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Handbook of Safety Principles
Handbook of Safety Principles
Handbook of Safety Principles
Ebook1,734 pages16 hours

Handbook of Safety Principles

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Presents recent breakthroughs in the theory, methods, and applications of safety and risk analysis for safety engineers, risk analysts, and policy makers

Safety principles are paramount to addressing structured handling of safety concerns in all technological systems. This handbook captures and discusses the multitude of safety principles in a practical and applicable manner. It is organized by five overarching categories of safety principles: Safety Reserves; Information and Control; Demonstrability; Optimization; and Organizational Principles and Practices. With a focus on the structured treatment of a large number of safety principles relevant to all related fields, each chapter defines the principle in question and discusses its application as well as how it relates to other principles and terms. This treatment includes the history, the underlying theory, and the limitations and criticism of the principle. Several chapters also problematize and critically discuss the very concept of a safety principle. The book treats issues such as: What are safety principles and what roles do they have? What kinds of safety principles are there? When, if ever, should rules and principles be disobeyed? How do safety principles relate to the law; what is the status of principles in different domains? The book also features:

• Insights from leading international experts on safety and reliability

• Real-world applications and case studies including systems usability, verification and validation, human reliability, and safety barriers

• Different taxonomies for how safety principles are categorized

• Breakthroughs in safety and risk science that can significantly change, improve, and inform important practical decisions

• A structured treatment of safety principles relevant to numerous disciplines and application areas in industry and other sectors of society

• Comprehensive and practical coverage of the multitude of safety principles including maintenance optimization, substitution, safety automation, risk communication, precautionary approaches, non-quantitative safety analysis, safety culture, and many others

The Handbook of Safety Principles is an ideal reference and resource for professionals engaged in risk and safety analysis and research. This book is also appropriate as a graduate and PhD-level textbook for courses in risk and safety analysis, reliability, safety engineering, and risk management offered within mathematics, operations research, and engineering departments.

NIKLAS MÖLLER, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. The author of approximately 20 international journal articles, Dr. Möller's research interests include the philosophy of risk, metaethics, philosophy of science, and epistemology.

SVEN OVE HANSSON, PhD, is Professor of Philosophy at the Royal Institute of Technology. He has authored over 300 articles in international journals and is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Dr. Hansson is also a Topical Editor for the Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.

JAN-ERIK HOLMBERG, PhD, is Senior Consultant at Risk Pilot AB and Adjunct Professor of Probabilistic Riskand Safety Analysis at the Royal Institute of Technology. Dr. Holmberg received his PhD in Applied Mathematics from Helsinki University of Technology in 1997.

CARL ROLLENHAGEN, PhD, is Adjunct Professor of Risk and Safety at the Royal Institute of Technology. Dr. Rollenhagen has performed extensive research in the field of human factors and MTO (Man, Technology, and Organization) with a specific emphasis on safety culture and climate, event investigation methods, and organizational safety assessment.

Release dateJan 8, 2018
Handbook of Safety Principles

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    Handbook of Safety Principles - Niklas Möller


    The history of this volume goes back several years to a discussion among the four editors about the lack in the safety literature of a comprehensive overview of safety principles. The discussion took place at the Academy for Nuclear Safety at KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology), where we have collected a group of researchers from as diverse fields as philosophy, psychology, and risk analysis. Our main aim is to promote communication between practitioners and researchers in all aspects of safety and security, and one of our activities is a yearly workshop on a central safety topic. In 2013, the theme of our symposium was Safety Principles. The discussions before, during, and after the symposium confirmed the need for a thorough and comprehensive volume about safety principles. We decided that a handbook with leading experts in the field would be the best way to sum up and discuss the vast and complex landscape of principles of safety. To our great satisfaction, this idea was strongly supported both by the colleagues whom we invited to contribute to this handbook and by Wiley-Blackwell, who generously offered to include the handbook in their book series Wiley Essentials in Operations Research and Management Science and in the web-based Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (EORMS).

    This book consists of 32 chapters in total. The first two are introductory: Introduction, putting the handbook in a broader context, and Preview, providing an overview of the contents of the handbook. The 30 main chapters of the handbook are then categorized into five parts: Safety Reserves, Information and Control, Demonstrability, Optimization, and Organizational Principles and Practices.

    We would like to thank all the contributors for excellent cooperation, and not least for their many substantial comments on the overall theme of the handbook as well as each other's chapters. All the chapters were thoroughly discussed on our workshop in Stockholm, April 22–23, 2015, followed by several e-mail exchanges and personal meetings. We would like to thank Kathleen Pagliaro and Susanne Steitz-Filler for invaluable editorial help and for their support and belief in the project.

    Stockholm and Esbo

    September 2017

    Niklas Möller, Sven Ove Hansson,

    Jan-Erik Holmberg and Carl Rollenhagen

    List of Contributors

    Håkan Alm is professor emeritus in engineering psychology at Luleå University of Technology in Luleå, Sweden, where he was a professor from 2002 until 2016. His research interests cover many areas such as cognitive psychology, traffic psychology, new technology and safety, human work conditions, risk perception, and safety in complex systems. He has publications in international journals, book chapters, and technical reports. He has been a supervisor for 10 PhD students. His teaching activities cover a broad spectrum in psychology and engineering psychology.

    Bo Bergman is professor emeritus at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden and retired in 2015 from a chair in Quality Sciences. From 2012 to 2015, he was a guest professor at Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan. His career started with 15 years in the aerospace industry, during which time he also became a PhD in mathematical statistics from Lund University, Lund, Sweden in 1978, and was a part-time professor in reliability at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, (1981–1983). In 1983, he became a professor of quality technology at Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, and in 1999, he was appointed the SKF professor in quality management at Chalmers University of Technology. Bergman was a co-founder of the Centre for Healthcare Improvement (CHI) at Chalmers and its first director (2004–2009). As a professor, he has supervised a large number of PhD students, many of whom are now professors themselves. Professor Bergman is a member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and an academician of the International Academy for Quality (IAQ).

    Jon Bokrantz is a PhD student in the area of production service systems and maintenance at the Industrial and Materials Science, Chalmers University of Technology. He has a background in production engineering, and his research focuses on maintenance in digital manufacturing.

