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Turning 50 - The Ups and Downs of Half a Century
Turning 50 - The Ups and Downs of Half a Century
Turning 50 - The Ups and Downs of Half a Century
Ebook59 pages56 minutes

Turning 50 - The Ups and Downs of Half a Century

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The BIG Five Oh! That is half a century old! Read this biography of Teresa, who turned 50 years old. She reflects back on her life - the ups and downs - and wanders sometimes how she made it to be 50. She had a wonderful childhood but lost her mother to ovarian cancer when her mother was only 45 years old. She went through divorce, reentering the dating world, remarrying a few years later, and finally being at peace with her life!
Release dateMar 6, 2014
Turning 50 - The Ups and Downs of Half a Century

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    Turning 50 - The Ups and Downs of Half a Century - Teresa Townsend

    Turning 50 - The Ups and Downs of Half a Century

    Turning 50 – The Ups and Downs of Half a Century


    50th Birthday Bash

    Childhood Memories

    Teenage Years

    Married at 17

    My Mother’s Death

    Health Department Home Care Services



    Wild and Free


    Second Marriage

    Going Back to College

    Alcohol, Depression, Loneliness and the Need for Attention

    Restless Leg Syndrome, Hiatal Hernia and Bone Spurs

    New Job after Twenty Seven Years

    Putting God First


    I can’t believe I am 50 years old; that is half a century! I still sometimes feel like I am thirty something! When I look back at my 50 years, in ways it seems like it went by really fast, but then when I think back to my childhood, it seems like a lifetime ago. I have had an eventful life; some of it good and some of it, not so good. I lost my Mother to ovarian cancer when she was only 45 years old; I was only 22 years old and had a two-year old daughter. It was a really hard time in my life for my Dad and my three sisters. There have also been really good times in my life; the best thing about my life was the birth and the current life of my daughter. I had a wonderful childhood. I still have my three sisters and my Daddy.

    I am going to begin this book by telling about my 50th birthday bash and how much fun I had and then journey back in time. Of course, there are some things about myself that I won’t tell and no one but me (and God) will ever know. In the first chapter and other chapters of this book, I will talk about some fun times I had that involve doing things I shouldn’t have done, but by the end of the book, I will tell you why my life is much better now and how much more at peace I am by being a better wife and living a life that is more pleasing to God.

    50th Birthday Bash

    teresa50.jpg I have three sisters; I am the oldest of four. My sister that is closest to my age, Janet, and her husband have a party house close to their house. My brother-in-law has his own construction company; therefore, he built the party house. They hold many family functions, cookouts, and parties in the party house. My brother-in-law has a birthday in July and mine GRAVEYARD CAKE.jpg is also in July. In July 2013, I turned the big five 0H and a friend of theirs also turned 50 in July. Janet and Leonard, my brother-in-law and sister, hosted a birthday party for the three of us. Since there were two of us that turned 50 in July, there were a couple of cakes with our names on them. One was shaped like a graveyard with these words written in icing RIP here lies Teresa and Gene. Gone forever but not forgotten. There were over the hill’ decorations and I was even provided an over-the-hill lighted-up, blinking headband to wear on my head. I wore this headband all night and joked that I was Queen for the Night." The night was complete with a disc jockey, great music, and dancing.

    I don’t drink alcoholic beverages every weekend and don’t even usually have them on hand at my house, but hey – you only turn 50 once in your life (if you are lucky enough to live that long). I was spending the night at my sister’s house so I didn’t have to worry about driving home. There were friends and family at the party – all three of my sisters were there with their husbands, my good friend, Melony was there and another good friend, Teri arrived later. We all had a great time and there was great food, music, and dancing.

    As the night went on and after I had a few alcoholic beverages, at some point, I sat on the edge of a chair that my friend, Melony was sitting on. It was one of those plastic-like outside chairs, but anyway, the chair broke. It didn’t break because I am obese – I had lost weight and was down to about 155 pounds. It’s just those kind of chairs are not made for two people to sit on, much less, on the edge of the chair. At another point in the night, I obviously decided I

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