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Fundamentals of Cognitive Radio
Fundamentals of Cognitive Radio
Fundamentals of Cognitive Radio
Ebook462 pages4 hours

Fundamentals of Cognitive Radio

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About this ebook

A comprehensive treatment of cognitive radio networks and the specialized techniques used to improve wireless communications

The human brain, as exemplified by cognitive radar, cognitive radio, and cognitive computing, inspires the field of Cognitive Dynamic Systems. In particular, cognitive radio is growing at an exponential rate. Fundamentals of Cognitive Radio details different aspects of the human brain and provides examples of how it can be mimicked by cognitive dynamic systems. The text offers a communication-theoretic background, including information on resource allocation in wireless networks and the concept of robustness.

The authors provide a thorough mathematical background with data on game theory, variational inequalities, and projected dynamic systems. They then delve more deeply into resource allocation in cognitive radio networks. The text investigates the dynamics of cognitive radio networks from the perspectives of information theory, optimization, and control theory. It also provides a vision for the new world of wireless communications by integration of cellular and cognitive radio networks. This groundbreaking book:

  • Shows how wireless communication systems increasingly use cognition to enhance their networks
  • Explores how cognitive radio networks can be viewed as spectrum supply chain networks
  • Derives analytic models for two complementary regimes for spectrum sharing (open-access and market-driven) to study both equilibrium and disequilibrium behaviors of networks
  • Studies cognitive heterogeneous networks with emphasis on economic provisioning for resource sharing
  • Introduces a framework that addresses the issue of spectrum sharing across licensed and unlicensed bands aimed for Pareto optimality

Written for students of cognition, communication engineers, telecommunications professionals, and others, Fundamentals of Cognitive Radio offers a new generation of ideas and provides a fresh way of thinking about cognitive techniques in order to improve radio networks. 

Release dateJul 6, 2017
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    Book preview

    Fundamentals of Cognitive Radio - Peyman Setoodeh

    List of Figures

    Figure 1.1 The cognitive information-processing cycle in cognitive radio. A cognitive radio transceiver is built on a perception–action cycle. Radio-scene analyzer in the receiver plays the role of the perceptor. Dynamic spectrum manager and transmit power controller in the transmitter play the role of the executive part. The perceptual and executive parts together with the feedforward and feedback channels form a closed-loop system.

    Figure 1.2 Directed-information flow in cognitive radio. DSM: dynamic spectrum manager; TPC: transmit-power controller; RSA: radio-scene analyzer; RX: receiver; TX: transmitter; TX CR: transmitter unit in the transceiver of cognitive radio; RX CR: receiver unit in the transceiver of cognitive radio.

    Figure 3.1 Diagrammatic depiction of singular value decomposition applied to the matrix c03-math-114 of (3.13).

    Figure 3.2 Illustrating the one-to-one correspondences between the Loève and Fourier theories for cyclostationarity. Basic instrument for estimating (a) the Loève spectral correlations of a time series c03-math-358 and (b) the Fourier spectral correlations of cyclostationary signal c03-math-359 .

    Figure 3.3 A self-organizing map: (a) initial state and (b) organized state.

    Figure 3.4 Block diagram of an OFDM transceiver.

    Figure 3.5 Waterfilling interpretation of the information-capacity theorem.

    Figure 3.6 Multihop communication path between a source node and a destination node.

    Figure 3.7 Effect of user mobility on the communication path: (a) partially changed, (b) completely changed with respect to the path shown in Figure 3.6.

    Figure 3.8 Resource-allocation results of simultaneous IWFA, when two new users join a network of five users and interference gains are changed randomly due to mobility of the users: (a) transmit powers of three users on two subcarriers, (b) data rates of three users and the total data rate in the network.

    Figure 3.9 Resource-allocation results of simultaneous robust IWFA, when two new users join a network of five users and interference gains are changed randomly due to mobility of the users: (a) transmit powers of three users on two subcarriers, (b) data rates of three users and the total data rate in the network.