    Neelke Doorn is a full professor Ethics of Water Engineering at the Technical University Delft, the Netherlands, with a background in civil engineering (MSc), philosophy (MA, PhD), and law (LLM). She is editor-in-chief of Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology (official journal of the Society for Philosophy and Technology). Her current research concentrates on moral issues in risk governance, with a special focus on water-related risks. In 2013, she was awarded a personal Veni grant for outstanding researchers from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). She was shortlisted for the Engineer of the Year Award 2014 from KIVI NIRIA, a Dutch professional engineering organization, for her work on the interface of ethics and engineering.

    Ann Enander is a licensed psychologist and professor of leadership psychology at the Leadership Center of the Swedish Defence University in Karlstad, Sweden. Her research has primarily been concerned with issues of risk perception and communication, emergency preparedness and crisis management at the local, regional, and national level. Her empirical work encompasses studies of a number of crises and critical events including the Chernobyl disaster, the Kobe earthquake, the 2009 A(H1N1) pandemic, and other technological and natural disasters. She has published more than 100 articles, book chapters, and books. She is a fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences, and currently government-appointed member of the Advisory Monitoring Board of the Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate and of the Swedish Defense Recruitment Agency. She is also a past president of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe.

    Roger Flage is an assistant professor of risk analysis at the University of Stavanger, Norway. He has a PhD in risk management and societal safety, a master's degree in offshore technology with specialization in offshore safety, and a bachelor's degree in health, safety, and environmental engineering. He has also worked as a consultant in the field of risk assessment and risk management. His research focuses on risk and uncertainty assessment, integrated risk management and risk-informed decision-making, and maintenance modeling and optimization. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Risk Analysis.

    Pieter van Gelder is a professor of safety science at the Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management of Delft University of Technology and director of the TU Delft Safety and Security Institute. He is also the chairman of the ESRA Technical Committee on Safety from Natural Hazards. Van Gelder has been involved in research and education on safety and reliability since 1991. His research interests are in risk analysis and optimization of systems, processes, and structures. He teaches 4th and 5th year courses at TU Delft and conducts research on new methods and techniques in risk analysis. Van Gelder has authored and co-authored over 300 papers and several books in the field of risk and safety and has supervised over 50 MSc students and 15 PhD students.

    E. Scott Geller, PhD, is an Alumni Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech, and senior partner at Safety Performance Solutions, Inc. He authored, edited, or co-authored 41 books, 82 book chapters, 39 training programs, 259 magazine articles, and more than 300 research articles addressing the development and evaluation of behavior-change interventions to improve quality of life on a large scale. His most recent 700-page book Applied Psychology: Actively Caring for People, published by Cambridge University Press, reflects the mission of his teaching, research, and scholarship throughout his 49-year career. He was awarded the statewide Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award by the State Council of Higher Education, and he has received lifetime achievement awards from the International Organizational Behavior Management Network (in 2008) and the American Psychological Foundation (in 2009). The College of Wooster awarded E. Scott Geller the honorary degree Doctor of Humane Letters.

    Gudela Grote is a professor of work and organizational psychology at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics at the ETH Zürich, Switzerland. She received her PhD in industrial/organizational psychology from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. A special interest in her research is the increasing flexibility and virtuality of work and its consequences for the individual and organizational management of uncertainty. She has published widely on topics in organizational behavior, human factors, human resource management, and safety management. Professor Grote is associate editor of the journal Safety Science and the president of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology.

    Jan M. Gutteling is an associate professor of crisis and risk communication at the University of Twente (UT). He received his training as a clinical psychologist with an extended minor in social psychology from Utrecht University, and his PhD from the UT. His research focus is on the understanding of risk perception and the application of this understanding in crisis and risk communication. His studies are primarily quantitative and empirical, and aim (i) to develop social psychological models of risk, or (ii) to establish experimentally how and under which circumstances communication and information influence risk perception and risk-related behavior. His recent research themes are environmental risks and physical safety issues, modern biotechnology and genomics, water safety management (flood risks), and new communication tools in disaster management. His teaching focuses on risk management (perception/communication) in the broader societal context, as well as in occupational safety and health, at the Master and PhD levels. He has published approximately 100 papers in reviewed journals, books, book chapters, and scientific reports, including Exploring Risk Communication, the first European book on risk communication (in 1996).

    Ibrahim Habli is a Lecturer in Safety-Critical Systems at the University of York, England. His expertise lies in expertise lies in the design and assurance of safety-critical systems, primarily within the aviation, automotive, and healthcare domains. He currently holds an Industrial Fellowship Award from the Royal Academy of Engineering, funding a collaborative project with the English National Health Service on understanding the relationship between Health IT and patient safety. He teaches on York's postgraduate programs in safety-critical systems engineering. He is currently a member of the DS/1 Dependability Committee at BSI, the committee on safety case development within the Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) and the Goal Structuring Notation (GSN) Standardization group. He was a member of the Joint EUROCAE/RTCA committee responsible for developing the international aerospace guidance DO-178C.

    Sven Ove Hansson is a professor in philosophy at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. He is editor-in-chief of Theoria and of the book series Outstanding Contributions to Logic. He is also member of the editorial boards of several journals, including Philosophy and Technology, Techné, and Synthese. His research on risk and safety focuses on ethical and epistemological aspects. His other philosophical research includes contributions to the philosophy of science and technology, decision theory, logic, and moral and political philosophy. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and past president of the Society for Philosophy and Technology. He has published well over 300 papers in refereed international journals and books. His books include The Ethics of Risk (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), Social and Ethical Aspects of Radiation Risk Management (edited with Deborah Oughton, Elsevier Science, 2013), and The Role of Technology in Science (edited, Springer, 2015).

    Lars Harms-Ringdahl has been engaged in safety management as a researcher, consultant, and teacher for many years. He works at the Institute for Risk Management and Safety Analysis in Stockholm, and has been professor at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and at Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden. He has been involved in several fields such as industrial safety, fire prevention, patient safety, and societal risk management. He has a special interest in methodologies for safety analysis, event investigations, and safety management. Examples of publications are Safety Analysis—Principles and Practice in Occupational Safety (Taylor & Francis, 2001) and Guide to Safety Analysis for Accident Prevention (IRS Riskhantering AB, Stockholm, Sweden 2013).

    Erik Hollnagel is a professor at the Institute of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark and Senior professor of Patient Safety at Jönköping University, Sweden. He is also adjunct professor at Central Queensland University (Australia), visiting professor at the Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science, Macquarie University (Australia), and professor emeritus at the Department of Computer Science, University of Linköping (Sweden). His professional interests include industrial safety, resilience engineering, patient safety, and complex socio-technical systems. He has published widely and is the author/editor of 24 books, including five books on resilience engineering, as well as a large number of papers and book chapters. Erik has been President of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (1994–2000) as well as co-founder and past President of the Resilience Engineering Association.

