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Death by Dick
Death by Dick
Death by Dick
Ebook205 pages4 hours

Death by Dick

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The day a hooker dropped dead on Kyler’s dick changed his life forever...

When Kyler graduated high school, he wanted to give himself the gift of his first blowjob from a sexy male hooker. Then said hooker drops dead in his lap. Yeah, he has that kind of luck. Now, the police are after him, he can’t go home because of an abusive father, and he ends up working at The Cox Club, a small town gay gentlemen’s club.

Seamus is on his first undercover mission for the FBI. The problem is that he doesn’t think their terrorist suspect, Kyler, is guilty. Oh, and there’s also the matter of giving Kyler a hand job ... on the FBI’s hidden camera. His first field mission may be his last.

When bullets start flying, it’s up to Seamus to find out the truth and he has to do it before Kyler becomes a victim.

Release dateSep 5, 2018
Death by Dick

James Cox

James Cox is an award-winning filmmaker who has written and directed several motion pictures, including Wonderland starring Val Kilmer and the acclaimed short film Atomic Tabasco. A die-hard 49ers fan, James lives with his fiancée in Los Angeles, where he is writing the sequel to his debut novel, Grand Theft AI.

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    Book preview

    Death by Dick - James Cox

    Published by EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING ® at Smashwords

    Copyright© 2018 James Cox

    ISBN: 978-1-77339-787-0

    Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

    Editor: CA Clauson


    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    I have to thank my editor Carrie for her help with this story! And of course, to Evernight Publishing. What a fantastic team!


    A Cox Club Story, 2

    James Cox

    Copyright © 2018

    Chapter One

    The day that hooker fell dead on my dick changed my life forever …

    It’s almost like he was born with bad luck. The name should have been his first clue. Dick Daniels. He went by his middle name, Kyler, but from birth to death he’d be known as Dick fucking Daniels. His mother wanted a girl and got two boys. She died from lung cancer when Kyler was ten and his brother Josh, eleven. Those three packs a day finally caught up with her. A year after that, his father was laid off—shitty economy. That’s when the hitting started. At fifteen, the belts came into the picture. Josh tried to go to the cops once. The social worker hadn’t even come into the house and Josh had been beaten so badly that night that Kyler could have sworn he literally saw the hope leaving his eyes. Josh retreated further and further into himself after that. Kyler tried to be thankful, positive. It could be worse. They lived in a neighborhood that showed how much worse it could be. Hookers. Their kids were sold off every night to the highest bidder. Drug dealers lived across the street so there was an occasional shoot out. Officer Jones constantly wailed on Mrs. Jones.

    Just because Kyler got slapped around a few times a month didn’t mean he had to hate life.

    It was hard, but Kyler kept his attitude light and that fake smile plastered onto his face. If enough people believed he was happy, it might come true. Hell, he graduated high school today. Sure, no one attended for him and all his friends left with their families leaving him alone, but he graduated! He could give up his shitty part time job at the grocery store. Josh, his brother, worked in the back stacking stuff at night and during the day at a hardware store. Soon Josh would have enough money for them to get the fuck out of here.

    Gone. Vanish. Disappear.

    Their father would have to beat up the wall instead of them. Kyler couldn’t wait for that day. He could almost see it, almost taste the satisfaction. He hunched down as he walked down the block and kept his eyes on the ground. Most of the scary fuckers here already knew him and left him alone. He wasn’t a snitch and he wasn’t competition. He was a shadow, a flicker of something in the fog. Nothing to be concerned about. Nothing to remember.

    The houses quickly turned to apartments and overturned garbage cans. The smell that seeped from around here was the worst. He kept walking, ignoring the sting in his side. He hadn’t been fast enough getting out of his father’s way and the punch to the side had been solid. That didn’t happen often anymore. Kyler had gotten faster, much faster. Right now, he was speed walking past the cheap apartments into the city. Ah, New York. There was nothing like it and he hoped to never see it again. He wanted a small town. He wanted a place where everyone smiled and there were no hookers on the corner. Or at least discreet hookers. Hell, that’s where he was headed right now. For his graduation present to himself, he was going to get himself a sloppy blowjob. It might be a waste of money, but shit, people only graduated high school once and he hadn’t even thought he was going to get that far.

    Hey there, tiny dicky, the tall black guy yelled from across the street. The posse with him laughed.

    No one could compete with you, Nero!

    Damn fucking right, Nero snorted and smacked the closest guy on the shoulder.

    Kyler was used to the jokes. At five foot nine he was short and many of the guys on the street liked to goad him with that fact. It didn’t bother Kyler one bit. Shorter meant faster. That was always an advantage. He shoved a few strands of black hair off his forehead and kept walking.

