The Unfed Flame: That Beats Your Heart
By Namaste
About this ebook
When I was young I found life to be vary hard to understand. I decided I would figure it out and rite a book to help others experience a better life. I would rite what I would want to know if I hade to live life again. I felt powerless as God was in the center of the uiverse millions had more need of his prayers than I did so I didn't bother him much. Just an ocasional chat. This led me through a mysterious life of experiences. What I have in this book is nothing like what I was raised to believe. In "A Course In Miracles" Jesus said that when all the ideas of the world are reversed, You have got it. My dream is to see everyone take their religions and cast out the imbelishments that have seperated us from each other. The results will be peace on earth good will twords men.
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The Unfed Flame - Namaste
© 2011 by Namaste. All rights reserved.
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First published by AuthorHouse 09/27/2011
ISBN: 978-1-4670-4445-5 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4670-4444-8 (hc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2011917712
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
About the Author
When I was young, I wanted to know the truth about how life worked. I wanted to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. I had no idea how that would affect my life. I saw in the Bible where it said to come to God with the open mind and heart of a child knowing all things are possible within God. That meant I could have no preconceived ideas of what was the truth. I asked my father why we went to church, and he said that he didn’t have time to study the Bible, so we hired a minister to study it for us and then on Sunday he helped us with the proper interpretation. As the years went by, I began to see how different those interpretations were from church to church. With that, I began to read the Bible alone with no outside source to tell me what it said. I recommend that to everyone.
Recently, I saw a TV program where they hypnotized the audience into a past life regression. I noticed how hard it was for some people to be hypnotized while it seemed easy for others. The truth is that any meditative state is all that is needed to hypnotize someone. We can be hypnotized watching television, listening to a politician, or listening to a preacher. We can even hypnotize ourselves by focusing our attention on something long enough. In our youths, we are particularly subject to trusting our parents because we know they love us and they, more than anyone, are looking out for our best interests. We give parents blind trust in many cases, which leads to hypnotism.
A wise man told me to watch the momentum, the momentum of momentum. Notice how the momentum of one confused person can spread like a plague through a crowd. His enthusiasm will hypnotize others. It was here that I began to understand why so many people become angry when I tell them they have been brainwashed by their religions. Anger is what the ego uses to hide the truth it doesn’t want to face from itself. The other thing that I see happening is people’s eyes glazing over when they hear something that conflicts with their hypnotisms. When people live in a world of protect or defend, they are living in the world that the ego has designed for them. Anger is a control mechanism, but not for the ego’s good. It is the ego’s attempt to control others as the world turns. Only the truth can set you free from a reactionary world. Only truth will enable you to live in the world and not be of the world.
The first time I read Genesis, I saw that God did not have a physical body except through us. Acceptance seemed voluntary though, because most people don’t think of themselves as God, and their actions well prove it. Through hypnotism, we have lost sight of the fact that we are Gods and have within us all the qualities of our source. This will seem blasphemous to religions, governments, and businesses, for they are organizations established by the ego to run your life and always in the name of God. Their authority must not be questioned.
Now the ego is the part of you that gets hypnotized and the part that triggers habits. It is also what is referred to as the prodigal son. Once it has been hypnotized, it will attack anything outside of its order. In other words, it will attack any truth that would have set it free. It will swear it is at the mercy of the cruelty of the world and all actions are to defend or function within that structure. It will wander through life squandering its life force or the Father’s fortune until it dies or releases the body because it has created its demise. A God cannot die; it can only change its form. God is the life force or energy of pure love. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only change its form. What you call death is but a transition into a higher dimension. It is a dimension that does not know the limitations that can be experienced here unless the person’s thoughts are heavily invested in Illusion. Then it will require an angelic force to nudge one into moving beyond one’s confusion.
When my father let someone else interpret the Bible for him that was the biggest mistake in life he could have made. The ego loves to feel that it is better than someone else, and all those organizations will hypnotize you by telling you things the ego wants to hear. The ego, or prodigal son, is the portion of God that forgets who he is and that enables him to wander through the world at its mercy. At this stage, his free will is being used against him by the world’s orders. The ego’s process is to build itself up as more important by cutting the other guy down as less valued in the eyes of God. From there, great atrocities are committed. Our ministers, governments, and businesses play off the idea that one person is better and worth more than the other. Our values are not God-driven but rather ego-driven. The prodigal son has all the powers of God to create, and when it sees that it has created hell on earth, it can turn it around and create heaven on earth as well and perhaps even with greater ease. God allows the sun to rise on the just and the unjust alike. The ego’s world is set in motion to prevent you from discovering that you are Gods. In John 10:36, Jesus told you this, but the church has kept it hidden from you by diverting your attention to the ego’s agendas. People can make that book say just about anything they want it to. Science tells us that we only use around 10 percent of our brain. They have not discovered that the other 90 percent is the God within us. It is the master computer, so to speak, that allows life to take place. The ego has hidden from you the most important commandment: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind (Matthew 22—34to38) for that is God’s throne. Your body is God’s temple. How many times do you need to be told before you really hear it?