    Jan-Erik Holmberg is senior consultant and office manager at Risk Pilot AB in Espoo, Finland. He is also an adjunct professor at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and he gives lectures in reliability and risk analysis at Aalto University in Espoo and Lappeenranta University of Technology. He has over 25 years' experience in nuclear power plant safety analyses and probabilistic safety assessment. His research on probabilistic safety assessment focuses on mathematical methods, risk-informed decision-making, human reliability analysis, and analysis of digital instrumentation and control systems. He has more than 70 scientific and technical papers in leading technical journals and conferences and over 10 reviewed articles in peer-reviewed journals.

    Mohd Umair Iqbal is a PhD scholar in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India. He has obtained his master's degree from the same college. He has obtained his bachelor's degree from the National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, India. He is involved in various research activities encompassing the field of safety and risk assessment. His main area of interest is the study of human reliability. He is actively researching the performance and reliability of control room operators. His research on process safety focuses on dynamic error.

    Tim Kelly is professor of high integrity systems at the Department of Computer Science in the University of York. He is best known for his work on system and software safety case development, particularly his work on developing the Goal Structuring Notation (GSN)—an argumentation notation and method for safety case arguments. His research interests include safety case management, software safety analysis and justification, modular certification, certification of adaptive and learning systems, and the dependability of Systems of Systems. He has supervised many research projects in these areas with funding that spans industry, government, research councils, and the European Union. He has published over 150 papers on high integrity systems development and justification in international refereed journals and conferences. He has also been involved in supporting the development of a number of international standards in the area of system and software safety assurance (such as the automotive standard ISO 26262).

    Urban Kjellén is an associate professor of safety management at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has 30 years of industrial experience primarily in various HSE management positions in investment projects and at the corporate level in the oil and gas, light metal and hydropower industries. He has published 35 papers in refereed international journals and books on risk analysis and HSE management of design and construction. His books include Prevention of Accidents and Unwanted Occurrences—Theory, Methods, and Tools in Safety Management (CRC Press, 2017) and Occupational Accident Research (Elsevier, 1984). Urban Kjellén has been a member of various standardization committees, and has been instrumental in the development of the design standard Norsok S-002 for the working environment.

    Jean-Christophe Le Coze is a safety scientist with an interdisciplinary background, including engineering and the social sciences. He works at INERIS, the French national institute for environmental safety, where he is in charge of a research program. His activities combine ethnographic studies and action research programs in various safety-critical systems, with an empirical, theoretical, historical, and epistemological orientation. Outcomes of his research have regularly been published in the past 10 years, including the book Trente ans d'accidents. Le nouveau visage des risques sociotechnologiques (Thirty Years of Accidents: The New Face of Sociotechnological Risks).

    Yan-Fu Li is a professor at the Chair on Systems Science and the Energetic Challenge at Laboratoire Genie Industriel, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, France. Dr. Li completed his PhD research in 2009 at the National University of Singapore, and went to the University of Tennessee as a research associate. His current research interests include reliability modeling, risk assessment, and optimization. He is the author of over 70 publications, all in refereed international journals, conferences, and books. He is a senior member of IEEE.

    Niklas Möller is an associate professor at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. His research interests lie in value questions in the philosophy of risk, moral philosophy and political philosophy. Möller received his PhD in philosophy at KTH in 2009, after which he worked 2 years at Cambridge University as a post-doctorate researcher. Thereafter, he worked as a research scholar at the Department of Philosophy at Stockholm University, before returning to KTH. Möller has published numerous articles in international peer review journals such as Journal of Applied Philosophy, Philosophical Studies, Social Theory & Practice, Ethical Theory & Moral Practice, Ethics Policy & Environment, Journal of Philosophical Research, and Risk Analysis.

    Leena Norros, research professor (emerita), is an industrial psychologist working on human factors in complex industrial systems. She received a Dr. rer. nat. from the Technical University of Dresden, Germany, and a PhD in psychology from the University of Helsinki, Finland. She created a human factors research team at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and lead the team 25 years. Her main interest is understanding work activity in real-life contexts, for which she has created new concepts and methods. She acts as docent at Helsinki University and lectures on human factors there and at Aalto University. She has published widely and participates actively in international forums of human factors/ergonomics.

    Anna-Lisa Osvalder is a professor in Human Machine Systems and senior lecturer in Ergonomics at Division Design & Human Factors at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. She is also guest professor at Department of Design Sciences at Lund University in Sweden Her research focuses on human factors engineering and specifically the interaction between users and technology in various complex socio-technical systems with safety and comfort aspects in focus (nuclear and process control, medical technology, vehicles and transportation, IT-systems). Methods for analytical evaluations of use errors, usability problems, and comfort aspects have been developed in her research to be used when designing proper ergonomic products and working environments with effectiveness, safety, and human well-being in focus.

    Jinkyun Park has worked as a senior researcher since 2000 in the Integrated Safety Assessment Division of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), whose major role is to conduct R&D activities pertaining to the risk assessment and management of nuclear power plants based on PSA (probabilistic safety assessment) and HRA (human reliability analysis). His main research interest is to scrutinize the nature of human performance, for instance, by (i) collecting human performance data under simulated emergencies using the full-scope simulator of nuclear power plants, (ii) analyzing the characteristics of human performance data with respect to various kinds of performance shaping factors, and (iii) characterizing team dynamics under simulated emergencies in term of several aspects including their communication characteristics and cultural differences. He has published over 50 papers in major international journals and the book The Complexity of Proceduralized Tasks (2009).

    Luca Podofillini is a senior scientist in the Risk and Human Reliability Group of the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland). He has a nuclear engineering degree and a PhD in nuclear engineering from the Polytechnic of Milan (2004). His activities include human reliability analysis (HRA) research and regulatory support tasks for the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate. His research addresses the development of quantitative models of human performance in industrial systems, with focus on errors in decision-making, dynamic safety assessment, and collection of data in simulated emergencies. He is a co-author of about 30 papers in international scientific journals. He is chair of the ESRA (European Safety and Reliability Association) Technical Committee for Human Factors and Human Reliability and a member of the board of the HRA Society. He has been the chair of the Technical Program Committee of the European Safety and Reliability (ESREL) 2015 international conference. Since 2016, he is associate editor of the Journal of Risk and Reliability.