    Figure 3.10 Resource-allocation results of simultaneous IWFA, when two new users join a network of five users, a subcarrier disappears, and interference gains are changed randomly due to mobility of the users: (a) transmit powers of three users on four subcarriers, (b) data rates of three users and the total data rate in the network.

    Figure 3.11 Resource-allocation results of simultaneous robust IWFA, when two new users join a network of five users, a subcarrier disappears, and interference gains are changed randomly due to mobility of the users: (a) transmit powers of three users on four subcarriers, (b) data rates of three users and the total data rate in the network.

    Figure 3.12 Resource-allocation results of IWFA, when interference gains change randomly with time and users use outdated information to update their transmit powers: (a) time-varying delays introduced by each user's feedback channel. Sum of transmit power and interference plus noise for four users achieved by (b) classic IWFA and (c) robust IWFA. Dashed lines show the limit imposed by the permissible interference power level.

    Figure 4.1 The spectrum-supply chain network in its basic form with two tiers: legacy owners and secondary users. In each tier of the network, a noncooperative game is played among the peers. In a market-driven regime, legacy owners compete against each other to gain more benefit from leasing their underutilized subbands, and secondary users compete against each other to get a better share from unlicensed bands and a share of the licensed bands at a lower price if needed. In an open-access regime, only one game is played among secondary users to get a better share from unlicensed bands as well as the idle licensed subbands of legacy owners.

    Figure 4.2 The extended spectrum-supply chain network for market-driven regime with three tiers: legacy owners, spectrum brokers, and secondary users. In each tier of the network, a noncooperative game is played among the peers. Legacy owners compete against each other to gain more benefit from leasing their underutilized subbands. Spectrum brokers compete against each other to maximize their profit by buying the right of using underutilized licensed subbands from legacy owners at a lower price and selling it to secondary users at a higher price. Secondary users compete against each other to get a better share from unlicensed bands and a share of the licensed bands at a lower price if needed.

    Figure 4.3 Decentralized hierarchical control structure in a cognitive radio network. Licensed bands are occupied and released according to the communication activities of primary users. These activities, which are discrete events, may be interpreted as the actions of a high-level network controller. On the other hand, the resource-allocation algorithms, which are employed by secondary users, may be viewed as local controllers. These local controllers are two-level controllers that handle channel assignment and transmit-power adjustment in a hierarchical manner.

    Figure 4.4 Two-level control scheme for cognitive radio. The controller is a hierarchical hybrid system. In the control hierarchy, the supervisory-level controller has a higher rank with respect to the field-level controller. The supervisory-level controller is an event-triggered controller and handles channel selection according to the primary users' communication patterns, which lead to appearance and disappearance of spectrum holes. In a cognitive radio, the dynamic spectrum manager plays the role of the supervisory-level controller. On the other hand, the field-level controller is a continuous state-based controller that adjusts the transmit power over the set of chosen channels. In a cognitive radio, the transmit-power controller plays the role of the field-level controller.

    Figure 4.5 Geometric interpretation of variational inequalities. For all c04-math-021 in the feasible set, the equilibrium point denoted by c04-math-022 satisfies the inequality c04-math-023 .

    Figure 4.6 Geometric interpretation of projected dynamic systems. In a projected dynamic system, the state trajectory is confined to the feasible set by a projection operator. The state equation of such systems has a discontinuous right-hand side due to the projection operator.

    Figure 4.7 A two-player packet-forwarding scenario.

    Figure 4.8 Payoff matrix for a symmetric two-player packet-forwarding game.

    Figure 4.9 A two-player relaying scenario.

    Figure 4.10 Power trajectories for a network of three users with three available subcarriers obtained from the associated PDS, when both the interference gains and the number of subcarriers change by time. Direction of evolution of states and the achieved equilibrium points are shown by arrows and asterisks, respectively. Trajectories enter lower dimensional spaces when spectrum holes disappear and then, go back to higher-dimensional spaces again, when new spectrum holes are available. When the second subcarrier is not idle, trajectories enter c04-math-135 plane and when the third subcarrier is not also idle anymore, trajectories enter c04-math-136 line. After a while when third and then second subcarriers become available again, state trajectories go back to c04-math-137 plane and then c04-math-138 space.

