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The Lawman's Convenient Bride
The Lawman's Convenient Bride
The Lawman's Convenient Bride
Ebook242 pages3 hours

The Lawman's Convenient Bride

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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Feisty, fearless Jody Bravo's set to do everything for her baby. She doesn't need anything from anyoneespecially the stepbrother of her baby's late father. But lawman Seth Yancy won't leave her to face parenthood alone, no matter how prepared she is. And even though Jody resists, soon she's taken in completely by his charmsand agrees to be his wife  


Hunky Sheriff Yancy's not without his fair share of admirers in Justice Creek. After a terrible tragedy years before, though, he's faced life alone. Now the real-life woman of his dreams just happens to be his brideand pregnant with the child of his heart, if not his reality. So "father" is a role that will come naturally to Seth. And will "husband" really be that far behind?
Release dateMay 1, 2017
The Lawman's Convenient Bride

Christine Rimmer

A New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author, Christine Rimmer has written more than a hundred contemporary romances for Harlequin Books. She consistently writes love stories that are sweet, sexy, humorous and heartfelt. She lives in Oregon with her family. Visit Christine at

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Lawman’s Convenient Wife by Christine Rimmer is a 2017 Harlequin Special Edition publication. This is another outstanding installment in the Bravo series! Jody Bravo discovers she is pregnant shortly before the baby’s father died. Quite by accident, Seth Yancy discovers Jody is expecting his late step-brother’s baby and immediately barges into her life, determined to help in any way he can. Marriage was the last thing on his mind, and love? Well, Seth had already met and lost the one great, true love of his life. But, he could be a father to Jody’s baby and they could be a family despite that, right? This is a special and tender love story about two people who have suffered terrible disappointments and have experienced tremendous losses, but discover that much to their surprise, they really can fall in love and have the happily ever after they never thought possible. But, realizing that possibility takes a little work, especially for Seth. I got a kick out of the way Seth pestered Jody in the beginning. She is grateful for his concern, but you can tell he gets on her nerves a little bit. It was so funny and really cute, but eventually things turn serious as the couple began to slowly fall in love. Seth is dedicated and loyal, and pretty much everything you could ask for in a guy, but he really struggled with his feelings for Jody. His story was sad, and I felt sympathy for him, but I still lost patience with his stubbornness. Jody was much more open, and was willing to put her heart on the line to make things work with Seth, but she deserved to have his whole heart, and so she had to make some hard choices. I thought she did the right thing, at the right time. She had given him plenty of space to sort out his feelings and so she had to do what was best for her and her daughter. So, as you can probably guess, the emotions run deep in this story and had me really worried that this couple might not make it. But, the ending was absolutely the most charming and romantic conclusion you could hope for!! I really enjoyed Jody and Seth’s story and appreciate the depth and feeling of the characters. The plot is well balanced with sexy time, and serious, heavy drama mixed with lighthearted moments to make this a very well rounded and satisfying romance! I highly recommend this one to all romance readers!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very good story. Jody is pregnant and ready to handle everything on her own. She has everything planned out and is ready for anything. That is, except for the step-brother of her baby's father to get involved. Seth had had no idea that his late brother had fathered a child. At first furious at not being told, he quickly resolves to give Jody all the help she needs - whether she wants it or not.I liked Jody. She's feisty and independent, determined to be the best mom she can. However, she can be a little too independent at times, pushing away the people that care for her. She has decided that marriage isn't for her, as that would mean risking her heart. She's been hurt twice before and isn't up for a doing it again. She's also got a secret she's been carrying for thirteen years, one that deeply affects her actions as a mother now. I loved how, in spite of being sure she's ready for anything, she still experiences the same doubts as any new mother once the baby arrives.I liked Seth too. At the beginning he's pretty stiff and judgmental over not knowing about the baby. He had thought he was very close to his brother and couldn't understand why he hadn't been told. Seth is also one of those men who is very conscious of his duty. He has devoted all his time to his job as sheriff, avoiding getting involved with any of the women in town. He was in love once before, which ended tragically, and believes that loving again would be disloyal to his late fiancée. I loved the development of their relationship. Because Seth won't take no for an answer, he is constantly underfoot, doing anything he can to make Jody's life easier. When she goes into labor early, and none of her coaches are around, Seth is the one who comes to the rescue. The labor and delivery scene is awesome, with the experience creating a big change in Seth. It's pretty sweet how he moves right in with Jody as a mother's helper. Jody knows she should send him home, but the longer he stays, the more she appreciates everything he does. It doesn't take long before they've developed an excellent friendship, one deep enough that they are able to share their worst hurts of the past. It's pretty obvious that they are falling for each other, but neither wants to admit it. Jody has a pretty good idea of what is happening to her when she realizes that she doesn't want some other woman to win him at the bachelor auction. I loved Seth's insistence on following through with the date, and he really goes all out. By the end of it, he has realized that he wants Jody and the baby in his life permanently, though he still refuses to think of the L word. His proposal is sweet, but a little lacking. Jody, still avoiding her own feelings, agrees that they would suit each other well, and accepts his proposal. But once they are married, she realizes that she wants more than he appears to be willing to give. I liked that she didn't just give up, but was determined to fight for their marriage. She just had to get past Seth's stubborn refusal to believe that he can love again. I ached for Seth as he faced the thought of losing them both. I really liked how he finally admitted he should talk to someone, and that it was his father he opened up to. Seth's big moment at the end was awesome - romantic, sweet and pretty funny. I especially loved the epilogue and how it covered more than just a couple months.I loved the always present support of the other Bravos and their families, as each one plays a role in Jody's life. It was pretty funny that they all could see the truth of Jody and Seth's feelings, even as they refused to believe. Jody's mom Willow was especially fun at the bachelor auction, as she prodded Jody along the bidding war.There was one part early in the book that made me laugh out loud and really relate to Jody. When she was settling in for a night at home, her idea of relaxing was binge watching the second season of Outlander. As a huge Outlander fan myself, that made her all the more real to me.*copy received in exchange for an honest review.