    Andrew Rae is a lecturer at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, and manages the Safety Science Innovation Lab. His research critically examines claims about the effectiveness of activities such as risk assessments and incident investigations, and looks for new ways to evaluate safety practices. He is also involved in improving the public understanding of safety through speaking, podcasting, and blogging, and has published academically on the topic of storytelling in safety education. He is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a committee member of the Australian Safety Critical Systems Association.

    Teemu Reiman is currently working as a safety culture manager at the new Finnish nuclear power company Fennovoima based in Helsinki. Reiman also has his own consultancy company. Reiman has a doctoral degree in psychology from the University of Helsinki, and a title of Docent (Adjunct Professor) from the Aalto University. He made his dissertation in 2007 on safety culture evaluations of nuclear power plant maintenance organizations. He has previously worked as a senior scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, specializing in safety management and safety culture. At VTT, Reiman acted as a project manager and a researcher in several national and international research and consultancy projects covering a wide range of topics from safety culture and management to resilience and properties of complex adaptive systems. Reiman has experience from various safety-critical domains including nuclear power, conventional power, transportation, metal industry, oil industry, and healthcare.

    Genserik Reniers is a professor (in a part-time capacity) at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, responsible for safety and risk teaching and research. He also is a professor at the Safety and Security Science Group of Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. His expertise is situated within the field of engineering and management of safety and security problems within the chemical and process industry.

    Steve Roberts is co-founder and senior partner at Safety Performance Solutions, Inc. (SPS) Blacksburg, VA 24060, USA. He earned an MS in industrial/organizational psychology from West Chester University and an MA and a PhD in applied/experimental psychology focusing on organizational behavior management from Virginia Tech under the guidance of Dr. Scott Geller. His specific areas of expertise include the design, implementation, and evaluation of people-based safety processes, the assessment of organizational culture, increasing employee involvement, organizational management systems design, organizational leadership development, and reducing human error. Before co-founding SPS in 1995, Dr. Roberts was a research associate with Management Systems Laboratories of the Industrial Engineering Department of Virginia Tech and a safety consultant with Make-A-Difference, Inc. He has taught research methods at Virginia Tech, and served as a project manager at the Center for Applied Behavior Systems of the Psychology Department at Virginia Tech. He is a regular consultant and speaker across a wide variety of organizations.

    Carl Rollenhagen is an adjunct professor at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and a human factors specialist. He is the founder of the Safety Management Institute (SMI) at the power company Vattenfall. Together with other Swedish colleagues, he has introduced the concept of Man-Technology-Organization (MTO) for the nuclear industry in Sweden. MTO is today applied in many branches in Scandinavia and represents a cross-domain systemic perspective on risk and safety. His research focus and associated publications (books, scientific articles, conference contributions) span over a wide area including safety culture, safety analysis, root-cause analysis, and safety management.

    Paula Savioja, DSc (Tech), acts as a senior inspector at the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority Helsinki, Finland STUK. Previously, she was the research team leader and a research scientist in the Human Factors in Complex Systems team at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Espoo, Finland. Savioja received a masters’ degree in engineering from the Department of Automation and Systems Technology of Helsinki University of Technology Espoo, Finland in 2003. In 2014, she completed her doctoral studies with distinction in Aalto University School of Science Espoo, Finland. In her dissertation, she developed a systemic usability concept and evaluation methods to help the deployment of user-centered design approaches within complex socio-technical systems. Savioja has worked as a research scientist in various research projects at VTT between 2001 and 2014. She has expertise from several industrial domains including nuclear power production, maritime industry, metals and machines, process industry, and fire and rescue services. Savioja is author of over 70 scientific and other papers and reports.

    Anders Skoogh is an associate professor at the Industrial and Materials Science in Chalmers University of Technology. He is a specialist in the management and analysis of production data and a research group leader for Production Service and Maintenance Systems. Anders is also the director of Chalmers’ Master's Program in Production Engineering and a board member of Sustainability Circle with responsibilities for research collaboration.

    Rajagopalan Srinivasan is professor of chemical engineering and coordinator of the Safety Centre at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India. His research program is targeted toward developing AI-inspired systems engineering approaches for design and operation of complex systems such as chemical plants and supply chains. His research in process safety seeks to develop a fundamental science-based understanding of human error. His research has resulted in over 385 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and conferences publications. He is a member of the editorial board of Process Safety and Environmental Protection and several other journals.

    Luca Talarico graduated as an industrial engineer in utility management at the University of Calabria (Italy) in 2005. In 2007, he obtained his master's degree in management engineering with a focus on integrated logistics at the University of Calabria. In 2011, he achieved a postgraduate degree in business administration (MBA) at the Alma Graduate School of Bologna. In 2015, he completed his PhD in risk management for routing problems at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). In his former professional career, he worked as a project manager and logistics expert at Ceva logistics and the Auchan group.

    Risto Tiusanen, DSc (Tech), works at VTT Technical research centre of Finland as a senior scientist in the research area of life cycle solutions in Tampere. He has over 25 years’ experience in the fields of system safety and risk management. His research interests include risk assessment processes to support machinery life cycle management and development of risk analysis and risk evaluation methods for complex machinery and industrial automation systems. He is an internationally recognized specialist on machinery safety and system safety issues. His project experience includes participation as the VTT project manager or the principal analyst in a number of national and international research projects and direct contract research projects with industrial partners in several industrial sectors. He has published over 20 scientific articles or publications, about 30 conference papers and several other publications. He has recently (2014) published his doctoral thesis An Approach for the Assessment of Safety Risks in Automated Mobile Work Machine Systems.

    Björn Wahlström joined the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) in 1971. In 2008, he retired from VTT as a research professor in systems engineering. During his career at VTT, he participated in several national and international projects connected to automation, simulation, systems engineering, and nuclear safety. From 1989 to 1991, he was on leave from VTT working with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria. He was the coordinator of two EU-projects: Organizational Factors: Their Definition and Influence on Nuclear Safety (ORFA, completed in 1999) and Learning Organizations for Nuclear Safety (LearnSafe, completed in 2004). After his retirement, he worked until 2014 as a consultant for Vattenfall in Sweden through his company Bewas OyAb. In 2015, he joined the Systems Analysis Laboratory of the Aalto University, where he is teaching safety management. He has written more than 300 papers, articles, and book chapters.