    Figure 4.11 Solution stability analysis. Solution of the perturbed system converges to the solution of the original system (shown by asterisks) as the perturbed system approaches the original system. Results are depicted for different subcarriers separately: (a) subcarrier 1, (b) subcarrier 2, and (c) subcarrier 3. Arrows show the direction of convergence.

    Figure 4.12 Power trajectories for a network of three users with three available subcarriers obtained from the associated multiple-time-varying-delay PDS with uncertainty, when both the interference gains and the number of subcarriers change by time. Direction of evolution of states and the achieved equilibrium points are shown by arrows and asterisks, respectively. Trajectories enter lower dimensional spaces when spectrum holes disappear and then, go back to higher-dimensional spaces again, when new spectrum holes are available. When the second subcarrier is not idle, trajectories enter c04-math-221 plane and when the third subcarrier is not also idle anymore, trajectories enter c04-math-222 line. After a while when second and then third subcarriers become available again, state trajectories go back to c04-math-223 plane and then c04-math-224 space.

    Figure 4.13 Time-varying delays introduced by feedback channels in transmit power control loops for a network of three users.

    Figure 4.14 Timescale decomposition in a three-dimensional space. A change in communication patterns of primary users is viewed as a discrete event and corresponds to a rapid motion from a two-dimensional space to another one. In each one of the two-dimensional spaces, dynamic spectrum management and transmit power control are associated with the two axes.

    Figure 4.15 Relationship between different notions of monotonicity. Strong monotonicity implies strict monotonicity, which, in turn, implies monotonicity. By the same token, strong pseudo-monotonicity implies strict pseudo-monotonicity, which, in turn, implies pseudo-monotonicity. Furthermore, strong monotonicity, strict monotonicity, and monotonicity imply strong pseudo-monotonicity, strict pseudo-monotonicity, and pseudo-monotonicity, respectively.

    Figure 4.16 Dynamic behavior of a network of 120 users and 48 potentially available subcarriers. Dashed vertical lines show the occurrence of events. When an event occurs, network deviates from the established equilibrium. Starting from the initial state dictated by the event, network moves toward a new equilibrium: (a) average power and (b) average data rate are plotted versus the number of iterations.

    Figure 4.17 The transportation network representation of the spectrum-supply chain network for the market-driven regime.

    Figure 4.18 Directed information flow in the open-access regime, where two perception–action cycles operate in opposite directions, depending on which transceiver is listening and which one is speaking. With this scenario in mind, the Rx (i.e., the receiver) of transceiver B operates as the radio-scene analyzer, and the Tx (i.e., the transmitter) of transceiver A operates as the dynamic spectrum manager/transmit power controller, hence the perception–action cycle is in solid arrows. On the next perception–action cycle, the scenario is reversed for transceiver B, hence the cycle is in dashed arrows. And, so the cyclic directed information flow carries on.

    Figure 4.19 Directed information flow in the market-driven regime. Here, the propagation channel is available for communications after the negotiations involving the spectrum brokers are completed. The Rx (i.e., the receiver) of transceiver B links up with the Tx (i.e., the transmitter) of transceiver A via the combination of spectrum broker and legacy owner, thereby establishing a perception–action cycle as indicated by the solid arrows. For the next perception–action cycle, the directed information flow is reversed as shown by the dashed arrows.

    Figure 5.1 The spectrum-supply chain complex network facilitates spectrum sharing across licensed and unlicensed bands. The cognitive dynamic system in unlicensed bands is the counterpart of the network providers in licensed bands, and spectrum brokers harmonize the two wireless worlds. It is assumed that there are c05-math-001 network providers, where the c05-math-002 th network provider gives service to c05-math-003 primary users and owns c05-math-004 channels. Among the channels, c05-math-005 of them are occupied by the c05-math-006 primary users that receive service from the c05-math-007 th network provider and the remaining c05-math-008 channels are assumed to be idle, which can be utilized for secondary usage. There are c05-math-009 spectrum brokers that buy the right of using the idle channels from network providers and sell it to the c05-math-010 active secondary users (i.e., cognitive radios). It is assumed that there are c05-math-011 unlicensed bands, where the c05-math-012 th band includes c05-math-013 channels available to secondary users in an open-access regime.

