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Celestial Messages: Conversation with Original Nature Vol. 1
Celestial Messages: Conversation with Original Nature Vol. 1
Celestial Messages: Conversation with Original Nature Vol. 1
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Celestial Messages: Conversation with Original Nature Vol. 1

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Everything in this world is born out of the same root and has a similar origin.

Though things look all different, they are actually the same, like the leaves on the left and those on the right.

If you always look at things with a humble mind and examine them closely, you will get to know that there is nothing irrelevant to the Universe.

Begin every day with gratitude and end every day with gratitude, and lead a pleasant and leisurely life. Your life is the only thing that you can create. The life that you create changes you, and your change will change you even more. Thus, how can you live your life unpleasantly?

Release dateAug 1, 2012
Celestial Messages: Conversation with Original Nature Vol. 1

Suroso Mun

Suroso Mun is one of the major spiritual teachers of our time. A child of the Korean War era, Ms. Mun graduated from a prestigious Korean University and developed a successful career at the Korean National Assembly and Red Cross. Thereafter devoting herself to spiritual enlightenment, Suroso Mun has established Suseonjae, The Meditation School with global centers in Korea, the United States, China, and South Africa. She has published more than 20 books in Korean a many of them have been translated into English.

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    Celestial Messages - Suroso Mun

    Celestial Messages: Conversation

    with Original Nature Vol. 1

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    About the Author

    Publishing This Book

    Around Meeting

    My Original Nature

    On the Universe

    Men and Women

    Effective Practice Methods

    An Upright Life

    The Mindset to Send Off a Year

    The Mindset With Which to Begin a New Year


    Putting Things into Action

    What Is an Opportunity?

    Why Many Distinguished Women Live Single

    Mountain Is Mountain, Water Is Water

    Han 2

    Concentration Time of Practice

    A Wavering Mind

    Men and Women’s Relationships

    Agonies 1

    Agonies 2

    Managing Physical Strength 1

    Mental Agonies 3

    Mental Agonies 4

    The Goal of Practice


    The Methods of Practice

    The Destiny of a Nation

    A Human Life

    Affairs in the Human World

    Breathing 1

    Breathing 2

    Breathing 3

    Studying Celestial Messages

    Managing Physical Strength 2

    Breathing 4

    Han 3

    Practice 1

    Breathing 5

    The Importance of Practice

    Temptation 1

    Sad Joy, Bad Joy

    Acquiring and Casting Off

    Practice without Holidays

    Breathing When You Feel Heavy

    The Right Mind

    Practice of Truth

    The 44th Birthday

    Breathing 6

    Opportunity for Practice

    Breathing and Consciousness

    A Consistent Mind

    Live Right


    The Path of Tao

    Certification for Preliminary Enlightenment

    Do Not Waver

    Asceticism: The Substance of the Right Mind

    You Should Abstain

    From Overworking Yourself

    The Way to Help Others

    Light Is No Mind

    Han 4

    Practice Is a Process

    Han 5

    Promote Your Rank for Yourself

    Interpersonal Relations

    Temptation 2

    Fellow Trainees

    Breathing of the Celestial World

    Body and Mind Only for Practice

    Breathing Should Be Smooth

    All Things Are Breathing

    The Universe Breathing

    The Control of Mind

    Crisis and Unreasonableness

    The Practice Courses of Men and Women

    Keep Balance

    Enlightenment Is Something Natural

    Do Slowly

    The Great Universe Is Nothingness

    Karmic Connection to Practice Is the Greatest Blessing

    Sacrifice Yourself

    Have Confidence

    The Range to Cover with Self-trust

    The Subject Is You

    Emotions Are the Creation of Heaven

    and Earth

    Trials Through Family Affairs

    Your Self Becomes the Driving Force

    Parents in the Celestial World

    Preparation for Independence

    The Universe Is an Organism

    The Karmic Connection to Practice

    Is That of Heaven

    Make Efforts

    Beyond My Ability

    Be Careful About Words

    Energy Is None Other Than Willpower

    The Ethics of the Strong

    Keep the Tension

    Confidence and Conceit

    To Be Able to Move Minds

    What Is a Human Being?