    Torbjörn Ylipää is a lecturer at the Industrial and Materials Science in Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg. He has a Licentiate of Engineering degree and has performed research and education within the maintenance and safety area for more than two decades. Social sustainability in maintenance and production service systems and maintenance are his two main areas of interest.

    Enrico Zio received an MSc degree in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1991, an MSc in mechanical engineering from UCLA in 1995, and PhD degrees in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano and MIT in 1996 and 1998, respectively. He is currently director of the Chair on Systems Science and the Energetic Challenge of the Foundation Electricite' de France (EDF) at CentraleSupélec, Paris, France, full professor and president of the Alumni Association at Politecnico di Milano, visiting professor at MIT, distinguished guest professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, adjunct professor at the University of Stavanger, Norway, the City University of Hong Kong, Beihang University and Wuhan University, China, and co-director of the Center for Reliability and Safety of Critical Infrastructures (CRESCI), China. His research focuses on the modeling of the failure–repair–maintenance behavior of components and complex systems, for the analysis of their reliability, maintainability, prognostics, safety, vulnerability, resilience, and security characteristics, and on the development and use of Monte Carlo simulation methods, soft computing techniques, and optimization heuristics.



    Niklas Möller, Sven Ove Hansson, Jan-Erik Holmberg, and Carl Rollenhagen

    Principles for action have a much more important role in safety engineering and safety management than in most other disciplines. In practical safety work, we refer to principles such as fail-safe, safety barriers, safety factors, system redundancy, resilience, inherent safety, and many others. Much of the academic literature on safety, safety standards, and regulations recommends the use of one or other such principle. Many of the best-known contributors to the safety literature owe their fame to their roles as originators or promoters of one or other safety principle.

    1.1 Competition, Overlap, and Conflicts

    But the field is not characterized by consensus on which safety principles we should use. To the contrary, the literature on these principles abounds with divergent and sometimes conflicting recommendations. The overall picture is a rather confused one, due to competition, overlap, and conflicts among the principles.

    It is not uncommon to hear presentations in which one of the safety principles is expanded to include all aspects of risk and safety enhancement so that it becomes the overarching principle under which the others can be subsumed. Quite a few of the principles have been presented with such ambitions—general quality principles, integrated risk management, and safety culture to name just a few—but obviously at most one of the principles can be superordinate to all the others. There seems to be a certain element of modishness in the coming and going of safety principles, and the field may not be entirely devoid of factionalism.

    More often than not, one and the same safety measure can be presented as based on various principles. Terminologies also differ between industry branches and engineering specialties. For instance, what is called inherent safety in the chemical industry is called substitution principle in many industries that use chemical products, passive safety in the nuclear industry, and primary prevention in health-related applications. These principles seem to be close in meaning, but how large is the overlap? Can they perhaps even be described as one and the same principle but under different names?

    Conflicts between the principles are far from uncommon. The principle of cost–benefit optimization tells us not to reduce low radiation doses if the reduction is costly, but at least some interpretations of the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle tell us to reduce them. The principle of multiple safety barriers sometimes recommends an extra layer of safety that the principle of simplicity would dissuade us from since it makes the system more complex and difficult to manage in a safety-critical situation. Sometimes, even two applications of the same safety principle can lead to a conflict. For instance, the substitution principle recommends that we replace flammable substances by less flammable ones and toxic substances by less toxic ones. In the choice between two substances, one of which is less flammable and the other less toxic, this will lead to a conflict.

    1.2 A New Level in the Study of Safety Principles

    As we see it, the study of safety principles has to be taken to a new and more comprehensive level. It is not sufficient to study the principles one at a time, and promotion of single principles needs to be replaced by unbiased comparative investigations. There is no lack of topics for such studies. We need to find out the relationships between the different principles, not least how they overlap and how they may run into conflict with each other. We also need to learn how they are conceived and applied by those who are supposed to be helped by them in their daily work (not only how they are conceived by their most fervent champions). And most importantly, we need to know if they make a difference in practice. What effects, if any, does their application have on safety outcomes? In short, the academic literature on safety principles should become much less advocacy-based and much more evidence-based.

    We see this book as a first step toward that new level in the study of safety principles. Most of the major safety principles are presented, and they are all dealt with on an equal basis. We have asked the authors to compare the principle(s) they present to other safety principles. We have also asked them to clarify the limitations and weaknesses of the various principles, and to inform the reader of whatever empirical evidence there may be of the effects of using the principles in practice. The book contains a significant amount of comparative material, and we hope that it will also serve as an inspiration for more comparative studies of safety principles in the near future.

    1.3 Metaprinciples of Safety

    Does it make any difference which safety principle(s) we appeal to, and which of them we choose as an overarching principle for safety management? We believe that it can indeed make a difference. The reason for this is that the different safety principles put emphasis on different components of safety management. There are many possible metaprinciples which may be used for bringing out differences in emphasis between safety principles. We have found the following simple list of basic tasks in safety management useful, and will in this section illustrate how it brings forward an interesting pattern for the principles of safety covered in this handbook:

    Inventorize. Identify and assess specific safety problems in planned or existing systems.

    Capacitate. Investigate what capacities the system has to deal with safety-related problems and how those capacities can be improved. Many of these principles are applied in the design phase but can also be implemented as a consequence of applying problem-finding principles in existing systems.

    Prioritize. Set priorities among the potential improvements.

    Integrate. Make safety management coherent and comprehensive, for example, by using general quality principles and integrated safety management principles.

    Each of these tasks is an important component in safety management. Therefore, the safety principle(s) applied in safety management should sustain the performance of each of them. We will call them metaprinciples since they will be used to evaluate many of the common safety principles.

    In Figure 1.1, we have placed three of the safety metaprinciples at the vertices of a triangle, and we have introduced some well-known safety principles at different places in the triangle. The diagram illustrates how these three principles give rise to different approaches to practical safety work. Notably, some safety principles are close to one of the vertices. Such a safety principle will in practice only support one of the metaprinciples, and it is therefore in obvious need of supplementation. One example is the principle of experience feedback. This is a principle with a strong focus on inventorizing. By studying previous accidents, incidents, and other events, we can learn much on how to avoid similar events in the future. But obviously, this does not necessarily teach us about the capacity of the system to deal with the events (particularly unforeseen ones), and neither does it tell us much about how to prioritize among different problems in need of solution.1 Therefore, the principle of experience feedback is not sufficient to guide safety management as a whole. We will have to add other principles that provide guidance for capacitation and prioritization.

