Religion Vs Spirituality – One Psychics Point of View
About this ebook
What is sin? What is karma? What is the difference between religion and spirituality? How do the stories, myths, and legends of the past affect us and our present belief systems? What is science discovering about these stories? Religion vs. Spirituality addresses these questions and helps you to think about how thousands of years of stories and beliefs can affect us today. It will make you examine your own belief systems to see if they are eating you or feeding you. It will help you understand there are some things that just can't be proven but they are real and they happen every day. Religion vs. Spirituality explores our basic belief systems in a simple, down-to-earth way that everyone can understand because the author believes whether you are religious or spiritual, your belief system should never be too complicated.
Shirley Scott
Shirley lives in Walla Walla, Wa where she does clairvoyant readings from her home in person, on the phone or by email. She has been doing readings for both animals and people for over 11 years and is always studying and learning more about how energy works in our body, mind and in the physical world we live in. She lives with her 3 dogs and 6 cats and volunteers at the Washington State Penitentiary to train the inmates to train dogs. Part of her Spiritual work it to help dogs who are at the humane society get trained and then adopted into forever homes. She also has her own 501c3 rescue for animals. She is currently looking for 10 acres to build a rescue ranch for animals and to make a space to rehabilitate animals as well as giving workshops on animal welfare, safety, training, communication and other issues.
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Religion Vs Spirituality – One Psychics Point of View - Shirley Scott
Religion vs Spirituality – One Psychic’s Point of View
Shirley Scott
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About the Author
Where’s My Path- who am I?
What we discover when we die
Bible Stories, Fairy Tales, Horror Stories, Fables, Legends and Myths
– What’s the difference.
Spirituality vs. Religion
Sin vs. Karma
What if Science was our Religion?
Whatever your belief – make it simple
I want to thank Skip who is always there when I need him and a friend I would never want to be without. He has helped guide me through this book and played devil’s advocate to keep me from wandering too far from the subject. I owe him a lifetime of thanks and dinners.
I also want to thank Danielle who read and reread this book to help edit it and was very patient with my changes and changes and changes. She is a very dear person who I’m lucky to have in my life.
Liane is another person who has helped me in so many ways. She has a warm and loving heart for all animals and it has been a big help in supporting my rescue ranch. Thank you for reading the book and doing some of the editing and giving me your ideas too.
There are many others who inspired me to write this book. Many were teachers in my past and others were just people on the street that I watched and learned from. In many ways, the world was my teacher and the people were the actors that showed me life is but a play. I acknowledge all their parts in this book and thank them.
About the Author
In 2000 I had a near-death out-of-body experience and when I recovered, I realized I’d brought back the power of clairvoyance with me. This experience changed my life and was the most wonderful thing that could have happened to me.
Since that time, I’ve been doing readings on both animals and people. I connect with loved ones who have crossed and find this connection helps people who are grieving.
I help people to empower themselves and start living a happier, less stressful life by seeing the truth about who they are. I believe that Spirituality should be simple to understand and live.
I teach classes on animal communication, psychic abilities and the paranormal as well as being the dog trainer for the Dogs in Prison
program at the Washington State Penitentiary.
I have written several articles for Animal Wellness Magazine and other publications and I’ve been interviewed by several TV stations, on several talk radio shows and I have just published my first book, How Old Are We.
I have a 501c3 animal rescue that helps feed and find homes for unwanted and abused animals. I do workshops and speaking engagements on animal communication, animal behavior issues, the paranormal and living a spiritual life. I work with groups or individuals to teach people how to become more in tune with their pets. Everyone has a natural ability to communicate telepathically with an animal or other humans; it’s something that is built into each of us. Please visit my websites at or to find out more.
My new CD, Face your Fears, Change your Life
is now available on my website.
Shirley Scott
As you read this book, remember the content is my opinion. It’s not supposed to talk you into any belief system, but I hope it will make you look at what you’ve been told to believe and examine those beliefs to see if it’s working for or against you.