    Obligations and Endurance

    A Day Depends on the Morning

    A Day of a Person

    An Unnecessary Relationship

    Will Is a Variable in Destiny

    Expansion of Virtue

    Results Are More Important Than Causes

    Material Exists On Behalf of Human Beings

    Deliverance from Material Things

    The Fact That You Are In Practice

    Don’t Neglect Small Affairs

    Asceticism Is…

    The Causes of Conflicts Is One’s Self

    You Should Put Urgent Matters Behind

    The Extreme Good Is Also Undesirable

    Keep a Stable Attitude

    What Is Providence?

    The Universe Resides in You

    Everything Is New

    The Body Also Has Its Own Will

    A Shock Method

    Be Careful of Even Your Imagination

    Family Relationship

    Breathing Is the Cause of Creation of All Things

    Cast Off Your Thoughts

    Study Is to Fill Yourself with Emptiness

    The Time When You Are Alone

    Words of Praise


    When You Give Up the Present You

    Mind Creates Everything

    The Wall of Mind

    Tao Is Near

    Don’t Look Back

    Concentration Is Breakthrough Power

    Your Circumstance Is

    Another Expression of You

    Trivial Matters Are Important

    Your Mind Should Stay Clear

    Practice Is the Automation of All Things


    Just Before Deliverance Is Ecstasy

    Joy Is Power

    Practice Is Endurance

    Nothing Is Always Big

    You Are Great

    Stray Thoughts

    The Realm of Good and That of Evil

    Every Matter Is Practice

    Morning Practice

    If You Find Practice Heavy,

    You Are a Beginner

    Calmness Is Power

    Behind Breathing Is a Cliff

    Establish a Will

    Original Nature and Individuality

    Do Something Only When There Are No Conditions Attached

    The Unity of Original Nature and You

    Do Not Lose Your Balance

    Small Things Are Important

    The Truth of the Universe Is Absolute

    Energy Is the Sense of Gi

    Elementary, Intermediate

    and Advanced Practice

    Confidence Is the Greatest Power

    The Breathing Method

    of High-Caliber Trainees

    Destiny Is a Frame

    Everything Is Yours


    An Unshakeable Mind Is the Original Nature

    Give Up Precious Things

    Hollow-heartedness Makes You Sway

    Have Space in Your Mind

    Breathing to Calm Down

    What Are Seonins?

    Why the Enlightened Are Highly-ranked

    The Love of Trainees

    The Obligation Between a Teacher

    and a Student

    The Obligation of Human Beings

    What Is Destiny?

    Stability Comes Out of the Danjeon

    Accumulation of Energy


    Cutting Off


    Do As Your Mind Guides

    Do Not Deceive Yourself

    The Secret of Practice

    Karmic Relations with One’s Self

    Making Haste

    Have Confidence

    Your Mind Should Be Comfortable

    Practice Is Confirmation of Yourself

    Seize Opportunities

    A Person Who Heaven Asks For

    Unusual Changes in the Weather

    You Are of Absolute Value

    The Practice After You Find Yourself

    The Avatar of Yourself

    Variables in Human Affairs

    Unity of Breathing and Mind

    Mind Is All Creatures of the Universe

    You Should Stay in Your Position

    Give Up

    Every Moment Is an Opportunity

    Simplicity Is Fundamental

    Help and Burden

    What Endurance Is

    Have Confidence

    To Be Common Is Difficult

    The Mind Has All

    Keep What You Determined to Do

    for a Long Time.