    Image described by caption and surrounding text.

    Figure 1.1 Four metaprinciples of safety. Specific safety principles can be characterized according to whether they have a dominant focus on finding real or potential safety problems (inventorize), providing capacity and resources to cope with real or potential problems (capacitate), or to make priorities (prioritize). At the center of the figure are principles that describe how to integrate components of the other principles.

    Similarly, the principle of cost–benefit optimization is very close to the vertex representing prioritization. It is a rather complete (but of course not uncontestable) principle for priority-setting of safety measures, but it does not help us much in identifying safety problems or pinpointing general capacity improvements that can increase our preparedness for unidentified hazards. Therefore, cost–benefit optimization is not suitable as an overarching principle to cover all safety work.

    In the middle triangle of Figure 1.1, we have positioned safety principles that are very general and usually contain parts of the other three metaprinciples. These principles often give general advice about how to structure safety management and the other metaprinciples. For example, general quality principles give advice that can be applied to most other specific safety principles. Integrated safety management principles are also of this type.

    Not surprisingly, principles that are close to each other in the diagram are more likely to overlap than principles at larger distance from each other. For instance, inherent safety and the substitution principle are close to each other in the diagram. This is because they both provide means to avoid both known and unknown dangers. These two principles tend to yield the same recommendations. For instance, both tell us to replace a flammable substance by a non-flammable one, which is an advantage both in known and unknown accident scenarios. The two principles are quite close to each other, and one might sensibly ask if they coincide or if one of them is a variant of the other.

    In other cases, principles that are close to each other in the diagram run into conflict rather than overlapping. This applies for instance to cost–benefit optimization and best available technology. These two principles tell us how to prioritize, but they give us different advice on that topic. When a new, safer technology becomes available, best available technology will advise us to implement it, but cost–benefit optimization will often give contradictory advice. Other potential relations and potential conflicts between safety principles will be discussed further below.

    1.4 Other Ways to Characterize Safety Principles

    While our list of metaprinciples provides a way to see how safety principles overlap and what parts of safety management they cover, it is far from the only way to describe and categorize safety principles. As we see it, there is a need for a considerable methodological pluralism in the characterization of safety principles. For the purpose of dividing this book into main sections, we have adopted a more traditional approach, collecting the chapters thematically into five parts: Safety Reserves, Information and Control, Demonstrability, Optimization, and Organizational Principles and Practices. Some of these categories seem to correlate rather closely to our suggested metaprinciples. All of the principles treated in the first part, Safety Reserves, have a rather strong capacitating focus, for example, whereas most of the principles covered in the Optimization part focus on prioritizing. Other parts correlate more diversely and can be placed in the middle. The chapters in the Organizational Principles and Practices part, for example, have some emphasis on capacitation, but include many safety principles with a wholesale approach which cover all the three components positioned at the corners.

    There are several alternative ways of categorizing safety principles. One common division is procedural. Different phases in the lifecycle of a system require different principles; typically, the three basic system phases selected are design, operation, and decommissioning (IAEA, 1986).

    Another categorization of safety principles attempts at dividing hazard reduction into categories according to their priority. The basic idea here is that a hazard should if possible be eliminated. If that is not possible, it should be isolated, controlled, or limited. Haddon (1980a, 1980b; cf. also Runyan, 2003; Saleh et al., 2014) arguably provides the classic account of this strategy. On his model, safety is analyzed through the three basic concepts of threat, barrier, and object of value, and his strategy, in which he utilizes the so-called energy model of accidents (Saleh et al., 2010), includes:

    Reducing the energy in the system

    Controlling the energy in the system

    Separating the energy source temporally and spatially from the object of value

    Enhancing the damage resistance of the objects of value (Saleh et al., 2014)

    Bahr (1997) provides a more recent example of a similar strategy (in turn based on NASA, 1993), suggesting the following taxonomy:

    Designing out the hazard

    Safety devices

    Warning devices

    Special procedures and training

    First, Bahr writes, we should design out the hazard from the system. If that is not possible, we should control the hazard using various fail-safe devices; for example, pressure valves relieving the system of dangerous pressure build-up. When designing out or controlling is not an option, warning devices (e.g., smoke alarm) and procedures (e.g., emergency shutdown) and training should be used (Bahr, 1997).

    Another suggested list of covering principles, similar in that it also focuses on substantially different strategies of risk reduction, is given by Möller and Hansson (2008). They divide a large number of engineering safety principles into four covering principles:

    Inherently safe design

    Safety reserves

    Safe fail

    Procedural safeguards

    Inherently safe design is the design strategy to minimize the inherent dangers in the process as far as possible. The general idea here is that potential hazards are excluded rather than just enclosed or otherwise coped with (cf. Chapter 17). Safety reserves is the strategy of making constructions strong enough to resist loads and disturbances exceeding those that are intended; for example, by employing explicitly chosen, numerical safety factors. (Chapters 3–6 treat different aspects of this strategy.) The covering principle of safe fail entails that the system should fail safely; internal components may fail without the system as a whole failing, or the system fails without causing harm. Fail-safe, fail-silence, and negative feedback denote different variants of this principle. (Hammer, 1980). Procedural safeguards refer to control mechanisms for enhancing safety, ranging from general safety standards and quality assurance to training and behavior control of the staff. (Several chapters in this handbook, and Part V in particular, treat procedural safeguards.)

    Another categorization focuses on the temporal dimension involved in decision-making. Here, a fundamental division is between principles focusing on passed experience (such as in Chapter 7), current states of the system, or projections to the future.

    Safety principles may also be categorized in relation to the object of regulation. Here, a distinction can be drawn between principles directed at the technical system, the human agent, and the organization.

    Many other ways to characterize safety principles are available in the literature. For further categorizations, see, for example, Saleh et al. (2014), Jackson and Ferris (2013), Jackson (2010), Khan and Amyotte (2003), and Kletz (1978, 1998).

