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Taming the Feral Tiger
Taming the Feral Tiger
Taming the Feral Tiger
Ebook75 pages51 minutes

Taming the Feral Tiger

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Caleb Devine is the youngest son to the previous Alpha of Asphalt Bay. He’s the pack lawyer and anyone who needs help usually comes to him. However, he has a second responsibility as the best tracker the pack has ever seen. When his brother’s club in Venetian Hills is attacked by a rogue shifter it’s up to him to track the culprit. What he finds throws him for a loop.

Lawliet Tremaine is a bounty hunter for the Paranormal Council. He captures fugitives for money. When an assignment goes bad he finds himself hunted by two packs as a rogue shifter. Will he be able to evade capture long enough to save himself or will he end up getting himself killed?

Caleb has to find the shifter before the pack does. Law has to hide long enough, for whatever it is that’s happening to him to stop. Will Caleb be able to save Law before the pack gets to him? Can Law hold out until help arrives? Or will Fate turn her back and let things end tragically?
(Warning: Contains graphic sexual content and explicit language. Not recommended for those under the age of 18.)

Reading Order:
1.An Alpha for the Demigod (Asphalt Bay One)
2.The Enforcer’s Secret Vampire (Asphalt Bay Two)
3.The Beta’s Poison Bite (Asphalt Bay Three)
4.Taming the Feral Tiger (Asphalt Bay Four)
5.The Alpha’s Master (Venetian Hills One)
6.The Second’s Cursed Mate (Venetian Hills Two)
7.The Doctor’s Demon Prince (Asphalt Bay Five)
8.The Leopard’s Twin Troubles (Asphalt Bay Six)
9.The Beta’s Second Chance (Venetian Hills Three)
10.The Panther’s Favorite Bully (Venetian Hills Four)
11.The Warlock’s Beautiful Bird (Asphalt Bay Seven)
12.The Demon’s Gruff Councilman (Asphalt Bay Eight)

*more to come*

PublisherEzra Dawn
Release dateJul 4, 2017
Taming the Feral Tiger

Ezra Dawn

Well Ezra isn't my real name obviously but I liked the name so I decided to use it. I live at home with my five dogs and one cat. I started out writing hetero romance novels but it wasn't where my heart lied. I adore all things paranormal and M/M is by far my favorite genre so I decided to start writing Paranormal Romances. There's a guaranteed happy ending with each of my books even if it may take some time for my guys to get there. I love each and every character on the page as if they were my own children. It sounds weird but that’s how I feel about them. ? I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember but only started actively pursuing it as a career three years ago when I decided to stop working in a salon and pursue writing full time. Since I published my first book in 2014 I have written and released nine other books with many more to come. My current list of projects is longer than my arm so I look forward to writing and creating new stories for my readers to enjoy ?

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    Book preview

    Taming the Feral Tiger - Ezra Dawn

    Taming the Feral Tiger

    Ezra Dawn

    Cover art created by JeB Designs

    Taming the Feral Tiger Copyright © 2017 Ezra Dawn

    eBook ISBN: 9781370877393

    ISBN-13: 9781544750347

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced in any form or by any means without express permission from the copyright holder. This book contains sexually explicit content which is suitable only for mature adults.

    Books by Ezra Dawn are only available through Amazon, and Smashwords distributed retailers. (iBook’s, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, local libraries, etc.) If you are reading this book elsewhere, please note, it is an illegal, pirated copy, uploaded without my permission. I, the author, nor the distributors, received payment for the copy, and if prosecuted, violation comes with a fine of up to $250,000. PLEASE do not pirate books!!



    Character Name Pronunciation


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven


    Excerpt – The Caretaker


    About the Author

    Other Books by Ezra Dawn

    Contact the Author

    Caleb Devine (Cay-leb, Deh-veen)

    Lawliet Tremaine (Law-lee-et, Tre-maine)

    Negan (Nee-gan)

    Vera (Vee-ra)

    Carmine Verucci (Car-mine, Ver-oo-chee)

    This book is part of an interconnecting series with a villain plot that spans multiple books! It was written with the intention that the books would be read in a certain order. If you start from this one, you’ll be confused! Below is the correct reading order.

    1. An Alpha for the Demigod (Asphalt Bay One)

    2. The Enforcer’s Secret Vampire (Asphalt Bay Two)

    3. The Beta’s Poison Bite (Asphalt Bay Three)

    4. Taming the Feral Tiger (Asphalt Bay Four)

    5. The Alpha’s Master (Venetian Hills One)

    6. The Second’s Cursed Mate (Venetian Hills Two)

    7. The Doctor’s Demon Prince (Asphalt Bay Five)

    8. The Leopard’s Twin Troubles (Asphalt Bay Six)

    9. The Beta’s Second Chance (Venetian Hills Three)

    10. The Panther’s Favorite Bully (Venetian Hills Four)

    11. The Warlock’s Beautiful Bird (Asphalt Bay Seven)

    12. The Demon’s Gruff Councilman (Asphalt Bay Eight)

    All I hear are the screams. Bloodcurdling, terror filled screams. Nothing else cuts through the darkness. Nothing else touches my soul. I can’t recall how this happened now that the animal in me has fully taken over. There’s nothing left of me here. Only darkness, and rage. Pure unadulterated fury. It’s an endless cycle. If rage were a color I think it would be red. That’s all I see now. Red. I’ve tried to fight back. To take back control. Only to fail in the end. It’s too strong to fight now and I’m slowly getting weaker. Pretty soon I’ll disappear completely and only the animal in me shall remain.

    My only solace is the hope that someone will put me out of my misery. While I don’t feel like I’ve harmed anyone yet it’s only a matter of time before I do. The knowledge that I’d caused an innocent being harm would kill me if I were to wake up from this nightmare. My current reality, I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy. To be trapped inside your animal self, unable to get free, and rage being the only thing to fuel you. It’s hell. I’d give anything to be able to walk on two legs again. Anything.

    Being a bounty hunter for the Paranormal Council isn’t an easy job but it’s not a hard one either. The process itself is pretty cut and dry. Track the bad guy, capture the bad guy, and collect the reward. It’s like a game of cat and mouse. Some of these guys make capturing them way too easy which cheats me out of the rush I get from the chase. Sharing my spirit with a Bengal tiger can do that. The thrill of the hunt is part of the reason why I took this job. The other part is because I owed it to the council to

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