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Esoteric Astrology
Esoteric Astrology
Esoteric Astrology
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Esoteric Astrology

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For the first time in the history of astrology, an entirely new method of reading horoscopes is given. The individual and personal stars of all individuals are explained by a series of star maps, showing how the age of the soul may be astrologically discovered. Complete instructions are provided for creating a star map from a horoscope.
Release dateMar 1, 1978
Esoteric Astrology

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    Esoteric Astrology - Alan Leo


    IT will hereafter be proved, I know not when or where, that the human soul stands even in this life in indissoluble connection with all immaterial natures in the spirit world, that it reciprocally acts upon these and receives impressions from them.

    KANT, Träume eines Geistersehers.

    TO everything existing there are two sides, the spiritual and the material, the essential and the formal. We are living in a world of duality through which something subtle and undefinable is continually passing and flowing, as an essence or principle behind all things that have this dual manifestation.

    This may be fittingly illustrated by the contrast of Day and Night, sub-divided again by Sunrise and Sunset, Noon and Midnight, when the conditions of the earth are completely changed and reversed. The only external factor here is the rotation of the earth upon her own axis before the face of the Sun. But what is it that causes the rotation, and the changing influence of Sunrise and Sunset ?

    Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, are four distinct seasons of one year, produced by the annual revolution of the earth round the Sun. Infancy, youth, maturity, and old age are correspondences resulting from birth, growth, decay and death. But why the Birth and the Death?

    A million exoteric facts will not suffice to answer these questions, for they are concerned with our esoteric enquiry into that subtle, indefinable something which is the essence and cause of all manifestation. There is always a higher and a lower, a finer and coarser aspect of the same substance, an abstract and a concrete, a past cause and a future effect of everything in nature; and there are two corresponding points of view by which it may be studied and known.

    With these ideas before us we may safely assume Astrology to have its dual expression, or what may be termed its esoteric and exoteric points of view.

    Esoteric Astrology deals with the abstract cause, the philosophy and the inner or more subtle point of view; whilst Exoteric Astrology is content with the effect, the practice, and the concrete or outer expression, preferring the more tangible and evident to the speculative and theoretical.

    To those who hold extreme views on this subject, the esoteric side on the one hand, or the exoteric on the other, is the only side worthy of attention; but to those who are broad-minded and free from bias, both sides are of equal value. It is merely a question of temperament as to which has the preference, and the wise know that one side of a story is always good until the other is told.

    We may define Esoteric Astrology as that side of the subject which views all stellar phenomena from the standpoint of unity; whilst Exoteric Astrology begins its study from the side of diversity and separateness, The Esoteric Astrologer looks upon the whole expression of life as proceeding from one central and primal source, and therefore seeks to understand the subject from the point of view of the One flowing forth into the many. In the solar system the Sun is the centre of all and the starting point of his philosophy, for to him all things come forth from the Sun; and it is the solar life in which all things live and move and have their being. Coming forth from this centre are the life currents which pass through the material organisms of every living thing on earth. This life descends and ascends, through each of the seven planets, and is transformed in the process for the use of evolving entities, and adapted to the stage they have reached in the scale of evolution; the seven planets being either directly or indirectly connected with the seven principal substances in the human body.

    Man, as we know him, is composed of the great elements Fire, Air, Water, Earth and Ether. At the head of each of these is a living conscious entity of which the vital force and consciousness flowing through the element is an emanation.

    In the course of these Chapters we shall deal with these forces and substances from an esoteric standpoint by elaborating and extending the ideas that are associated with them in exoteric studies; for although these elements have been known to astrologers for many centuries, their esoteric meaning has never been fully revealed, and yet it is upon the seven primary divisions of the zodiac into Fire, Air, Earth, Water, Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed signs, that the real meaning of every horoscope is fundamentally based. We shall take up these signs and the planets, but before doing so, an endeavour must be made to get a deeper insight into as Tennyson truly wrote of the expression of grief at the loss of a loved one.


