is,

    1-7.7 1-7.7

    A useful property of the scalar product of two vectors is

    1-7.8 1-7.8

    where A and B denote the magnitudes of vectors A and B, respectively, and the angle θ denotes the angle formed by vectors A and B (Fig. 1-7.2).

    Figure 1-7.2


    If B is a unit vector in the x direction, Eqs. (1-7.3) and (1-7.8) yield Ax = Acosα, where α is the direction angle between the vector A and the positive x axis. Similarly, Ay = Acosβ, Az = Acosγ, where β, γ denote direction angles between the vector A and the y axis and the z axis, respectively. Substitution of these expressions into Eq. (1-7.2) yields the relation

    1-7.9 1-7.9

    Thus, the direction cosines of vector A are not independent. They must satisfy Eq. (1-7.9).

    The scalar product law of vectors has other properties in common with the product of numbers. For example,

    1-7.10 1-7.10



    The vector product of two vectors A and B is defined to be a third vector C whose magnitude is given by the relation

    1-7.12 1-7.12

    The direction of vector C is perpendicular to the plane formed by vectors A and B. The sense of C is such that the three vectors A, B, C form a right-handed or left-handed system according to whether the coordinate system (x, y, z) is right handed or left handed (see Fig. 1-7.3).

    Figure 1-7.3


    Symbolically, we denote the vector product of A and B in the form

    1-7.13 1-7.13

    where × denotes vector product (or cross product). In determinant notation, Eq. (1-7.13) may be written as

    1-7.13a 1-7.13a

    where (Ax, Ay, Az), (Bx, By, Bz) denotes (i, j, k) projections of vectors (A, B), respectively.

    The vector product of vectors has the following property:

    1-7.14 1-7.14

    Accordingly, the vector product of vectors is not commutative.

    The vector product also has the following properties:

    1-7.15 1-7.15



    The scalar triple product of three vectors A, B, C is defined by the relation



    In determinant notation, the scalar triple product is

    1-7.18 1-7.18

    Because only the sign of a determinant changes when two rows are interchanged, two consecutive transpositions of rows leave a determinant unchanged. Consequently,

    1-7.19 1-7.19

    Another useful property is the relation

    1-7.20 1-7.20

    The vector triple product of three vectors A, B, C is defined as

    1-7.21 1-7.21




    Equation (1-7.22) follows from Eqs. (1-7.20) and (1-7.21).

    1-8 Scalar Point Functions

    Any scalar function f(x, y, z) that is defined at all points in a region of space is called a scalar point function. Conceivably, the function f may depend on time, but if it does, attention can be confined to conditions at a particular instant. The region of space in which f is defined is called a scalar field. It is assumed that f is differentiable in this scalar field. Physical examples of scalar point functions are the mass density of a compressible medium, the temperature in a body, the flux density in a nuclear reactor, and the potential in an electrostatic field.

    Consider the rate of change of the function f in various directions at some point images/c01_I0024.gif in the scalar field for which f is defined. Let (x, y, z) take increments (dx, dy, dz). Then the function f takes an increment:

    1-8.1 1-8.1

    Consider the infinitesimal vector idx + jdy + kdz, where (i, j, k) are unit vectors in the (x, y, z) directions, respectively. Its magnitude is ds = (dx² + dy² + dz²)¹/², and its direction cosines are


    The vector i(dx/ds) + j(dy/ds) + k(dz/ds) is a unit vector in the direction of idx + jdy + kdz, as division of a vector by a scalar alters only the magnitude of the vector. Dividing Eq. (1-8.1) by ds, we obtain



    1-8.2 1-8.2

    From Eq. (1-8.2) it is apparent that df/ds depends on the direction of ds; that is, it depends on the direction (α, β, γ). For this reason df/ds is known as the directional derivative of f in the direction (α, β, γ). It represents the rate of change of f in the direction (α, β, γ). For example, if α = 0, β = γ = π/2,


    This is the rate of change of f in the direction of the x axis.

    Maximum Value of the Directional Derivative. Gradient.

    By definition of the scalar product of two vectors, Eq. (1-8.2) may be written in the form

    1-8.3 1-8.3

    where n = icosα + jcosβ + kcosγ is a unit vector in the direction (α, β, γ), and

    1-8.4 1-8.4

    is a vector point function (see Section 1-10) of (x, y, z) called the gradient of the scalar function f. Because n is a unit vector, Eq. (1-8.3) shows that images/c01_I0032.gif is the maximum value of df/ds at the point P: (x, y, z) and that the direction of grad f is the direction in which f(x, y, z) increases most rapidly. Equation (1-8.3) also shows that the directional derivative of f in any direction is the component of the vector grad f in that direction.

    The equation f(x, y, z) = C defines a family of surfaces, one surface for each value of the constant C. These are called level surfaces of the function f. If n is tangent to a level surface, the directional derivative of f in the direction of n is zero, as f is constant along a level surface. Consequently, by Eq. (1-8.3), the vector n must be perpendicular to the vector grad f when n is tangent to a level surface. Accordingly, the vector grad f at the point P: (x, y, z) is normal to the level surface of f through the point P: (x, y, z).