    Hey, baby, you looking for a mommy to teach you how to please a woman? The catcall came from a chubby brunette in a slinky black dress.

    Kyler kept moving. She crept into the shadows when a police car rolled past. There was a pretty blonde near the door of another set of apartments. Her hair laid on her shoulders and an easy smile was on her face. When she looked at him, he jerked his gaze down to the ground and kept going. His destination wasn’t much further. Hell, he passed these people every day when he had a late night at the library studying. Kyler’s goal should be right around … there. He slowed down and locked eyes with the blue eyed, blond haired man.

    Hey, handsome. Blondie smiled.

    Kyler smiled back. Now, if anyone ever found out he was gay, that’d be a different story. Kyler discovered when he was fourteen with Molly Lee in the back of the grocery store trying his first cigarette. The cigarette had made him throw up and having Molly open her legs did nothing for his dick. Sure, he’d grunted and tried to get off, but he’d just embarrassed them both. When she started to laugh, he took off down the street with this dick still hanging out. The sad part was that hadn’t been the worst night of his life. At least then he knew he liked guys. He could get off looking at underwear ads and occasionally when the house was empty he’d discreetly search gay porn on the household computer.

    You need some company tonight? Blondie sniffled and grinned. He wore tight black pants and a plain white shirt that buttoned up. All the buttons were opened revealing his skinny torso and hairless chest.

    Kyler was already feeling his cock come to life. Maybe. He stopped and leaned against the wall. He’d never done this before. He had no idea how to start this whole fucking process. Suddenly nervous, he wiped his sweaty hands on his pants.

    Oh, little boy, you’re new at this. Blondie laughed softly, but it was cruel. The sound was almost pity filled. Tell me whatchya want? He wiggled his eyebrows and sniffled again.

    Something. Well, that was fucking helpful. Kyler cleared his throat. I graduated today.

    Blondie’s grin widened. High school, baby?

    He nodded. Did he look that young? Maybe he should grow a beard or something. Damn it, he knew what he wanted. I want a blowjob, Kyler blurted. Way to be tactful.

    That right, baby?

    A throat fuck. That’s what they called it in the pornos.

    Blondie snickered. Tell you what, baby. I’ll even give you a discount.

    H-how much?

    Blondie glanced left then right. You got a twenty on you?

    Kyler nodded.

    He reached out and took his hand. Come on, baby. I’m going to make your dreams come true.

    The alley was darker now that the sun was nearly gone. Colorful rays of light reflected off dumpsters and an open door. That must be where blondie lived. Kyler swallowed hard, nervous, but also excited. He liked the porn videos where one guy took charge, took control, became the master. Maybe it was his upbringing, but that kind of power made him hard as a rock. With each step they took down the alley, his jeans got tighter and tighter in the crotch. Kyler’s fingers practically tingled thinking about grabbing blondie’s head and holding him still while he fucked his mouth. Kyler shivered from fucking excitement. The end of the alley was a brick wall that crumbled at the top. There was, oddly enough, a table and chairs set up here. It was old and weather worn, but better than just standing there. Honestly, Kyler didn’t know if his legs would hold him up. He’d never had his dick sucked before.

    You sit down right there, baby.

    Kyler did, shifting a bit to get comfortable. His cock was fully erect now, hiding behind the zipper of his jeans like the Incredible Hulk about to burst out and smash everything. The analogy made Kyler snicker.

    Then Blondie went to his knees before Kyler and the world narrowed on this one spot, this one moment. He slid his hands up Kyler’s thighs.

    Wow, even that felt good. Kyler held his breath when Blondie lifted his shirt, unbuttoned, and then unzipped.

    Well, would you look at that beast. Blondie licked his lips.

    Beast, really? Kyler grinned. Sure, he wasn’t that long, about average at six inches, but his girth was enough to keep him from getting self-conscious. No one had ever called his dick a beast, though.

    Blondie reached in and pulled Kyler’s dick out.

    The feeling of warm flesh meeting his dick was beautiful. It was fall here and the nip in the air only made those fingers feel better wrapped around his girth—or trying to. Kyler smiled because Blondie couldn’t wrap his hand around his dick completely.

    Before I get my mouth on this, baby, I need the money.

    Oh, yeah, right. Of course. Kyler felt stupid as he reached in his pocket and pulled out the money. The twenty dollar bill wouldn’t break him. He saved a totally of four hundred dollars from work that nobody knew about. It was all stashed in their backyard beneath a huge tree.