    Be Accurate

    Three Opportunities

    Help While In Practice

    Achievements Are Affairs of the Universe

    Break Through Yourself

    The Breathing of Spirit

    Information Is Breathing

    Breathing Energy In and Out

    Judge Through the Danjeon

    Giving Is Receiving

    Space Is Power

    Enlightenment Is a Midterm Goal

    Live for Your Own Good

    Harmony of Living and Practice

    Willpower Is the Medicine for Endurance

    Self-confidence, Not a Self-conceit

    Achievement in Literature

    Be Careful of Thinking

    Breathing Comes Before All Things

    The Concentration of Power Is Possible Through Harmony

    How to Accomplish Neutralization

    Breathing Is Everything

    Tao Is Mediation

    Tao Does Not Exist Initially

    Be Thankful for Breathing

    Myeong Is Controllable

    Daily Plans

    What You Can Do As You Please

    Practice Is Neither Small Nor Big

    Your Mind Is Your Teacher

    Small Things 1

    Small Things 2

    Small Things 3

    Devotion Is What Makes a Man Great

    The Difficulty of Literature

    Giving Priority to the Material Will Make Your Neck Bend Down

    Repeated Frustrations

    You Should Begin With Precision

    Small Enlightenment

    and Great Enlightenment

    The Meaning of the Sea of Bitterness

    You Are the Absolute Preposition

    The Present Position Is the Most Important


    Learn to Be Satisfied with Yourself

    Breathing 7

    Daily Life Is Important

    Aim At One Direction

    Effort Impresses the Universe

    Morning Is the Time of Heaven

    Even God Can’t Stop Humans from Training

    Dissatisfaction Guides You to Enlightenment

    If You Lack Something, Live As You Lack

    From Gigong to Simgong

    The Universe Moves Through Thought

    Seeing Through the Danjeon

    How to Rest

    A Heavenly Human

    The Eye of Energy, the Eye of Spirit, the Eye of Seongye and the Eye of Truth

    If You Concentrate Your Mind on One Thing, What Cannot Be Achieved?

    The Right Time Is the Time When Energy

    Is Backed Up

    Stray Thought Is a Sin

    The State of Impassivity Is

    It Is Your Self That You Need

    to Put Into Your Whole Mind

    Practice Is Power

    The Two Sides of Love

    Tao Is the Unity with One’s Self

    The Meaning of Casting Off

    The Tie to Practice

    The Original Nature Is Same for Everyone

    Be Faithful to Your Duty

    Women’s Menstruation and Practice

    Do Not Boast of Heaven Energy

    Reason Is

    Health Is the Value Prior to Anything

    Nothing Is Impossible 1

    The One Thing

    One’s Own Work

    The Sky Is Always Clear

    Heavenly Punishment Is…

    Nothing Is There

    The Sequence of Affairs in the World

    Rank in This World

    The Universe Is the Mind

    The Practice of Heaven Energy

    The Mind That Enables Concentration

    A Pure Mind Enables Communication

    with the Universe

    The Course in Which to Be Introduced

    to Practice

    Those Who Can Communicate

    with the Universe

    The Opportunity of Practice

    The Morning Prayer

    If a Clue Is Found Through Practice

    Practice Is to Guarantee Life After Death

    The Breathing Chant

    Heaven Is Impartial

    Everything Is Made Up Only from the Mind

    Sincerity Is the Power That Moves

    the Universe

    The Human Future

    Seeing Everything in a Correct Way

    Manage Your Life Actively

    Men Should Always Be Consistent

    Your Help Should Be in Secret

    You Need to Have Power

    Retrial Is Permitted in Practice

    Unity with the Truth

    Tiny Things Create History

    Making Use of the World in a Positive Way

    Everything Is Attributed to One’s Self

    The Cause Is in You

    Humankind for Whom Telepathy Is Possible

    Practice Is Not Light

    Give Thanks to Yourself

    Giving Good Deeds

    The Improvement of Memory

    When Replenishing, Only Replenish


    The Courses of Seongye Practice

    The Stages of Enlightenment

    [The Meditation School, Suseonjae that published this book is…]

    Practicing Love to Save the Earth

    About the Author

    Suroso Mun is one of the major spiritual teachers of our time. Her students are training through her teachings all around the world.

    She was born in the middle of the Korean War. Although her living was materially poor in the aftermath of the war, she spent an intellectually rich childhood with her three sisters and her mother, a former school teacher.

    After graduating from one of the prestigious universities in Korea, she had developed a very successful career at the Korean National Assembly and Red Cross. In her late thirties, at the pinnacle of life, she suddenly stopped everything she was doing and started meditation. She became fascinated by danjeon breathing that she happened to begin by chance. After a while, she met her teacher-in-spirit and inherited the lineage of Seongye Practice (meditation training). She went on a thousand day abstinence training, eventually meeting the original nature, and attaining ultimate Enlightenment.

    When her first book came out in Korea, The Seon Way to Enlightenment, which was her meditation journal, many who read this book asked her to guide them. That’s how she started teaching the training. Since then, the number of the voluntary training group has increased every year, and now it has grown to establish Suseonjae, the Meditation School. It owns global centers in countries such as Korea, the US, China, and South Africa. Suseonjae is a meditation center, where one can learn different levels of meditation courses from easy and popular meditations up to the level of Enlightenment, and contributes in teaching how to control the mind and develop the spirituality of contemporary people who are passing through a difficult lifetime.