Book preview

The Lawman's Convenient Bride - Christine Rimmer

Chapter One

Sheriff Seth Yancy worked hard for his community. He lived to serve the citizens of tiny Broomtail County, Colorado, and he would do just about anything for his constituents.

But a bachelor auction?

No way would he agree to be a prize in one of those. Being raffled off to the highest bidder was beneath his dignity. Plus, he would have to go out with the winner. Seth hadn’t gone out with anyone in almost four years. And way back when he did go out, it hadn’t been with a woman from town—or anywhere in Broomtail County, for that matter.

He was single and planned to stay that way. Dating someone who lived in his community, well, that could get messy. Seth didn’t do messy. As sheriff, he tried to set a good example in all aspects of his personal life. And that meant that when the president of the library association asked him to be a prize in her upcoming bachelor auction, Seth went right to work gently and regretfully turning her down.

He sat back in his new leather desk chair in his brand-new office in the recently opened Broomtail County Justice Center on the outer edge of the small town of Justice Creek and said, The last Saturday in May? I’m sorry, Mrs. Carruthers. That’s a bad day for me. It wasn’t really a lie, he reasoned. Because if he said yes to the woman in the guest chair across from him, it would be a bad day.

Call me Caroline. She crossed her slim legs and folded her hands on her knee.

Sure, Caroline. What time did you say the auction was?

We’re planning an all-day event in the park. But you would only need to be there between, say, two and four.

Two and four, he repeated, stalling a little, as though he really did want to help her out. And he did. Just not for this.

Caroline beamed at him from behind her cat’s-eye glasses. So then. We can count on you as one of our bachelors. I’m so pleased.

Hmm. Hold on, now. I’ll have to check. He clicked the mouse on his desktop and made a show of frowning at the screen. I’m sorry, but between two and four is impossible. It was an outright lie this time. And Seth did not approve of lying. But to get out of being raffled off like a prize bull, he would sink pretty low. I just can’t make it.

Caroline’s sweet smile never wavered, though her eyes were a flinty, determined shade of gray. Sheriff, I can’t tell you how much it would mean to us if you could find a way to rearrange your schedule and say yes.

He cleared his throat, the sound downright officious even to his own ears. I’m sorry. Really.

