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Longevity Training-Book 9-Avoiding Accidents
Longevity Training-Book 9-Avoiding Accidents
Longevity Training-Book 9-Avoiding Accidents
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Longevity Training-Book 9-Avoiding Accidents

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About this ebook

This book is a transcription and reproduction of the training course materials from Course #9 “Avoiding Accidents”

When all of your other long term health issues are covered, then the biggest danger of dying becomes Accidents.

Since I’ve had so many premonition experiences I‘ve learned a lot about how they work and am confident we can all learn how to see the probability of the future ourselves.

The information and exercises in this book should help you to avoid dangerous situations in your future and therefore be safer and live longer.

Our spirit exists outside of time and space and by observing from the core spirit we can do amazing things!

Release dateJan 22, 2019
Longevity Training-Book 9-Avoiding Accidents

Martin Ettington

The owner Martin K. Ettington is an Engineer by training and has had multiple careers. These include technical sales for GE and HP. Martin also Owns his own software and consulting business.Martin’s interest in the Paranormal and Occult goes back to his childhood. He has had many paranormal experiences and has been a student of Eastern Philosophies and Meditation for 35 years.Seeking Enlightenment; he knows that we are already all Enlightened. We just have to realize this deeply.His books are expressions of his creativity to help others understand what he has internalized through study, experience, and membership in different societies.Not many technical persons or scientists spend a lot of time in parallel studying the Metaphysical and have had many spiritual or psychic experiences too.Therefore, Martin believes that he can provide a unique vantage point to integrate Western Scientific thinking with Eastern exploration of the mind and spirit.

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    Book preview

    Longevity Training-Book 9-Avoiding Accidents - Martin Ettington

    Longevity Training-Book 9-Avoiding Accidents

    This book is a transcription and reproduction of the training course materials from Course #9 Avoiding Accidents

    When all of your other long term health issues are covered, then the biggest danger of dying becomes Accidents.

    Since I’ve had so many premonition experiences I‘ve learned a lot about how they work and am confident we can all learn how to see the probability of the future ourselves.

    The information and exercises in this book should help you to avoid dangerous situations in your future and therefore be safer and live longer.

    Our spirit exists outside of time and space and by observing from the core spirit we can do amazing things!

    Copyright Page

    The book is copyrighted for 2018

    Longevity Training-Book 9-Avoiding Accidents

    By Martin K. Ettington

    All Rights Reserved USA 2018

    ISBN:  9780463494653

    Printed in the United States of America

    Other books by Martin K. Ettington

    The Longevity Training Series

    (A transcription of the online Multimedia Longevity Coaching Training Program)

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book1-Long Lived Persons

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book2-Your Soul’s Purpose

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book3-Enable Your Life Urge

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book4-Your Spiritual Connection

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book5-Having Love in Your Heart

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book6-Energy Body Health

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book7-The Science of Longevity

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book8-Physical Body Health

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book9-Avoiding Accidents

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book10-Implementing These Principles

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Books One Thru Ten

    Table of Contents


    PLP Concepts Overview

    Course #9 Intro Video

    Prophecy: A History and How to Guide

    Chapter 8: Some Personal Stories of Seeing the Future

    a. Visions

    b. Warnings of Danger

    • Detroit

    • At the Border in El Paso

    • Planning a Trip to Spain

    c. A few Seconds Ahead

    d. Dreams of Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004

    e. Telepathy

    Chapter 10: What Prophets have in common

    a. Connection to God and Spirit

    b. Be willing to trust Intuition

    c. A person grounded in Reality

    Chapter 11: Some Theories on how Prophecy works

    a. The Nature of Reality

    b. The Probability of the Future

    c. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

    d. More on the Illusion of Time

    Chapter 12: Exercises to Awaken your Prophetic Abilities

    a. Learning to Meditate or Pray Deeply

    b. Visualizing the Future

    c. Checking the Future for Problems

    d. Harold Sherman’s Insights

    e. Learning to Predict Major and World Happenings

    Chapter 13: Using Prophecy in your life

    a. Avoiding Accidents

    b. Controlling your Future

    Chapter 14: Using Prophecy with Wisdom

    An Exercise in Avoiding Accidents

    Articles on Prophecy Techniques



    Back in 2008 I became very interested in the field of Longevity and Physical Immortality. After a lot of research this led me to my first book on the subject Physical Immortality: A History and How to Guide. This book was pretty popular and I wanted to continue learning about Longevity and what things we could do about it in our lives.

    The subject continued to fascinate me to the point that I developed a Longevity Coaching program over a couple of years starting in 2011. This online training program was multimedia—consisting of videos, my writings on longevity to read, online exercises, and tests for each of ten courses. It also included a lot of additional resources for each course including extra courses on how to become a successful Longevity Coach. A student who completed the training and tests successfully would become certified as a Longevity Coach and authorized to teach this material to others.

    I developed a set of ten principles on longevity which are as follows:

    The 10 Principles of Personal Longevity are:

    •    The Reality of Long Lived People

    •    Defining Your Purpose in Life

    •    Enabling the Life Urge

    •    Your Spiritual Health

    •    Having Love in Your Heart

    •    Energy Body Health

    •    The Science of Longevity

    •    Physical Body Health

    •    Using your Intuition for Safety

    •    Implementation of these principles

    What are the 10 Principles all about?

    The Reality of Long Lived People

    The first principle is where I provide lots of evidence of people who have lived well over the age of 120 years old to 150-180-200, and even a 256 year old man from China: 

    LI CHING-YUN: The Longest Lived person of record-256 Years (Source-The New York Times-May 6, 1933)

    The Second Principle of Life Purpose

    One of the things that occurred to me when I was putting the 10 principles together was that if one doesn't have a reason to live, or purpose in life--then what is the point?

    This meant I had to add a very important step of how you can develop your own life purpose, or bring it up to date with your phase in life. Without reviewing your purpose--then none of the rest of the principles matter.

    Enabling the Life Urge

    Have you ever realized how we are all programmed to expect to live through certain stages in life and then die?

    It's so common in our society that we don't think it odd that we expect to die at a certain age?

    Have you ever heard radio

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