    When we attempt to explore the noumenal worlds that underlie the outer realms of phenomena as the spiritual underlies, or rather precedes, the material, we have no choice but to use the language and terms of the physical world. Every writer who has sought to do this has realised the limitations and drawbacks that beset the subject; for there is always difficulty and even danger in trying to express in every-day language thoughts and ideas that in themselves transcend the material and commonplace. The life of the subtler realms becomes disguised and misunderstood when embodied in concrete forms, and the writer or speaker on these subjects often realises, with something of a shock, that he has managed to convey quite an erroneous idea to the enquirer. For this result neither the one nor the other is wholly to blame, nor does it avail to complain of the inadequacy of the language. When we deal with great and far-reaching ideas or with very abstract thoughts and feelings, there always seems to be something that refuses to the last to be expressed completely in any language at our disposal, and that can only be learned and realised by actual personal experience.

    The emotion of love in a perfect friendship cannot be fully explained by the most eloquent words or completely expressed by the most perfectly proportioned features and actions, even though these are mutually reciprocal and moved by a spontaneous and harmonious impulsion. No matter how perfect it may be, something indefinable is lost in the expression.

    "For words, like nature, half reveal

    And half conceal the soul within."

          We realise the thoughts and feelings of another only to the extent that we have had similar experiences ourselves, and if these are in any way lacking, our realisation and appreciation of the subject will also be lacking in an equal degree. We understand only in so far as we have experienced, even when the matter refers only to this physical world; and still more is this the case when the reference is to inner planes of being that do not appeal to any of the five senses.

    Bearing these facts in mind, the sages of all times have stated that it is unwise to speculate upon the unknowable; for to know THAT would mean our becoming one with It, and then our silence would be complete.

    In the deeper philosophy, and in the majority of religions, there has always been postulated the ONE absolute and supreme First Cause, arising out of that unknowable suchness which is the rootless root from which all things have arisen.

    This One and Supreme cause of all is the God of very God, the unnameable Being and substance from which all the mighty Intelligences of the whole universe have come forth. Living and moving in the vast ocean of Being and substance, of which The Absolute is both centre and circumference, are millions of universes, and solar systems. These are units having a Sun, or Solar Logos, at the centre; the Sun being the physical and outward glory of the Spiritual Intelligence, or supreme consciousness, whose whole Being is the Solar system with its planets and mighty centres of consciousness seen and unseen by physical sight.

    To aid our thought let us think of the Sun or Solar Logos as the visible expression of the God of our Universe, and the planetary bodies as the vehicles or mansions of His ministering Angels, each world or globe living and moving in His life and vast sphere of influence.

    Our globe, the Earth, is also a unit, having its place in the great universe of life, and also having its ruling Spirit, known to some as the Spirit of the Earth, and to others as the Lord of the world. Around the earth is the great sea of Ether, a subtle substance in which are floating myriads of finer particles of matter, forming a vast sphere of which the earth is the centre. This substance is the earth's aura, and in it is reflected everything concerning the earth and its evolution.

    This aura and the signs of the zodiac are very closely related, and out of it come the various modes of motion, known to the Hindu Astrologer as the tattvas.

    From the point of view of one who studies the star lore of Astrology on its inner or esoteric side, the zodiac as a limiting circle of the Earth's aura is the field and storehouse of all that was, is, and is to be. It is the battlefield of Arjuna, the playground of the Logos, and the stage upon which the great drama of life is enacted; and those who would penetrate into its mysteries must lift the veil of Isis.

    The planets are the principal actors or players whose movements upon the vast stage determine the theme of the orchestra, the changing colours of the robes, and the ordered march of those cast to play their allotted parts.

    There is but one Author of the play and His mighty will and thought breathe life into the persons of the drama who are grouped and moved by His imperial imagination; while the purpose of the whole and the end of the play are known beforehand to none save those who have regained that cosmic consciousness which the rest have lost.