She adjusted her glasses, causing the beaded neck strap to twinkle aggressively. Did I mention yet that the auction will help finance the library’s new media center?

Yes, you did, and I—

It’s a great cause. An important project. Children who don’t have access to the internet need a chance to become familiar with the life tools others take for granted. And how many of our seniors wish they could broaden their horizons and move into the digital age? The center is so much more than just a bonus for our community. It’s an out-and-out necessity.

Yes, I understand that. But I really can’t—

And it will take so little of your time, Sheriff. A couple of hours in Library Park the day of the auction and then one date with the lucky lady who bids the most for you. We’ve gotten Silver Star Limousine from Denver to donate a limo for your date. The winning ladies will each get a spa day at Sweet Harmony Day Spa. You’ll be expected to pay for the date, of course, and I know you and the happy girl who wins you will choose something memorable and fun to do together.

I understand, but as I keep trying to tell you, Caroline, I really can’t.

Oh, yes, you can. She blasted that smile at him, brighter than ever. We all do admire the important work you do here. We’re grateful for your service to this community.

Well, thank you. I—

Of all the eligible bachelors in our county, I believe you are the most respected. Eligible? Seth might be single, but he was far from eligible. To be eligible, a man had to be willing to get involved in a relationship, and he wasn’t. Caroline’s gray eyes seemed to bore right through him. Respected and so greatly admired. Word does get around. I’ve heard about your fan club...

His fan club. He supposed that didn’t sound so bad. At least she hadn’t called them badge bunnies, which a lot of civilians considered cool police slang. Seth found the term sexist and objectifying—and, yes, he knew all about sexism. It was part of his job to know about it and to squelch it whenever it reared its ugly head. He didn’t approve of terms that objectified anyone. And as for his fan club, there weren’t that many of them. But they were certainly enthusiastic, always dropping by to see him with baked goods and big smiles. Seth skirted a fine line with the women in question. He tried to be polite and appreciative while never letting any of them get too close.

If he gave in and said yes to the auction, one of them would probably win him. How awkward would that be?

He didn’t even want to think about it.

And Caroline was still talking. A tweak of your calendar, a few hours in the park and a date with a generous, community-conscious woman. Just one date. For the needy children who can so easily be left behind, for the seniors with ever-narrowing horizons.

He willed Garth Meany, the dispatcher, whose narrow back he could see through his inner-office window, to get a call—nothing too serious, a drunk and disorderly or someone creating a public nuisance. No one should get hurt. All Seth wanted was a chance to notice Garth on that call. He could bounce to his feet, mumble something about a 390 or a 507 that required his immediate attention—and hustle Caroline right out the door.

Unfortunately, it was a Tuesday afternoon in April, and the citizens of Broomtail County were apparently sober and behaving themselves. Caroline, I’m so sorry, but I have another appointment in—

Just say the magic word, and I’ll get out of your hair.

But I—

Please. Now her eyes were huge and mournful behind the slanted, glittery frames. Sheriff. We need you.

He opened his mouth to say no again. But Caroline looked so sad for all those disadvantaged children with no access to the internet, all those shut-in seniors who didn’t even know how to send an email. He really did hate lying. And did she have to keep using that word, need?

Seth Yancy was a bitter man in many ways. His life hadn’t turned out the way he’d once hoped it might. And the last few months, since the sudden death of his only brother, Nick, had been nothing but grim for him. Nicky was a good guy, the best. And way too young to die. It just wasn’t right, that he’d been taken.

Too many were taken. And always the ones who deserved long, full lives.

But even though he’d been feeling more down than usual lately, Seth still liked to believe he was a good public servant, that when the people of his county needed him, one way or another, he would come through.

Caroline regarded him steadily, waiting for his reply.

And by then, for Seth, there was only one answer to give. All right. I’ll rearrange my schedule.

* * *

An hour later, Caroline was long gone, off to corner some other poor schmuck and badger him into making a fool of himself on the bachelor auction block. Seth was still in his office reviewing last month’s budget overages, with the jail’s operations report still to get through.

But enough. He was done for the day.

