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My Road to Resurrection
My Road to Resurrection
My Road to Resurrection
Ebook43 pages38 minutes

My Road to Resurrection

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In the book, My Road to Resurrection, SaavyGirl starts out by telling the readers about her happy memories of growing up in Brookside New York. Her story describes the close feel of her family and the happy times she experienced as a young girl .She also tells the readers about the community she was raised in during the 1970s. As the book continues, she describes how her life begins to change after she and her family move to Ocean Parkway, Queens, when the family is robbed in Brookside, New York. After being in the new apartment for a year or so, conditions within the family unit begin to change for the worse. A secret is revealed by SaavyGirl, which later divides her family. She tells her readers about the breakup of her family unit and how the family was never the same afterward. When the family unit falls apart, not only do things take a turn for the worse, but family members turn against her, and separation in the family begins. Over the years, the separation weighs heavily on the family, and the members struggle to piece their lives back together after being torn apart for several years. SaavyGirl gives readers a closer look into how the loss of a family unit impacted her life and later helped her to begin her road to resurrection.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 7, 2012
My Road to Resurrection


SaavyGirl lives in Poughkeepsie, New York, and has one son. SaavyGirl was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She lived in Brooklyn until she graduated high school; then she moved to Poughkeepsie in 1992. After working at several jobs as a single mother, she attended college at Dutchess Community College, where she obtained an associate degree. After she graduated college, she has worked in the social service field in Poughkeepsie.

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    My Road to Resurrection - SaavyGirl

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-5321-4 (e)

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 7/20/2012


    My Happiest Memories

    Before The Storm

    Adjusting To Change

    Lies And Deceit

    Tearing A Family Apart

    Pain And Guilt

    Stuck In A State Of Denial

    On The Upward Swing

    Keep An Open Mind To The Unknown

    Live One Day At A TimE


    To my son:

    I love you. Always be happy, listen to your inner voice,

    and follow the dreams you will soon believe in.

    To My family and friends:

    I want to thank you for all your continued love and support over the years; I wouldn’t be where I am without you.

    To the readers:

    We all have a past. I hope that you will read this story,

    and know that you are not defined by your past,

    but still in control to building a much brighter future.


    My earliest memory is from when I was about eleven or twelve. I have a distinct, vivid memory of myself in a pink-and-white dress and a pair of white sandals. My hair, parted in the middle, hung down my back in two braids. I remember that the clothes that I was wearing were new, and I was so happy to have them. I was anxious to show my friends my new white sandals. I remember thinking that I wasn’t going to jump rope that day because I was wearing my new clothes. I remember smiling and being happy.

    At that age, I was about five foot four and shy—a cute, chubby little girl. I loved jumping rope and doing cheers, just like most other girls my age. My older

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