    To produce the divine comedy of universal life, God sends forth from Himself certain spiritual embodiments of power, love and wisdom. The planetary Spirits or Intelligences who carry out His will are manifestations of His consciousness, and their glorious life and activity transcend even the expanded consciousness of super-man.

    These limitations or centres in the cosmic life produce certain vibratory energies known as planetary influence, each vibration vitalising and animating one definite department and kingdom in nature over which the planetary Spirit presides; but each also having a sub-influence in the other departments and kingdoms.


    There is but One material substance in the universe, primordial or root matter. Into this the One Life, pulsating in three waves, sends forth its three fundamental modes of motion, Stability, Flexibility and Harmony; and these are manifested to our senses as rotary, translatory and vibratory motion. The extremes or excessive action in our bodies of stability or resistance, and flexibility or non-resistance, produce pain, but their balance or harmony causes pleasure.

    These three great modifications of matter known for ages to the Hindu philosophers as the three Gunas, Tamas, Rajas and Sattva, are equivalent to the three qualities of zodiacal signs Fixed, Cardinal and Mutable. By combination these three are again modified so as to produce seven kinds of energy, seven modes of motion or vibration which express themselves in the matter or form side of the universe.

    From the point of view of Astrology these are the seven primary abstract divisions of the signs of the zodiac which we know as the three quadruplicities of Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable, and the four triplicities of Fire, Earth, Air and Water.


    The Hindu astrologers of ancient times synthesised these four triplicities into a fifth which comprised the essence both of the four and the three. This represents the highest Ether, the most rarified form of matter, known as the Akasha tattva. It is potentially triple, and therefore includes the quadruplicities as well as the triplicities. The other four tattvas corresponding to the four triplicities are Agni, Prithivi, Vayu and Apas respectively; and according to the ancient astrologers and sages :— The Universe proceeds from the tattvas; it goes into the tattvas; it vanishes into the tattvas.l

    Over each of these tattvas, which we may consider as either modes of motion or modifications of matter or qualities of certain signs of the zodiac, a Lord is presiding who is directly connected with the planetary sphere of influence. They give the measure of consciousness and the type and direction of the vibration in matter, known as the tanmatra.


    Thus each sign of the zodiac represents firstly a particular state of matter, secondly a characteristic mode of motion, and thirdly a coordinated type of consciousness or Self. These three, the matter, the motion and the consciousness, correspond and agree. They are correlated with the fundamental classification of Self, Not-Self, and the Relation between them. The creative life proceeds from the Self and runs through the other two, and upon this fact all the laws of Astrology are based; the Planetary Spirits or Intelligences, through their numerous angels or agents showing the various states of consciousness, and the signs in their many combinations exhibiting the forms of matter in motion in which consciousness is working.

    It therefore follows from this that a change in consciousness produces a change in form, and vice versa.

    Over the whole zodiac, or the Akasha, Indra is Lord. He is the King of all the Devas or Shining Ones. These beings shape the combinations of elements, and guide the vibrations that play through the various conditions of matter corresponding to the divisions of the zodiac into minute portions such as degrees and fractions of a degree.

    Over the Airy triplicity of signs Vayu stands as Lord of Air. Agni, Lord of Fire, rules over the Fiery triplicity. Varuna is Lord of Water and the Watery triplicity; and finally Kshiti or Kubera is Lord of Earth. The hosts of the lower devas, angels, and elementals were anciently known as Sylphs, Salamanders, Undines and Gnomes; the knowledge of these spirits of nature has faded out in our time, however, and with it the deeper wisdom connected with Astrology.

    Now in the study of Esoteric Astrology which it is proposed to unfold in the following chapters, we shall deal with the matters mentioned in this introduction with a view to making the teachings on the subject more clearly understood, and to this end the following three principal ideas should always be borne in mind:

    1. There is but One Life within the Universe—The Supreme Life of God, streaming through the Sun.

    2. This life is expressed in various ideal states of consciousness, through the planetary spheres of influence, and :—

    3. The force and matter of the universe are expressed in innumerable modifications through the various groups and divisions of the signs of the zodiac, which represent the Ether, or inner planes of matter, and are reflected downward into our material universe.