The budget and the reports could wait until tomorrow. After being bested by that Carruthers woman, he needed a fat, juicy steak and a twice-baked potato, and he knew where to get them.

The Sylvan Inn sat in a small wooded glen a few miles outside of town. At four thirty in the afternoon on a weekday, the parking lot had one row of cars in it—the row closest to the front entrance. Seth pulled in at the end of that row.

Inside, the hostess led him straight to a deuce by a window that looked out on a shaded patio. Perfect. He felt the cares of the day melting away.

Caroline Carruthers?

Never heard of her.

His waitress, Monique Hightower, appeared. Seth had known Monique for a good twenty years, at least. They’d attended Justice Creek High about the same time, with him graduating a couple of years ahead of her. She’d been working here at the Inn for a decade, maybe more.

Hey, Seth. You’re earlier than usual for a weekday. Monique refilled the water glass he’d already emptied and set the bread basket in front of him. Everything okay? Monique was a good waitress, but she talked too much. And she had a rep for being overly interested in other people’s business.

He replied, Everything is just fine, thanks, in a tone that discouraged further conversation. I’ll have the house salad with blue cheese, a Porterhouse, bloody, and a fully loaded potato. A beer would really hit the spot, but he was still in uniform. And bring me a nice, big Coke.

Monique jotted down his order. Be right back with your drink and that salad. She trotted off, blond corkscrew curls bouncing in her high ponytail.

She was as good as her word, too, bouncing right back over with a tall, fizzy Coca-Cola and a plateful of greens.

Seth buttered a hunk of hot bread and got down to the business of enjoying his meal. By the time the steak and potato arrived, he felt better about everything. The auction was almost six weeks away. He’d put it on his calendar, and he’d promised Caroline he would pose for a picture and work up a bio that would make the women of Justice Creek eager to bid on him. He wasn’t looking forward to either activity, but as soon as they were accomplished, he could forget about the whole thing until he had to show up at the park the last Saturday in May.

All done? Monique stood at his elbow.

Yeah. It was terrific, as always.

She took his plate. Wait till you see the dessert cart. On the house for you, Seth.

Thanks, Monique. Just the check.

And off she went, returning in no time with the bill. He gave her his credit card. Not three minutes after that, she set down the leather check folder on the white tablecloth. He put his card away and picked up the pen.

So. Jody seems to be doing great, don’t you think, all round and rosy? It was Monique. For some reason, she’d remained standing right behind him.

He added the tip and scratched in his signature. Jody?

Monique leaned a little closer and spoke very softly. Jody Bravo.

He remembered then. Jody Bravo. Pretty brunette. Daughter of Frank Bravo, deceased, and Frank’s second wife, Willow Mooney Bravo. Willow Bravo was a piece of work. She’d carried on a decades-long affair with Frank while his rich first wife, Sondra, was still alive. Sondra had given Frank four children. Pretty much simultaneously, Willow had given him five. Including Jody, who owned a flower shop on Central.

Jody and Nick had been friends there for a while, at the end.

Monique said, She’s due next month, right?

This was getting weird. Due to...?

Have the baby, of course.

Evidently, Jody Bravo was pregnant. Given that she’d been a friend of Nicky’s, he probably should have known that.

But why, exactly, did Monique Hightower think she ought to bring it up to him?

He dropped the pen on the open check folder. Monique.


Come on around here where I can see you.

She sidled into his line of sight looking uncomfortable now, giving him big eyes and a sweet never-mind of a smile. So. Can I get you anything else?

He hit her with his lawman’s stare, dead-on with zero humor. You went this far. Better finish it, whatever it is.

Ahem. She slid a glance toward the kitchen, scoping out the location of her boss, no doubt. I...thought you knew, that’s all.

Knew what?

Well, I mean that the baby Jody’s having... The sentence wandered off into nowhere.

Go on.

Well, Seth. It’s, um, Nick’s baby.

Nick’s baby.

Seth heard a strange roaring in his ears, as though the ocean were right outside the window, giant waves beating on that pretty shaded patio. Did you just say that Jody Bravo is having Nick’s baby?

