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Karezza: Ethics of Marriage
Karezza: Ethics of Marriage
Karezza: Ethics of Marriage
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Karezza: Ethics of Marriage

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Alice B. Stockham took 'KAREZZA' from the Italian term 'carezza' meaning petting or gentle stroking. Because of birth control as well as 'spiritual exaltation' she pled for a radical change of sexual behavior. She was convinced, that there was a tremendous difference between the usual copulation ending with orgasm respectively ejaculation and the sexual merging according to the Karezza technique without a climax. In spite of the 'sexual revolutions' during the 20th century her Karezza method has been generally ignored until today. But it may give men and women a chance to control the sexual drive by means of their own mental power which can be successfully trained.
Release dateMay 8, 2017
Karezza: Ethics of Marriage


Stockham was the fifth woman in the U.S.A., who got the degree of a Medical Doctor. Apart from her special field gynecology and obstetrics she was engaged in charity and interested in spiritual topics. She also practiced homeopathy, fought against alcoholism, served probably sometimes as a trance medium and was an active feminist, a suffragette. She adhered to the so called New Thought Movement. In 1886, she joined the first course on Christian Science organised by Emma Hopkins in Chicago. Leo Tolstoy, a personal friend of her, was so impressed by her ideas that he that he initiated a translation of her book "Tokology" into Russian and wrote a preface. She is an outstanding figure in the history of the life reform movement regarding sexuality as a spiritual challenge in particular.

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    Karezza - ALICE B. STOCKHAM

    In memory of

    Alice Bunker Stockham (1833-1912),

    an outstanding woman,

    gynecologist, and social reformer





    Sexual Instinct - Creative Power - Practical Application



    Karezza Defined – Frequency - Obedience to Law



    Body no Power - Conscious and Sub- Conscious mind - Supreme Power of the Will



    Advantages for Women - Man's Virile Power – Lachrymal Glands - Lacteal Secretion – Impetus to Health



    Male and Female - Desire for Offspring - Sterility Overcome



    Welcome Children - Painless Parturition - Training of Girls - Prenatal Conditions – The Child of Love



    The Naiars - Honor to Motherhood – Freedom of Choice - A Race of Gods - Love's Commands



    Bond of Union - Marriage Defined - Marital Happiness – True Marriage - Love's Obedience – Reciprocity – Desire, Its Fulfillment – True to Convictions - Interesting Testimony



    Duality of Soul - Spiritual Pleasures - Maintenance of Vigor - Really Childless - Power of Silence



    Spiritual Development Defined - Conversion - Divinity of Man - Formula for Self-Training - Discovery of Spiritual Law


    Correspondence of a Young Lady Missionary An Awakening – Testimony from an Eminent Speaker - Karezza True - Male Continence - Interesting Extracts - Objections Answered - Zugassent’s Discovery- The Strike of the Sex - A Wife's Testimony

    Heinz Schott



    The author's work, TOKOLOGY, was written from years of professional experience to meet a demand among inquiring women on subjects that deeply concern the physical life of the wife and mother. In these later years the world of thought has grown and new discoveries have been made in spiritual as well as material science.

    In answer to hundreds of letters of inquiry I send out this message - KAREZZA, elucidating a theory of conjugal life, in which there is a love communion between husband and wife from which results a mastery of the physical and complete control of the fecundating power.

    In The Familiar Letter of TOKOLOGY subjects usually considered delicate innature and difficult to handle are presentedindirectly and briefly. In an early edition those interested in a wiser parentage are cited to a pamphlet written by a distinguished minister, who therein had given to the world a new and unique theory of controlling propagation. Afterwards to my regret and the disappointment of numerous correspondents it was discovered that the work was out of print.

    In later editions of TOKOLOGY, alluding to methods of limiting offspring, the following paragraph occurs: By some a theory called sedular absorption is advanced. This involves intercourse without culmination. No discharge is allowed. People practicing this method claim the highest possible enjoyment, no loss of vitality, and perfect control of the fecundating power.

    Many readers asked for further explanation. It proved that the word Sedular is not found in the dictionaries, but as used in this connection means pertaining to seed, and is so defined in the glossary of the book.

    KAREZZA elucidates the above paragraph; gives a high ideal to parental functions; pleads for justice to the unborn child; teaches that the control of procreation is possible with every husband and wife; gives honor to womanhood, and, most of all, controverts the prevailing ideas of baseness and degradation associated with the sexual nature.

    KAREZZA may be considered a supplement of TOKOLOGY, and like that, does not deal with ideals, but with tested theories and practical truths. They have been lived and demonstrated, and are here presented to the reader as living facts.

    Men and women must learn the significance of the sexual relation, and its possible influence upon life and character. Copulation is more than a propagative act; it is a blending of body, soul and spirit, ennobling or degrading according to the attitude of the participants. For both husband and wife it has a function in soul development that hitherto has been prevented and perverted by the traditional uncleanness attached to this relation. According to man's edict, nature made but one mistake in the evolution of life, and that is, in the human reproductive organs. Reverse this edict, let the search-light of truth illuminate this subject, and a satisfactory solution of many social problems will be evolved. No part of the body should be under condemnation. The young may be enlightened upon important subjects, while the knowledge of sexual science will open the door for the truemarriage.

    KAREZZA makes a plea for a better birthright for the child, and aims to lead individuals to seek a higher development of themselves through most sacred relations. It presents truths that are attainable, and when the goal of mastery is reached, the ideal marriage will be consummated in united lives, giving a prophecy of generations of desired and welcome offspring.


    Ethics of Marriage



    Let there be light.

    Man is a trinity of spirit, soul and body. Spirit is the source or God-life of man from which all proceeds. Soul is spirit in action, and embraces all that is recognized as individual, personal existence. Soul includes the intellect, the emotions and the sensations. It is the thinking, loving, living realm of man. From the Spirit through conscious training one is capable of developing unlimited forces and possibilities. Soul looks within, to the All, for life, knowledge and power which it expresses without, through the physical. As thought precedes action, so nothing can appear or manifest itself in the body that has not been conceived or thought of in the soul. Soul may recognize spirit as a governing principle, or it may look out through the senses for material manifestations, depending upon symbols only for its concept oflife.

    Voluntarily and consciously man may choose between these two roads, - the spiritual or material. In his philosophy, he may recognize and believe all power and all life is from and of the spirit; or, in his philosophy, he may attribute all development, all growth, all evolution from and through matter.

    In the spiritual view, recognizing the Divine principle as an ever present, active energy, as life and intelligence operating through the soul upon matter, one comes to conclusions that make all of life's problems less difficult.

    Creative energy, expressing through the sexual nature an instinct to perpetuate life, has its origin in, and is coexistent with life itself. It is the power back of all purposes and plans. It is the self-impelling force that gives the ability to do and perform. It is the origin of all activities of child life. It

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