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Charlie the Cocky Rooster: Leader of the Pack
Charlie the Cocky Rooster: Leader of the Pack
Charlie the Cocky Rooster: Leader of the Pack
Ebook57 pages48 minutes

Charlie the Cocky Rooster: Leader of the Pack

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About this ebook

Charlie the rooster is still the leader of the pack.
In this adventure the little animals meet Chit Chat the rat.
Chit chat loves to tell stories and make them rhyme.
He can't figure out why he does this all the time.
He told Charlie, "This cat would chase me everywhere in the barn.
I just knew she was mean enough to do me harm.
Seeing her long claws scared me half to death.
All I could think ofwas to was to hold my breath.
It was as though we were playing the game, "Catch me ifyou can."
So I just ran, ran and ran.
I'd fmd a place I thought was safe.
I'd turn around and all I could see was her angry face.
The closest place I could fmd was a horse stall.
I suddenly seen a hole in the wall.
Crawled through it with no trouble at all.
I'll bet she'd like to play that game once more.
I'd like to play a trick on her to even the score.
I hope I never see that stupid cat again.
This game is certainly called, "Catch me if you can."
Remember this is another adventure with the animals you adore.
Will Chit Chat the rat go back to see the cat and even the score?
You will definitely want to read more.
Release dateApr 29, 2011
Charlie the Cocky Rooster: Leader of the Pack

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    Charlie the Cocky Rooster - Dovie Pilney

    Charlie The Cocky Rooster

    Leader of the Pack

    Dovie Pilney


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2011 Dovie Pilney. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 6/21/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-4197-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-2058-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011903266

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    Charlie the rooster is still the leader of the pack.

    In this adventure the little animals meet Chit Chat the rat.

    Chit chat loves to tell stories and make them rhyme.

    He can’t figure out why he does this all the time.

    He told Charlie, "This cat would chase me everywhere in the barn.

    I just knew she was mean enough to do me harm.

    Seeing her long claws scared me half to death.

    All I could think of was to hold my breath.

    It was as though we were playing the game, Catch me if you can.

    So I just ran, ran and ran.

    I’d find a place I thought was safe.

    I’d turn around and all I could see was her angry face.

    The closest place I could find was a horse stall.

    I suddenly seen a hole in the wall.

    Crawled through it with no trouble at all.

    I’ll bet she’d like to play that game once more.

    I’d like to play a trick on her to even the score.

    I hope I never see that stupid cat again.

    This game is certainly called, Catch me if you can.

    Remember this is another adventure with the animals you adore.

    Will Chit Chat the rat go back to see the cat and even the score?

    You will definitely want to read more.



    Old Joe got up early that morning, went outside to get some firewood for the old kitchen stove. He then began putting the wood in the stove. Then grabbed some wooden matches from the metal box that was hanging near the stove. He forgot to add some paper in between the logs where it would catch fire quicker, so he tore some pages from an old Sears Roebuck catalog that was near-by. Thought to himself, I’m not going to use this book anyway. Might as well save my money for more important things. He then proceeded to make a pot of coffee, then his fried eggs and some bacon. Thinking to himself, Don’t have time to make biscuits this morning. I have to go check on the little animals. We had quite an electrical storm last night. I’m just hoping they are alright. He grabbed his keys off the little table near his bed, locked the door, jumped in his old truck, turned the key and the darn truck would not start. He said to himself, I’ll sit here for a little while and then try again. He sat there for thirty minutes, then tried again. This time it began to purr like a kitten. He was on his way to his neighbor’s farm.


    He pulled in the driveway and had the shock of his life. There was no barn. The barn had burned down caused by the horrible electrical storm the night before. He said to himself, "How in the world am I going to tell these people what

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