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Beyond the Cross - The Christ Collection
Beyond the Cross - The Christ Collection
Beyond the Cross - The Christ Collection
Ebook72 pages45 minutes

Beyond the Cross - The Christ Collection

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About this ebook

A moving collection of inspired pieces about Jesus.

Joseph Raffa was a dedicated atheist when he set out in search of answers to the riddles of life and the universe. Then, in a blissful moment of discovery, the God the Bible speaks of, the Allah of Mohammed and the longed for Nirvana of the Buddhists came into his life. As his life opened out spiritually, Joseph began to have a deeper appreciation of Jesus, His life and His role in the spiritual awakening of Mankind. Visions and insights arose unbidden, in such a manner that their authenticity could not be questioned. The young man who was an atheist for a time, who cared not to read the Bible or take much notice of Christ and His life, found himself anchored in God and also writing pieces extolling the virtues, the wisdom and the love expressed by that super spiritual being of long ago.

Release dateApr 2, 2018
Beyond the Cross - The Christ Collection

Joseph Raffa

JOSEPH RAFFA WAS born in 1927 in Fremantle, Western Australia. He enjoyed an idyllic childhood roaming the bush and the seashore. In his teens Joseph became a dedicated atheist, looking to science for answers to the riddles of life and the universe. Then, in his early twenties, he experienced a moment of discovery that transformed his life. As Joseph's life opened out spiritually following this awakening, he was inspired to put pen to paper to encourage others to embark on their own journey of discovery. Joseph died of cancer in 2010, leaving behind a legacy of inspirational writing which is now being made available to a wider audience.

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    Beyond the Cross - The Christ Collection - Joseph Raffa


    JOSEPH RAFFA WAS no ordinary man. The sparkle in his eyes meant more than playful intent. It spoke of something special inside him... another-worldly knowledge that left him in the world but not of it.

    Joe tells his own story at the beginning of this book. But there are those of us, blessed by knowing him, who would like to share a little about the man who touched us in so many ways.

    His was a life of simplicity. Disinterested in the material world and its values, he preferred to enjoy the treats that nature offered. A beautiful sunset, the wind on his face, the trees that surrounded his home and the ocean he visited daily. While his devoted wife Barbara was alive, theirs was a home of warmth, welcome, meaningful discussion and Barbara’s delicious cooking.

    In his early twenties, after much inner turmoil and conflict, Joe had an epiphany, an inner illumination which permanently altered the way he viewed life right up until his passing. The legacy of this event led to the prolific writing of his inner experiences, insights, visions and understandings. Prompted by urgings in the early hours of the morning, he went obediently to his typewriter and over many years, the collection of writings culminated into a small library.

    Those of us who were privy to those writings were inspired by what he had to say and often pressed him to publish them. Disinterested in such things, he had a better idea. He had fathered a daughter and fellow soul traveller who would turn out to be the second part of this partnership. Teena, an author herself, intuitively felt it was her role to take such work to the public. This is the first offering in her labour of love ... Beyond the Cross.

    Gypsy Wulff

    May 2012


    YEARS AGO, WHEN I set off in search of God, I was a dedicated, discontented atheist. I won't dwell on the reasons that urged me towards God but it was very important to me at the time. It seemed like the only worthwhile thing left in life to do. Work, marriage, family, car and a home had been taken care of or would be in time.

    In my days of non-belief, science was the only authority that mattered to me. From this I expected the answers that would be the solution to the riddles of life and the universe, of the how, why and whereto of everything. Many a vigorous verbal battle have I fought with Jehovah's Witnesses or others of their ilk who knocked on my door to discuss religion. They never tired of coming, their enthusiasm reinforced with the back-up authority of The Holy Bible in their hands. Evolution and science versus religious scriptures. Oh, how the words and explanations flew back and forth. But all to no avail. We went our separate ways, each securely anchored in different standpoints. And, no doubt, life was the usual mix of troubles and enjoyment regardless of the adopted standing.

    An atheistic background is an unusual one to have when one goes in search of God. But that's the way it was then and perhaps part of the fault lies in the church traditions of the time, with Latin language and the constant quote, quote, quote from the good book. I didn't have the patience to listen to the same record, played over and over without variation to the basic theme. Too much of this can dull the mind and drive a young person elsewhere in the search for something worthwhile. So the Bible and those who figured prominently in its pages, including Jesus, faded from my mind and I carried on accordingly. Science

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