My other intention in writing this book was to take some of the woo-woo
out of both religion and spirituality. My prayer is that after you read it you can see how even a small change in your life can make a big difference.
None of us can change the world by ourselves, however, if we change our personal world, it can affect the whole world. If we can find happiness, joy, love and peace in our personal world, we can help make a world of difference.
Maybe one day we’ll learn that judging someone for what they believe is a waste of our time and energy. Also trying to convert others into your beliefs is rude and invasive. I hope one day we can live side-by-side without hate, fear or judgment.
This was the intention of the book. I hope you enjoy it and when you’re done you’ll think about your life and make some positive changes.
Life is very simple. We’re born, we live our life and we die. What could be simpler? Oh, of course – it’s all that stuff
between birth and death. All those emotions and belief systems we have to learn to do something with. It’s all the hard times and the good times that help form our belief systems and fill us with emotions. It’s all the work, the play, the joy and the sadness that makes us who we are.
Being human isn’t easy and we never seem to get used to it no matter how many times we re-incarnate. I believe we never get used to it because every time we come back, we have a new body and a new brain. After all when we die, we leave these things here. The only thing we take with us is our souls, which really are energy bodies. So with each incarnation, we are in a different time and have to adapt to whatever is going on in that era.
Life is an ever changing event. Every second there’s a change of some kind somewhere. Most of us only see or acknowledge changes in our world or life, but they are happening all over the world and out into the universe and solar system. However, many humans don’t see beyond the end of their noses and that’s okay, but they have a very limited concept of life.
Life is more than breathing and going to work everyday. Life is growing, changing. We do this every lifetime and every lifetime we bring some of our last lifetime with us into the present one. Some of our old beliefs and lessons will come forward too. They remind us we have already learned something or give us a remembrance of how to deal with a situation.
We bring this knowledge, which is locked in the memory of our soul, forward to help us live a better life. Little by little as we live, many of us remember things from the past. We remember a town, that in this lifetime we have never visited yet know all about it. We remember a person, but don’t know how. This is our soul helping us in this life time.
Most humans have a drive that takes them through life but they never understand what that life is really all about. They don’t understand it’s supposed to be fun and a place to experience and learn. All kinds of belief systems and judgments get in our way before we are even out of diapers.
Humans are a strange species, they don’t act or think like other species here on Earth. We are driven by a different DNA pattern. Humans question everything that happens to them and everything that doesn’t happen to them. They question the whys, the what ifs, the what fors and the who done its.
We want to study and explore everything but ourselves. Most other animals on this planet could care less about what another species is doing and why they’re doing it. They’re too busy in their own world doing what they’re supposed to be doing to worry about someone else. That doesn’t sound like us humans at all.
We not only want to know what makes all the other species tick, we want to know what our neighbors are doing and why. Don’t you think we’d be more productive about our own lives if we just focused on it? I don’t mean to ignore everyone or everything that’s going on around you, but observing it and getting involved are two completely different things.
When we observe what is happening in our life and who we are or who we’re becoming, we really start to live our life. We start to look at who we are and where we’re going. We also start to see what we like or don’t like about ourselves. We see changes, we see obstacles and we see miracles.
However, very few of us ever question why the sun continues to come up every morning or set at night. We don’t question why the moon is full sometimes and then it can’t be seen by the naked eye in only a few days. We take these things for granted and because science has seemly said this the way it’s supposed to be, we believe it. We don’t question why a bridge doesn’t fall when we’re crossing it, but we do question if there’s a greater power than us out in space somewhere.
Humans make life so complicated it’s hard to see the real truth about it. Dogs don’t ask why they’re a dog. Cats are just cats and they know it. Ducks know they are supposed to like the water and quack. All animals and plants do what their DNA and cellular makeup tells them to do or be. Humans, on the other hand, want to know why they’re human and what they should do about it.