It is time that the world understood its religions. My goal is to break the code of every religion out there. I heard that at the time of the Buddha, there was a religion called Bun, which was wiped out by the Buddhist people. Their egos had no more tolerance for Bun than the Jew had for Jesus or the Christian has for a Muslims or Muslims have for Christians. Religions all seem to teach intolerance for anything but themselves in a subliminal way. Even within Christian thinking, the Catholics and Protestants have been aligning with kings and queens to control other people’s thoughts to the point of killing one another from the Dark Ages and even to Ireland in recent years. In fact, it looks like Buddhism and Christianity are to blame for the Dark Ages (the time on earth in which the light of God shown through the prodigal son so low that help was brought from other planets to balance the light until mankind could do it again himself). Life was so desperate that love was only a twinkling in the memories of mankind. In my chapter on how we create, I will walk you through the process of creating. Thought activates the word, and the word turns light into mass, so the way light is handled by thoughts and words is how we created the mess. Pure thought will realign the mess.
I have been accused of taking from the Bible what suits my thinking and throwing the rest away. I have found the Bible to be a mixture of God’s words given for a particular social timing and embellishments. I will help clear the embellishments up for those who are ready to learn and some who are not ready because their hypnotism has them caught. It is the anger I will stir up that will identify your habits and hypnotisms. The ego will embellish as it translates or interprets the books of any religion. What I identify as truth must always unite us all as one God, whereas embellishments all seek to divide and conquer our fellow man. I was talking to a Christian one day who suddenly said that he wished God would strike me with his wrath right then for my blasphemy. I looked at him and said, God forgive him, for he knows not what he says.
He responded with, Oh! Is that what the God within you told you to say?
I said, Yes.
I find people who read the Bible often think their cup is full, and so when God brings them new information, it rolls off them like water flows out of a full cup. The problem is the cup is full of inaccuracies. Only experience will bring the question that will elicit the answers in this book and fill that cup with what Jesus couldn’t get the disciples to understand yet.
Churches put locks of intolerance on their door when they think their cup is already full. The young man has been taught that to go outside the Bible to learn or accept truth is to be possessed by the devil, and you must be cast out before you confuse the whole church or community, especially if what you learn seems to contradict their Bible completely. They only validate writings that agree in every detail with the Bible. Another teaching is to make you feel confident that you are going to heaven when you die because you have followed their rules. Notice love is not the determining factor here, but rather control of the flock. Why would God give you a man named Jesus two thousand years ago to help you understand the truth that could set you free and not follow up with the rest of the story? Why do churches put all their faith in disciples who did not make their ascension when there is evidence that others have? What do they gain by telling you that Jesus is the only one who could ever make his ascension before you die? Mother Mary made hers but the church called it an assumption, so you wouldn’t realize she did the same thing and women are equal to men. In God’s eyes, the two are one. The ascension is granted to anyone that clears 51% of their discord and usually before you die. In Genesis 4-verse 24 Enoch also experienced his ascension. What is a generation of man anyway? Perhaps it is the time it takes for a God to live enough ego expressions through reincarnations to master the illusionary world? Perhaps it is how an expression of God expands its ability to function in the universe? Maybe, in time, we could become a planet that allows a generation of man to embody and expand the god within himself or herself. Come to God with the open mind of a child and know all things are possible within God. Perhaps the Archangels and Elohims were not created that way but rather developed that way first, and in time you could become the same.
My goal is to have one member of each flock in the world read this book and test its truths. The result in time will be heaven on earth. This book is for those who want advance information as to what Jesus will teach in his thousand years of peace. My goal is to help you understand that God is always trying to reach you but your ego is too loud. Your churches are feeding your egos rather than the God within you, but as you discover the truth, you will be in the best position to raise your church in truth without saying much. Your presence of love will do more to raise all the members of your church to the light of God than all the words that could be spoken, for the truth has been spoken and you turned it into a holocaust. Example is the only name for a priest. The churches are filled with loving members. You can only expand your love with the truth. It is not necessary to talk to anyone else about what you have learned and risk conflict. My advice is to read inside and outside the Bible with the love in your heart, and you will know what is true. You will find that outside the Bible, there are many channelings of people in between lives and ascended masters that all confirm the same truths, and they finish the stories that were started in the Bible. What I find interesting is that all over the world, people who never saw or met one another will channel very similar understandings. There are stepping-stone truths that will rise into greater truth as you grow, so don’t be concerned with the place in the maze that another is experiencing. Give everyone love to grow on, and that is all. Do not join them in their illusion. The illusion is you are not creating the illusion as you go along, for the prodigal son has all the powers of God. The only thing real in this or any dimension is the love factor.