Monique’s curly knot of hair bobbed frantically with her nod. She leaned close and whispered, I can’t believe you haven’t heard. I mean, I know he was your stepbrother, but you two were closer than most blood-related brothers. And it’s not as if Jody’s been keeping it a secret. Everybody knows that baby is Nick’s, that it’s a girl, due at the end of May.

The roaring of the invisible ocean got louder.’s a girl. Everybody knows...

Everybody but him.

Come to think of it, Nicky’d had a crush on that Bravo woman, hadn’t he?

That was back in the late summer and fall, not long before Nick died. Nick had told Seth he had a thing for Jody, but that Jody didn’t feel the same, so they were just friends.

Just friends. That had pissed Seth off. He’d wondered if that Bravo woman was leading his little brother on. After all, she had to be, what, eight or nine years older than Nick?

And Nicky had always been too easy, too tender and open, his big heart just begging for someone to break it. Maybe Jody Bravo had some idea that Nick wasn’t good enough for her because he was a simple guy, happy to work the family ranch for a living, a guy who hadn’t been to some fancy college.

If so, she was a fool. There was no man better than Nick.

And wait a minute. She came to the funeral, didn’t she? Walked right up and shook Seth’s hand, said how sorry she was.

But she didn’t say a single word about any baby.

Oh, look, Monique piped up nervously. One of my other customers needs more coffee. Good to see you, Seth. Have a great day... She was already bouncing away.

Seth let her go. He needed more information, but he knew better than to seek it from Monique. The invisible ocean still roaring inside his head, he rose, pushed his chair back under the table and headed for the door.

Once back in his cruiser, he started the engine and got out of there, turning back onto the highway going east, away from town. For a while, he just drove, tuning out the chatter on the scanner, willing his blood to stop thundering through his veins.

Had he planned to go home? Kind of. But he didn’t. He blew right by the turnoff to the Bar-Y.

Maybe it wasn’t even true. Monique was hardly a reliable source, after all; she could so easily be wrong about everything, or even lying.

But what if it was true?

Was that Bravo woman ever planning to tell him?

Halfway to I-25, at the small town of Lyons, he did turn the cruiser around. He went back the way he’d come. But he didn’t take the turnoff to the Bar-Y then, either. He drove on past it and straight into town, where he found a parking place right on Central a few doors down from Jody Bravo’s flower shop.

At twenty past six, he stood between the tubs of bright flowers and thick greenery that flanked the shop’s glass door. His pulse thundering louder than ever, he went in. A little bell tinkled overhead, and Jody Bravo, behind the counter across the room, glanced his way.

Even with the counter masking her body from the waist down, he could see she was pregnant. And pretty far along, too. That belly looked ready to pop.

He let his gaze track upward to her face. Did she pale at the sight of him? He couldn’t be sure. But she definitely looked wary, her soft mouth drawn tight, a certain watchfulness in her eyes.

Sheriff, she said coolly. I’ll be right with you. And she turned a friendly smile to the older man she was waiting on. Roses and lilies. She passed him a paper-wrapped cone full of flowers. Excellent choice. I know she’ll love them...

Seth hovered near the door, not sure what to do with himself. Another customer came in, and he moved to the side to clear the entrance. And then he just stood there, surrounded by greenery, breathing that moist, sweet smell created by so many flowers and growing things pressing in close.

Seth? asked the Bravo woman as the second customer went out the door.

He realized he was staring blankly at a hanging basket full of cascading purple flowers. Right here, he answered, though she was standing directly behind him and no doubt looking straight at him. He turned around and met those wary eyes. We need to talk.

Resigned. She looked resigned. His certainty increased that Monique had not lied; that giant belly cradled his brother’s child.

Nicky’s baby. He didn’t know what he felt. Joy, maybe. And something else, something angry and ready for a fight.

She said, It’s time to close. I need to bring in the stock from out in front and deal with the register.

I’ll help.

No, it’s fine. I can—

I said, I’ll help. It came out as a growl.

She stiffened, but then she answered calmly, Well. All right, then. If you’ll bring in the flowers. She gestured at a section of bare floor space not far from the door. Just put them there for now.

For now?

I’ll take them to the cooler in back later.

"As long as I’m bringing

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