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A Struggler's Words, He Walks
A Struggler's Words, He Walks
A Struggler's Words, He Walks
Ebook115 pages47 minutes

A Struggler's Words, He Walks

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The book is mainly about his life from when he found his voice and how kept going through the long heart breaking journey. One will notice while reading this book that his journey was mostly sour and he only kept believing that "He who is before him is greater than the world against him" Eddie Long.

He used the love of poetry to share his life experience, beliefs and dreams, as well as where he is heading to.
Release dateDec 20, 2011
A Struggler's Words, He Walks

Thapelo Desmond Selwane

He was born and raised in a village called Jane Furse, Sekhukhune District, situated in Limpopo Province in South Africa on September 9th 1986. He found his voice in the 10th grade during his high school in Lengama Senior Secondary School. He grew up without a father and just like any other illegitimate African child, life was hard and dreams looked impossible to reach but he chose to go agaist the winds. He sold vegetables pillars on a well-known street of Pretoria called Van Der Walt with his brother on weekends and after Matric exams, and he then used that money to enrol to study Law at Tshwane University of Technology before he got a Financial Assistance on his 2nd year of study. He got his first paid job in October 5th 2009 and didn't stop dreaming. The courage to write this book came from a hard push by his colleagues after presenting his poems on Fridays at work when things weren't going well and on the special occasions.

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    A Struggler's Words, He Walks - Thapelo Desmond Selwane

    A Struggler’s words,

    He walks

    Thapelo Desmond Selwane


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    © 2011 by Thapelo Desmond Selwane. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 12/16/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-7314-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-7313-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-7312-7 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011919449

    Printed in the United States of America

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    This book is printed on acid-free paper.

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    A break through

    A Change

    A Fake Friend

    A journey

    A letter to a confused friend

    A righteous man

    A woman

    After all

    Ain’t be no poetry



    Big city life

    Down the same road


    Enemy moves


    For her sake

    For us

    Foresaw danger

    Hear me Lord

    Homeless kid

    Human barrier

    I am more than a conqueror

    I believe

    I choose to save you

    I feared

    I’m happy that I live in this period!

    I loved her

    I remember

    I too want to…

    I will break loose


    I would know

    In my dream

    Is she the one?

    It’s time


    More than planned

    My beloved hobby

    My room

    Never be the same.

    No more

    Now he walks

    One of you is a devil


    Presume you a loser

    Prospective soul mate

    Should I walk away or walk through?

    Somehow I knew

    Spiritual power

    Stay away from doubts

    Still standing by my word

    Stress free but confused

    The first time we met

    A sign of a good manager

    This feeling

    This is it


    Too late

    Towards the sunrise

    Undefeated spirit

    Unlockable door

    We are in this together

    What have I done?

    What is hope?

    What is love

    When close people betray

    When she comes

    When the morning comes

    Where I grew up

    You too can do this

    A break through

    Over loaded with worries

    Under a massive stress

    On a clouded hill

    Yet dreaming still

    Looking for a way out

    Waiting for a miracle

    With the swollen eyes

    After a long cry

    Then an angel comes

    Encouraged him to break the ice

    With a soft say

    And a deep voice

    Did as he was asked

    Only then he realized

    That’s a break through

    A Change

    An unexpected change can be very scary

    A change beyond your control can be nerve wrecking

    More in particular when you are inferior

    But when you have it in, you worry less

    As courage and confidence can take you there

    When everyone else in swimming in tears and shaking to death

    You need to find a way to deal with it calmly

    If you cannot deal with it yourself,

    Then you know where to ask for assistance and strength

    He will never leave you, nor forsake you

    A change isn’t always something to be afraid of

    And isn’t something to be taken lightly either.

    A man made change that looks unfair towards everybody,

    That looks like was made by someone with more power

    And made it because he can

    This is a change that one needs to consult with the Master Himself.

    Try to reduce changes if you cannot effectively adapt

    Or change your attitude towards a change

    Or a change will

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