    She has written several books about spiritual evolution such as The Seon Way to Enlightenment about her courses up until she met the original nature through breathing practice; and Jesus Was Misunderstood: An Interview With Jesus Through Meditation, the record of a real-time interview.

    Publishing This Book

    We human beings feel loneliness.

    To discover the fundamental reason for loneliness and to relieve the loneliness, we wander around many places and try to meet many people during our lives. Or sometimes we just keep drifting away all together even without really recognizing the fact that we are feeling loneliness in the flow of the hectic world. Nevertheless, the feeling inevitably passes by us occasionally, I feel lonely…

    This book, Celestial Messages: Conversation With Original Nature begins by mentioning that the reason that human beings are lonely is because we are separated from our original natures.

    Original Nature, one’s original self…"

    Since we are born from the origin, until your present self meets and unifies with the origin, you won’t feel fulfilled or satisfied with anything. Original nature is our original self and the teacher of eternity. Also, we tell you the original nature is the same for every person.

    The Universe shares everything through waves[1]. The meeting with your original nature becomes possible when you reach the wave band of the original nature on your own. Human beings, who have physical bodies can enter the extremely low wave band of the original nature by purifying and tranquilizing their bodies and minds through deep breathing training with pure universe energy. After meeting your original nature, you are meant to reach the band of zero waves as your wave level becomes even lower. In this level you can find all the answers to your questions about life and the world through conversation with original nature.

    Conversation with original nature provides you with clues about where you are and who you are in the middle of the history of the gigantic Universe. It expands the frame of your consciousness and plays the role of a telescope that lets you more profoundly understand the lives of others and your own. Also, it is a microscope to let you know how precious every single day given to you is and allows you to closely examine the life you are living today.

    The sincere training journal of the author that began from the book, The Seon Way to Enlightenment and her dialogues with original nature have changed many people to be pure, bright and warm through the Meditation School, Suseonjae over the last 10 years. This is the reason why we can’t just leave these dialogues as old history and we want to publish this series of books to invite many more fellow trainees.

    Through this book, we deliver the hope of the many people who have already begun walking along the path to meet their original natures. We wish that the sentiment that flows in the dialogues of this book, which are the passionate, brave and heart-throbbing truth of life, to be conveyed to those who feel lonely without specific reason and who feel that something is missing from their lives.

    We have learnt that the meeting with our original natures is the path where our humility, love and wisdom become deeper. With heart-felt love and respect, we thank our teacher, Teacher Mun, who opened this path for the first time.

    2010 July


    Around Meeting

    My Original Nature

    I entered my original nature[2] on the dawn of April 27, 1994. This writing is composed of omitted conversations from the book, The Seon Way to Enlightenment, which I had with my teacher-in-spirit in Seongye[3], Seonin Cheongang, my questions and answers with my original nature and celestial messages[4].

    On the Universe

    Human beings can reveal at best one or two percent of the laws of the Universe at their present level through their science. In the world of imagination, they can be partly revealed up to thirty to forty percent; the rest is, however, impossible to be revealed, even in the imaginary world. That is because humans cannot push their imagination ability beyond the current level.

    There are many realms in the Universe that the current science of the Earth cannot approach. It is unreasonable to explain all those things through human science. To give a familiar example, humans can figure out only theoretical answers, not completely sure ones, to answer questions about UFOs or other astronomical phenomena. Even if the real answers to such matters are given, the humans’ way of thinking keeps their consciousness from changing as they only believe when the answers come through scientific formulas—. Science develops at a walking pace, while the change of one’s consciousness is possible at hundreds of billions of times faster than the speed of light. There is nothing more stifling than those who can finally understand something only when they measure it with a ruler.

    The Universe is not so simple. Though so many complicated things (all creations) are entangled, the fundamental principle is very simple. First, it is continuously moving; and second, it is changing. Third, it is moving as it has to. That is, things are never stagnant, are always in motion and do not move forward by force. All things are proceeding according to the reason of the moment no matter whether it is good or evil. It depends on one’s own efforts which flow one will take.

    The reason for a change in one’s line is that one has moved him/herself to a different line just next to him. To leave one’s original line is possible for those who are always preparing for an opportunity and are always waiting; and this is also the law of the Universe. The desire to leave one’s own original line can make a hundred times more change from what is actually scheduled for the person.

