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Lonesome is a stray dog who has never known a family. He travels from place to place seeking food, shelter, and hoping one day to find a home. The story will lead him to a young boy seeking a friend. He is living with his mother and a great aunt. His father has died, and the boy, Willy, is lonely for a friend to play with. The story will take you on the adventures of Lonesome the dog and Willy the boy, who find each other just in time. This story teaches children the value of a friend, the happiness of a family, and the faithfulness of God. Lonesome is a story of how God can repair hearts, provide love, and teach all of us valuable lessons of life.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 5, 2013

Jackie Gilmore

Jackie Gilmore has been married to her husband, Mike, for forty-nine years. They have a common love for the Lord, family, and friends. Both have served in ministry since becoming Christians in 1979. Lonesome is the first book Jackie wrote. She wrote it specifically for her grandchildren. Her second book, Let the Sun Shine In was published in 2009. It has always been a dream of Jackie's to share her stories with her grandchildren. She and Mike have three daughters, fourteen grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.

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    Lonesome - Jackie Gilmore

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-8722-6 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013904033

    WestBow Press rev. date: 03/20/2013


    Lonesome by Jackie Gilmore

    Thank You

    What Is The Story About?

    Part One

    Chapter 1  Lonesome

    Chapter 2  Home

    Chapter 3  Willy

    Chapter 4  Willy’s Mom

    Chapter 5  Mrs. Duncan

    Chapter 6  Friends

    Part Two

    Chapter 1  The Fire

    Chapter 2  Puddles

    Chapter 3  Captain Franklin

    Chapter 4  The Dinner

    Part Three

    Chapter 1  The Picnic

    Chapter 2  Miss Learner

    Chapter 3  Heaven Bound

    Chapter 4  Changes


    by Jackie Gilmore

    T his book is dedicated to my Beloved Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. They bring me great Joy and peace. Each of them are favored in my eyes. From the oldest to the youngest. I praise God for their lives as He made them special and perfect. As I watch them mature and walk through this life, I am in awe of the choices they have taken. My prayer is they continue to seek God’s will always.

    I also dedicate the book to the many young children I have taught. It was with their faces in mind that I began writing this story. A classroom full of eager 4 and 5-year-old boys and girls. They waited weekly to hear the story. The Joyful cub group blessed me more than they will ever know.


    I would like to thank my husband Mike Gilmore. He has always encouraged me to write from my heart. He spurred me on when I wanted to be finished. Mike has stood by my side for 49 years. He has supported me in every way. He is a man of strong character and loves the Lord. He took me on an adventure called life and made me enjoy it all. Mike makes me smile and laugh every day. I love him.

    I would also like to thank God for giving me a story. It started out as just a time to keep children quiet the last few minutes before class was finished. However, as I watched their faces and saw their interest I knew God was at work. I never knew the beginning or the end of the story but God always gave me the words. Our God is like that! He is to be praised.

    I must thank two women who have read my stories and helped me with editing. Debbie and Kathryn you have no idea how helpful that has been to me!


    L onesome is a stray dog who has never known a family. He travels place-to-place seeking food; shelter and hopefully one day find a home. The story will lead him to a young boy seeking a friend. He is living with his mother and a great Aunt. His father has died and the boy Willy is lonely for a friend to play with. The story will take you on the adventures of Lonesome the dog and Willy the boy who find each other just in time. This story will teach children the value of a friend, the happiness of a family and the faithfulness of God. Anyone from six to sixty will enjoy this story of how God can repair hearts, provide love and teach each of us valuable lessons of life.



    You Lord will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You Isaiah 26:3



    H e was sleepy. The sun felt warm on his body as he slowly lowered himself onto the cool green grass. Yellow wild flowers squashed under him as he settled himself down. He went to sleep quickly with his tongue hanging from his opened mouth and flies buzzing around his ears. Nothing could stir his tired body until he felt rested.

    As he slept, his feet moved as if he was running. Soft moans and squeals escaped from his mouth. He jumped in his sleep, almost waking up, but soon he settled into a deep sleep.

    The day wore on. People walked by. Cars honked and buses roared. Children laughed and played. They tossed a ball that rolled within inches of his nose. Nothing disturbed his sleep.

    Later hunger pains began to wake him. Quick little jabs started on one side of his stomach and moved across to the other side. He whined, still half asleep.

    Slowly his eyes opened and he looked down his long nose to see a yellow flower tickling him. He rubbed his paw across his nose to push it out of the way. He was confused, not quite awake, and he wondered, Where am I? Then he remembered. Oh my, how could I be so careless? Here I am in a strange town and I fall asleep in the middle of the park. He jumped up and quickly shook himself awake. He looked around to see if he should be concerned.

    It was early evening and people were hurrying home from work. Children were going home for their dinner. He was confused, not sure what to do.

    He was rested after his long nap but hungry. It was almost dark. He walked toward the street as the street lights came on. A cool breeze blew. That meant another cold night with no place to keep warm. He had thick hair, which helped, but it would be nicer to have a warm place to stay and a blanket to curl up on.

    He hoped it wouldn’t rain. When he got wet, it took forever for him to dry and be comfortable again.

    He reached a brightly lighted store. He wondered what to do next. The door flew open. A woman and small boy rushed out almost knocking the door into his head. It startled him and he let out a yelp! The woman brushed by him ignoring his cry as she clutched her grocery bag in one hand and pulled the boy along with the other.

    Mama…Mama. The dog…You hit that dog. The boy cried as he tried to get away from his mother’s hold to see if the dog was hurt.

    His mother tightened her grip and kept on walking. It’s just some old stray, Willy. He’ll be fine. The dog heard what she said. He watched as they hurried up the street.

    The cheerlessness in the little boy’s face made the dog sad. He looks so lonely, the dog thought. Just like me. He didn’t know why he felt compelled to follow them but he did. He ignored his hunger pains that were getting worse. He knew the mother didn’t want him around but the boy, Willy seem to need a friend. The dog crept after them staying far enough behind so they couldn’t see him.

    The further they went the slower the boy and his mother walked. The dog was tired of the slow pace. Will they ever get to where they’re going? he wondered. Should I wait a while and then run to catch up?" On and on they went. What a long way they lived from the store. No wonder the mother seemed to be in a hurry. She knew they had a long walk ahead of them.

    When they reached the edge of town, it was almost dark and there was only one house to be seen. The house

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