    1.5 Conflicts Between Safety Principles

    Safety principles are not conflict-free. However, we should distinguish between on the one hand conflicts between principles as such and on the other hand conflicts between applications of principles. To exemplify the former type of conflicts, we can suppose that a company has adopted the following two principles: All employees have the right to report any safety concern to the chief safety manager, and all communications on safety must be checked by the responsible foreman before they are disseminated outside of the department. These two principles are obviously in conflict. The example is contrived, and the reason why it is contrived is that this type of conflict appears to be unusual. Safety principles that are used in practice tend not to be in conflict in this way.2

    The other type of conflict, between applications of principles, is much more common. Two principles may seem to be perfectly compatible, but there may still be practical cases when they cannot both be satisfied. For instance, in workplaces with risks of poisonous gas leakage, we may wish to implement the principle that it should be possible to evacuate the building in a very short time. In workplaces where a terrorist attack is comparatively likely and can have disastrous effects, we may wish to implement the principle that unauthorized access should be virtually impossible. It is not difficult (although sometimes expensive) to implement one of these two principles. However, implementing them both is often very difficult. Therefore, when they both need to be applied, we have a conflict, but strictly speaking, it is not a conflict between the principles but between their applications in a particular situation.

    In practice, it is the latter type of conflicts (between applications of principles) that we have to deal with, rather than conflicts of the former type (between principles as such). We can further distinguish between three types of conflicts here.

    First, there are conflicts between two applications of the same safety principle. We have already given an example of this: The principles of inherent safety requires both that we replace toxic substances by less toxic ones and that we replace flammable substances by less flammable ones. These two specifications run into conflict if the least toxic alternative is not also the least flammable one.

    The second type concerns applications of different safety principles. For instance, we may have one safety principle requiring that all safety-critical procedures should follow pre-determined protocols, and another safety principle requiring that all employees should be encouraged to take initiatives and continuously improve the safety of work processes in which they take part. Although these two principles can be combined it is difficult to do so, and in most practical cases they will give rise to conflicts.

    The third type of conflict concerns applications of a safety principle and some other principle that is supposed to be upheld on the workplace. Safety measures are sometimes costly (and the savings they induce tend to be difficult to demonstrate beforehand). Therefore, conflicts between safety principles and the ubiquitous principle of cost minimization are common.

    Other conflicts that are rather typical in many sociotechnical systems are represented by the following examples:

    The principle of automation of controlling important safety functions may be in conflict with the safety principle that operators should have full control and situation awareness about what happens in a technical process.

    The principle of diversified safety systems may be in conflict with the principle of simplicity in designs.

    Principles of clear lines of accountability in a line organization may be in conflict with the principle that decisions shall be taken in those groups that hold the strongest expertise in a certain domain.

    Principles of documentation and details in descriptions of a safety management system may be in conflict with the principle of striving for oversight and simplicity.

    The principle of applying detailed step-by-step instructions may be in conflict with principles that strive for learning and competence in safety related work.

    1.6 When Can Safety Principles Be Broken?

    Since conflicts involving safety principles are so common, it seems unavoidable that sometimes safety principles can legitimately be broken. But on the other hand, many if not most, severe accidents resulted from violations of safety principles. Therefore, we need guidelines (or metaprinciples) for legitimate violations of safety principles. We propose four such guidelines:

    Barring exceptional circumstances, violations of safety principles can only be legitimate if the purpose is to improve safety. In a conflict between two safety principles, one of them will have to yield, at least in the short run. In a conflict between a safety principle and some other principle (such as cost minimization), the safety principle should be upheld.

    Conflicts between safety principles should as far as possible be solved in a risk-minimizing way. For instance, in the above-mentioned conflict between the aims to reduce toxicity and risks of fire, an analysis showing that one of these two risks is larger than the other provides a weighty argument on how to proceed.

    Conflicts between safety principles are often a sign that more thorough changes are needed that will make it possible to satisfy all of the conflicting principles. For instance, having to choose between a highly toxic and a highly flammable substance is an unsatisfactory situation. The short-term choice between conflicting safety principles should therefore be followed by development work aiming at finding ways to comply fully with both of them.

    All violations of safety principles should be done openly, and discussed with everyone who is concerned. Such open discussions diminish the risk that safety principles are given up for no good reasons.

    1.7 Safety in Context

    In this introductory chapter, our aim has been to put the notion of safety principles in context, suggesting a simple set of metaprinciples as well as pointing to the multitude of ways in which safety principles may be characterized. By covering a large number of safety principles this book actualizes how principles may conflict, and we have sketched a number of different types of conflicts between principles, as well as addressed the question when safety principles can rightly be broken. Our treatment has by necessity been on the abstract side of things, and before turning to the main content of this book, we would therefore like to remind the reader that while principles may provide action guidance and structure, the actual decision situation in which we find ourselves comes with a unique context (cf. Jackson and Ferris, 2013). In the individual case, we always have to look carefully at the context and take a stand on the salient factors. There will always be a judgment involved on which principles to apply, how, and when. This judgment can be fine-tuned by carefully studying our most informed accounts of the principles of safety. To this we now turn.


    Bahr, N. J. (1997). System Safety Engineering and Risk Assessment: A Practical Approach. Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis.

    Haddon, W. (1980a). Advances in the epidemiology of injuries as a basis for public policy. Public Health Reports, 95(5), 411–421.

    Haddon, W. (1980b). The basic strategies for preventing damage from hazards of all kinds. Hazard Prevention, 16, 8–11.

    Hammer, W. (1980). Product Safety Management and Engineering. NJ: Prentice-Hall.

    IAEA (1986). General design safety principles for nuclear power plants: A safety guide. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.

    Jackson, S. (2010). Architecting Resilient Systems: Accident Avoidance and Survival and Recovery from Disruptions. Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management, A.P. Sage (Series Ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

    Jackson, S., and Ferris, T. (2013). Resilience principles for engineered systems. Systems Engineering, 16(2), 152–164.

    Khan, F. I., and Amyotte, P. R. (2003). How to make inherent safety practice a reality. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 8(1), 2–16.

    Kletz, T. (1978). What you don't have, can't leak. Chemistry and Industry, 6, 287–292.

    Kletz, T. (1998). Process Plants: A Handbook for Inherently Safer Design. Taylor & Francis.

    Möller, N., and Hansson, S. O. (2008). Principles of engineering safety: Risk and uncertainty reduction. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 93(6), 776–783.

    NASA (1993). Safety policy and requirements document. NHB 1700.1 (V1-B). NASA, Washington, DC.

    Runyan, C. W. (2003). Back to the future – revisiting Haddon's conceptualization of injury epidemiology and prevention. Epidemiologic Reviews, 15(1), 60–64.

    Saleh, J. H., Marais, K. B., and Favaró, F. M. (2014). System safety principles: A multidisciplinary engineering perspective. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 29, 283–294.

    Saleh, J. H., Marais, K. B., Bakolas, E., and Cowlagi, R. V. (2010). Highlights from the literature on accident causation and system safety: review of major ideas, recent contributions, and challenges. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 95(11), 1105–1116.