    It is not desirable to think you have a vocation unless you can convince yourself about your life. This is possible after you are one hundred percent sure about this, or at least more than eighty percent sure about it. A vocation is settled on one’s own stream line; it is neither necessarily singular nor several.

    Religious circles can be said to be the places where those who are close to their original natures get together. It is considerably difficult to get near to one’s original nature in a mundane life. When one approaches one’s original nature, nothing will be out of his/her reach. It is possible in the lower stage that that one gets enlightened at a mundane level. The real Tao finally begins when one attains more than eighty percent of unity with his original nature. It is the path of Heaven, where anything can be seen when one is pure.

    Men and Women

    = What is the relation between men and women?

    —As a man is born to the world by borrowing a woman’s body, he is indebted to her from his birth. He should get out of the debt through Enlightenment[5]. That is why he should study[6] hard. Yin (-) just exists as Yin (-) itself. However, Yang (+) can produce Yin (-) by itself, which distinguishes Yang from Yin.

    Therefore, a woman has difficulty in making out the motives for her own development, but a man can develop by himself. Men are in debt to women, and so men should not forget that the biggest way to pay the debt is helping women attaining Enlightenment, and they should spread the will.

    = Why was I born as a woman by nature?

    —That is your inborn characteristic. It is a karmic feature of yours. Therefore, it will also offer you a chance to get more lessons. Accept it with pleasure.

    Effective Practice Methods

    = Are there any effective practice[7] methods?

    —Sure there are. The most effective method in practice is that one’s practice goes on while both of his/her external and internal conditions are being satisfied at the same time. The internal condition is one’s mental attitude and the external condition is one’s own surroundings; these two conditions are to be met simultaneously.

    There is no one who is born already meeting these conditions. As time passes, one’s practice state changes; one has to proceed by making harmony between both of the conditions. The arrangement of your surroundings is that of your mind, and the arrangement of your mind is to be revealed in the form of your surroundings. After having arranged those, practice will be more effective.

    = Are there any ways to use taeyang shingyeongchong (a chakra that is situated in one’s upper danjeon (the domain in charge of wisdom and the control center of one’s energy, situated in one’s head) and plays the role of sending energy to outside during practice)?

    —You do not need to activate it by force. Everything is designed to get activated of itself, in accordance with the stages of practice. Although things can be operated by your own intention, it is not desirable that you operate artificially before it gets to be the right time. Let it work by itself.

    In any cases, you should gather energy in your danjeon[8] through your mind and breathing, and even physical change should be attained by the energy naturally. Do not deviate from this principle and have unreasonable desires.

    = I understand.

    An Upright Life

    = What is an upright life?

    —First, nothing weighs on your mind. This means that you have nothing that troubles your mind. In order to have nothing that troubles your mind, you should think of everything in the right way. Right thoughts are followed by right actions; and in this process, everything should be done right.

    You will be able to proceed without so many mistakes if you do not conduct yourself according to the thought of a moment, but take right ways after thinking over a matter at least three times. You have some things that weigh on your mind. That signifies that about half of your behaviors are humane. As your practice progresses, you will be able to search for those.

    If you do not make haste and think in the right way, things will be sorted out. As living in the mundane world itself is you are staying in the middle of contamination, you should keep your thinking serene and be careful not to be tainted with agonies.

    The Mindset to Send Off a Year

    = What frame of mind should trainees have in closing a year?

    —The last day of a year is the time when trainees must look back the whole course of the year and check out the practice plan for the next year. The beginning stage is the most critical. At this stage, many trainees drop out of practice. Once trainees advance into the full range of practice, they will become able to pass over obstacles lightly afterward.

    It is difficult to obtain such an outcome while practicing in the mundane world; however, since the meeting with the Universe has just begun, it will be most significant that you don’t neglect to take care of the will of the Universe. The will of the Universe is not that everyone goes in one direction, but that they are meant to gather toward the very center, han.

    All comes out of the han and returns to this. From han, everything is designed to be realized and to disappear. You can go anywhere through han, and if you don’t know han you will become unable to go anywhere. Always stay conscious of han, go along with han, and live up to han. As han itself is the Universe as well as Heaven, you can accomplish all in han. It will be desirable to have next year be a year of studying han. You have worked hard this year.

    = Thank you. I will work much harder.

    —Keep it up.

    The Mindset With Which to Begin a New Year

    —How will

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