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Practical Ghosters
Practical Ghosters
Practical Ghosters
Ebook72 pages47 minutes

Practical Ghosters

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About this ebook

Rylan Drachma is the CEO of a profitable investment company. As a dragon shifter he knows a thing or two about large amounts of money. After another bad break up he’s decided to get away from his high class social circles and the big city. On a whim, he buys an old mansion in the middle of nowhere and prepares to make a new start. Unaware of what the mansion holds.

Nixon Black is a local contractor and a raven shifter. He works with his father and brothers in the family business. Nixon has waited for what feels like forever to meet his fated mate even though his brothers like to tease him for it. When he meets Rylan he’s happy. But not everything is cupcakes and roses.

Between family, ex-boyfriends and a haunted mansion, these two have plenty of obstacles ahead. Can they come out of it whole? Or will the past tear their relationship apart?
(Warning: Contains graphic sexual content, Man on Man action, and explicit language. Not recommended for those under the age of 18.)

PublisherEzra Dawn
Release dateOct 18, 2018
Practical Ghosters

Ezra Dawn

Well Ezra isn't my real name obviously but I liked the name so I decided to use it. I live at home with my five dogs and one cat. I started out writing hetero romance novels but it wasn't where my heart lied. I adore all things paranormal and M/M is by far my favorite genre so I decided to start writing Paranormal Romances. There's a guaranteed happy ending with each of my books even if it may take some time for my guys to get there. I love each and every character on the page as if they were my own children. It sounds weird but that’s how I feel about them. ? I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember but only started actively pursuing it as a career three years ago when I decided to stop working in a salon and pursue writing full time. Since I published my first book in 2014 I have written and released nine other books with many more to come. My current list of projects is longer than my arm so I look forward to writing and creating new stories for my readers to enjoy ?

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    Book preview

    Practical Ghosters - Ezra Dawn

    Practical Ghosters

    Ezra Dawn

    Cover art created by JeB Designs

    ISBN-13: 9780463286722 (eBook)

    ISBN-13: 9781724187871 (Paperback)

    Practical Ghosters © 2018 Ezra Dawn

    All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced in any form or by any means without express permission from the copyright holder. This book contains sexually explicit content which is suitable only for mature adults.

    Character Name Pronunciation

    Author's Note


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Epilogue

    About the Author

    Other books by Ezra Dawn

    Contact the Author

    Rylan Drachma (Ry-lan, Drack-mah)

    Nixon Black (Nix-on, Black)

    Neon Black (Knee-on, Black)

    Never Black (Nev-er, Black)

    If you’ve kept up with Stormy Glenn’s ManLove Fantasies Competition then you’ll have read most of this story in the Fall of 2017 competition. The first half of the story appeared in the competition, the rest however, is entirely new. Enjoy.

    I need more. You can’t give me what I need. Well, you won’t actually, so I’m going to find someone who can. It feels like an eternity since I heard those words, yet it’s only been a few hours. This isn’t who I am. I shouldn’t feel so heartbroken over this, but I do. Surely, being centuries old I’d have learned my lesson by now. You can’t find everlasting love in someone as shallow and fickle as the people I’ve been dealing with over the last few years. Still, I try. I get my hopes up only to have them shot down, time and time again.

    It’s a never-ending cycle. Maybe one of these days I’ll find my fated mate and the cycle will end. Until then, I’m stuck in this loop. Wandering from person to person in hopes that I’ll find the kind of love I’ve heard about in stories. Yet, no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to find it, to grasp it. Maybe what I need is a fresh start. To get away from all the plastic socialites I hang around. Maybe then, I’ll finally find what I’ve searched the world for. Maybe.

    It’s definitely a fixer upper. I bought the run-down mansion on a whim. Mainly because I needed a fresh start and the place was being sold for a bargain. Should’ve guessed there was something wrong with it besides the obvious disrepair when I heard the price. With my state of mind though, I couldn’t find it in myself to care. Honestly, the price wouldn’t have mattered. Even if the house was in the millions, I could’ve paid. When you have more money than god little things like zeros on a price tag mean nothing. Having money is meaningless though when you have no one to share it with. At one point, I thought I’d met that someone, the one person who wanted me for me, not the dollar amount sitting in my bank account.

    Instead, I learned the hard way that the love I’m looking for only exists in places like movies and romance novels. I ran away from the big city, my ex-boyfriend and all our shared friends to this place in the middle of nowhere. My main reason for leaving was that I couldn’t handle the looks and the whispers. As soon as my ex learned I wouldn’t be giving him any of my money when he moved in he decided to look elsewhere for someone who would. He found that someone in a man twice my perceived age who probably has a prescription for Viagra.

    I tried not to be heartbroken over it, but when you love someone, and they stomp all over you

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