    A symbolic vector operator, called del or nabla, is defined as follows:

    1-8.5 1-8.5

    By Eqs. (1-8.3), (1-8.4), and (1-8.5),




    By definition,

    1-8.6 1-8.6

    Consequently, the Laplace equation may be written symbolically as

    1-8.7 1-8.7

    For this reason the symbolic operator images/c01_I0038.gif is called the Laplacian.

    1-9 Vector Fields

    Assume that for each point P: (x, y, z) in a region there exists a vector point function q(x, y, z). This vector point function is called a vector field. It may be represented at each point in the region by a vector with length equal to the magnitude of q and drawn in the direction of q. For example, for each point in a flowing fluid there corresponds a vector q that represents the velocity of the particle of fluid at that point. This vector point function is called the velocity field of the fluid. Another example of a vector field is the displacement vector function for the particles of a deformable body. Electric and magnetic field intensities are also vector fields. A vector field is often simply called a vector.

    In any continuous vector field there exists a system of curves such that the vectors along a curve are everywhere tangent to the curve; that is, the vector field consists exclusively of tangent vectors to the curves. These curves are called the vector lines (or field lines) of the field. The vector lines of a velocity field are called stream lines. The vector lines in an electrostatic or magnetostatic field are known as lines of force. In general, the vector function q may depend on (x, y, z) and t, where t denotes time. If q depends on time, the field is said to be unsteady or nonstationary; that is, the field varies with time. For a steady field, q = q(x, y, z). For example, if a velocity field changes with time (i.e., if the flow is unsteady), the stream lines may change with time.

    A vector field q = iu + jv + kw is defined by expressing the projections (u, v, w) as functions of (x, y, z). If (dx, dy, dz) is an infinitesimal vector in the direction of the vector q, the direction cosines of this vector are dx/ds = u/q, dy/ds = v/q, and dz/ds = w/q. Consequently, the differential equations of the system of vector lines of the field are

    1-9.1 1-9.1

    In Eq. (1-9.1) the components (u, v, w) are functions of (x, y, z). The finite equations of the system of vector lines are obtained by integrating Eq. (1-9.1). The theory of integration of differential equations of this type is explained in most books on differential equations (Morris and Brown, 1964; Ince, 2009).

    If a given vector field q is the gradient of a scalar field f (i.e., if images/c01_I0040.gif ), the scalar function f is called a potential function for the vector field, and the vector field is called a potential field. Because grad f is perpendicular to the level surfaces of f, it follows that the vector lines of a potential field are everywhere normal to the level surfaces of the potential function.

    1-10 Differentiation of Vectors

    An infinitesimal increment dR of a vector R need not be collinear with the vector R (Fig. 1-10.1). Consequently, in general, the vector R + dR differs from the vector R not only in magnitude but also in direction. It would be misleading to denote the magnitude of the vector dR by dR, as dR denotes the increment of the magnitude R. Accordingly, the magnitude of dR is denoted by |dR| or by another symbol, such as ds. The magnitude of the vector R + dR is R + dR. Figure 1-10.1 shows that |R + dR| ≤ R + |dR|. Hence, dR ≤ |dR|.

    Figure 1-10.1


    If the vector R is a function of a scalar t (where t may or may not denote time), dR/dt is defined to be a vector in the direction of dR, with magnitude ds/dt (where ds = |dR|).

    Vectors obey the same rules of differentiation as scalars. This fact may be demonstrated by the Δ method that is used for deriving differentiation formulas in scalar calculus. For example, consider the derivative of the vector function Q = uR, where u is a scalar function of t and R is a vector function of t. If t takes an increment Δt, R and u takes increments images/c01_I0041.gif and Δu. Hence,


    Subtracting Q = uR and dividing by Δt, we obtain


    As Δt → 0, Δu → 0, images/c01_I0044.gif , Δut du/dt, and ΔRt dR/dt. Hence,

    1-10-1 1-10-1

    Equation (1-10-1) has the same form as the formula for the derivative of the product of two scalars.

    Let R = iu + jv + kw be a single vector (not a vector field) where (i, j, k) are unit vectors and (u, v, w) are the (i, j, k) projections of R, respectively. Let (u, v, w) take increments (du, dv, dw). Then because (i, j, k) are constants, R takes the increment dR = idu + jdv + kdw where, in general, dR is not collinear with R. If (u, v, w) are functions of the single variable t,

    1-10-2 1-10-2

    Hence, dR/dt is a vector in the direction of dR, with magnitude [(du/dt)² + (dv/dt)² + (dw/dt)²]¹/².

    If R is the position of a moving particle P measured from a fixed point O (Fig. 1-10.2), dR/dt is the velocity vector q of the particle. Likewise, dq/dt = d²R/dt² is the acceleration vector of the particle. Hence, the vector form of Newton's second law is

    1-10-3 1-10-3

    Figure 1-10.2


    1-11 Differentiation of a Scalar Field

    Let Q(x, y, z;t) be a scalar point function in a flowing fluid (such as temperature, density, a velocity projection, etc.). Then

    1-11.1 1-11.1

    Here (dx, dy, dz, dt) are arbitrary increments of coordinates (x, y, z) and time t. [In deformation theory, x, y, z are called spatial (Eulerian) coordinates; see Chapter 2.]