    To impress these ideas on the minds of students they will be repeated in various forms in the following chapters, which, although each is more or less complete in itself and may be read apart from the rest of the book, have as far as possible been arranged so as to follow in a definite sequence.





    MAN is a spiritual Intelligence, who has taken flesh with the object of gaining experience in worlds below the spiritual, in order that he may be able to master and to rule them, and in later ages take his place in the creative and directing Hierarchies of the universe.

    The Riddle of Life.

    ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY is chiefly concerned with the science of human nature, and seeks to explain, through its unique symbolism, the realities or fundamental principles governing humanity under the rule of the heavenly bodies.

    The ordinary symbols used to describe the signs of the zodiac, the planets, and their relationships, have served to preserve this inner meaning safely through the dark ages of materialism out of which the human race is just emerging. So far as the planets are concerned, these symbols are built up of the circle, the semi-circle, and the cross, either alone or in various modes of combination.

    The circle, taken quite alone, signifies the incomprehensible unity that underlies all manifestation. If applied to the whole vast universe, it stands for the Absolute, God unmanifested, the source of all, equally present in all things, in matter as much as in spirit, in so-called evil as well as in good. If applied to our solar system, it stands for the One Life which underlies and includes all forms of manifestation within the system, which existed before the first atom of the solar system was formed, and which will continue to exist after all things have disappeared. Because it is absolute unity, without distinction of parts, neither self nor not-self, it transcends our comprehension, and cannot be classed in terms of any form of consciousness familiar to us. It has no limits either in space or time, and enters into no relations; and because of this, the One Life cannot be said, logically, to have any symbol; for even the empty circle suggests limitation, because of its circumference, and is therefore strictly speaking inappropriate. The human mind however always demands symbols in which to sum up and express great conceptions by one convenient synthesis, and, in the symbolism of geometrical form, the circle is less open to objection than any other. In terms of the symbolism of numbers, this will be number Nought; in that of light and colour, it will be Darkness; and in that of sound and music, it will be Silence. As a factor in astrological symbology, the circle is taken to represent Spirit in general, abstract and unindividualised, which gains self-consciousness through limitation and combination.

    When a point is placed in the centre of the circle, something is coming into existence out of the depths of the incomprehensible No-thing; Light is beginning to shine forth out of the darkness; Sound is arising within the silence; Being is coming forth from Non-being; number One, the relative unity of all things manifested, is making its appearance. As applied to the total universe, this stands for God manifest, or with attributes, universal in manifestation but comprehensible to those who can unite their consciousness with His. As applied to our solar system, it signifies the Solar Logos, the one supreme God of the system. There is no form of life within the whole Solar system that is not His life, and no form of consciousness that is not an aspect of His consciousness; He created the whole system from His own being in the beginning, and he will destroy it in the end by reabsorbing it into Himself. The solar system, taken as one whole, may be considered as His body, and the planets as definite centres or organs within that body, each utilising and manifesting a different type of vitality and of consciousness, of which the Sun is the heart and—for those who dwell on this globe—the earth is the head. Although omnipresent, His life and power are more especially manifested through the Sun, which great luminary this symbol represents astrologically. Cosmic vital force comes down to the Sun from higher planes of being, the so-called fourth dimension of space, and is sent forth thence to every globe within the system, flowing through the ether like blood through the human body, or like prāṇa along the nerves, keeping every globe in touch with every other and with the Sun.