    Figure 6.1 Case (0) Networks A and B prior to horizontal merger.

    Figure 6.2 Case (1) Networks A and B merge: users associated with either network A or network B can now access each network's spectrum, but infrastructure of each original network deals with its original users.

    Figure 6.3 Case (2) users associated with either network A or network B can now access any network's infrastructure, but each user is supplied by each network's original spectrum.

    Figure 6.4 Case (3) networks A and B merge: users associated with either network A or network B can now access any network's infrastructure and spectrum.

    List of Tables

    Table 1.1 Sample Measurement Studies Regarding Spectrum Utilization in Different Countries

    Table 3.1 Leakage Properties of the Lowest-Order Slepian Sequence as a Function of the Time-Bandwidth Product c03-math-025 (Column 1)


    This book provides a new way of thinking on cognitive radio networks, proceeding beyond the traditional viewpoint. Cognitive radio provides a basis for addressing the practical issue of spectrum scarcity. This issue has been raised due to the continuing advances in wireless technology, which has led to ever-increasing demand for larger bandwidth. The issue of spectrum scarcity has been exacerbated due to inefficient utilization of the electromagnetic spectrum. The novel idea of cognitive radio is adopted for secondary usage of underutilized subbands. This leads to the existence of two worlds of wireless communications going on side by side: the legacy wireless world and the cognitive wireless world. Spectrum holes (i.e., the unused spectrum subbands) are the medium through which these two worlds dynamically interact. Releasing subbands by primary users allows the cognitive radio users to sustain communication and perform their normal tasks. Combination of the two wireless worlds can be viewed as a spectrum-supply chain network, in which the legacy owners and their customers (primary users) play the role of the suppliers and cognitive radios (secondary users) play the role of consumers. This book discusses two classes of spectrum-supply chain networks based on two regimes: one allows open access to the spectrum and the other is a market-driven regime. Each one of them has its own merits and suitability for a different environment; therefore, they have complementary roles. After covering the basic building blocks of a cognitive radio transceiver, analytic models are developed for these two classes of networks, which pave the way for analysis of both equilibrium and transient behaviors.

    In order to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the spectrum-supply chain network, an artificial economy is designed based on viewing the licensed and unlicensed bands as private goods and common-pool resources, respectively. The proposed framework addresses the issue of spectrum sharing across licensed and unlicensed bands. It aims for Pareto optimality by trying to achieve the Lindahl equilibrium. The proposed framework facilitates the integration of the two wireless worlds and paves the way for commercialization of cognitive radio.

    Building on the developed spectrum-supply chain paradigm, an economic model is presented for heterogeneous networks (HetNets), which captures their multitier nature. HetNets provide a way for enhancing the spectral efficiency via spatiotemporal reuse of spectrum. The HetNet paradigm appears to be a main pillar for 5G. The proposed economic model is based on decoupling of spectrum and network infrastructure. Here, the problem of resource sharing among networks whether it be spectrum, infrastructure, or both is formulated as the network horizontal merger at different levels. It allows for addressing diverse issues such as green communication and spectral efficiency as well as ubiquitous networking and services.

    Peyman Setoodeh and Simon Haykin

    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

    September 2016


    We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Dr Timothy N. Davidson, Dr David Earn, and Dr Matheus Grasselli, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, for the fruitful discussions that led to many ideas in this book. Special thanks goes to Dr Farhad Khozeimeh, Amazon, Inc., for helping with the section on dynamic spectrum management and Dr David J. Thomson, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and Dr Jeffrey H. Reed, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, for helping with the section on spectrum sensing. We also wish to thank Dr Tamás Terlaky, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, for many useful suggestions. Sincere thanks to Dr Sergio Barbarossa, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, for his valuable comments on different aspects of cognitive radio networks. We are grateful to Dr Keith E. Nolan, Intel Corporation, Dr James O. Neel, and Dr Ryan Leduc, McMaster University, for helping in the early stages of this research.