    1 It should, however, be recognized that the principle of experience feedback is also used to identify good practices and solutions to previously identified safety problems.

    2 Note though that safety and security principles often conflict, since they may have different goals. Security procedures may, for example, attempt to keep an intruder from getting away in case of an incident (locking down a site after a breach), while safety procedures should do the exact opposite, that is, help people to abandon a site in case of an incident.



    Niklas Möller, Sven Ove Hansson, Jan-Erik Holmberg, and Carl Rollenhagen

    This handbook consists of 32 chapters divided thematically into one introductory part and five main parts: Safety Reserves, Information and Control, Demonstrability, Optimization, and Organizational Principles and Practices. The introductory part consists of this and the previous chapter, Chapter 1, in which we introduced the theme of the handbook. In Chapter 1, we noted that while there is strong consensus as to the usefulness of the main safety principles we treat in this handbook, there is no comparable consensus on how the safety principles are related to each other or whether or not some of them are more central than others. We present some accounts of overarching hierarchies in the literature, as well as suggest a simple list of basic tasks in safety management which we find useful. With these four metaprinciples of safety, specific safety principles can be characterized according to whether they have a dominant focus on finding real or potential safety problems (inventorizing), providing capacity and resources to cope with real or potential problems (capacitating), making priorities (prioritizing), or making safety management coherent and comprehensive (integrating). Furthermore, we discuss conflicts between principles and the question when a safety principle may be broken.

    2.1 Part I: Safety Reserves

    In Chapter 3, Erik Hollnagel discusses resilience engineering. Hollnagel traces the origins of the concept of resilience from material science to industrial safety. He then characterizes the modern concept of resilience through the four potentials that are the basis for resilient performance: responding, monitoring, learning, and anticipating. Hollnagel continues with an account of how resilience can be managed, and how various styles of safety management correspond to four different types of organizations. Hollnagel concludes that safety management should pay more attention to high-probability low-impact events since this is the very foundation of resilient performance.

    Defence-in-depth is a concept widely applied in safety-critical technological areas. In Chapter 4, Jan-Erik Holmberg treats its history and contemporary usage. It was originally a military strategy in which the forces were distributed into several layers so that a single attack could not destroy the defensive forces. The contemporary usage of the concept of defence-in-depth is generalized and refers to having multiple protective measures for a given safety objective, such that the objective is achieved even if one of the protective measures fails. Holmberg stresses how defence-in-depth applies several fundamental safety principles, such as redundancy, diversity, physical separation, and successive barriers. The effectiveness of defence-in-depth, Holmberg points out, depends on two main features: the capability (1) to minimize the likelihood of holes and hazards in each barrier level and (2) to minimize the dependencies between barrier levels. Holmberg concludes that one weakness of defence-in-depth is that it can lead to complex design solutions, which is not necessarily optimal from an overall risk assessment point of view.

    A related concept is safety barriers, which is the topic of Chapter 5. Lars Harms-Ringdahl and Carl Rollenhagen describe how the concept has developed from its original physical conceptualization to a much more generalized one in modern usage. A simple description of a safety barrier is that it is something that prevents an accident from occurring. However, the authors point out, there are different understandings of what this really means. The concept has evolved within different technical traditions and various theoretical considerations, and the authors argue that the width of the concept can to a large extent be explained by the multitude of existing assumptions of what constitutes a safety barrier. Harms-Ringdahl and Rollenhagen suggest a number of parameters for describing these varying notions, and stress the need for carefully defining the meaning of safety barrier in all applications, when any doubt of the interpretations could arise.

    A safety reserve is an extra distance or difference between actual conditions and conditions that are expected to cause an accident or some other type of damage, according to Neelke Doorn and Sven Ove Hansson in Chapter 6: Factors and Margins of Safety. Safety factors and safety margins are two of the oldest approaches in engineering to achieve safety under uncertain and variable conditions. A safety factor is a numerical value with which the risk indicator should be multiplied in order to reach a safety reserve, whereas a safety margin is an additive measure, that is, a numerical value added to the risk indicator. The authors discuss the theoretical assumptions underlying the safety factor and safety margin approaches and illustrate their use with examples from structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, and toxicology. The safety factor approach has increasingly been replaced with probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) as a tool for dimensioning safety measures. The authors compare two approaches and argue that they should be seen as complementary rather than as competitors.

    2.2 Part II: Information and Control

    In this section of the handbook, information and control concerning safety is the basic theme. In Chapter 7, Urban Kjellén discusses experience feedback as a fundamental principle in safety management. This is a process which involves the collection, analysis, and distribution of information in order to modify and improve activities. It is accomplished in safety management through various activities such as accident reporting and investigation, safety inspections, and risk assessments. A review of the history of safety management shows that this activity cannot be seen in isolation from the parallel developments in quality management; experience feedback occupies a central role in both areas. Experience feedback is also an important dimension in the concept of safety culture. The chapter discusses experience feedback from four complementary theoretical perspectives: the feedback cycle, models of an information system, the diagnostic process, and knowledge management. Four areas of application are reviewed, namely safety practices in plant operation, risk assessment, and transfer of safety-related experience to new construction projects and from users to design. Kjellén argues that there is a general lack of adequate scientific evidence on the effects on the risk of accident of various methods of experience feedback, and that this is mainly due to the methodological difficulties in controlling for the varying conditions in real-life processes.

    In Chapter 8, Drew Rae reviews basic principles used to construct various forms of safety indicators, that is, metrics used to indicate safety and risk. Potential benefits and risks associated with using indicators are discussed. Many safety decisions rely on accurate knowledge about the current state of safety. Both the absolute amount of safety and the trend toward increasing or decreasing safety are used to judge the effectiveness of safety activities, to intervene in ongoing operations, and to target risk reduction initiatives. Measures of safety also have a political and regulatory role in demonstrating the effectiveness and value of the safety function. Since safety cannot be measured directly, a wide variety of metrics have been used to indicate the presence or absence of safety. These metrics are based on different theoretical models of what safety is and how it can be achieved. Organizational theories of accident causation highlight the value and risk of safety indicators. Rae argues that used appropriately, these indicators can challenge organizational beliefs about safety and provide intelligence about current and future threats. However, indicators can also reinforce incorrect assumptions and provide a false assurance of safety. As well as the role of indicators in providing information, the act of measurement itself is a driver of staff

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