    Let (dx, dy, dz) be the displacement that a particle of fluid experiences during a time interval dt. Then dx/dt = u, dy/dt = v, and dz/dt = w, where (u, v, w) is the velocity field. Hence, on dividing Eq. (1-11.1) by dt, we get

    1-11.2 1-11.2

    or, in vector notation,

    1-11.3 1-11.3

    where q is the velocity field. Although Eq. (1-11.2) is derived for a scalar point function in a flowing fluid, it remains valid for any scalar point function Q(x, y, z;t).

    The distinction between ∂Q/∂t and dQ/dt is very important. The partial derivative ∂Q/∂t denotes the rate of change of Q at a fixed point of space as the fluid flows by. For steady flow, ∂Q/∂t = 0. In contrast, dQ/dt denotes the rate of change of Q for a certain particle of fluid. For example, if Q is temperature, we determine ∂Q/∂t by holding the thermometer still. To determine dQ/dt, we must move the thermometer so that it coincides continuously with the same particle of fluid. This procedure, of course, is not feasible, but we do not need to make measurements with moving instruments because Eq. (1-11.2) gives the relation between the derivative dQ/dt and the derivative ∂Q/∂t.

    1-12 Differentiation of a Vector Field

    If Q(x, y, z, t) is a vector field, Eq. (1-11.2) remains valid; that is,

    1-12.1 1-12.1

    This follows from the fact that Eq. (1-11.2) is valid for each of the components of the vector Q. Equation (1-12.1) may be written in the form

    1-12.2 1-12.2

    If Q = q, dQ/dt is the acceleration vector a. Consequently,

    1-12.3 1-12.3


    1-12.4 1-12.4

    Thus, the acceleration field is derived from the velocity field.

    1-13 Curl of a Vector Field

    Let q = iu + jv + kw be a vector field. Then images/c01_I0055.gif is a vector field that is denoted by curl q. Hence, by Eq. (1-7.13),

    1-13.1 1-13.1




    It can be shown that the vector field curl q is independent of the choice of coordinates. A physical significance is later attributed to curl q if q denotes the velocity of a fluid. Curl q may also be related to the rotation of a volume element of a deformable body (see Chapter 2).

    1-14 Eulerian Continuity Equation for Fluids

    Let q = iu + jv + kw be an unsteady velocity field of a compressible fluid. Let us consider the rate of mass flow out of a space cell dx dy dz = dV fixed with respect to (x, y, z) axes (see Fig. 1-14.1). The mass that flows in through the face AB during a time interval dt is ρu dy dz dt, where ρ is the mass density. The mass that flows out through the face CD during dt is images/c01_I0058.gif . Similar expressions are obtained for the mass flows out of the other pairs of faces. Accordingly, the net mass that passes out of the cell dV during dt is

    a a

    With the differential operator ∇ [see Eq. (1-8.5)] this may be written as

    b b

    The product ρq is called current density.

    Figure 1-14.1


    If a(x, y, z; t) is any vector field, images/c01_I0061.gif is called the divergence of the field. Accordingly, the notation div a is sometimes used to denote images/c01_I0062.gif . Note that div a is a scalar. Accordingly, by Eq. (b), the mass that flows out of the volume element dV during dt is

    c c

    The name divergence originates in this physical idea.

    Because mass is conserved in the velocity field of a fluid, the mass that passes into the fixed cell dV during time dt equals the increase of mass in the cell during dt. Now, the mass in the cell at the time t is ρ dV. Consequently, the increase of mass during dt is

    d d

    Because Eq. (d) must be the negative of Eq. (c), we obtain

    1-14.1 1-14.1

    Equation (1-14.1) is known as the Euleriancontinuity equation for fluids. Any real velocity field must conform to this relation. For steady flow, the term ∂ρ/∂t disappears.

    For an incompressible fluid, images/c01_I0066.gif . Consequently, the Eulerian form of the continuity equation for an incompressible fluid takes the simpler form:

    1-14.2 1-14.2

    This is valid even for unsteady flow of an incompressible fluid. Liquids may usually be considered to be incompressible except in the study of compression waves.

    The case in which the velocity q is the gradient of a scalar function has great theoretical importance, that is, the case where

    1-14.3 1-14.3

    where ϕ(x, y, z; t) is a scalar function. The flow is then said to be irrotational or derivable from a potential function ϕ. Then the velocity component in the direction of a unit vector n is

    1-14.4 1-14.4

    Hence, by Eq. (1-8.3),

    1-14.5 1-14.5

    That is, qn is equal to the negative of the directional derivative of ϕ in the direction n.

    Equation (1-14.3) may be written


    Accordingly, by Eq. (1-14.2) the continuity equation for irrotational flow of an incompressible fluid is

    1-14.6 1-14.6

    Thus, the continuity equation for irrotational flow of an incompressible fluid reduces to the Laplace equation (see Section 1-8). A general expression for the

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