    When the circle is divided into two halves by a diameter, it signifies that abstract spirit is manifesting the two polarities of spirit-matter, not separated into two extremes of spirit on the one hand, and matter on the other, but held together in one, a duality with unity underlying it. In terms of consciousness, it may be described as Self-Not-self, giving the possibilities both of consciousness, or the world within, and matter, or the world without. It signifies therefore, a state of duality, a mean between two extremes, combining two states and not belonging exclusively to either; and in this way it is employed as the symbol of the Soul, regarded as intermediate between Spirit above and Body below. When written in this form, a circle divided by a diameter in the same way as in the Greek letter Theta, the symbol in Astrology represents the horizon; but taken in the form of the semi-circle, it signifies the Moon in its dual phases of light and dark, waxing and waning; the representative of the personal soul with its varying moods, which can rise up to and become one with the spiritual consciousness above, or can descend and be bound to body below. New Moon, the conjunction of Moon and Sun, symbolises the union of soul and spirit, personality and individuality, whether taking place after death in the spiritual world, or during life in the trance of the body. Full Moon, the opposition of the two luminaries, represents the personality illuminated by the Sun, or spirit, and throwing its borrowed light upon the earth, physical consciousness.

    When the second diameter divides the first at right angles, the cross is formed within the circle. This is a familiar symbol of very wide application both in Astrology and elsewhere. It gives the ground plan of the ordinary horoscope, showing the horizontal line of the horizon, running from the ascendant on the east to the descendant on the west, and the vertical line of the meridian from zenith to nadir. It implies complete manifestation and incessant activity ; for it cannot be formed until Self and Not-self have each become polarised, active and passive, positive and negative, each acting upon the other, and each reacted upon by the other. This action and reaction between the two has various consequences and implications. Firstly, it sub-divides the two halves into four quarters ; secondly, it implies unceasing activity, for if the action and reaction were to stop, the quadrants would disappear and nothing would be left but the two semi-circles of the previous symbol ; the quadrants only existing so long as activity continues. Thirdly, it implies a current of influence passing round the circle, following the direction of the action and reaction, and setting the circle itself spinning round on its axis just as does the earth.

    This is usually represented by the familiar symbol of the Svastika, a cross that is supposed to be whirling round rapidly and leaving a trail behind from the end of each of the four arms. These small end-pieces are usually drawn as short straight lines at right angles to the arms ; but this is obviously incorrect, for if the cross were really set spinning it would describe a circle, and the trail would be circular, the end pieces being small arcs of a circle, not straight lines. In fact, this symbol is the same as the last, the cross within the circle, but portions of the circumference of the circle have been omitted. Its application is very extensive. It may signify the whirling motion of atoms, both as vortices in ether and as spiral currents round a central axis ; and, on a greater scale, it represents the axial rotation of the earth, closely analogous to that of an atom. It indicates the spiral movement of electricity round a magnetic axis ; the serpentine motion of the fiery electric life power, called Kundalini ; and the whirling of the chakrams or force-centres in the etheric counterpart of the physical body. It stands for one of these centres in particular which is described as follows:

    The first centre, at the base of the spine, so arranges its undulations as to give the effect of its being divided into quadrants, with hollows between them. This makes it seem as though marked with the sign of the cross, and for that reason the cross is often used to symbolise this centre, and sometimes a flaming cross is used to indicate the serpent-fire which resides in it.

    Theosophist, Vol. XXXI., page 1077

    When a wheel, while turning round, advances in the line of its axis it describes not a circle but a spiral. In all these cases the Svastika indicates some sort of spirally moving force working in matter, moulding matter and setting it in motion, from the globe down to the atom. In man, this cross stands for Body, as distinguished from the circle, Spirit, and the semi-circle, Soul.

    Astronomically the cross within the circle is used as the symbol of the earth, for which it is obviously very appropriate. When the circle is omitted, and nothing but the equal-armed cross is left, the spiritual origin of the symbol is, in a sense, forgotten or left unexpressed, and only force working in matter is suggested.

    When the Svastika is depicted as rotating from right to left, it stands for the direction of revolution of the earth in its orbit round the Sun, and also for its direction of axial rotation. When represented as turning from left to right, it indicates the apparent direction of motion of the Sun, Moon, and planets in their rising and setting, as seen from the earth.


    From these three glyphs of circle, semi-circle, and cross the symbols of the astrological planets may be derived as follows.