    Blondie took the cash and shoved it in his own pocket then smiled. And don’t you worry about being too rough on me, baby. I can take it. You do whatever you want to my mouth. Your first blowjob should be spectacular.

    Oh, it would be. Kyler shivered and adjusted again. His balls were uncomfortably full and the urge to come was nearly overwhelming. Then Blondie lowered his face to Kyler’s lap. This was it. This was it! He held his breath and nearly choked when Blondie’s lips touched his dick. Fucking hell. Kyler’s head fell back. Yeah, yeah, that was better than he expected. Blondie’s tongue swirled along Kyler’s foreskin and along his slit. Son of a… He groaned, the precum bubbled up and Blondie licked at it. Kyler took him at his word and did what he wanted. He slid his hands into those blond locks—they were actually nice and soft. Suck me. Deeper. The command felt natural and smooth to say.

    Blondie moaned.

    Kyler’s grip tightened as that warm, wet mouth began to go down on his cock. Fuck, yes! That was the feeling he’d been searching for. Pleasure slithered up and down his spine. His dick was engulfed in Blondie’s mouth. Kyler pushed down on his head, sending more of his length between his lips.

    Blondie mumbled something and went all the way.

    Holy fucking shit. Fuck me. Oh, my God. Kyler couldn’t keep silent. He glanced down to see Blondie’s mouth stretched wide around his girth. Saliva dripped to his balls. The hooker’s blue eyes were rolled upward to watch him. Kyler held him there, forcing him to keep his cock buried deep.

    Blondie closed his eyes, winced a bit.

    Kyler released his hold and nearly had a fucking heart attack when that wet mouth slithered back up his dick.

    Good, baby?

    Kyler grunted unable to speak. His hands were still in Blondie’s hair. He gripped them harder. Again. Deep.

    I do love a boy who knows what he wants. He sniffled and licked Kyler’s tip.

    No. Deep. He pressed on Blondie’s head and groaned when that mouth opened wide. His cock slid along teeth and tongue. It felt so amazing, so perfect. Kyler pressed harder until Blondie’s nose pressed against his nest of dark pubic hair. Yeah. That’s it. That felt amazing. Kyler held Blondie’s head and started to thrust upward. Wet squishy sounds echoed down the dark hallway. That’s amazing. Kyler pushed harder, forcing Blondie to take his entire length. Hold it. Kyler grit his teeth and kept the pressure on the back of Blondie’s head. Hold it. Oh my God. Kyler shuddered and moaned. His toes curled up and he would have sworn he heard angels. No, not angels. Was that sirens? Kyler jerked his head up. Lights were flashing down the alley. Fuck! It figures. His first hooker and he’d get caught by the cops. He let go of Blondie’s head. Kyler yelped when the other man awkwardly turned to the side, scraping teeth along the delicate skin of his erection. Fuck man!

    Blondie slumped to the side and rolled to his back.

    Thought stopped. Words wouldn’t form. Kyler looked down into Blondie’s face with precum and saliva smeared on his lips. His eyes were open, staring at the starless sky. Blondie? Kyler whispered.

    Police! Police! Stop right there.

    Fuck me, Blondie was dead. Kyler didn’t panic, he fucking flipped out. Cops were charging down the alley. How the fuck did they know? How did they get here so fast? How could his fucking luck be this bad? Kyler jumped to his feet, leaped onto the rickety table and jumped to the wall. He pulled himself up as the police shouts came closer. Dead. Blondie was dead. He’d killed somebody! Kyler lost his footing and fell to the other side of the wall. The fall knocked the wind out of him, but not the fight. He shoved to his feet and hauled ass down the alley. He leaped over a homeless guy sticking out of a cardboard box and slammed his shoulder into a dumpster sticking out.

    Stop! Police!

    They were coming over the fucking wall! Kyler stumbled when his pants started falling. Fuck. Shit. He hadn’t even zipped up. He tucked his cock away as he ran, keeping his hand over it so he didn’t accidently catch any skin.

    Dead. Blondie was dead.

    He’d suffocated that poor guy on his fucking dick.

    Kyler ran faster. It was almost like his life led up to this bad moment. He shot out the alley into the street and kept going. A car nearly plowed into him. It clipped his hip, more like grazed. Right now, Kyler felt no pain. Terror, panic, absolutely overwhelming fear. God damn it! He’d just wanted a fucking blowjob! Lights and siren were all around him. They were coming down the block at fucking light speed. He shoved between two hookers and ignored their shouts.

    Faster, he had to go faster. Where the fuck was he even going? If they found out who he was they’d be at his house. Shit. Fuck. Kyler took the next left

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