People keep telling me that if the information comes from God, it will be peaceful in nature. Starting Matt.10-34 Jesus said that people think he came to bring peace, but he came to bring conflict. That is because wherever the truth is put in the place of hypnotisms, it will be conflicting until the love of God in your heart is allowed to fly again. Your hypnotisms are creating your monsters, and they will persist until you see that you are creating the hell on earth you have experienced as real. Birds of a feather do flock together, and your churches have been perpetuating prejudiced thinking. It is time something is written that has the potential to bring all gods together as one. Just as the sun expresses itself as a gazillion rays that all carry the source, God is a gazillion expressions that carry the love of the father through each ego or prodigal son.
I have to admit that when someone reads the Bible and considers it to be the only word of God, there is plenty of evidence to prevent you from reading any other source that doesn’t tell you the same thing the Bible does. There is even a verse that tells you that Jesus sanctified the Old Testament as the word of God. (It doesn’t tell you if the book he read was the same one you have in your Bible.) Later, the apostles sanctified the other apostles as writing the word of God, and in the end, we have a great fraternity giving high fives to each other for sanctifying that they all gave God’s word rather than their human ideal of truth. To all those who Bible-thump with such confidence in their own integrity and the integrity of the Bible, I offer you this little bit of truth. Jesus did sanctify the Old Testament as God’s word and then proceeded to change the structure of it to a higher level of understanding. No more sacrificing, the only law is as you give, your father in heaven gives to you. @ Corinthians 12-2 to 5 he emphasized that we are gods, and the disciples even brought some people (sages) who had gone out of body and learned things not utter able among men. Why do you think Jesus really got crucified, to save your soul without any effort on your part? He came to bring conflict between your heartfelt truth and your ego’s illusionary results on planet earth in the free-will zone. When I hear someone declare that the Bible is the only source of truth, I tell them that they must either believe the part where it told them the world was flat and the center of the universe and it must be put back in to match its original design, or they must admit that there is a chance that more is subject to scrutiny.
I also hear some people tell me that the Bible existed before the Catholics got it and sanctified it. They tell me it reads exactly like the Catholic Bible, so we are both close to the same thing. Then why doesn’t it tell you the earth is flat as the original copy did, or has it been tampered with also? Why does it not contain the rest of the books that the Vatican has not revealed to the public? What do you think gives the Vatican such a foothold on its people? The fact that they have the rest of the story and their authority is beyond question. Bible-thumpers usually lock themselves in a little room called the Bible and live in fear of their own heart that would tell them that they are the physical expression of the Holy Spirit and it uses reincarnation to continue growing in a physical expression. You would learn that God is love; love is the energy of the Holy Spirit. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can change its form, and you have been creating your devils out of confusion. To expand on the wisdom that Jesus gave you two thousand years ago, I offer you this information. You can use it to become who you were meant to be or hide in your shallow Bible. I say shallow because you have used it to close your heart and expand your mind in illusion rather than truth. That is why so many scientists are Christians. What they can’t explain becomes a miracle. There are no miracles! Everything is the result of cause and effect. By accepting the illusion as real, you have been the problem rather than the cure of planet earth’s imperfections. You will never go to Mars and find anything but dust, for the life on Mars is not in 3-D. By seeing God as one who lives in the center of the universe rather than the universe in the center of you is to accept illusion as real and give up your power to others who have misunderstood life. The universe is within your heartbeat, and you are directing your play with thoughts, feelings, words, and emotions. You could only find true peace within the God within every man, as in Psalm 82:6. Spelling god with a small g
could mean you are still lost in your illusion rather than having become the master, which expresses the word with a large G. They are still one and the same.
Chapter 1
To begin with, we need to identify two different ideas and see how they each work through knowledge: God and the prodigal son. They could be more easily expressed as a large and a small G in the word God. In truth, the two are one, but they play very different roles when we are fallen from grace or functioning in 3-D. The ego or prodigal son is a very necessary part of the physical experience of Gods. Jesus said that we are Gods, and I have spent my life listening to the churches explain that away, showing their lack of understanding. To see what is meant, one needs to look at the sunshine. It is composed of a gazillion rays, and each carries all the qualities of the source. Likewise, the God distributes its divine qualities of love through man or rays that contain all the power of its source. Here, the Bible is accurate, as it tells us that the prodigal son wanders through the world squandering his father’s fortune until he dies or puts that God in charge and returns home. Each ray or person is a collage of thoughts, feelings, and emotions arranged in a separate but equal package called man. The story is embellished when it tells you that the angels in heaven who did not fall from grace are jealous when you return. In truth, they are as happy for you as you are to return home. You are an eternal being! You can forget who you are, but you can never, never be less or more than you are. Energy can nether be created nor destroyed,