    SUN. Unity. Life or Consciousness. The individual self. Spirit.

    MOON. Duality, relationship. The formative principle. The personal self. Sold.

    EARTH. Differentiation. Activity in matter. The material self. Body.

    VENUS. The spiritual self or individuality, risen above matter.

    MARS. Matter dominating spirit. Spirit working through material activities.

    JUPITER. The soul expanding beyond matter, but retaining the material form.

    SATURN. The concrete soul, limited by material conditions.

    MERCURY. The cross below signifies astral consciousness, desire ; the circle in the middle, mental consciousness ; the semi-circle above indicates that evolution has been pushed beyond the mental and is reflecting downwards light received from a still higher plane, the buddhic, which dominates all. This symbol may also be interpreted as the caduceus of Hermes, two serpents intertwined round a central rod, referring to the fiery power, kundalini, full control of which makes the practical magician.

    URANUS. Individualised self-consciousness.

    NEPTUNE. Personal self-consciousness.

    Esoteric Astrology, however, is not only a symbolical interpretation of human nature, it is also a philosophy, by which the inner laws of nature are clearly explained, and the system in which we live is brought nearer to one's understanding.

    The Sun is more than a symbol of spirit, it is the actual focus or centre of the life of our Solar system, the heart of the Solar Logos, and the planets are the vehicles, or bodies, of His spiritual messengers, each the centre of a great spiritual Hierarchy. Every department of nature is ruled or governed by one of the great planetary spirits, Saturn having rule over the mineral kingdom, Jupiter and the Moon over the vegetable world, and Mars over the animal and animal-man, each carrying out the Will of the supreme intelligence.

    These planetary spirits are Rays from the one Great Light, and stand at the head of their own department in the universe and govern the main principles as well as the minutest details of life. Every race and sub-race, every nation and colony of that nation as well as every religion, with its sub-divisions, is influenced by one of these mighty Intelligences. They know the Will of God and seek to co-operate with that Will in guiding the destinies of the world.

    Esoteric Astrology teaches the Immanence of God, and seeks to discover through the positions of the heavenly bodies the changes in Nature we know as the laws of God. It recognises the important part these divine Intelligences must play in the destiny of Man, for they are his celestial prototypes, and therefore the nearer he approaches to a union with his Father in Heaven (his real star), the nearer is he to salvation or individualised consciousness ; and the farther he recedes from it, the more dangerously fateful and inharmonious his life becomes. Herein lies the main difference between Esoteric and Exoteric Astrology, the former is concerned with man's actions within and with the power to harmonise himself with nature's laws, and the latter with man's impulses prompted by the attractions that are without; for Esoteric Astrology shows the possibilities, latent within all mankind, of unification with the divine will, or as stated by the ancient astrologers The wise man rules his stars, the fool obeys them.

    The author of the Secret Doctrine has expressed these ideas in beautiful language when she says :

    "Yes, our destiny is written in the stars' : Only the closer the union between the mortal reflection Man and his celestial Prototype, the less dangerous his external conditions and subsequent reincarnations. There are external and internal conditions which affect the determination of our Will upon our actions, and though man cannot escape his ruling Destiny, he has choice of two paths, and it is in his power to follow either. Those who believe in Karma have to believe in destiny, which from birth to death man is weaving round himself as a spider weaves his web ; and this destiny is guided either by the heavenly voice of the invisible prototype, or by our intimate astral or inner man who is but too often our evil genius."

    In this work a serious attempt will be made to convey some ideas of the influence of the Planetary Spirits, and Zodiacal Signs upon mankind, and an effort will be made to show how closely related all manifested things are to the Sun, Moon, and planets through their connecting link, the signs of the zodiac. It must however be clearly understood at the beginning that it is not the physical planets themselves that affect man-kind, but the supreme Intelligences who use the planetary bodies as their physical vehicles so to speak.

    Each planetary body has a sphere of influence peculiarly its own, and each commingles its special influence with that of all the others. In colour

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