    We also owe many thanks to our friends and former colleagues in the Cognitive Systems Laboratory, McMaster University; Dr Yanbo Xue, D-Wave Systems, Inc.; Dr Ulaş Güntürkün, Ultra Maritime Digital Communications Center; Dr Jiaping Zhu, BMO; Dr Karl Wiklund, Vitasound Audio; Mr Kenny Szeto, Technical Solutions Engineering at Turn; Ms Mathangi Ganapathy, TÜV SÜD; Dr Nelson Costa, Cognitive Systems Corp.; Dr Mehdi Fatemi, Maluuba, Inc.; Dr Ashkan Amiri, RBC; Dr Ienkaran Arasaratnam, Ford Motor Company; Dr Patrick Fayard, Dr Adhithya Ravichandran, Mr Jerome Vincent, Mr Kevin Kan, Mr Shuo Feng, and Mr David Findlay for their kindness, friendship, valuable help, and suggestions.

    We sincerely thank Mrs Lola Brooks, Ms Rachel Harvey, Ms Laura Kobayashi, Dr Bartosz Protas, Mr Terry Greenlay, Mr Cosmin Coroiu, Mrs Cheryl Gies, and Mrs Helen Jachna, who were always welcoming, supportive, and helpful.

    The detailed feedback notes on different aspects of the book by reviewers have not only reshaped the book into its present form but also made the book the best it could be.

    Finally, we would like to thank our families. Their endless support, encouragement, and love have always been a source of energy for us.

    Peyman Setoodeh and Simon Haykin


    Chapter 1


    1.1 The Fourth Industrial Revolution

    The fourth industrial revolution, which is denoted by the term Industry 4.0, is in its early stages. The hallmarks of the former three industrial revolutions are as follows:

    Deployment of mechanical production facilities

    Use of electric power for mass production and communications

    The digital revolution

    The distinct feature of Industry 4.0, which distinguishes it from its three predecessors, is the fact that it has been predicted a priori instead of being observed by postanalysis. This prediction opens a window of opportunity for futurists as well as visionary individuals and institutes to actively participate and play key roles in engineering the future. Industry 4.0 is built upon the following four pillars [1]:

    Cyber-physical systems (CPS), which include smart products as their subcomponents

    Internet of things (IoT), which relies on machine-to-machine (M2M) communication as an enabling technology

    Internet of services (IoS), which is exemplified by cloud computing as a model for allowing Internet-enabled devices to access a shared pool of configurable computing resources according to their needs

    Smart factories.

    Industry 4.0 will produce massive amounts of data. Portions of the produced data that are associated with high volume, variety, and velocity (3 Vs) are referred to as big data. Each one of the above pillars will be briefly described in what follows [2–7].

    By definition, the integration of digital computing and a physical environment results in a cyber-physical system. Therefore, many applications can be collected under the umbrella of such systems [8]. A cyber-physical system usually includes a distributed set of different sensors, where the number of sensors depends on the scale of the system. Data gathered by these sensors are used to form a representation of the environment, which is then used for decision-making. Only portions of the gathered data will be useful (i.e., relevant to) the decision-making task. Hence, in accordance with the task at hand, the information extracted from the available data can be divided into two sets: relevant and irrelevant. The former provides the actionable information [9].

    In order to perform a task with an acceptable level of risk, a specific amount of information is required, which is called sufficient information. If the actionable information does not meet the information sufficiency criteria from the decision-making perspective, the decision-maker will face an information gap. In Ref. [10], cognitive control was proposed to reduce this gap between the actionable and sufficient information sets by controlling the directed flow of information:

    Given a probabilistic dynamic system that includes a perception–action cycle, and ideally mimics the human brain, the function of cognitive control is to adapt the directed flow of information from the perceptual part of the system to its executive part so as to reduce the information gap, which is equivalent to reducing a properly defined risk functional for the task at hand, the reduction being with a probability close to one.

    In a cyber-physical system, cognitive and physical controllers play complementary roles. Cognitive complementary actions can influence different parts of

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