The best thing we can do is to pay attention. By paying attention to what we’re doing instead of what everyone else is doing will make a big difference in your life. I’m talking about looking at the choices you are making and what direction you want your life to go in. I like to call it stepping off the stage
Stepping off the stage is taking a step back from your busy life and looking at what is happening. It’s like being the producer of a play. You are the actor most of the time but to really take control of your life, you have to become the producer, the writer, the editor and the actor. You need to make all these jobs come together in one organized and grounded way.
Stepping off the stage is looking at the choices you made throughout the day or even the week. Stepping off the stage can give you a better look at where your life is headed before you get there. It’s looking at the choices you are making and where they are taking you. It also gives you an opportunity to change your life by making new choices.
Stepping off the stage and looking at your life needs to be done on a regular basis, not just once a year. You need to become conscious of your choices and how they are running or ruining your life.
I love the saying, if it’s not feeding you, it’s eating you
. So many of us live like this and wonder why we’re unhappy. We can be our own best friend or our own worst enemy. We need to look at what we are doing to ourselves and change it. Many times we blame others but if we are in a situation where it’s painful or sad or it makes us angry, we need to look at ourselves and find out why. Then we need to heal it, change it and move on with the lesson we are learning.
Too many of us get caught in drama and think we have to live there. Look at how many people just follow their dreams and walk through the fear of the unknown and have it work out fine. This is what life and living are all about. Nothing holds us back more than fear and blaming others for our situation; remember, you have nothing to fear but fear itself.
Sometimes following your dreams can mean jumping in something new with both feet. It also means looking at where you are jumping and making sure it’s on solid ground. Doing research and looking into a situation is only common sense. It’s gathering information so you can make a wise choice. However, some of us analyze things to death and miss opportunities.
For example, say we’re in a job we hate and want to quit but are afraid of walking away because we need the money. Many people say, But I need the job right now.
Okay but are you looking for another one while you are suffering in the wrong job? Remember if it’s not feeding you, it’s eating you. Jobs are things we can manifest if we really want to. I have manifested several jobs in my lifetime and they all fed me until it was time to move on, then I got out of them and moved toward something better.
I’m not saying it’s easy but we can’t learn anything really important unless we experience it in some way. Getting out of something that’s painful and into something comfortable can create fear but walking through this fear is worth it in the long run. It’s empowering and confirms just how powerful we really are. When we walk through fear, we start looking at life in a different light.
All the fear we live in has been around for thousands of years. No one really knows when it all started but it lives through what we believe. If we are afraid of trying something new, we will never grow. Our parents put fear in us about sex, doing well in school, doing wrong and being punished for it and many tell us to even fear God. That’s a lot of fear.
I had a dream many years back but I remember it like it was last night. I was sitting at a picnic table eating when I realized someone was sitting across from me. I looked up and there was death – a black robed, dark figure without a face. I wanted to run. I started to get up to make my exit when all of a sudden I had this over-whelming feeling of sadness. I realized how sad death was and no one loved him. I reached across the table to cradle his unseen head in my hands and said, I love you.
He disappeared and I woke up.
The message I received from this dream was that if you walk through fear with love, the fear will disappear. Many belief systems teach us this but then they tell us to fear our Creator. They tell us he will punish us if we aren’t good. This is nuts!
If you have read my book, How Old are We, you would have read about my theory on the master plan
of the universe. It’s simple. We can’t fail. We are made to succeed no matter what we do. If we do something and it turns out wrong, then we’ve just learned what not to do. If we do something and it turns out right, then we’ve learn what to do. It’s as simple as that. We make life too complicated because we put fear into everything.
When we start stepping off the stage, we’re making our life simpler. We’re looking at everyday events and choices. We see where we’re going or what our choices are or where these choices are taking us. We’re focusing on us. This will help us recognize when we are giving someone else our power. It’ll help us to see if we’re living our life or if we’re trying to live someone else’s. It’ll help us see where we need to make corrections and what we need to leave out of our lives. It’s simplifying your life so you can enjoy it more.
When we do this we are taking control of our thoughts, words, and actions. It’s empowering you to be your true self. Because it empowers you, you face your fears in a more positive way and see they shouldn’t be feared but welcomed as a challenge